The Slaving World Pt. 04


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"You ever see anything like today before?" Amanda asked as they carried the stuff into their room.

"Miss Amanda," Melanie answered, shedding her clothes as she walked around the room. She didn't even have to be told this time. "Before I met you, the farthest I'd ever been from home was Pittsburgh for a class field trip."

"Well, we have more firsts ahead of us. Tonight, we are going to begin your instructions in eating pussy," Amanda said and gave her a kiss. "I am going to get cleaned up," Amanda said and shed her clothes, too. "While I am in there, be good."

The redhead closed the bathroom door and Melanie heard the water running. She briefly wondered if this was a good idea, but it was too late to back out now. She looked at the phone, was there anyone she should, could, call? Her mother, maybe. She had to be worrying, right? No, they hadn't talked since she went to prison. The closest person to her was the redhead who had just enslaved her.

The young slave thought about today, how she felt when Amanda went down on her. That gave her shivers. She slowly walked around the suite, taking in all the Southwestern artwork and patterns. At some point, a man was going to get her. That sent a wave of warmth to her pussy. Was this all really happening? She almost expected to wake up in her bed in her shitty little town and find out she had hit her head and imagined the whole thing. Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, but with girl-on-girl action. She laughed at her cleverness. Melanie sighed, no this was real.

The pretty slave decided to practice kneeling. Slaves knelt a lot, right? She found a spot in front of a full-length mirror and knelt facing it. With only a little vanity, she thought she looked pretty hot. Amanda seemed to be in no hurry to get out of the bathroom, so Melanie turned to see herself kneeling at different angles. She imagined a man with a big hard cock coming in and seeing her like this. She shivered at that thought, it was going to happen!

She took a deep breath and turned so her back was facing the mirror. She took a long look over her shoulder at her reflection. She had cute feet, she had to admit. And that ass definitely needed to be pounded by a hard cock. She was thinking of how her back could be abused when she looked up and saw Amanda's amused reflection in the mirror.

"You do look beautiful like that," Amanda conceded. "The bathroom's all yours." When Melanie stood to go get cleaned up, Amanda hooked the slave by the collar and gave her a long kiss. "I'm going to show you other ways to make me happy with that mouth tonight." She gave her another quick kiss then released her collar.

"Yes, Miss Amanda," Melanie said and stumbled towards the bathroom.

Amanda had certainly felt the direction of Melanie's thoughts, even if she didn't know the specifics. She had used that as masturbation fodder (god, she loved detachable shower heads!). She rationalized wanting to take the edge off, but, honestly, she just wanted to cum.

That girl was a live one, Amanda thought: she's just starting to realize that there is a much bigger world out there and her place in it. The roper draped one of the hotel robes around her shoulders, took a bottle of wine from the minibar and sat outside on the balcony. She sipped the wine and watched the colors of the slickrock fade into night.

Amanda had never worried about right and wrong. Her sense of ethics and morality was primarily guided by whether or not she could get away with it. This made it easy for her to do what she did. She had just taken a nineteen-year-old woman, rescued her from a sleazy boyfriend trying to pimp her out and made her a slave, so she could get fucked all the time. But by better quality of men, Amanda reasoned. She could rationalize just about anything when she had to, and she frequently had to.

Amanda finished her glass of wine and came back inside. She quickly shed her robe as the closed the doors and greeted an equally naked Melanie fresh from the shower. Amanda got a little tingle as she imagined what tonight was going to be.

"I am guessing that before today no one had ever given you proper head," Amanda said. "How you can know what feels good if you've never felt good? Tonight, we begin your education. You can thank me later."

Amanda took the hand of her young prey and led her into the bedroom. Melanie looked Amanda's taut body up and down, eager to start pleasing her. The roper sat on the edge of the bed, and spread her legs.

"Come on," she said and gave her hands a clap. "Show me what you got. Get in there and go to work!"

Melanie took a look at the eagerness in Amanda's eyes, thought about what she had just heard, and started laughing. The absurdity of it all, of everything that had happened over the past few days and months, caught up to her, and she laughed. Melanie could not stop and did not want to, soon she was laughing so hard she doubled over then dropped to the carpet and continued. She started to grow lightheaded and tears streamed down her cheeks, before she was able to get control enough to take a few ragged breaths.

The brunette sat up, slowly regaining control of her body and looked up at a blurry red blob through wet eyes. Amanda reached down and caressed her wet cheek.

"Feels good to let it out, doesn't it?"

Melanie nodded. Then said, "hey, I'm a sex slave!" and started laughing again. "But it got me out of there and to here." She leaned over and rested her head on Amanda's powerful thigh while she caught her breath.

"It has been a big change for you, hasn't it?"

Melanie nodded.

"Any regrets?"

"Not yet. Maybe after I take it in the ass for the first time, but not now."

Melanie felt Amanda's hand in her hair and a tug forward.

"Break time's over, slave girl," she said and spread her legs again.

Melanie looked up into Amanda's light blue eyes, winked then maneuvered her way in between Amanda's thighs. She always worried about the smell, but she realized that pussy was its own distinct smell, tart but wonderful, and it had the flavor of pleasure and arousal. Could she do this? She really did not see that she had any choice, she was a slave and this was part of what she did. The pink lips, swollen and moist, were ready for her, waiting. She took a breath, leaned in, and tasted her first pussy. She had been hesitant, wondering if she would like the flavor. It was as a distinct flavor as smell. She licked a bit more, exploring the taste and the feel of Amanda's flesh.

Amanda began to give her instructions. "Up a little more." "Slower." "Just like that, keep doing that." And so on. Melanie quickly learned the basics and found herself more and more focused on the pleasure of Amanda. She slid deeper into the moist folds, burying her nose against Amanda's swollen clit.

At some point Melanie lost herself in the act. Her tongue followed Amanda's engorged bud around on its own accord, sometimes changing directions and bringing Amanda with her. She dropped to lap at Amanda's tart juices, savoring the flavor and the feel of the moaning woman beneath her lips and tongue.

Amanda enjoyed the new slave's education, but even she needed a break after a while.

"Somewhere, sometime," Amanda said and held Melanie's cheeks so the slave had to look at her, "you will be forced to give another girl head. It's a way of establishing a pecking order among slave girls. You'll be prime meat in any surrounding with more than one girl. Someone will keep trying until you're munching on someone's carpet."

"Have you ever had to?"

"Not yet," Amanda said with a shrug. "I've forced more than a few girls, though."

Melanie had a brief image of herself surrounded by other slave girls, each waiting for the chance to be pleasured by her. She squirmed, aching to be used like that, grateful that Amanda had given her the opportunity.

They spent the rest of the night "practicing". Melanie felt that she had a least a basic level of competence in eating pussy before they finally called it a night. Naked, spent, their bodies entwined, they drifted off to sleep.



Lida started her day with Lucas' cock in her mouth. She was not even awake when he started. She had been sleeping soundly, trying to rest off last night's use and was awoken by Lucas sticking his cock in her mouth. By the time she was fully awake, he was ramming into her throat. She was startled by this and tried to pull away, but he flicked her nipple a couple of times and she settled down.

"Tomorrow," he said as he used her mouth, and when he was sure she was awake enough to hear him, "I'll set an alarm for you, so you can have coffee and breakfast ready for me. You need to earn your keep around here."

Lida could not do much, but feel him slide in and out of her mouth and throat. He pulled back enough to cum in her mouth, filling it with his sticky, salty cum.

"Now, go make coffee," he said and gave her a push. "I like lots of cream and sugar."

Lida swallowed and stumbled into the kitchen.

She made him coffee and breakfast, and was allowed to have some, too. He went off to his duties and Lida was taken down to begin her training.

"Apparently," Roberta, the woman who was going to be training Lida, said, "the word has gotten around to the other slaves that you used to own girls. They are all gunning for you, so I have been instructed to keep you segregated from them." She looked Lida up and down. "They can have you for all I care, but Lucas gave orders."

Roberta circled Lida, her hand reaching out to brush the slave's hips and firm butt.

"Understand, pretty girl, you are just another piece of meat to me and everyone here," Roberta continued. "Get tough fast is the best advice I can give you. And don't annoy any of the staff, we all have controllers for the collars."

She stepped away and switched back to professional mode. "Whatever. Today, you are running. You've got a big rack, grab a sports bra. How're your feet? We'll start you in shoes."

Lida was taken to a gear closet where she was fitted for a sports bra and shoes. Roberta looked her up and down again, appraising her.

"Lose the buttplug and give me twenty laps." Roberta instructed.

Lida squatted and gently worked the plastic out of her butt and into a container Roberta had for it. She took off at a jog and quickly fell in love with doing laps. She would later find out that this had been built out in the boondocks as a headquarters for an ambitious software company. They had built a beautiful campus of buildings in which to nurture their creative spirits. Then they failed to actually produce anything and went bankrupt. Dominick Nikitaras bought it and turned it into his slaving operation headquarters. While he changed much about the campus, adding living quarters and extra exercise space to name but two major ones, one of the things that stayed the same was the enclosed running track. It was on the third floor and circled the building like Saturn's rings. On the inside there were occasional open views, but a lot of blank walls and curtained windows.

It was glass on the outside and that was where Lida's eye turned. During one lap, she ran approximately 1/5 of a mile and got a 360-degree view of the outside world. She could see the Strip in the distance to what she eventually figured out was southwest. In all directions, jagged mountain ranges rose from flat basins. They were at the edge of town, so the desert began immediately. She took in the yuccas and cacti, the eerie looking ocotillo, the taller Joshua trees. She was not in the outside, but at least she could see it. She could even make out jackrabbits and quail scurrying through the underbrush.

While her attention was mostly focused out, she did keep an eye inside. At one point the track looped around the slave common area and some of the gyms. The other slaves, either doing their training or hanging out, watched her go by on each lap. Lida was sure after the first lap that there was no other way up to the track, but it was a little intimidating how all the other girls glared at her. All but one, a pretty blonde smiled shyly at her on the first lap from the common area, but was gone after that.

Lida tried to remain focused on the outside world as she did her twenty laps. That was four miles. Lida generally kept in shape and even a few days of forced inactivity hadn't made her soft. She had no problem once she worked things loose. The last time she had run was on her island, away from Hunter as he tracked her down. Would Hunter be included in her vengeance? She was not sure, right now she thought not, but she could reevaluate when she was in a position to do anything about it.

After the laps, Roberta took the tall slave down and made her run wind sprints in the gym. Lida had not been fond of these gut busters when she did them for high school basketball and less so now. After that, she had an early lunch and then was sent off on an enforced two-hour nap when no one was allowed to disturb her. In the afternoon, she lifted weights, ran more laps, then for downtime studied her slave book. What she really wanted to do was pick up one of the basketballs lying around and play, but that was not an option given her.

Lida was tired and sore when she finished for the day. She felt pretty good until the buttplug was reinserted and the leash reattached to her collar. The joy of the exercise and seeing the outside world was replaced by the knowledge that break time was over and it was back to her world as a sex slave.

She was led back to Lucas's apartment.

"Tomorrow," the guard who led her said as he roughly groped her smooth ass, "you don't get an escort. You'll walk alone. If you're late..." he held up the controller and pushed the button with his thumb while the other continued to play with her butt. Lida jumped and let out a small cry as the collar shocked her. "Understand?"

"Yes, sir," Lida said

He pointed to a lock on the door. "Your collar has a sensor in it. Get it next to the lock and it will open."

Lida realized that she would have to bend over or kneel every time she wanted to open the door. She knew the guard was watching her, so went with the kneeling option. The lock clicked, she opened the door and rose to her feet. The guard shoved her in the room by her butt and closed the door after her.

Lida was alone. She assumed Lucas was doing whatever it was he did for work. He had told her to keep the place clean, so she set out to put stuff away, then do some sweeping and vacuuming and was getting ready to start on the windows when Lucas came home.

The new slave quickly stopped what she was doing and knelt naked in front of him. The kneeling made her realize how much she ached from today's workout. He barely acknowledged her as he walked into his bedroom. She remained where she was, waiting for instructions from him. She wondered if she was supposed to follow him or make a drink?

He emerged from the bedroom naked, his bad hard cock bobbing in front of him.

"Come on," he said and snapped his fingers.

Lida quickly rose and went into the bedroom for what promised to be her next violation at the hands of Lucas. He pointed to the bed.

"All fours," he said.

"Yes, sir," Lida answered. She climbed up on the bed on all fours, her ass and pussy opened and exposed for Lucas to have.

He climbed on the bed behind her and gave each cheek a light spank.

"I wish I could hurt you more. I'd whip you every day, leave that fair skin permanently striped." He began to work the buttplug out of her stretched ass. "I'll just have to settle for fucking the shit out you." He rubbed some lube on his cock then slid it into her back door.

Lida gritted her teeth as he forced his way into her. She did not want to give him the satisfaction of yelling. The plug has helped keep her loose, but she knew he made it small enough that it would still hurt when he did her. He wanted that satisfaction. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed her face down onto the bed and continued his assault of her ass. She bit down hard on the covers, trying to ride the pain and endorphins, but feeling only violation and submission. With a last few, hard thrusts into her, he came and filled her back door with his cum.

"Welcome to slavery, rich girl," Lucas said. "I hope you enjoyed your slaves and your big farm, because here the only thing that matters is making men happy. You've got a great body and a lot of people are going to get to use it. This is your new life."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This whole series is full of men who act worse than vermin. Disgusting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Love this series! Each part has come out seven months after the last one. We are now eight months out from the release of Part Four. Looking forward to the next part.

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 6 years ago
Very worthwhile the waiting

As always, i liked it a lot. The new characters you have introduced are becoming very much alive, make me want to crawl into their skins. Thank you.

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