All Comments on 'The Trip'

by TheTalkMan

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Worth the read!

An excellent story, not just as erotic fiction but as a great tale of friendship, betrayal, lust, all that good stuff they put on the back of the book so you'll open it.

This author has talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Another Excellent Story

Keep up the great work. I Love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Keem 'em coming!

"I have received a lot of comments from people willing me to keep writing these stories. I just want to say I have no plans to stop."

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Check out EnCarta and AJ Watson. Particularly EnCarta.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


I wanted you to know that i luv your stories.. all of them. They are excellent. I was luking forward to more sex in this one with the build up.. you know .. he was longing to see her breasts.. but there is no much sucking and all that. please add more.. tease the guy to death.. :) hoping to read many more from you :)

keep them coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Story

Great story, I'm definitely a fan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I think this is your best story (and I like ALL of them!), the different perspectives, the tension, the words, congrats! i hope you continue writing. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

very nice and neatly stated! By far, this is the 3rd best story I have read from this site! Clearly a Great Work! Make more!!! PLease, like this one.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A great storyteller

Another fantastic story TalkMan! I always like the climax to a story much better when the same amount of effort has been put into the characterisation. Stories of this nature need you to understand exactly what's at stake, and that can't be rushed. Congratulations on another excellent story. And thanks man, I look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
O.O Nice.

This was so much better than I expected and hoped for.

WarfolomeiWarfolomeiover 11 years ago

Good damn work. This story seals my fan status with you. You skip over so many cliches its incredible, never stop writing.

moneymadmisskmoneymadmisskover 11 years ago
believable ;)

I read loads of stories like this and it all happens far too fast. When it's built up like this it is so much hotter. I would love you to write a story similar but where the slut really is just a slut n she marries the guy, rinses him, then leaves, but he craves her n she just fucks him cos she can, but she has other comquests also and just wrecks relationships for fun ;)

Also a story where the slut ends up owning the bf and gf and she humiliates the gf and uses the guy, ends up marrying him maybe but she fucks him and other and makes his ex's life hell, while she rinses him.

Hope my comment isn't too long lol.

Anyway, one more thing, never stop writing. I love your stories :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is good. Any chance of a sequel (where are they now...)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Job

This was a really good effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great effort!

This is your best story! Keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I was mad at brian, but when him and jenna were a thing, it was hot reading about them fucking

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 8 years ago
needed an epilogue

or another chapter

Jenna had a beautiful baby girl but told Brian they would have to wait for another child to give her time to recover. Six months later she secretly had her tubes tied as she had already caught her man and no intention of having more babies. The life of luxury was now her's. Brian got a job with his Dad to support his new bride and baby and was training to one day run the company. His mother was not to impressed with Jenna seeing her as a gold digger like she had once been. Dad however liked Jenna and was always in attendance when the couple came round to use his swimming pool, often by herself and young baby. Dad was so helpfully watch young Mary when Jenna was swimming or applying lotion on Jenna to prevent sun burn,

life was good. When young Mary went to school Jenna started attending the local country club the family were members at, enjoying the tennis lessons and gym, especially the massage seasons and day spa. All things come with a cost and Brian's family time was the first casualty, with all the training time and Dad sending him away to fix site problems. The next casualty where the marriages as mum stopped home on the way to another charity meeting to find husband banging the daughter-in law beside the pool. Quick thinking meant she had a short but clear video on her phone of the event and then went start to the family lawyer to start the divorce process. Granddad was a stern man and mum had to sign a prenup just like Jenna had to so mum walked away with a small fortune. Brian was destroyed, quit his job and joined the oversea volunteers and went to Africa to help isolated villages. Jenna got $100,000 and 7 days to vacate the family home, she gave up parental rights to Mary as per the prenup and never saw her again until Mary returned to USA to attend college. Dad had to sell the company to pay the settlement and retired to Florida. Jenna works in sales at a local mall looking for the next fish to catch. Once a slut always a slut. Life goes on. TK

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A few tips for morons who post about divorce:

1. Taking a video of someone having sex with someone - ie adultery - has nothing - that's right, NOTHING, to do with whether you can get a divorce. He can get a divorce anyway. And your lawyer has better things to do with his or her time than watch your shitty home video of your wife fucking some old dude.

2. The fact that someone was cheating also has NOTHING to do with what property settlement you get you fucktards. As in, your lawyer, and the Judge, they don't give a fuck. Because fortunately the law sets out how the court works out your property division and gasp! the fact your wife was fucking your dad? It's not mentioned in the legislation. Strange that.

3. A pre nup has to be binding to stand up. Many of them aren't and can be overturned frighteningly easily. Good luck relying on one.

4. Guess what. A pre nup has sweet FA to do with parental rights, so it doesn't actually mention shit about who a child will live with, and guess what else? That's right. The fact that a woman was cheating on her husband again has nothing at all to do with her parenting. Your lawyer and the Court does not give a fuck if your wife cheated on you. Good luck using that as a way to make her give up custody of your child.

A few tips for these idiots (or maybe just the one idiot) who constantly posts bullshit legal stuff on here about what's going to happen with people's marriages when their evil wife is found fucking some random dude / family member.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
to the anonymous poster who claims to have all the legal knowledge in the universe

do you live in the same country and province/state as the residents in the story?

are the divorce laws the same in every country?


and/or state?

are you a barrister, solicitor, or attorney licensed to practice in the jurisdiction in which the principals in this story reside?

if not, stfu, you know not of what you speak!!!!

if, by the remote chance, you are and do, post your qualifications and enlighten us,


btw, I did not post this hiding behind the nom de plume of anonymous. feel free to contact me by clicking on the link on my publicly available profile. I look forward to reading your response and knowing how to contact you for an intelligent discussion.

otherwise . . . .

jimbo103jimbo103over 8 years ago
right on brothr/sista rightbank.........

only true cowards hide & use violence,,, sorry to sound sexist but the anon most probably is a women going through divorce herself............ the irony of fate... good one.

but what it(below anon) says is also true, divorce can be granted if the spouse wants one.

but if you cite a reason you need to back it up, hence video proof of adultery will be accepted but with a few conditions to make make it admisable.

legislation has always sided with a woman post divorce as stastistics show that it is more difficult for a woman to get back on her own alone, irrespective of what she did.

saint or sinner, the law sees them as one.

& that is a good thing as there are always going to be scum & filth among us that does justify painting all women with the same brush, and even though stats are clear that more men do get "caught" cheating, the emotional pain is always more if a woman cheats on her "hubby".

i cant prove it nor do i have any evidence, but i believe both men & women cheat equally, women just dont get caught more often, they "PLAN" , "COMPARTMENTALIZE", "ORGANIZE" & Finally , always, always are thinking of a backup plan & exit stratergy....... mind you this applies only to the 50% of women who do cheat, Not all women.

Men, what can i say, feminism was right about them, men are dogs, looking for opportunity for pussay. more like pussitunists , with a reptilian brain, this is what all men are, but that does not mean that is what they remain, some of us learn of our shortcomings, prejudice & innate proclivity for violence, we find our path in this world, & each persons life experiences are unique,

i do not understand women, nor will i ever, but i hope the justification you tell yourself at the end, was worth for whatever you do..

finally, violence is the final tool used by the inept (i wanted to used a big word to explain stupidity & redundancy but the incompetent do not deserve that consideration, so i used the shortest yet effective word to describe the parasitic scavenging deadbeats.)

so dont worry when somebody hides behind the anon tag, the author allowed that consideration so that we could express freely without fear, imagine we are already pretty anon here already, so what if we have a profile, but the poster was so scared shitless that chose to post a shitty comment as anon, man that person has to be so scared in real life.... ha ha ha........

hearthammerhearthammerover 8 years ago
Jimbo, cheating stats

The most recent Kinsey study found that genders cheat equally. It use to be men cheated more, but as the working world is equalizing, and women are being put into the same situations as men, they are cheating about the same(2013 study showed 21% of men polled, and 17% of women polled, which is up 300% from the 2003 study that showed only .4% of women cheated).

What they found is that the more successful and the more they work, people are likely to cheat. Since women are obtaining the high end jobs now, the same factors that cause men to cheat, is causing women to cheat. It is societal, not biological.

Also, most places have no fault divorce. It means that the courts look at property only, and divide it either equal in 50/50 states, or appropriately depending on situation.

However, in some places, the moral aptitude of a character does matter for things like alimony and child support. If you can prove that your spouse is say so concerned with their affair they let their parental or spousal duties falter, you can gain favor in a court. It will never be a 100-0 victory, but for my sister, the failure of my Brother In Law to live up to parental duties(He blew off picking up my niece to cheat, he spent a lot of money on the partner, while my niece had bad clothes, and other things), resulted in my sister receiving a larger alimony, child support, and full.custody.

Some states have not adopted no fault divorce, and proof of cheating is actually admissible in court. So, the point is it is different for every region.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

this is the best thing i've read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I agree but.....

As for the comments regarding adultery & divorce, I agree that's how it SHOULD be but unfortunately I live in the south, Alabama to be exact, & the Judges here are pretty strict about that kind of stuff. My ex-husband & myself had a judge that was also a Baptist minister & he would take innocent kids away from perfectly good parents if that parent cheated during the marriage. To me, one has nothing to do with the other. You can be a great parent yet still be adulterous in the marriage. Unless you're leaving your babies in the car, in a hotel parking lot, as you fuck some stranger....there is no reason to put down a person's parenting skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I don't usually read longer stories but when I do I thank myself for doing it afterwards. Amazing story. The note at the end kinda confused me as the changing POVs were what made the story even more exciting. Loved it all. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Mary deserved it

She's very unlikable. She didn't see much of her crush because he changed his schedule but she acted like the world was ending.

She used the home-building project as a means to make a move on Brian. And when he was pretending to be sick she asked him if he can make it to the build the very next day. She wasn't concerned about his health, she wants him to spend time with her even when he's not yet feeling well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

perhaps you might try doing the next story the same way till the good girl finds out. And then have the slut and p.o.s. boyfriend/hubby/whatever do the same to her (the good girl) either through trickery, the lust caused by watching or force till she learns how good it all feels. And let's her deeply buried whore out, slowly but surely.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Would have appreciated this very sexy story much more if not for a personal experience. Long story.

Nice going.

Thanks TTM, but seriously SCREW you for bringing back memories I dunna need to remember.


Very nice but how in hell is this any way "NonConsent/Reluctance"?

Methinks posted in the wrong space.

MiniwandMiniwandalmost 6 years ago
Just keep writing

You're an excellent author. Some may not like the themes of your stories but the writing is good.

I love characters with huge dick and enormous boobs. It is ludicrous and real life isn't like this but wo what? There are authors who write amazing stories that feels real so you can look for them if you want that.

I love the nasty way you write. It's just so hot.

For this story, I like the ending. Brian and Jenna became a couple who are in love (I like to think Jenna loves him) so it feels like a happy ending. It was a good idea to not have Brain's POV. It is a battle between Mary and Jenna and Brian isn't that hard to understand.

DvaderstarlordDvaderstarlordover 4 years ago
Really Good

I personally think this is your best. While, I like your others I have minor issues with them, mainly with how the other girl seems likable and gets screwed over in a way that detracts from the hot parts. But here, the other girl is not as likable, winds up in a place that while not as good as her original point is not that bad, and Brian's decision is obvious in comparison to some of the other guys in the other stories, because he does not know Mary nearly as well, so when he chooses Jenna it is obvious. It's not even really cheating.

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2/28/24 It’s reached the point where I’m being regularly asked for an update, so I suppose I should oblige. The good news is that I have been making good, steady progress, and I am currently working on the sex scene as we speak. That being said, it’s another long one, and eve...