All Comments on 'The Wisdom of Solomon'

by radk

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A good story

However, Shari has given up her daughter Bria. That she is as happy as the conclusion of this story pretends is doubtful.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

Wow what a racist and ignorant comment from Anonymous. I could commence with some derogatory remarks about that comment but I would be stooping down to this person's ignorance level.

Radk I liked your story. I read a similar story a while back (not saying you copied it), I just don't remember where I read it.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 11 years ago
Wow. Poignant little story.

The title kind of telegraphed what might happen, however, it sure wasn't obvious what the solution to this situation was going to be. Really liked the story - very well written, credible, and moving. The sad thing is the loss of the GI. Well done.

hansbwlhansbwlabout 11 years ago
A real dilemma.

The genesist dr. Lin said:

"Somewhere in your past there may have been an ancestor whose contribution to your DNA has now come out. It happens rarely but it does happen." That is not possible. It has never been proven that a child has been born darker than the darkest parent! I liked your story, I did not read into the end that she had given Bria away. They had as I understood the end, included Bria's "aunt and uncle" in the extended family.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

What a fantastic to my heart...will make me try to love my wife with more understanding despite our mortal weaknesses.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great story

I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I can absolutely understand Tony's dilemma, not because of anything racial but because of the sense of betrayal. I went through that when I was married, and it is painful. Hers was with another white ]n, but the feeling would have been no more and no less painful had it not been. It didn't break up our marriage, but in retrospect the fact that she returned to the same person years later may have indirectly led to a decay in our relationship that ultimately caused us to drift apart. Not knowing if the baby she lost was his or mine has always been a source of pain. My currently girlfriend has a mixed daughter, and I love her just as if she were my own. I hope that the other anonymous comes to realized one day that not all of us whites, especially white men are like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The husband's attitude is absolutely believable

Here, the fact that the cheating involved with a black man merely makes the baby known immediately upon inspection.

The story is really about a woman returning to her former boyfriend and fucking him. That she spent many days trying to get his spirit up, due to the war injuries, etc. were just devices used --- to have the wife character say, as an "explanation" for her cheating --- to move the story along.

The most important point in the story is really from the husband point of view; it depends on his decision. And he makes it clear, his decision as to whether or not he would remain committed to the marriage, to be with his cheating wife, depended on how SHE makes the decision regarding her lover's child.

She now has a real dilemma, as others have pointed out: she either allow her daughter, NOT HER HUSBAND's, to be adopted out OR she loses the good life she has had and likely would have, again, with her other offspring, who is her husband's child.

No woman, or man, should be forced to raise the offspring of a cheating spouse, so the husband's attitude is very understandable. For both wife and husband, here, something has already been lost. They could either cut their losses and move forward as a couple, to raise their mutual offspring together and hope the husband someday trust the wife again. Or they part ways.

The cheating wife weighted her options and knew immediately, her life --- even if she had custody of both babies --- would be RADICALLY different and REDUCED (in terms of material comfort) should she choose to keep her daughter from her Black boyfriend. With her husband and son, even if her husband may never love or trust her again, her life would be on a more sure-footed situation. On her own, with two babies, even with support from the extended families... life would be very hard and harsh.

Since she, by fucking and being pregnant by her former boyfriend, had already comprised the marriage, making more and harder compromises was ALL she could do; and some compromises, again, would much more radically alter her life than other compromises: thus giving up the daughter of her lover was the only sensible additional compromise she could do.

Most of the readers sympathy lie with the husband who, through no fault of his own, found his life's now been irrevocably tied to a cheating wife who's now the mother of his child and that of her lover's. He had to weigh his options and make some hard decisions: stay married to a cheating woman, who had no problem spreading her legs to former boyfriends, just so he could stay married and help raise support both his child and the wife's lover's or BAIL OUT and help his son in a shared custody.

This and other similar "dilemma"-oriented stories go on in "the real world" all the time --- with cheating people --- and it is very sad and tragic for all involved, especially the children, who are not at all at fault... Again, it is just not easily "found out" as portrayed in his story, due to the wife's Black boyfriend.

I still remember reading about a case in San Diego, 15 odd years ago, where a wife's been fucking with colleague (just happened to be a Black colleague, both working as "administrators" for the San Diego Unified School District)... but after sometime, she wanted out, her closest friends who knew of her affairs said. The boyfriend didn't want to end their affair. The last time she met with him, at his house, he put a bullet through both of their heads.

The wife's husband (a doctor) returned home to his kids, after some days out doing conferences, and was greeted with the fact that his wife and his kids mother was shot dead at her boyfriend's home, by the boyfriend. Of course he didn't know about her affair, he said. Sad & tragic for all. And, then, there's the one about the wife falling to her death --- totally naked --- from a 20-storey highrise, when she met her boyfriend to have her afternoon sex. AND ENDLESS stories like these, in "the real world." Fiction doesn't even capture much of what cheaters do, when they cheat...

Men, indeed, likely cheat more often than women. Or USED TO. Now, it's likely on a par.

But when women cheat, "fair" or not, the consequences COULD BE MUCH MORE SEVERE, as this short story clearly illustrate. It would be 1,000% more easily for the husband in THIS STORY to move on, and find another wife and start another family with her, with kids and still help raise he son. But for the woman, her CHANCES of landing an upstanding, successful, good provider FOR HER TWO KIDS, plus the new man's kids, if he wants some, WOULD BE SO GREATLY REDUCED, she mighty as well lay at the feet of her current husband and submit to him & pray he continues to be a good husband and provider and, someday, forgive her transgression against him and the family...

Anyway, the rambling is: Cheater people do the strangest and most stupid things; we just don't know until they are found out, one way or another, dead or alive or in a bad dilemma... as fictionalized here...

studyingstudyingabout 11 years ago
It only works because ...

the boyfriend is dead.

Excellent story. Thought provoking.

I do think that the guilt the wife would feel is understated and that her reaction to being accused of cheating is too 'spur of the moment.' One look at the child and she would have a good guess what happened. She knew there was a chance that her pregnancy was due to the old boyfriend from the beginning, so, she had time to prepare her alibi or her 'mea culpa.' Reacting indignant to the charge of cheating is not one of her likely reactions.

Wife likely feels guilty for the boyfriend's suicide. He had survived 2 years, gone through rehab, all the hard work, etc.. She says she's staying with her husband and within hours (minutes?) boyfriend kills himself. It's not he fault but most women are going to feel significantly at fault. I didn't see that with her. Nor did I see anything in her character that exempts her from that tendency.

Love the grandmother, especially her gratefullness to God and her apology for being presumptive at the first visit.

Thank you radk

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good Story

I guess situations like this happen in real life. I bet most men would find it hard to trust their wives again.

Boyd Percy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

There wouldn't be a story if the child wasn't bi-racial. If the baby had blue eyes and blonde hair there'd be no angst regarding paternity of the twins. The husband simply didn't want any part of raising a half African American baby. That's that end of story. The husband forgave his wifes infidelity, his problem was having to see it everyday. This mother should've kept her daughter and moved on with her life in my opinion. When Bria is older she'll recognize those aren't her biological parents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Good Read

It's a good read gave it 3 stars held off on the final 2 cause I can't stand it when the cheater reconciles with the spouse especially when the affair resulted in a child. Also hate when the spouse that's been cheated on goes "blah blah even though s/he cheated on me I still love them black blah" it's like ppl cant find another to love just as much there's about 7 billion ppl on this planet guesstimating that half are adults that's a lot of ppl

illjoyilljoyalmost 11 years ago
this guy has

No backbone what so ever

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Understand the adoption, not the shared birthday party

Why would Tony want to be reminded of his wife's affair? Would he trust the cop with his wife? Who planned this get together?

Clever title; since there are two babies they can be split (unlike the Bible story).

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

for normal people to see through it, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The story premise is very plausable.

Though some of the previous comments deny the possibility, coming from Louisiana, I have seen some strange things. Children of black parents looking white, children of white parents with kinky hair and olive skin and more. We are a mixed race state, don't let the KKK know. In most of the cases cited above, it turned out to be grand parents or great grandparents from which those physical traits came. For me, my eyes and hair go back to my great great grand father.

The problem with this couple was living with a constant reminder of infidelity. Not just living with it, but having to face it in the home. There is also the added problem, which the wife never thought of, is that everyone who sees them together is going to assume that the husband is not the father of that girl.

Having Clarence, the cop, adopt the little girl takes the pressure off of the husband. The two families can interact on holidays, share babysitting and be an extended family. Bre's mother can love her, hug her, and the husband is not responsible for her housing, feeding, PTA, and clothes shopping. The wife keeps her daughter in her life and the husband gets some distance from the constant humiliation.

Some people would say leave the wife. But I am a guy that would have a hard time abandoning my child to someone else's rearing. I believe that the husband would have left if it were not for his son. As a man who abstained from illicit sex, the only sure way not to become a "baby daddy", I can understand his hesitation and his own 'Sophie's choice" .

Good story and well written!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

If the both babies had been white...would the mother have ever told her husband she had cheated with an old boyfriend? Would it have mattered if they were in love with each other as much as was written. Hasn't it been said recently that 1 in 4 babies born in America are from sperm donors other than the husband? Isn't it believed that about 60-65 % of married spouses cheat at least one time in their life? Isn't it a proven that a lot of couples get past infidelity in their marriage and move on for the kids and/or the marriage's sake? Isn't it a reality that barring DNA proof, millions of children have been and are raised where the husband had no real idea of whose child it really was they raised?

I agree with the BTBs here that the wife cheated...and with a man of another race where it would be obvious if a child was conceived and born. This happened in this story. Take away the love these two had for each other as written by the Author...and this wife was a cheating slut who wanted some black cock at least once more from an old boyfriend she had probably screwed for the 2 years they had dated!

As I said, this story was interesting, taken as the Author wrote it, it worked out. He was of course an unwilling cuckold at first, but then he accepted his cuckolding wife because he could not give up his wife or his son... I understand, maybe could have done the same, don't know! Very interesting! OldMarineVet

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Very well written as usual. I can't say I find fault with the final reconciliation, I just think he very quickly went back to her after hearing from granny. Once wifey told the story I felt more compassion. I just didn't feel that when granny shared the tale. I also feel like most of your stories overlook significant details. Never once does the husband voice concern that she lied to him at the hospital, got mad at him for implying the child was not his, and then didn't talk to him for a week. That would bother any man. At the moment she knew the gig was up, she blamed hubby. Now, that is easily explained from her perspective, and I fell like the details of the story cover why she did that. However, I just find it odd that he never brought that up as an issue when first speaking to the counselor. I just feel like your stories as so concerned with having the husband accept infidelity, that you play fast and loose with the facts. The emotions are secondary. Explore that one aspect fully, then bring it to a reconciliation, and I think you have a far more powerful tale. This is where writers like Ohio excel. Overall, your stories are excellent. I give this five stars. An incredibly creative and engaging storyline.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Fascinating Story

The choice between husband or daughter was unusual. It was only on the table because the father was dead and her husband was willing to take her back without the mixed race child. There are a lot of triggers for negative reactions in this story. In the case mine is that cited above, I really do not see how the guy could ever trust her against. Not just because of the adultery, but rather the number of times she lied to him by omission. She was visiting Denzel twice a week and never told her husband about it or why? Except for the fraternal twins it is the Basic LW story with interesting characters.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

life has a way of upsetting apple carts. TK U MLJ LV NV

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 9 years ago
Good story

Fancy trying an alternate version, where Denzel doesn't commit suicide, so he's still around and (naturally) his baby gives him the motive to carry on with life...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wasted Time reading this garbage.

What a politically correct pile of BS called "The Wisdom of Solomon." I bet the author had tears filling his eyes as he showed us the wonders of tolerance, you know, like the tolerance you receive when you accidently wander into a certain section of town and your skin is too light.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

One of my favorite authors. Still five stars. This one challenges me. Could I be that forgiving?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

she is a cheater, a liar and a slut. he doesn't dump her, which makes him a wimp and a cuck.

dissmissdissmissabout 8 years ago

You can agree or disagree but it is a good story.

I think she was overcome by guilt and sorrow, and wanted to try to give her former love a reason to carry on with living even though he was suffering ..... they made love .

Women are more emotional than men, and while everyone will say how wrong it was, at that moment in time just for her, it was the right thing to do ... a moment of madness, temporary insanity if you like.

Unfortunately, later, there was a baby involved that a husband could not accept. Not the baby's fault, and at this point the husband is clearly the injured party, all he wanted was a loving marriage and family.

There's so much emotion in this tale, I really did enjoy reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

No way would I accepted her cheating or her results of that cheating! I'd of divorced her as-soon-as I could. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Well written. But still too much PC crap. Nothing but dancing around the race issue trying ever so hard as to not come across as racist. Race in this case was the identifying factor of the cheating.

Visiting an old ex-boyfriend constantly behind the husband's back...even if he is a crippled service still stepping out on your husband and keeping secrets. She easily excluded her husband and put him out of her mind for either pity, sympathy, or friendship with the ex over an extended period of time.

So this was no one time lapse. This was a steady progression of visits that ended in sex. And from accounts, the ex was back to his old self which actually was her preference and why the sex happened. She did not think of her husband simply because she had at least for the short time what she really wanted...the ex was back as she remembered and loved! To make matters worse, the only reason the husband has a son is because of her guilty feelings. So every time he looks at his son he must realize that the son was a product of a guilt driven cheating wife...not love...and that he was the 2nd man to have sex with her the day of conception....

RePhilRePhilover 6 years ago
Best I’ve read!

Loved it again for the first time! Lol

calflashcalflashover 6 years ago
thought proviking

Good cause for some serious thinking. Not sure if he objected to the race thing or the cheating but either way she WAS a cheat and it seems hypocritical that she took offence to him requesting a paternity test when she knew damn well the possibilities.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

He should dump her she is a cheater. Let’s call a SPADE A SPADE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

A crock of shit 0 - 5 if possible

penneydog55penneydog55almost 6 years ago

This is one hard story to comment on?.....First:- I want to say that this Story is Brilliant, But controversial at the least!....Second:- She is a Cheater and that Sucks (Describing Her-Not Her Talents)....Third:- The Babies:- Yeah You Did What Was Right against all People who Castigated You!.. For That I Give You My Endorsement ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WOOF!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Stupid story. Why would Tony accept his slut wife’s excuses after she let a black man fuck her and knock her up. Most of us would have ditched the butch s soon as we found out she used to be a black man’s ho. She obviously liked his cock

And probably a lot of other too. Whore.

andyinozandyinozabout 5 years ago
What is Shari doing

screwing without protection? Tony and she had not decided to start a family, so what she was doing was irresponsible and immoral. Dumb slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A touch too much redunancy

Shari told her story too many times. We heard it the first time.

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42over 4 years ago
Goodness gracious................

What an intricate story. Interesting enough I enjoyed the first four + chapters and then was very disappointed in the last half chapter. It is interesting to me how many stories on literotica seem to share this characteristic. Almost as though the author working on a great story concept seems to run out of gas. Oh well, I have never been able to gather myself to even try to author the story ideas I have so I cannot be critical but I can share observations. Happy Healthy 2020 to everyone.

timrivtimrivabout 4 years ago

Well people here are saying it’s not racist but for Tony he is, if the girl had been white instead of black he probably could have eventually yyuaccepted it but the babies color was the factor he could not get over. Having Brie give up her daughter is crazy no mother would willing give up their child cause hubby can’t get over it being black. This marriage is doomed as she will come to resent her husband for forcing her to lose her daughter. He will always look at her as a cheater. Would have been better if they split up.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 4 years ago

...I agree. Tony didn't sign on for that situation. Tony being disgusted at his wife having another man's child though is not racist.

Sure, color was involved in his anger because it was the color of the child that brought to light her infidelity. That infidelity was a reflection of her ability to make proper rational decisions. The kind of rational decisions that are needed by people who make a choice to have children.

She was cheating on her husband not only sexually but emotionally. This is not an issue of racism. This is the issue of a married woman having another man's child and expecting her husband to not only accept the situation but raise another man's child the wife fucked when she while she was married.

Cute ending, but I agree with you timriv that that marriage was doomed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
another wimp story.

the author in an effort to make the hubby a good guy and not look like a racist layed the story down to conveniently bypass the real issue. SHE CHEATED. Real life she is Gone.. THERE is no excuse for cheating. Absolutely a death penalty for a marriage to have another mans baby.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

If Bria was not black there would be no story. There would also be no adoption. The racial question is, if both of the children looked white but their different parentage was discovered at birth, would Tony still have wanted to disown the bastard child? Perhaps at first. But if Bria was this beautiful happy golden haired doll, would Tony find it easier to accept her? That's a whole separate story idea.

But his wife did cheat on him from the moment she decided to withhold her relationship with Denzel. Then she committed adultery. She gave Denzel a pity fuck. So what happens when she feels sorry for the next cripple she comes to care for? I think this marriage could be very precarious for a very long time.

It was an interesting plot idea. Thanks for the effort.

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 3 years ago

another wimp story.

the author in an effort to make the hubby a good guy and not look like a racist layed the story down to conveniently bypass the real issue. SHE CHEATED. Real life she is Gone.. THERE is no excuse!!!!! AMEN @@@@@

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 3 years ago

Good cause for some serious thinking. Not sure if he objected to the race thing or the cheating but either way she WAS a cheat and it seems hypocritical that she took offence to him requesting a paternity test when she knew damn well the possibilities.""""""" White AND back dads?? Are You Shitting Me? (AYSM) ?? She had the audacity, to screw one of eac in the same time frame and got pissed at him?? She must be kicked to the curb and his son taken away from a whore!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

In all of these edgy stories there are always things in the background that make the story implausible. Usually, they involve behavior contradictory to the persona of both the cheater and the spouse. In this story there is one such discontinuity presented on page 4. Below are excerpts from a paragraph on that page where the cheater finally describes the cheating:

I didn't even think about telling Tony. I didn't see any harm in just talking. So I went over for a visit. He was not the same man I knew.

I returned every week to visit and talk with him. I tried to be positive and hopeful, and eventually saw a little glimmer of life in him, he was slowly responding to my words of hope.

"After a couple months of weekly visits we took a walk around the block.

When we got home there was a note on the table to both of us. Violet had to go to her church for a little while and would be back in time for supper.

I didn't know what to do. I immediately thought about Tony but I also thought about Denzel. I didn't want to hurt him any more than he already was. We ended up making love on the living room sofa.

She had been meeting with the father of her daughter for months and the mc never noticed and she never told him. Neither plausible nor in keeping with the descriptions that we have of these two characters in the totality of the story: she would display guilt and he would, over a three month period, notice her absences.

The story itself, of course, has very little to do with any of the characters. The story is not about people, but about the anomaly of "Heteropaternal Superfecundation". The personalities and the behavior of the people were shaped as a vehicle to carry that message. The cheating was merely the most efficient way to get sperm from two different males into the same uterus. The race thing is gratuitous and not at all convincing. The black folks are all stereotypes. BUT: now you know about H.S..


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sad that the race card plays into the story. The fact is, Shari is a cheating slut. She didn’t respect her husband enough to be honest, nor did she respect the vows of the marriage. She shouldn’t come out smelling like anything but shit. As far as poor Denzel is concerned, fuck him. Lots of us have PTSD and worse, and some of us suffered bad shit decades ago before it be “ok”. We were just told to suck it up. There is no “one big happy family” here. There is a cheating, weak willed wife and a predator who knows how to get what he wants. The big loser is Tony and his family. He lost his soul because she is a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry,i told my first wife,but i'm not raising some other P.O.S's little bastard ghetto trash baby. She was thrown out of my parents house which i inherited before i met the cheating cunt. And that's how a real man who loves and respects himself deals with that situation!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I call bullshit! Race card cheapens the story. Has zero to do with a slutty wife who was used by a skilled manipulator. No way would she ever be trusted again, and her song and dance about a past love is even worse. She is horrible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So her fucking someone else is all forgiven? What a cuck!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

But of course.

abandoned a child for her husband.

And the husband who despite everything continues to see the child of adultery when he no longer wanted to see her.

Damn, I like when the author is so stupid and takes his readers for a bunch of brainless idiots.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Should have had another mixed child that wasn't Shari's. Make her raise the child her husband made with another woman. It's pretty easy to look at Bria knowing Shari has to look at the product of an affair her husband had with her consent. And I mean a full blown affair of 2 to 10 years to establish the same feelings Shari had for her ex. That's how you make it work out. And it still sucks. But there isn't much h else other than. Adoption for poor Bria

6King6Kingover 1 year ago

⭐⭐ The Cheating Whore and the Cuck. Isn't that a disney flick?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Given the MC could not live with the situation……and most men couldn’t …..this was ONLY possible solution. And with the families staying close the aldutress wife gets a look see into her daughters life. Important when the children reach early to mid teens they are fully informed… have an aunt and uncle serving as surrogate parents …….next best thing so a good work around that allows both children to feel they are the priority of the real and surrogate parents. R. H.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Look, I shouldn’t throw stones….the sluts I did in school were maybe 50 / 50 to get pregnant in the same month by as many as three or even more guys considering the miles of different dick they took in any given week… less a month. R.H.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Contradiction and him being a weak minded ruined the story..he could not live with the black child in his house/life as a reminder of wifes cheating,but had no problem seeing/visiting the baby elsewhere regularly without reminding him what his wife did???? Big mistake,you sure did not think that scenario out...Another mistake, NO man would have accepted her back period.She not only had sex, but had a baby by another man. That is the absolute worst thing for a wife to throw at a husband. Wow! where was your head when you decided on that ending of them staying killed the story..this was beyond a brain fart on your part to expect readers to believe that happening...0 stars..and I am a fan of your writing....JZK..

ChopinesqueChopinesque9 months ago

Miss Violet is a beautiful character. She makes this story work. Fallibility and remorse meet grace.


Service revolver? From Iraq?

RePhilRePhil5 months ago

Love is always enough.

RePhilRePhil5 months ago

Or as a great writer once penned “all you need is love” 🎶

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The end was bad...I agree with Anon comment 7 months ago.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

well written emotive story. W/o the blk baby, theres no issue as MC never knows his wife cheated, w/ baby i dont see reconciliation even w/ this version of adopting the blk baby out. I do see gray, not all is blk and white, but i may not have much forgiveness in me. The story's ending did make me cry, out of jealousy for never having experienced any such love. rk

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