All Comments on 'Therapeutic Sessions Ch. 01'

by cookingwithgas

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servant111servant111over 1 year ago

Interesting platonic dialogue. I find myself in agreement to the insoluble nature of that relationship but find the slant of that discussion necessarily trite.centering on pride is an excellent incorrect surface diversion. The real issues in this common betrayal concern the necessity of unconditional love and acceptance between the male and female partners being the required foundation of marriage. Marriage is based in creating the safe thing lace called “home” where both parties can renew their false fronts and be themselves warts and all safe in the unconditional love of their life mate that cherishes them as they are. That home creates the long term stability that enables the couple to take that intimacy and create children which are cherished and grown into the next generation.

The husband here recognizes that the wife’s actions have destroyed the safe place; not because of an an impact on the husbands pride, as if that mattered; No her betrayal reveals that she is a narcissistic sociopath. As such her inner universe is structured around herself. All others exist as walking tools whose sole purpose is to gratify her momentary emotional impulses. She functions on lust not love and she has no problem displacing her “relationship” with her husband for the momentary hit is a little strange.

In short there never was a valid love relationship in their “marriage”. She cannot love. The husband is forced by her betrayal to recognize this. The pride issue in this tale is a non sequitur that obscures this deeper truth.

4 stars

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Interesting beginning!


Harryin VAHarryin VAover 1 year ago

I truly appreciate an effort to explain And diffuse the overused adage about male ego and pride. The problem is that to do so is the essence of stupid and this author wasted his time trying to explain Male ego.


Clearly this author wanted to make a political statement About modern psychology and wokeness. In doing so and made the store look even stupider than it already is.


The reason why the male ego and male pride criticism doesn't work it's because it attempts to shift the issue away from what the wife has done and try and place it on a character flaw of the husband..


Whether it's this story or February socks from what have you..... when the wife decides to step out of a marriage in a particularly egregious way.... The husband's reaction has nothing to do with eagle or pride.


It's simple lack of human decency and disrespect. Sometimes the wife thinks she has the upper hand ....kniwing the husband doesn't want to be living in a shitty apartment visiting his children twice a month while some other man is living in his home that he paid for.


Those kinds of actions and using the children as a weapon It's just mean and cruel and hateful and shows a complete lack of value for the marriage. It has nothing to do with male ego or pride.

Robby_DRobby_Dover 1 year ago

Very nicely done. Many stories involve a feminist therapist working to overcome the "traditional" issues related to "male pride and ego". I thought your story did a nice job of unpacking those very issues to show how central they are to a man's ability to build and maintain a relationship. By using the motif of the couple going through marriage counseling you were able to identify the core ideas of trust, fidelity and intention without the usual angry screaming that is common in most stories when the man confronts his wife about her adultery. And as an added bonus, you showed exactly what the predator was about and dispatched him quickly and effectively. All very satisfying to me. I gave you 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice attempt at explaining manhood. I personally don't think pride has anything to do with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Could not finish the story. The MC was a "know-it-all" prick. If he acted this way to his wife all the time, he deserves to get cheated on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

great story up to the ending which was pretty weak and rushed - a few paragraphs. gave it a 3 - would have been a 4 with a better ending.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

This wasn't as successful as your other works. This came across as clichéd with the radical feminist therapist trying to guide the husband to her ideal. The pride thing was weird. I understand what you meant but I am not sure it was the gotcha you intended. It's still a well written story of course, I just found the opinions stated a little too confidently expressed. Absolute thinking tends to grate on me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An essay on toxic masculinity, using a caricature of psychological thought that no one actually believes to display toxic masculinity as somehow "clever" and show the superiority of the male mind. I hope this writer doesn't actually have any women in his life. Likely he would hide these inner thoughts, but be subtly chipping away at the foundations of that woman's confidence and identity. Only from the safety of the internet can he express his real contempt for women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Author is more interested in making social points which may not reflect reality than in actually writing an interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm giving this a 1. Is it because this scenario has been rehashed and driven into the ground all over this category? Nope. Is it because of all the tired and cliched squawking about feminism bad, muh pride good? Nope. You're getting a 1 for quoting The Last Jedi. Trying to validate that putrid chunk of cinematic dung or even acknowledging it's existence is unacceptable. It's an abomination. Please do better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Doc was a moronic bitch with not one clue about life. Nicely done although I thought Jody was a bit too patient with their stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I want to say it fell short because of the tepid ending. It’s a story. Without a some drama, revenge or reconcile is fine, then it’s immediately forgettable.

I want to say that, but the truth is, one star for quoting last Jedi. I’m still shuddering.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dont any of the femanists remember their marriage oaths ? It states that they, Belong to each other in both sickness and in health untiil they both shall die. This means the husband is owned by the wife and the wife is owned by the husband. It is an equal agreement by two who love each other and in so doing they both forsake all others. This is male or female not a special clause just for femanists to control someone they profess to love. There needs to be more recognition of the facts and true equality they are a team.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was very well written, captured the true essence of a man an marriage!

GeojimGeojimover 1 year ago

Nicely done and well argued.

OmegaPointOmegaPointover 1 year ago

Well written, almost like smart pulp fiction. I appreciate the writing and the male perspective. Even though it is not explicit and overtly sexual, as is most writing on Literotica, I give it five *. Proof that erotica can be good w/o titillation. I confess to having a 'thing' for therapist and Dr. stories. I look forward to reading more of them and wouldn't mind a couple from the female perspective as well. Keep it going!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

"She'd decided to fight for her marriage," - The time to fight for your marriage is when it comes under attack. Deciding to fight for it after you've surrendered to the enemy is counter-productive.


"I am, among other things, a marriage counselor, not a divorce cheerleader." - No, like most LW counselors, she's a marriage cheerleader.


"It was as if the gig was totally up." - "jig."


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah…..CWG once again shows us why he’s one oh Lit’s best newer authors.


I was particularly I pressed with the analogy of the safe as the repository of a relationship’s foundation. So insightful. For example: apply it to the Feb Sucks paradigm, and it perfectly explains why in the real world Jim can never…ever…get back with Linda. Where here Cheryl let that safe get robbed, Linda blew it up 😎


“Going back for seconds with him put me in a far worse position, I know that.” Far worse? Lady…doing that was like bombing a building already bombed…all it did was make the rubble bounce.


5 *****

Regguy69Regguy69over 1 year ago

Very nice. "Just your fragile male ego" is a refrain often thrown at men who have been gravely wounded by their spouse's infidelity. Yes, a thorough shower and physically a woman is restored. The anti-monogamy crowd argues that once she's had that shower, nothing's changed, I disagree. You've done a fine job of putting words to the emotions most men feel when their masculinity has been attacked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's well written but it's not erotica so it's like going to a religious site dedicated to marriage and posting well written stories about wife swapping. Or going to a hamburger site and posting vegan stories (or vice versa).

mactsomactsoover 1 year ago

With a nod to jill bearup...

On a scale of

not erotica

poor first effort

well written but overdone

very good and a turnon.

Smokin, hot award winner, came without touching myself

This story is

"not erotica" .

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 1 year ago

"We both found the next serious chapters in our lives pretty quickly, and long before the sting faded."


- The wife never loved her husband. She found another dude quickly.

- What I don't get is that the Therapist never talked about Cheryl's ego.

- The need to have her beauty value to be validated by other men.

- But I guess that is what feminist do -- as both women are.

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 1 year ago

Very clever and excellent tale thank you. The 'gig' is up is correct ....means it is end of engagement of time of short term tenure, (as in big economy), 'jig' is when something like a criminal enterprise is over by being discovered etc. However I'm sure we a proper scribe you know that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You have got to love idiots like the anonymous below who is so familiar with this site that they don't even know that it includes a specific "non-erotic" category. Sadly, a lot of people don't understand that Loving Wives is a drama category more than an erotic one. The good authors who write stroke stories along these lines know to put them in Fetish, Erotic Encounters, Group Sex, etc rather than this category. The good authors who write dramatic stories that spike that adrenaline rush do well in this category. The unfortunate side effect of this category is that the attention whores who care more about the number of comments than the contents of those comments deliberately post things here that should be posted elsewhere, knowing they will get better ratings elsewhere but more comments here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
"It's well written but it's not erotica" Anonymous comment

Being well-written is at least a step above most Loving Wives stories. But not being erotica is par for the LW course.


Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 1 year ago



Great point, here! [Nobody in their right mind would consider believing a mob boss over a college professor with regard to human nature and societal norms, but in my life experience the gangsters were killing the sociologists and psychologists on the big scoreboard. Maybe that was because the mobsters were living it, while the others were simply studying it. As shocking as it may seem, I figured that out without the help of any fake doctors.] OP goes on to reference the "man behind the curtain" which evokes the same theme in that great old film, Zardoz. Cheryl was stuck in the theoretical, neo-academic (perhaps pseudo-academic?) mindset, and MC was the mayor of Realville!!


THIS phrase and following is the most realistic writing of this type of scene I've seen: ["Okay, Jody," Beverly said with a motherly tone. "Tell us how you feel. I don't believe Cheryl said anything about doing anything to you, only her feelings about what she, herself, had done. Please try to think about how you feel in response to what Cheryl just told us. I want to focus on your feelings, not being accusatory."] Nailed it, OP. Jell-O nailed to the wall with a barn spike! 10/10! Reading this is so realistic, I feel like I'll need to fork over a co-pay at the end! MC's response evokes Jack Nicholson's explanation to the waitress in "Five Easy Pieces" about the chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast! Pop. Nothing but net. Or neck, if you're in Dealey Plaza.


Counsellors like to presume that feeeeeelings are this universal immutable, constant force, like Pi, the speed of light or buttered toast landing buttered-side down when dropped. So, if you and I dare to feel "unconventionally," we must be reigned in. Otherwise, we fall into one of the 9-billion aberrant personalities or syndromes invented by modern psychology with rise of insured or single-payer healthcare.


The scene at the doc's office should be required reading for everyone with a Y-chromosome. 5+++++++/5!!

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Psychobabble. Another cliche' story about the feminist marriage counselor. Zero erotic content. She cheated, twice, and got caught. Who cares why? It is over. Obviously, the wife is only sorry she got caught and never even told her husband or apologized until confronted with her infidelity. Was the affair even over? The marriage definitely was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not erotic. Doesn’t belong here.

DakotaTRDDakotaTRDover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the thought put behind writing this story, and look forward to more in the series

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nothing even close to erotic here. Typical misogynistic fantasy land. Doesn't it get old claiming some divine superiority in intelligence & morality while claiming to be the marginalized victim?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It makes me laugh when women refer to the male ego as being fragile , as if they don’t possess an ego themselves , or if they do then it’s much more stable and less fragile . Next time a woman asks you how their new dress looks on them , or their new hairstyle , or whatever the case may be , answer with the truth , not the white lie we often use for preemptive damage control , and you’ll see a very weak , highly fragile thin glass ego shatter into a billion pieces . And that is nothing serious like infidelity and what it does to trust and relationships when betrayed !

PowersworderPowersworderover 1 year ago

I liked him shutting down the counsellor. The belittling dismissal of a "hurt male ego" are so ridiculous, it's always satisfying to see that nonsense rebutted.


Unfortunately, the ending was pretty dry and emotionless. Concluding it with "they both moved on" was anticlimactic and unsatisfying. Why is the wife so eager to date him after the divorce? She didn't value her marriage when she was flirting with the predator and letting herself be seduced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Could not choose between dislike and nd average so not rating.

She cheated he found out then tried to make his erudition the major part of the story.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 1 year ago

Why all the debate about male pride and ego. They are irrelevant. The issue is trust. Is she remorseful and does he feel he can trust her with a second chance?

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year ago

you talked a lot about pride and ego. But not until the end did you mention the word respect. the wife's lack of respect for her husband. And would she have any respect for him later. Or how his self respect would be impacted.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

Sad story, but very good. Jody was quite eloquent. I’m sure many would disagree with him, but I certainly don’t. IMO if the man doesn’t think he married a woman out of his league, and have pride that she’s with him, then that man married the wrong woman.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

First comment I read before writing mine was from Dr. Beverly. LOL! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Boring, no drama. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written. I enjoyed it. This could be an epic series.

maninconnmaninconnover 1 year ago
Smart guy that Jody!

‘Nuff said. Thanks for writing!

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

Well written. Fortunately there arent many counselors that are that fucking stupid. Sadly, without reading the comments I bet there will be more than a few of the "alphas" who wet their panties at the thought of them.

While I thought it was good this derailed it for me "You deserve at least that much from a cheating slut of a wife." even having an epiphany that she royally fucked up, that statement would be made. And clearly that was for the readers who still get spit over their screens while bouncing in their seats yelling "Fucking whore, cheating fucking whore" because otherwise it wasn't need, didnt fit and shouldnt have even exist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This wasn't so much a story as it was a straw man argument and pontification. You have talent, but your stories always suffer when you let your politics creep in - at that point it stops being a story and turns into a sermon. I think you can do better

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerover 1 year ago

Loved it and the flow of male rational that supported his decision. Looking forward to the rest of the stories.


ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

Nice. Way to shut up the feminist fake doctor.

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

Excellent thinking and delivery to what now is being called 'wokeness' thinking. I loved his explanation of pride and using it on both the doc and his wife.5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's not politics as some have mentioned. This is about how men perceive themselves at their core, vrs how the feminist revisions of reality have percolated through the social consciousness. If this absent-reality lie wasn't so serious, I would die laughing. It's worse than saying Hitler was just a misunderstood idealist.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 1 year ago

Making an engineer our of a counselor guessing that was supposed to be "out"

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 1 year ago

this was weird u need to do some more hard living or more reading. when a judge orders counseling it has to be a certified counselor. if it isnt then just dont go and say u did a judge isnt going to take a non-certified counselor at their word. idk about divorce court but i have to believe if a judge order counseling it has to be a court appointed counselor. im thinking that theres a list of them that the court has deemed to be a certified counselor. this seemed to be a pointless story

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 1 year ago

"There is only one truth in every situation"...

The author is dead wrong about this, as any person with much life experience would know. In politics, in religion, in love, in finance, or in friendship there are always multiple truths. Gender makes different truths, culture and age make different truths, and personality and experience make different truths.

Much of what the author puts in his MC's mouth I agree with, and the piece is well written technically and emotionally, but there is this fundamental error like a worm in a piece of fruit at the heart ot it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Odd comments. I thought it was ok. A weak 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is one of those really good stories that I wish I could rate 4.5

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 year ago

don't understand the last line referring to Dr. Gleeson. Hope he didn't "date" her.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x9 months ago

"We're talking about male pride and possibly ego." - This is used so often in LW, and it ignores that it's the female pride and ego at attracting another man that is at the heart of the affair to begin with.

Regguy69Regguy699 months ago

As he often is, Sbrooks was right to point out the female pride and ego at attracting the attention of another male, even if he's a scumbag. Women love the affirmation of their desirability, It's why they ask if "these jeans make my ass look fat?" They expect us to say no and then tell them how great they look - Affirmation.

CWG did a great job, as usual, of putting into words the feelings most men share as "Male ego."

Really enjoyed this, thanks CWG.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

AngelRider .... I just found the opinions stated a little too confidently expressed. Absolute thinking tends to grate on me.

Sounds like you are talking to yourself about yourself

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

@forensic… “ There is only one truth in every situation"...

The author is dead wrong about this, as any person with much life experience would know. In politics, in religion, in love, in finance, or in friendship there are always multiple truths. Gender makes different truths, culture and age make different truths, and personality and experience make different truths.”

No the author is absolutely correct. A cannot be not A. One is pregnant or one is not pregnant. True or false. And for those that are confused or just mentally ill there are only two genders, same thing as one’s sex and no it wasn’t “assigned at birth”. One either has a Y chromosome or one doesn’t. If someone has a Y chromosome and thinks they are a woman, they are either mentally ill, ignorant of basic biology or a fraud.

In this story either she cheated (twice) or she didn’t. One of those statement is true (the truth) and the other false. There are no multiple truths there. A man could have many possible reactions to her cheating, but only one of those will be the truth. Either he divorces her or he doesn’t. I vote for divorce. One and done. Or he decides he’ll accept an open marriage and starts dating. Or he just gets a hard on being a cuckold. Or …

deependerdeepender8 months ago

I think that you handled the femdom agitprop slop about "male ego" very well. Someone needed to do it. Interestingly, you left the usual modifier "frail" off of the buzz phrase. When you see those three words together then you know that everything after that is straight out of the femdom manual. It's a typical blame shifting technique: invent a character flaw ("frailty"), pin it on the injured party, and then blame the victim. The transgressor is no longer even remotely involved.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Thank you for the male ego part.

Third and fourth wave feminists are confused. Their ideology has become ridiculous because of their denial of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology. We have aspects inherent to our nature that just are not 'fluid'. They are crafted into our DNA through years of evolution. Yes, the concept of 'gender' is for the most part socially constructed but our biological sex is not. Men have an inherent and ingrained predilection to protect women, not because men are better or women are weak. Evolution is about survival. Women are not weak but during childbirth a woman is vulnerable, so the males--who for the most part are physically larger with greater bone density and muscle--acted as the protectors during that vulnerable time. That aspect became ingrained in the males of the species.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress663 months ago

Damn I really didn’t want to get into the whole philosophical debate about genders and fucking new world order bullshit. I honestly think people are just becoming way too sensitive. I’d be willing to philosophize about life if people would just stop getting so emotionally charged about it. Goddamn chill out

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Have somebody abduct the idiot doc and sell her to a Mexican cartel that owns whore houses in Tijuana. Maybe she can work on her new way of sharing the world while 10-12 men fuck her every day.

trance00trance002 months ago

You're absolutely wrong. Integrity is the essence of a man, literally, not pride. Pride is a loaded, unspecific word that ranges in meaning from simple value to absolute vice, the essence of narcissistic, egomaniacal idiots. It is better to replace the word "pride" with "self-esteem" or "self-value" and leave "pride" to the seven deadly sins.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Another tale of a wife that thinks she is entitled to have her cake and eat it HATE these bitches (jaybee186)

Dennis26Dennis26about 1 month ago

The last sentence was perfect. 4 stars.

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Romance novelist, under pen name K.L. Denison. You can follow me on Amazon, KDP and coming soon on SmashWords Like writing and posting free stories for others' enjoyment - often just to clear a writer's block. Real life can be pretty boring, so I strive to avoid the common ...