All Comments on 'Therapeutic Sessions Ch. 02'

by cookingwithgas

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy9 months ago

She's lucky that her marriage wasn't permanently destroyed!


ibuguseribuguser9 months ago

I usually like your stories but not this one. "Good guy" Dane is a fucking hypocrite. He beats up J for sleeping with his wife and then sleeps with someone else's wife.

This would've been OK if people stopped telling him he is one of the good ones.

But you tell the story well enough to deserve a 4*.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyne9 months ago

I feel like this was a real, could have happened, slice of life. It was interesting and dramatic. I enjoyed the time I spent reading it. Therapists a real, fallible people. A lot of them were drawn to the field because of their own damage. Muy girl friend at university was a psychology major. I met a lot of her cohorts. The standing joke was that they were all there to figure out how to fix their mothers.

MormonJackMormonJack9 months ago

Ha, looks like I'm not the only one that feels this way (mas o menos): a tale of real people succumbing to emotions they are not particularly prepared to deal with. 5 stars for a creative, well-done tale; 3 stars for Dane (he's had some hard breaks but he's not a very good person), and 6 stars to Rob to have the ability to move past Allie's betrayal. As for Allie: hmm, 4 for her effort?

Xzy89c1Xzy89c19 months ago

She also displayed narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies

Those are incredibly different diagnosis. You don't have both. There are so few true narcissists in the world. Exceedingly rare. We are quick to do what you did and use the word without really understanding it. Easy to call someone that than just realize they are jerks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A cuck to the core… Rob is lucky to be married to the selfish slut … he will have a happy life!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

quit after 1st page - boring

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great story and the perspective is a welcome change of scenery.

Though I'd like Dane to get some retribution

MwestohioMwestohio9 months ago

Very well written, a little on the slow side

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit9 months ago

Odd that Dane severely beat the man his wife cheated with, then became that man. The story could have used another Dane segment (or two) for his introspection before and after he had Allison.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc9 months ago

As usual, the BTB will give you 1's, but the story was well written and made believable by your storytelling. Hell, some of it may be autobiographical if the intro is true. It made me wince at times, but that's on me. Well done! 4.6*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was hard to like this story because 2 of the 3 principals were pieces of shit—Allison and Dane. Well written as is usually tne case from CWG, but at tne end of tne day the animosity that I came away with for those 2 threw a good deal of shade on my overall scoring.


At the end of the day, Allie never really did own up to her selfish carnal desires. And given that, it was difficult to accept how Rob cut her any slack. Readers never did get to know if he fucked his old girlfriend….too bad. I also never really learned whether Allison ever admitted to herself how big of a slut she was with Dane…much less a professional loser. Nor that she ever REALLY had true remorse.


Final comment re: asshole Dane. That scene where he essentially manipulated Allison into that goodbye fuck illustrated what POS’s BOTH of them were.


So as much as I disliked the plot and the characters, it was still well constructed and presented. So…


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

While I don't find it hard to believe that a therapist needs to have their license shredded, it's the cheated on husband fucking a married woman (other than maybe a revenge fuck with his wife's lover's wife) that kills the story.

As for you fucking your therapist's, you probably should have looked a little closer at the certificate on the wall. I've heard that high priced escorts like to call themselves "sex therapists" because it sounds better than whore...

deependerdeepender9 months ago

Lawyers and are parasites on society. They add nothing positive while sucking the energy out of those of us who find ourselves in a bad way. Some (most?) therapists are also parasites in the same way.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just meh. Writing was okay, except one to like. No one to hate. No one to even respect.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well that was a complete waste of my time. I should have known it would be a tripe of psychological babbling with weak, wimpy men thrown in for good measure from the start. I won't bother reading anymore of your work.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

CWG i have very much enjoyed all of your previous work! This story felt hollow to me; Dane was an asshole & Allison is full of shit. There is no way i would stay with my wife after a 2nd time given how it happened. You also left a few things out. If forgiveness is to be believed you never got to the root of Allison’s issues - why did she cheat? And i am a firm believer whats “good for the goose is good for the gander”; i would want a get of of free jail card to be with someone else. We do not know if that happened with Rob. I am all for RAAC bur you have to make it work; this fell shirt. The only character i felt any empathy fir was Rob.

Cito22Cito229 months ago

this is one of the most realistic stories I have read.

silentsoundsilentsound9 months ago

Too convoluted and too much cucky bullshit with Rob interacting with Dane afterward.

Dane is just a huge piece of shit and Allison is even worse.

This one left a person feeling pretty low.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"Seduce, predator, hunter", all nonsense terms that are deployed to pretend women lack moral agency. "Root causes", more intellectually bankrupt dreck that is an echo of Freud. Fortunately, Freud is dead, but unfortunately Freudianism was a fraud, something that has been known for about 60 years. Various forms of "op" psychology have tried to fill the void, each one is as risible and unverifiable as any other.There is no scientific discipline of psychology, and it wouldn't exist in academia or outside it if it weren't for the fact that money and position have more influence than the truth. Counseling is just the engineering version of.psychology, but, since it's based on bullshit, counseling's pretensions to being an application of science is ridiculous. Do you need advice? Talk to older relatives with life experience, bartenders, and clergy until you find someone you are comfortable talking to. That's exactly what a Vanderbilt study suggested....those people do better than "trained counselors".

I don't object to reconciliation stories, but Rob seems to be the only adult in the story, and the reconciliation is unconvincing because who wants to be married to someone as childish as Allison?

69gman69gman9 months ago

All five stars turned golden...

Very complicated story but I enjoyed it. IMHO neither Dane or Allison could be considered a narcissistic sociopath, both cared way to much for others to qualify. Just plain old stupid choices made the entire mess.

Frank66Frank669 months ago

For one of my favorite authors, I didn't like this story at all. Too many characters coming in, then leaving, maybe reappearing- very confusing. Was never sure just who the main characters were, and that's very abnormal. Also, the burning question of Rob's- 'WHY?' was never answered and didn't make any sense. Why did Dane and Allison just come together and have sex in her office, not once but twice? There were no reasons given and this wasn't some Hollywood movie; this was real life. And like some other commenter wrote, Dane was such a hypocrite to beat up someone who cheated on his wife, but then he does the same.

Too many disjointed parts to this story. Too many questions.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A long drawn out yarn about a lot of gobbledygook. I was able to get to the end, but thinking about it, I found it as interesting as watching paint dry. It was way over my head and perhaps the story would have more significance in a medical journal.

1959richard21959richard29 months ago

I don't come here to read "realistic" story.

I can see these characters at the courthouse.


Well written, understood the plot, plenty of drama. This is excellent writing ✍️, for what I paid😁.

Just didn't like it.

Thank you for the hard work, cookingwithgas.






Nasty56Nasty569 months ago

Not condoning anything but as a rule people are weak and stupid happens. Rob tit for tat revenge even as a threat is childish, regrets through keeping the moral high ground is more effective. Divorce or separation for repeating offenders if all fails.

KRD19254KRD192549 months ago

Started with Dane and his problems then dumped him, never coming to his conclusion. Then the story went to the shrink's problems and ended with the shrink utopia!@#$.


Nope this story did not do it and any front.


2.7** hooyah

Regguy69Regguy699 months ago

Well written, of course. These were all broken people and she needed to keep herself above the fray, but failed. Her problems at home allowed her to weaken her resolve and indulge her self-pity. I'd like to believe I could have understood the first encounter and learned to live with it, but the second was pure lustful indulgence and disregard for her marriage. Once he chose tit for tat, the marriage was forever diminished to an "arrangement." Glad they stayed together, but sad it was something lesser than they had before.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Fact: 95% of the readers of LW are too damaged, too ignorant, or too unaware to read anything this complex or realistic. Loving Wives is the Jerry Springer of Literotica, and anything less than full-contact BTB or over two syllables is wasted.


CWG, along with NoTalentHack, are the two best writers in LW. Best story yet by CWG!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Your desire for compassion overrode the requirement for justice. And perhaps Justice was achieved, but your story left that an open question. Also, the last scenes that included the weird charade between Rob and Dane sucked a good bit of substance out of your well crafted setup. If Dane had not told Rob about fucking Allison he never would have found out. Allison had become Dane's enthusiastic panting slut, and if Dane could have orchestrated a third encounter Allison would have fucked him again; it was some of the best sex of her entire life. If Rob and Dane continued to talk then Rob would have figured that out. How does Rob forgive that?


Rob didn't salvage his marriage to Allison, he salvaged his fatherhood for his children. For legal and emotional reasons that had to include staying married to Allison, for as long as the kids were still at home. And for all that time Rob would be watching Every Move that Allison made that involved any sort of contact with a handsome man. If Dane had been a wimpy slob Allison wouldn't have fucked him. So what kind of marriage was that? Allison with the children's teachers and coaches, Allison with various service and professional men interacting in their life: the plumber, the accountant, the pediatrician.


It would have been more realistic, and Just, if Rob divorced Allison after the kids were grown and gone. Men age like wine, women age like cheese. Rob should have found himself a younger better woman and put Allison out to pasture where she could reminisce about all the great sex she had, or might have had, with other men; How would Rob ever know for sure? And of course its not too late for Rob. Retire from work, and retire from a stupid weak whore. Maybe she redeemed herself. Maybe someone will write that sequel for us.

Harryin VAHarryin VA9 months ago



...."In my life, I've had three therapists, all women, and each started as couples counseling, with two moving on to individual therapy. I ended up having sex with two of them, while still a patient. I'm fully aware of the well-guarded relationship and the oath. ...."

GardenshedGardenshed9 months ago

It was well written, not it really did not have ant real emotion. 3⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The real issue about 'revenge affairs' isn't that they don't work. It's that they CAN work, but it's a tightrope walk.

The goal of a revenge affair isn't simply this barbaric notion to make the cheater hurt. It does turn the victim into a survivor. It does heal damaged ego. And ego is too often used as an insult: "Your fragile ego...." But ego is simply self worth, and that's a big deal. And while a revenge affair does hurt the cheater, the real reason for the pain is to subconsciously tell the cheater, "You can be replaced". And that's the REAL danger of not doing a revenge affair...the cheater feels like they got away with it once. Even if the cheater never says it outloud, they are feeling like they got away with it. A revenge affair rips that notion clean off. HOWEVER: too much pain can make reconciliation impossible. So revenge affairs are a tightrope walk. They can backfire easily, but the problem is not having one is almost as bad. It's a respect thing. And a cheater already didn't respect their partner when they cheated before getting caught. A revenge affair is about respect mostly. And people confuse that with pain and humiliation. There's BDSM for that.

patilliepatillie9 months ago

Very good, well done thought piece that delve into the psych. I dont really understand her cheating though, it was explained but was not satisfactory. I think in some circumstances the women's reptilian brain takes over and all logic and analysis is dismissed for animal mating. We can try to find more reasons but it really is based in biology.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very well done. The transition in focus/perspective from Dane to Allie adds an interesting element to the story. The characters have some emotional depth which adds to the dramatic tension. Thanks much

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

An interesting fantasy tale but totally unbelievable. Just another unlikely RAAC tale.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

We managed to get settled in New York however there were still some loose ends that needed taken care of.

I had him followed for a while as well as a deep background check. He's nothing but a lowlife with delusions of grandeur and a whore of an ex wife.

The nerve of him to come into my own home, boast of how he cuckolded me to my face then pull a gun on me? Yeah, the bastard needed taken down a notch.

Through work i got to know people of all walks of life. Some were extremely helpful in what i needed, while others taught me some very interesting ways to cover my tracks.

Sure, it put a dent in the wallet but the end result was wonderful.

I watched the recording a few times and revelled in his helpesness, agony and despair. I learned he gave one of the men that cuckolded him a choice of either being paralysed from the waist down or a baton to the balls.

So i had both as option number 1, not in that order of course. The other option was dark and involved his family, it was also kept as an insurance policy agaisnt possible retaliation, it was really dark.

Best part, i got his best friend Steve to not only do both but also to abandon him afterwards as well. Yeah, a similar insurance policy went against his family but oh well. You play with the asshole, you pay for the asshole.

I also made Steve into a sort of a second insurance policy as well. See, if something happens to me or my kids, both the policies go into effect. So if the asshole takes revenge, Steves family suffers as well.

The look on both their faces was priceless. The only sad part about it was that the pain on his balls faded after the baton hit the spine.

As for the whore of a wife i dragged with me, well, the idiot took the bait. We're in New York now. The next moment she slips, and i'll make sure she does, i'll be on film. At fault divorce is great!

As of now, all i have to do is act the loving husband and wait the year until NY divorce laws apply. She doesn't know it yet but boy will her family hate her afterwards.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm9 months ago

First of all, sex with a therapist will land a patient in jail. And secondly, cost her the license she worked so hard to get. I have had therapists that truly tempted me. But I remembered why I was there. It wasn't for sex it was to heal. So this story while interesting, just isn't believable. Sorry about that, but I like this author. Took therapy to a whole new level.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yes, this is interesting. As a married man, I confess I still don't understand women. I think I know why men would cheat. Essentially lust, self-esteem and power. I can't speak to why women cheat. In this case, I don't know why she did. She seemed to have a great relationship with her husband. He was extraordinarily connected to her, so I have no clue. No alcohol or drugs... Maybe the author has more insight, per his forward. I did enjoy the story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Well again the writer tries to push through an agenda… Let the wife have her fling… u r a great husband worth the praise and all that if u accept it..make some noise and take her back!, when the hell will theses shit woke writers get kicked hard enough that they disappear from this site!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Perhaps if people feared revenge, if the consequences of evil choices were just, fewer people would behave so badly. Too many people believe that unless something is illegal, it isn’t wrong. They’ve outsourced their moral compass to the government. Because of this, adultery, which is the worst betrayal a person can experience, isn’t even treated as seriously as a broken business contract.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Of course all therapists have their own therapist. They are all nuts! As the classic “joke” goes: “If you’re a little crazy, you see a shrink. If you’re batshit crazy, you become one!”


WargamerWargamer2 months ago

I would’ve tossed her, not for the first fuck but the second one. Just another self entitled bitch who won out in the end


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Romance novelist, under pen name K.L. Denison. You can follow me on Amazon, KDP and coming soon on SmashWords Like writing and posting free stories for others' enjoyment - often just to clear a writer's block. Real life can be pretty boring, so I strive to avoid the common ...