All Comments on 'Three Square Meals Ch. 025'

by Tefler

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TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

Their first visit to an alien planet...with lots of new plot developments as well.

Let me know what you think. It's always interesting to read everyone's comments!

Hellfire23Hellfire23about 8 years ago
great job

Love it looking forward to a lot more good quality from you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

yeah :-) Thumbs up again :-)

Thanks for writing this story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
love the story

Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
the best

The best. Can't wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you!!!

Thank you for another wonderful chapter.

The appreciation of the Ashanath for the Invictus' action against the Drakkar was not unexpected, though the extent of it certainly was. But as usual you exceded every possible expectation about the plot with the development of Alyssa's (and possibly John's) psychic abilities. That opens up a whole lot of new possibilities for sure, and I can't wait to read the next chapter.

My admiration and best wishes to you.

biggreenfrogbiggreenfrogabout 8 years ago

This is a very addictive story, l can't wait for more!

SirCarlSirCarlabout 8 years ago
What a way to GO!

Another wonderful chapter. Keep going.

wolf9696wolf9696about 8 years ago

going great...can hardly wait for the gang to get done here and go to the next aliens for further upgrades.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love the work

I don't know where you learned to write such great work but keep it up, you have a real talent for it.

wake5911wake5911about 8 years ago
Fantastic story

Love this series.......

Sometimes I like the story better than the sex.....

Sometimes the sex blows my mind.......

Just carry on, this is among the best story episodes, love the new alien skills, love Alyssa effecting aliens...

Please keep going

AdamMar5AdamMar5about 8 years ago

I agree with everbody else. Plot, sex, science, and humor makes this a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Keep on developing Alyssa powers

Great read as always, nice idea having the grey externally unemotionally but actually being boob guys to the max :)

It seems they also recognize Alyssa has an extra ordinary abilities even by their standards, so it should definitely increase / improve to include offensive abilities, such as taking control / freezing enemies.

And last, as always Jade is my favorite, keep growing her more and more, and I would like to get an explanation on her fear of weapons but not violence per say.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

I'm really pleased that this chapter has been so well received. There's a lot of new stuff in there for all the characters, so I'm glad you all enjoyed it.

"I would like to get an explanation on her fear of weapons but not violence per say."

You're the first person to comment on this, so I'm glad people haven't forgotten about it. :)

Like everything else, there's an explanation for this and I'll reveal it in due course...

I'm about 75% of the way through chapter 26, so you can probably expect that early next week.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I am waiting

I check the last chapter about 3 times a day, just for the comments, just to see what others think about this story.

Yes, I do like the story, fast paced, sexy, witty, so keep the chapters flowing.

I know that there is a delay of about 3 days before a chapter/story is made public, so telling it will be the beginning next week for the next chapter, well it will not kill me, but the tension what will happen in it.

Nice that Alyssa is so strong, the Ashanti will be shocked when they attack the Drakkar base and hear orders flowing from the Invinctus, also a aptly named vessel by the way.

Thanks for the story.

BTW: Which chapters are under revision and/or revised?

Herman Grootaers

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

"BTW: Which chapters are under revision and/or revised?"

I've edited Chapter's 1 and 2, just fixing a few typos and punctuation errors. I've added another 1000 words or so to Chapter 3, where John tells Alyssa a little about himself and added some hints about the pirate fight that happens in Chapter 5. Chapter 3 was notably smaller than the rest and although it was an important chapter, with Alyssa shaking off the effects of John's pheromones, nothing much else happens apart from some fun in the shower!

All of them are currently pending approval.

It was actually surprisingly hard to go back and add more to older chapters. Simply because I didn't want to accidentally give away any spoilers for things that happen later on. I also didn't want to repeat any information reveals that happen later too.

Going on that experience, any kind of prequels are fairly unlikely! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you

Just a quick thanks in this pretty interesting and growing book.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great Series

This has become one of the stories i keep coming back for! Keep it up! I look forward to the invictus being the baddest ship in the galaxy! heh. :D

Timtom12Timtom12about 8 years ago
Yay for a great chapter!

And I gotta remember to go back and re-read ch 1-3 when they post. As for prequels, you could always tell the tale of his mother or father, just make sure you don't write yourself into a corner with this take. (since you haven't said much about them, you won't have much in the way of limits, other than mom and dad being MIA eventually)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Hope the Author/other people won't mind me airing some of thoughts on what might happen in the future.

I'm going to assume that they successfully repel the Drakkar, make any repairs/upgrades they need after the battle, etc. I have an idea of what the Ashanath might tell John of his father, but not going to mention that. Instead, I'm going to skip ahead to where they meet Calara's family.

Now, I think one of two things could happen here. Either we finally see the assassin that was hired to kill him, OR, while hanging out with Calara's family, her father and brothers receive orders to move out because the Terran navy has officially gone to war with uhh...whatever that other race was called. (I'm really bad with names. ;_; Sorry!) And we know Rachel(that was the lady that worked at the cloths store and became a combat medic, right?) was sent to an area with possible hostilities, so John and and his lovely ladies have to go get her out. (While possibly carrying some marines to get them there quickly to help due to his upgraded ship being so fast now.)

Then, either Rachel is injured and John has to give her an injection to heal her, or she works in the ship's medical bay to heal other people that they got out of the area and she's so exhausted that Alyssa takes care her. (Possibly eventually leading to John joining in.)

Which then gives the crew of the ship a doctor for their medbay. :D Although I doubt a medical bay would be outfitted for DNA research that I'm sure John would want done on him so he can figure more out about what he is and what he does to women. (If the Ashana don't tell him enough.) So maybe he'd have to spend more money for more equipment...and also I don't know if a combat medic would have had the schooling required to do DNA related things. But we could just chop that up to John increasing her intelligence and her doing some studying on her own. I would personally love it if she "took some samples" to study (winkwinknudge) from John and manages to isolate the healing properties and makes like a... injectable thing that Dana can put into their battle suits/armor that will heal them in case they take damage in a fight. Of course it's up to the author on if they would sell it to the military, or if it'd even have any affect at all on males. (Might not be that great to have a healing agent that only worked on women for the military/navy.)

Although that mysterious assassin guy I still don't have any real thoughts on. D: His agent could attak John while they're visiting Calara's parents, or maybe pretends to be one of the injured people they rescue... or it might not even happen any time soon.

As for ideas about future crew members; they at least need a second watch crew for the bridge while the main crew is taking a break/having fun/get pregnant eventually. More boarding party marines because while I enjoy seeing John and Alyssa kick ass, it's not really possible for just two of them to always win in every situation. (Also, tough girls are hot.) And it couldn't hurt to have an extra maintenance/engineer team for Dana to lead. But, eh, that's all up to what the Author wants/foresees.

Good? Bad? Thoughts? Should I shut up because I might be spoiling things with my ideas? TL;DR? Also, Literotica may be screwing up my formatting, so I apologize if this comes out as one giant wall of text. :/

bandman2000bandman2000about 8 years ago
Prequels and More Crew

With regards to prequels, I would suggest the author avoid it like the Plague. I tend to see prequels like Yogurt in "Spaceballs" would say about sequels - The Search for More Money: Good for financials, not so much for artistry. If he needs to add anything about the characters histories, he can do it in the main story with small flashbacks. The only way a prequel would do good would be as a vehicle to expand the Universe, such as the Founding of the Terran Federation, First Contacts, the Kirrix Incursions, things like that.

As for expansion of the crew, I would be wary of this as too many would dilute the interaction between John and the girls. The number of ladies need to stay an odd number so when you add John into the mix it comes out even and no one is left out during Happy Happy Fun Time. So far, the Invictus seems to be able to work quite well with its automation & doesn't need many more crew considering it was pretty much an Armored Transport and Support ship for Marines as opposed to say the Stalingrad which was a Ship of the Line that would need many crew to man the weapons for ship-to-ship combat. The Invictus can be made to better handle situations when the crew are off the bridge with some macros and additional sub-routines in the Main Computer thanks to Dana (in case of A, do Option 1 etc.) or as mentioned earlier, some form of AI to buy time for the crew to make it to the bridge and take command. The conversion of the lifts to Ashanath anti-grav tubes would also help with the readiness. It needs to be Them v. the Universe.

This is how I see it & my views are NOT the views of Tefler. Your Mileage may Vary. Not valid in AK & HI.

Terra_LupisTerra_Lupisabout 8 years ago
Thoughts 2.0

Like anonymous I am enjoying the series and have my own collection of thoughts that I would like to share.

Each of the characters seems to be quirkily related to the greek gods: John (Son of Zeus), Alyssa (Daughter of Athena), Calara (Daughter of Artemis), Dana (Daughter of Hephaestus) and Jade (Daughter of Aphrodite). Also I see Jade's role being the raptor's pilot and ship's scout.

As for Rachel; I think she will come onboard along with an injured Kintark soldier who is brought to her hospital after being injured in a nearby skirmish, she defends its rights to be treated at the hospital. The staff in the hospital were she was based have been too far swayed by the TFNN propaganda and they force Rachel and the injured Kintark out of the hospital. While trying her best to treat her patient who she finds out is also a female, a plasma grenade bouquet bounces into the cave where she is working and if it wasn't for the quick reactions of the wounded Kintark she would have been killed but the Kintark grabs its discarded body armour and momentarily ignoring the pain from its wounds jumps on the bouquet as it detonates forcing Kintark to bounce back first of the ceiling of the cave and while not killing her, splashing Rachel's back with bizarre plasma mix that instead of burning it victims it freezes and then slowly liquefies them. Running off of the adrenalin of the event the Kintark then picks up the injured Rachel and sprints back to her commanders. On arriving back with her commander's the Kintark collapses and Rachel croaks at them to contact Commander John Blake. Long story short, Rachel and the Kintark come aboard the Invictus are treated and both become part of the crew, Rachel as the medic and the Kintark as the resident science officer and spy. The Kintark soldier reveals to John that she knows the real reason behind the escalating dispute between her race and the Terran Federation.

Lastly, when the crew returns to Gravitus, John contacts Lauren and introduces her to his crew, she is awe struck by them and even looks beyond the reptilian visage of the Kintark, all in all after a wild and uninhibited night of fun and drinking, Alyssa approaches Lauren and convinces her to join the crew of Invictus as the ship's ambassador.

Also just a quick run down of the Invictus' floor plan so that everyone can try to keep up. It also appears as if the floors run in back and forth pattern for instance it is stated that Floor 7 which is the Engineering Workshop is situated directly above the cargo bay. This would mean that the elevator is placed at midship with all floors save for floors 1 and 2 abiding by the pattern of even floors run from midship to bow and odd floors run from midship to stern. Both sets of floor also take up some room on the opposite sides.

Floor 1: Command Deck, Commander's Ready Room and Briefing Room.

Floor 2: Officer's Quarters, Commander's Quarters, Officer's Lounge and Officer's Mess Hall and Kitchen.

Floor 3: Unknown as of current. Possibly Engineering Floor.

Floor 4: Crew's Quarters. Currently not in use.

Floor 5: Unknown as of current.

Floor 6: Unknown as of current.

Floor 7: Med Bay, Firing Range, Engineering Workshop,

Floor 8: Unknown as of current.

Floor 9: Airlock, Hangar Bay and Cargo Bay

Sorry for my bit of a spiel, just noting somethings that others may have missed or might like to know

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

"Hope the Author/other people won't mind me airing some of thoughts on what might happen in the future."

I tried replying to your interesting comment a few different ways, but deleted my messages before posting them as I didn't want to give away spoilers. Anyway suffice to say, you seem to understand the story so far and my writing style pretty well!

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor
In reply to Bandman2000

"With regards to prequels, I would suggest the author avoid it like the Plague."

Yeah I pretty much came to the same conclusion! I must admit I've regained a slight grudging respect for George Lucas for even attempting the prequel trilogy. Then I think about JarJar, Hayden Christensen et all, and the hate flows through me once again!

The size of the Invictus crew is a tricky issue for me at the moment. Adding new people makes for new and hopefully interesting characters to explore, but I've received lots of feedback about not letting the crew get too large.

I could always add more and then start bumping people off if it gets unmanageable...

I'm joking of course. Or am I? ;-)

In any case, thanks for the interesting feedback.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor
In reply to Terra_Lupis

Firstly I'm glad to hear you're enjoying reading the story. It's been really rewarding to know that people have liked what they have read so far!

I enjoyed reading your speculation about potential crew candidates and the Kintark. I'll just have to say "wait and see!" to not give anything away.

Thanks for putting up the floor plan listing of the Invictus. You had it pretty much dead on, but there were a couple of items you missed from the list (and I haven't clearly spelled out what happened to deck 8):


Floor 7: Med Bay, Firing Range, Engineering Workshop,

Floor 8: Unknown as of current.

Floor 9: Airlock, Hangar Bay and Cargo Bay


Deck 7 also contains the ship's Pharmacy and the gym.

Deck 8 no longer exists. It just used to contain the top half of the marine barracks at the fore of the ship, while the hangar bay was always double floor height at the aft of the Invictus.

When John bought the ship, Charles Harris had the marine barracks that took up the front half of Deck 8 and 9 removed, to make room for a big cargo bay (basically the same size as the hangar bay at the back).

The elevator is positioned centrally and runs directly upwards for all decks.

I actually sketched out a side view and overhead view of the ship, to make sure it all made logical sense. I was unsure about putting up the picture however, as people's imagination is usually better than the reality (does literotica even accept non-erotic illustrations in any case?).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I was wondering about the ship's exits. There's the hangar bay door which opens up to one side of the ship and then the airlock which I believe is located in between the hangar and the cargo bays? Does the cargo bay have any exits?

"I actually sketched out a side view and overhead view of the ship, to make sure it all made logical sense. I was unsure about putting up the picture however, as people's imagination is usually better than the reality (does literotica even accept non-erotic illustrations in any case?)."

You could always upload it somewhere and post here in the comments. I know I would like to see it.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor
"I was wondering about the ship's exits."

The cargo bay and hangar bay both have huge doors on either side of the ship. I think I described it back in Chapter 7 or so.

There is a single airlock entrance on the left side of the hull. It has a docking collar, with two doors, so the ship can remain sealed if you were initiating a spacewalk for example. I don't bother to normally state whether its the interior or exterior door their opening, as it hasn't been important to make that distinction so far.

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor
Submitted chapter 26

It will probably be approved after the weekend.

I'm about 3k words into Chapter 27 and it's going well so far. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I'm already looking for the next chapter, can hardly wait.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love it

Its... just... so.. GOOD!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love the story, updates need work

Like so many others, I love the story and can't wait for next chapter.

Could you consider writing updates about progress on your Biography tab though? I've seen many authors do this and it makes it easy to find instead of having to scroll through the comments.

(And I just realised that here I am, doing the same thing...)

TeflerTeflerabout 8 years agoAuthor

"Could you consider writing updates about progress on your Biography tab though?"

Sure, why not. That's a great suggestion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

plot has been gradually building up. plot thickens in this chapter :)

maddictmaddictabout 8 years ago
The plot thickens, this was fore play.

Much better balance I think. Good fight scene for video sword thru the chest 10' off the ground yea. You kind of brushed the aftermath of the fight off, these arn't the normal 18 teen. Still uncertain how why John has the invictis, and is way to casual about going into battle. I'm still envious of Johns ability to juggle 4 balls and 4 teens. Good of the grays to answer his call.

JC_The_ContinuerJC_The_Continueralmost 8 years ago
God, sometimes women are so frustrating

We need to tell each other things

no secrets with us

I know what your thinking, so don't lie to me


Typical women


JC_The_ContinuerJC_The_Continueralmost 8 years ago
Got to the end and was glad it worked out... this time

Got a feeling that wont happen each time she decides to be somewhat hypocritical


Horseman68Horseman68over 7 years ago
This Story...

... is transitioning into an epic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Still amazing.

Really great. Thank you. Dawn

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You need an editor

I like your story, but when you mistake queue for cue, or spell possessives incorrectly, it's like an engine failure. It completely stops the story for me.

TeflerTeflerover 6 years agoAuthor
Re: Anon

My current team of editors joined me at about chapter 29. You should notice a dramatic difference in the quality from that point onwards.


taco1085taco1085over 5 years ago

love this story and plot... keep up the great work... now if we could add Rachel into the mix that would give us a doctor for the medical bay....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Him have "Big Talk"

What the ****** **** has John gotten himself into. Biting off more than he can chew, much less swallow. He just missed a life ending beat down by the skin of his teeth.

Needs to walk the talk now ....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Question to answer

Jade to John "I find the idea of you forming alliances as a galactic power in your own right ...."

Who exactly is this man ???? 🧐

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Early in this chapter, when the Invictus first lands on Ashana, or when they move to the drydock to begin repairs and upgrades, in your future re-editing of this chapter this would be a good point to have mentioned the ability of the Greys to tow the T-Fed war-craft through hyper-space with those drop ships sticking out on her hull. You stated earlier that that was a no-no (for Terra Federation technology), just say that the little grey guys can do it. Maybe they need at least two ships working in tandem or just a larger space-time bubble in hyperspace for those several ships to travel in, slightly slower maybe? ;-) TTFN

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519almost 3 years ago

Your description of the Invictus got me to thinking at 500 meters long the ship is longer than the longest American aircraft carrier. If I remember correctly an aircraft carrier is around 330 or so meters long and has a crew of over 1000 people. That would make the Invictus absolutely huge for a crew of only 5 so there must be a huge number of robots to just keep it clean and operating. Automation would keep the systems running but still it is mind boggling. Great story 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pivotal chapter in the extra-ordinary shift in abilities & outlook by the "fantastic five" individually and collectively. Not to mention the badass ship is about to get a dream upgrade of power core, FTL drive plus any 'new' tech that Dana with the grey R&D scientists can reverse-engineer.

Will they really find out about John's bloodline. Excited for the next chapter. 5-star episode.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

Well, John and the girls get propositioned by the Ashansa High Council, are offered high end Power Core(s) and FTL drive(s)... plus other preparations and upgrades to Invictus, guided by CEO Dana, prior to the crews fight with the Drakker group (4 or 5 more ships) ... Calara shines as she deduces the location of the Drakker Stronghold... and Jade gets to practice flying the Raptor... All good prep stuff in this chapter before the upcoming battle in the next one, Thank you! ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

cue: sign, signal, direction, indication that it is time to do something.

queue: a line of people waiting to be helped.

So, it should be: "Taking that as their cue to leave..."

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2ualmost 2 years ago

Of course Ashanath works on a different time than Terran standard. The only people on Terran standard are Terran spaceships and the home world Terra. And even then Terra would only use the standard time on one tiny bit of it, time zones and all.

So the smart bet would be to figure out the time zone on the planet your going to and for the exact city your visiting then during the week long trip slowly adjust the ship time so ship tine equals alien city your visiting by the time you arrive. At midnight each day just remove or add hours SpaceX over every day till you get there. Typically time corrections are done at 2am on earth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He's a galactic power in his own right ... Jade suggests 🤔 where is this story line going?

Another 🔥 chapter. Thanks Tef.

Next ...

beach_bouybeach_bouyover 1 year ago

Great job, I for one am glad for the additional plot lines and less of the BJs, but this is Literotica so the group sex and BJ's are probably required to get the high ratings your chapters are receiving. Thanks so much, great story!!!!

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

nice now he is the man

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

So who or what is already in John's mind and body?

texstertexsterover 1 year ago
This was an interesting introduction to the Ashanath Collective society

I enjoyed the interactions and the different scenes, and the unique gravity bits were fun. I will say that Alyssa not knowing where the voices were coming from seems a bit hard to believe after her experience during the return trip to her Asteroid way back when…I have a hard time believing she wouldn’t immediately know that she was hearing voices again. Also rather surprised that once they determined the could “speak” that they didn’t speak through her or have more conversation with her.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Alliance with the Ashanth, and maybe info on John's father, ... also a major refit / upgrade of the Invictus, ... install top of the line FTL and power core, anti-gravity replacement of elevator, .... main guns (rail guns) power upgrade, .... and develop new Armor (Invictium), .... new materials on the raptor and personal Arrnor and gear, ... and more, in just a couple of days (Dana gets overworked / tired), .... ;-) TTFN

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


Dana grinned at Alyssa, her eyes gleaming with excitement,

sorry about your loss Tef

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Are you ok honey? Feeling a bit disorientated from the anti-grav?" he asked with concern.

"No I'm fine, it's nothing." Alyssa said distractedly.

"Are you sure?" John said doubtfully.

Alyssa nodded and waved him onward, smiling at him reassuringly.

well caught, womens powergames they love so much.

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot11 months ago

It sounds to me like the two main protagonists need to figure out how to exercise and control their psychic abilities.

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

(This is my first read through of this epic. My comments are based on having no prior knowledge of further developments in the saga.)

ranec1ranec110 months ago

patiently waiting for the yellow N

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

This chapter, besides to toe-curling sex, we have:

an Alliance between the Ashanth and John Blake, and the promise of info on John's father, ... also they get a quickie, but major refit / upgrade of the Invictus, ... installing top of the line FTL (3x) and a power core (12x) that is meant for an Ashanth battleship, and also an anti-gravity replacement for the elevator, .... the ships main guns (rail guns) get a noticeable power upgrade, .... and Dana develops a new Armor alloy (Invictium), by combining Etherite with Onyxium and Titanium as well as a bunch of other materials, .... this gives them a tough new material to use on the Invictus, the raptor, and for their personal Armor and gear, ... and a bit more as Dana finds the time, all done in just a couple of days, ... Poor Dana gets overworked / tired, but she is so excited too, ... And the little 'Grey' engineers come to just about worship Dana, ... ;-) TTFN

laughdruidlaughdruid2 months ago

Does john have it made or what, the girls do all of the work so he only has to worry about emptying his quads.

SatyrDickSatyrDick28 days ago


I love the part with Alyssa's telepathic abilities starting to being honed.


AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

This is.the third time reading it . I have enjoyed it every time

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Please see my Patreon page for the current progress on Three Square Meals. (I usually announce it here in the comments on the last chapter too!) I've added empire maps, as well as pics of the ships, guns, gear, and girls! *** ...