Tina & Her Sister Ch. 01

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Jack meets Tina then her little sister.
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Part 1 of the 18 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 11/21/2005
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The following story is true, at least to the best of my recollection. It has been a few years, like 20 or more, so I will embellish the details but the events are as I am stating them. Lucky me!

It was the early 1980's and I was divorced and closer to 30 than 20 not bad looking, at least that's what they tell me, 5'10" and about 190 lbs. I was working for a chain of retail stores and they had spent the last 5 years moving me from one location to the next until I found myself in a small city in Western Maryland. It wasn't a bad place to be, most of my neighbors were military and weren't there long enough to make friends with. I fell into a rut of going out Saturday nights, hitting the bars and trying to meet someone to get lucky with. I didn't care if it was a one night stand or more I just needed to get laid. Unfortunately I was not being as successful as I would have liked.

I met Tina one summer afternoon. I left the store for a few minutes to get some air, stretch and clear my head. I walked across the street to the neighboring shopping strip. It was a lot like every other one you see. Grocery store, drug store, fast food joint in the center of the parking lot and a half a dozen various stores mixed in. Over the year or so I had been here I made a habit of walking to the drug store for a pack of cigarettes or candy bar or whatever, just for something to do on my break. Like every other day I walked in wandered the aisles for a minute or two, picked up my candy bar and walked up to the counter.

Now I do have this evil streak in me that loves to tease young girls, particularly when they are in a work situation like a waitress or a clerk or something else where they hesitate to tell me where to get off. I usually get them flustered by telling them how pretty they are or out of the blue, asking them to marry me or something equally outrageous. I never cross the line by getting crude, at least not until I know them better.

As I approached the counter I noticed that there was a new girl working the checkout. Young 18 to 20, really cute, dark hair, nice build, not to chesty but enough that you would not mistake her for a boy, unless you were blind, and as I got closer I noticed that she had these emerald green eyes. Now I chuckled to myself, I was going to have some fun.

I waited my turn and laid my candy bar on the counter asked for a pack of whatever brand I was smoking at the time and waited for her to give me a total. The encounter went something like this.

Tina: That will be $3.45 sir.

Me: Here you go Tina. (handing over a 5 spot, I got her name off of her name tag)

Tina: OK?? (taking my money and handing me the change) Do I know you?

Me: Oh, I'm hurt you don't remember me.

Tina: (starting to blush at the embarrassment) I'm sorry, you look familiar but I can't place you.

Me: No reason you should. We never met.

Tina: (Now totally confused) How did you know my name then?

Me: Well it's written on your left breast.

With that she looks down and brings her hand up to cover her breast.

Tina: (Shocked and blushing even more) Oh, my name tag!

Me: Tina, You have such beautiful green eyes.

Tina: (Really blushing now) Thank you.

Me: Will you marry me?

Tina: What???

Me: Think about it and let me know. (walking away)

I love when they blush! Now I would have to go back everyday until she got used to me. Then it wouldn't be fun anymore. I really had no real intentions toward the girl. She was obviously too young to hang in the bars and clubs with me and I had gotten to the age where I wanted to be able to hold a conversation with my date that went beyond her clothes and makeup. But teasing is fun!

So I went back everyday around the same time, some days she would be off and some days she was there and I would tell her how beautiful she was and ask her to marry me again. And everyday she would blush and smile and not answer me. Then one day she threw me a curve. As usual I asked her to marry me and as usual she blushed, but this time she answered me with "My father won't let me marry someone who I haven't even dated."

Well that was an unexpected answer but ever ready with a snappy comeback I said "OK, when can we go out then."

She looked me in the eye and said "I get off at 6:00 and we could go get pizza or something."

Well now she called my bluff. My pride was at stake and to make it worse there were people in line behind me just listening to all this. I couldn't chicken out now, even if she was below my usual age limit of 21. So I agreed and we met and went for Pizza that evening. I was a perfect gentlemen and she acted like a lady. The conversation was nice and the company not as boring as I was afraid of. When the pizza was done I walked her to her car, and got a hug and chaste kiss on the lips. But I also got a second date set for the upcoming Saturday. Typical movie date with a snack afterward.

Saturday came and I again met her at work. The movie was good and the snack turned into her life story. 20 years old, raised in a born again Southern Baptist household. Moved out when she was 18 to live "in sin" with a guy she met working at the mall. He turned out to like to smack her around and after 2 years she got up the nerve to leave. She had to eat some serious crow and listen to a lot of preaching but finally her parents allowed her back home.

We had a nice time but she had to be home by 11 so I took her back to her car. This time as we sat in my car in the parking lot, I leaned over to get my goodnight peck which turned out to be a bit more. She met my lips with hers and drove her tongue into my mouth and started a wrestling match with my tongue. Well I may not be the brightest guy but I can tell when I have an opening. It only took me a few seconds to get my hand under her shirt and grab a handful of tit. I started to circle her nipple thru her bra and got a renewed vigor in the kiss and a moan for my trouble. But that was as far as she let me get. When I tried to slip inside her bra she pulled my hand away and set it outside her shirt. I tried again to get under her shirt but she had her guard up. I was allowed to fondle her thru her shirt but no farther. So not being the pushy type I settled for what I could get.

After about 15 minutes of face sucking and tongue wrestling she pulled back, saying she was going to be late. I asked her about getting together again and we set it up. A few weeks went by and a few more dates, usually about two a week. All the usual date things. Dinner, movies, walk in the park, but I could never get more than a handful of tit through the bra. The dates were fun and the company good so I let it ride, besides I was still spending time bar hopping and occasionally getting lucky.

Finally one day we both had a Sunday off and I invited her to my apartment for dinner in the afternoon. She agreed but only because it was during the day. God forbid her parents found out she went to a man's apartment in the dark.

The appointed day came and she was suitably impressed with my culinary abilities and that my apartment was clean. (I hired a co-workers daughters to clean the day before) The day had gone well. I topped it off by showing off my new VCR (They were new and expensive at the time) and a movie I had rented that she had told me she liked. Before long we were sitting on the couch watching the movie. Tina was leaning against me with her feet curled under her.

She smelled good and felt good. It was seconds before I had a raging hardon and figured I'd go for a kiss, so I leaned my head down and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me, closed her eyes and leaned toward me. My lips met hers and sparks flew. Before we broke that kiss she had my shirt open and was working on my pants. In seconds she had my pants open and my dick out and her hand around it, gently jacking me.

Before I could respond she had her own shirt and bra off and her pants open and halfway down. She had a nice set of tits not huge but a respectable "C" cup, nicely round and firm, with nipples sticking straight out so far that I was afraid if I wasn't careful she'd put my eye out with one.

I threw caution to the wind and dove on them. My lips wrapped around first one then the other flicking my tongue back and forth across those magnificent nipples. I laid my hand on her pubic mound which was still covered by her panties and rubbed back and forth applying pressure where she would appreciate it. Her box was hot and her panties getting wetter by the second. I moved my hand down inside the elastic band and through her fur to her slit, I spent a few seconds on her clit with my index finger and got a shudder and a moan for my efforts. I didn't waste anymore time and I plunged a finger inside her and worked it around looking for her G spot. I must have found it as I got another moan and she dove down and wrapped her lips around my cock.

Now with her bent over my cock I could no longer work her pussy from the front so I slid my hand out and pushed her panties down over her ass and attacked her with two fingers from the rear. It was not long before I felt her cunt muscles tighten around my fingers and her climax started. It had been too long since she had had sex and she needed attention. While she was cumming she remained bent over my lap. My dick was still in her mouth but she was preoccupied and not paying attention. As she finished her orgasm I sat her up, got on my knees in front of her and finished removing her pants and panties. As well as my own, leaving all our clothes in a mixed pile on the floor.

Now I was on my knees between her legs and I went for what is natural. I bent over and put her legs over my shoulders and place my mouth over her pussy. Gently I licked and sucked, working her slit and clit and occasionally spearing her hole with my tongue. She shuddered through two more orgasms before she looked into my eyes and said "Fuck me, please fuck me now."

I needed no more invitation. I took her there on the couch. Me on my knees with her legs over my shoulders. I slid my dick slowly between her lips and then into her hole. I got the head inside and paused. She was not real tight nor real loose. Just enough to let me enjoy it and still last. Now I slid the rest of the way in and felt her pussy's silky smooth wetness engulf my member. I decided that the wait was worth it she was very wet and very very warm and she felt so good wrapped around my dick. I fucked her and fucked her, surprising myself at my stamina. Finally I felt my own orgasm rising in my balls and rushing like a freight train through my dick. I shot my seed into her pussy. I pumped and pumped. With each squirt her body gave a little jerk.

It had been good, for both of us. Once I was done I just stood there recovering. When I was able to, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. We laid there for the rest of the afternoon making love and just touching. All too soon she had to leave.

The next few weeks we settled into a comfortable routine. She spent most of her free time at my apartment and whenever possible in my bed, always being careful to be home before Mom & Dad would think it indecent. Then one day, as I came home from work she was as usual waiting for me, obviously excited about something.

"Guess what." She said before I was fully in the door.

"You hit the lottery." I answered in a smart ass tone.

"Better! Mom & Dad are going away for two weeks to a church retreat in South Carolina. So I can stay here with you, if you want me to that is, while their gone." She bubbled.

"That is good news and yes I would love to have you here with me" I answered. Actually I was happy about it. I was considering asking her to move in but was concerned about ruining a good thing by having her around all the time and finding out she ate crackers in bed or something. As it was I was getting laid regular and had my privacy too. The second thing I was worried about was that I knew her parents would not approve. Hell she hadn't even told them she was dating anyone let alone a heathen like me. I really did not want to endure a fire and brimstone preaching about the evils of living in sin.

So this way I got to have a two week trial to see if I could put up with her 24/7 and then I could worry about the parents later. Maybe I would even have to go to church a few times so they at least wouldn't think I was the devil incarnate.

So we both set to arranging our work schedules to give us maximum time off together. I had vacation time coming and just took it when she was able to schedule her days off back to back. We were set to have our little trial run and some quality time as well.

Them the bomb hit. Tina had a younger sister who according to her parents was on the road to meet the devil and had to be watched constantly. They had planned on sending her to her grandmothers for the two weeks but the kid did not want to go. Apparently she had been spying on her big sister and knew all about her sinful affair with me right down to where I lived and that I was, gasp, a divorced man. She threatened Tina with exposure if she did not help her convince her parents to not only leave her behind but stay with us at my apartment so she could be in town instead of stuck on the farm in the middle of nowhere.

Now her sister, Tammy, was just turned 18 and not exactly what I would consider on the road to meet the devil. She was still a virgin, but had been caught kissing a boy behind the church on a Sunday a few months earlier. She liked to Rock & Roll but did not dance and she had been caught smoking once a few years earlier. She had even gone to an R rated movie once.

Now I can't say I was thrilled with the idea of having Tammy stay with us. To let her imagine her sister's sins was one thing to give her an up close and personal was totally different. At least at this point we could still claim that our relationship was proper and chaste and no-one but us would know it was a lie.

Finally I relented. I would let Tammy use the second bedroom but she damn well better not cause me any grief or there would be hell to pay. It was really up to Tina as it was her parents and family and I could just tell them all where to get off if I felt like it. I wanted to meet Tammy before we got started though so Tina set it up to bring her by the next day.

It turned out that Tammy was every bit as cute as Tina and except for eye color could almost have been twins. Tina must have told her I was pissed because when they got to my place she started off by apologizing for being a sneak but that she just wanted to have a little fun. I couldn't blame her for that, just the way she went about it. I spoke to her very frankly about the upcoming two weeks. I told her that as far as I was concerned she was and adult any trouble she got into was her problem but that if she did anything to ruin her sisters two week stay, than whatever her father would do to her would pale in comparison to what I would do.

Well the combination of my being so much older than her and the way I spoke to her as well as the fact that I was "worldly" was enough to make me an authority figure to her I guess, as she seemed to take it all very seriously. When I was done with her she thanked me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I always was a sucker for a pretty girl and a kiss on the cheek so I couldn't stay mad. We talked a little and she seemed like a good kid, a little naive but a good kid.

The girls were able to convince their parents that Tina was reformed enough and responsible enough to watch Tammy and make sure she got to prayer meetings and Sunday services and grandma was nice but she wasn't born again and might mislead Tammy by accident.

Everything was set. The parents left after Sunday services for their drive to S.C., about a 6 hour drive. And the girls sat and waited till they arrived and called before they checked in. Once they registered there were no more telephones so the Devil couldn't distract them.

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djh204djh204over 13 years ago
First Visit.

A stedy lead in I hope the rest of the tale gose as well.

_vernon_vernonover 14 years ago

This is a great story! I don't know how any man [and probably more than a few women] can keep from falling in love with one or both Tina and her sister [Tammy]. Just be prepared for a major disappointment: at the beginning of a new cycle, and wrapping up a couple of others, chapter 18 ends. It was submitted in Dec 2006. Either Builder ran out of ideas,which I doubt, or he got tired of it, or he became too busy with life to spend his time writing. So read it, enjoy it, but be prepared for a disappointment at the end.

quickdquickdalmost 16 years ago
Absolutely AMAZING

This is a MUST read series!

David48David48over 18 years ago

Teasing and flirting has always been second nature to me. Innocent mostly, it has, on rare occasion, led to a less than innocent conclusion. Mind-blowing sex usually resulted. Here's to those wonderful, jaded years...

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Very erotic and natural--A good start!

Let's have more. Looks like these two sisters are ripe for some impregnation by you so maybe you had better joing the Mormon Church and have two families.

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