Tom's Diner

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After hours, a waitress is made to serve two bikers.
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Tina heard the tinkle of the bell over the front door and groaned. Some people can't take a "Sorry, We're Closed" sign for a hint. Whoever it was had to be blind, starving, or rude. Without turning from wiping the counter Tina said pleasantly, "Sorry, but we're closed. We open back up for breakfast at 7. Have a good night."

When she hadn't heard the bell tinkle again or a reply to her polite dismissal Tina stopped. Okay. Blind, hungry, rude, and deaf. She sighed and turned. She immediately recognized who the insistent customer was. She'd seen him in before several times. He had introduced himself as Bear. He'd always been nothing but gentlemanly and always left her a very big tip. Tina estimated that Bear was somewhere in his mid 40s. She'd never seen his eyes, only his blinding white smile against his dark skin, since he always wore those dark sunglasses with the silver galloping horses on the arms. He had waist-length jet-black hair down his back strung through a giant turquoise bead with a feather attached. The man truly took after a bear; he made the furniture in the diner look like it belonged in a doll's house. Despite being older and stocky, he seemed in relatively good shape, or at least didn't have the usual 40-something's beer gut.

Bear smiled. Tina took on a polite but distant smile. "Hi, Bear. We're closed for the night, okay?"

He took a step forward and finally spoke in his friendly, smoker's voice, "I know, Tina. Just thought I'd pay you a visit. Keep you company." He took another step.

Tina was getting a tad annoyed now. Her smile edged an inch closer to distant and farther away from polite. "Actually, I'm almost done here, so I'll just see you some other time, Bear."

Bear's smile widened. "Oh, come on, Tina. Keep an old man company for a while."

Alarms started going off in Tina's head. He suddenly didn't much resemble the gregarious uncle type she'd always perceived him as. A tense dance began as Tina took a step backwards and Bear took another step forward.

She was going to make one last attempt at being polite but firm, though at this point she was prepared to dash behind the counter for Tom's shotgun. She had no intention of using it, though Tom had made sure she knew how. Tina hoped Bear wouldn't make her go for it, and if he did try something, she hoped he wouldn't force her into feeling she would have to actually use the gun.

"Bear –" Tina took another step backwards and bumped into someone. She gasped and whirled away. It was Bear's usual companion, a 30-something guy whom she'd never heard speak beyond mumbling his order to her and at a distance when he conversed with Bear. They both dressed like the usual bikers: black leather, chaps, jeans, boots, jackets with some weird, flaming skull, an intimidating name, and a threatening motto on the back. The younger guy was much slimmer than Bear but still pretty damn big. He wore a permanent five o'clock shadow along a sharp jaw and had thick, charmingly disheveled black hair. He was more traditionally attractive than Bear, coming close to something like a bad-boy underwear model. Tina admitted to thinking he was gorgeous and always wondered what he looked like when – if he ever – smiled. She often thought she felt his stare on her when she wasn't looking. Bear referred to him as Harlan.

Harlan had effectively and stealthily cut off access to the shotgun. She hadn't even heard the back door open, close, or his booted steps through the kitchen. Where Bear had put up a friendly front, she could see in Harlan's eyes they plainly meant her no good. One last try: "Guys. It's time to go. I'm tired and I want to go h – Ah!"

Harlan grabbed her in an iron grip. "Let me go, Goddammit!!" Tina fought like a pissed-off wildcat. Despite the large amount of energy she was expending breaking the painful bands of Harlan's hands around her arms appeared to be out of the question so she tried another tactic; she aimed her knee for the prominent bulge in his jeans. It never contacted as he abruptly released her to fall painfully back onto her tail.

Whatever they wanted – cash or ass or both – they had free reign to take it; she had no hope of taking down or even slowing down either one of them without a weapon and no way to call for help.

Tina was silent. She was frozen by Harlan's cold eyes. "Get up." he mumbled. When she didn't respond with anything but a baleful glare he took a step toward her. He growled, "Would you like me to help you up, Tina?"

She got on her feet, keeping contact with Harlan's eyes the entire time. She didn't bother to ask what they wanted; they'd tell her or show her soon enough. The first clue came when Harlan stepped forward and ripped open her button-down dress. Tina startled but resisted the urge to cower with her arms over herself. Clenching her jaw, she calmly stared with defiant anger into Harlan's eyes. After a warning glare his gaze slowly moved downward, taking in what he had exposed: Tina had gotten more than a few come-ons, vulgar suggestions, and slaps on the ass in her time at the diner. Tom always made the offender leave and never come back. She couldn't help how well she filled out her uniform: her large breasts strained behind and above the neckline of her dress no matter what minimizing bra she wore. Her ass insisted on being juicy, her legs insisted on being long, and her wide hips insisted on swaying seductively. All this was currently held back by comparatively flimsy bra and panties. Even if she hadn't had a luscious body, her pretty blue eyes – the same color as Harlan's only much warmer – would have gotten her attention along with her long black hair, and pouty lips.

As slowly as they had descended Harlan's eyes traveled back up her body and locked on hers again. Tina only blinked when she heard Bear directly behind her, "Well, what have we got here, Harlan? Everything you thought she'd be?" She had forgotten Bear altogether. But that was okay; she had enough hate to go around.

"Turn around, Tina; Bear would like to see you, " Harlan commanded. After a few seconds in which she hadn't moved beyond hardening her glare, Harlan stepped closer so that their noses were centimeters apart. Her breasts were pressed against his shirt and his erection brushed the front of her panties. "Tina!" he barked, causing her to jump. "I don't like repeating myself," he hissed.

Tina closed her eyes to shut out his compelling stare and slowly turned around. The two men were so close that she didn't have much space to maneuver in and her hand brushed across Harlan's fly. She felt him expel a quick breath onto her neck. When she was finally facing Bear she felt Harlan's hands at her shoulders. He pulled her ruined dress down her arms and let it drop to the floor. He took up the last little space left by stepping forward and pressing his body to her back, breathing on her neck, settling his large, hot hands on her hips, and pushing his erection between her ass cheeks. She stiffened and unintentionally pushed her breasts into Bear.

"Oh! Are you warming up to us, Tina?" he laughed. Tina refused to open her eyes or speak. "Oh, now, sweetheart. Don't be like that. Can't blame us for liking a sweet girl like you." Bear's giant hand rose and captured one of Tina's breasts, squeezing gently. Tina began trembling and whimpered before she could stop herself. "That's better," Bear said. "We're not going to hurt you. We're going to make you feel good, actually. Isn't that right, Harlan?"

"That's right." Harlan's whisper on Tina's neck sent a strong tremor down her back causing her to arch into his erection. He squeezed her hips with his fingers and prodded her in the ass again. This pushed her forward into Bear. She was now being squeezed between their bodies.

"Why don't you set these babies free, Harlan?" Bear said rubbing together Tina's breasts. She felt Harlan's hands lift from her hips, leaving cold spots where they had been, and a second later her bra fell from her chest. "Mmmmm.....God must have broken the mold with you, Tina." Bear bent and slipped one of her large nipples into his mouth.

Tina felt Harlan gathering up her hair in his hand. She tensed in anticipation of him yanking her head back. Instead he gently pulled so the side of her neck was exposed. She was not surprised at how soft his lips were as he dragged them along her shoulder, though Tina had always thought they looked too soft to belong to a man with such hard eyes. She was instead surprised that he chose to use them in such a gentle fashion. She was still trembling and had to be realistic with herself – it wasn't completely fear and anger anymore. She wished they would be more forceful, more rough. Rape shouldn't feel good.

Bear was still going at her breasts, having switched over to the other one. Tina balled her hands up to keep from pulling his head closer. Harlan suddenly bit into her neck. She gasped. He whispered, "Did I hurt you?" He really hadn't; he'd only applied firm pressure with his teeth, not even enough to cause a temporary indentation. He tugged lightly at her hair when she didn't immediately respond. "Tina?"

"No....It didn't hurt," she whispered back.

Harlan went back to gently tasting her neck, every now and then nipping at it. Tina found she had leaned her head farther to the side, exposing more of her neck to him. He growled in his throat and let go of her hair. His hands settled back on her hips and pulled her ass into his erection. One hand snaked around and settled between her legs. Tina shuddered and bit her lip. She was trying her damnest to not moan or move. But when Harlan's hand slipped down the top of her panties and across her clit she couldn't keep herself from moaning. Harlan said nothing but moved his thick fingers lower and between the lips of her sex. She could feel how wet she was but Harlan made no taunting reference to it as she would expect, merely exploring her with his fingers. He rubbed at her sensitive clit, sending continual tremors through her body and pulling gasps from her throat. Tina whimpered when suddenly both the men pulled away from her. She didn't stop herself from wrapping her arms around her this time, wanting to shrink in on herself in humiliation.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Bear consoled her. "No shame in feeling good. We won't tell anybody."

Harlan's hands were suddenly back on her hips. He gave them a little push and guided her to a booth. "Sit," he whispered into her hair. She did as he said, keeping her gaze on the floor. Bear came over to stand at Harlan's side. She pretty much knew what was next. Bear unzipped his jeans and stepped closer. He tipped up her chin. She shrank back at what she saw; he was huge! Bear had a penis bigger than she'd ever seen outside of porn. It wasn't a foot long or anything like that. It was just so thick. Prominent veins snaked along the fat shaft. The giant knob was oozing precum and dripping onto her thighs. The thing looked like it was about to burst. She didn't think she could fit it into any orifice she owned. Bear apparently thought different. He stepped forward, pulling her jaw towards his cock.

Tina gasped, "I can't. I can't take that, it's –"

Bear mumbled, "Oh, it's not so bad, sweetheart. Try it, I promise you'll like it." He firmly brought her chin back around when she turned her face away. She whimpered. Bear made soothing noises as he prodded at her lips. She refused to part them.

Harlan spoke sternly, "Tina. Open your mouth. Now."

Tina kept resisting. Harlan snapped, "Tina! Look at me." She seemed to no longer have the ability to resist his commands. She peeked up reluctantly. "Open. Your. Mouth."

Without looking away from Harlan Tina opened her mouth. Bear immediately eased his large cock into it. He moaned as it touched her throat. Harlan spoke again, "Now suck Bear's cock."

Tina honestly didn't know if she could. She was having difficulty creating suction because of how Bear's cock was stretching her mouth open. She finally managed it and began sucking. Bear moved his hips slowly back and forth. Grunting with approval now and then. Bear bent forward and took one of her nipples between his fingertips, rolling and tugging it gently. Tina moaned sharply around his cock and sat up straighter. She pressed her thighs together, trying to subdue the sudden desire to see Harlan's cock. Tina raised her hands and wrapped one around Bear's cock – the fingertips of one hand barely met around his circumference – and started milking him. She rubbed the thick, hairy skin of his heavy ball sac with her other hand. Bear groaned loudly.

She was still staring into Harlan's eyes ever since he'd commanded her to do so. Harlan was just watching her, not touching himself or demanding her attentions. She felt eager tension in her body building as they stared at each other. She hoped Bear would get off soon so she could get to Harlan.

Her wish came true; Bear was starting to push harder and faster into her mouth. Still staring at Harlan, Tina accordingly sucked harder and flashed her tongue around Bear's cock as much as she could maneuver it in the tight space of her stuffed mouth. Bear gasped, "Raise your breasts, up. Squeeze 'em together!" She did as he said. He reared back and aimed his cock at her breasts. Bear bellowed – sounding quite a bit like a bear – and his fat cock started jerking and gushing thick ropes of cum onto her. Though he only ejaculated five times, they were very heavy loads and her breasts had a thick layer of cum covering them when he was done. After a bit Bear sighed and stepped back, not bothering to zip his jeans up, as his cock hadn't shrunk from it's impressive proportions enough to stuff it away. "Welp!" Bear said. "Gonna go find me something to eat. You kids have fun! Thanks, Tina!" She never looked away from Harlan. Bear strolled off into the kitchen.

Tina let go of her breasts and a landslide of Bear's cum slid down her stomach and dripped off her nipples. She waited breathlessly for Harlan to tell her what to do. He just stood looking down at her. She wouldn't have wanted to bet on it, but his eyes seemed to have thawed just a tiny bit.

Harlan silently offered his hand. Tina took it and rose from the booth. Harlan turned to lead her over to the counter and picked up the wet towel she had been using when he and Bear had arrived. Harlan looked down and raised the towel to her chest to clear it of Bear's cum. He wiped away the little that had slid down onto her stomach and thighs. He then tossed the towel aside and caught her on his gaze again.

Harlan cradled Tina's face gently in his hands. He slowly leaned down and touched his soft lips to hers. At first it was only a light pressure. Then he slipped his tongue passed her lips. When it touched Tina's she moaned and stepped into his body, letting her eyes drift closed. She sucked at his tongue, drawing a sharp breath from him and causing him to reach deeper into her mouth. He pulled out and sucked and nibbled at her lips. Harlan pulled completely away. Tina opened her eyes. This time his eyes had almost reached room temperature.

Harlan lowered his hands to her hips and walked her forward to a small square table in the middle of the diner. He slid a hand up her spine to her shoulder and pushed forward. She bent over the table as he wished, eager for him to be inside her.

He had other plans. He pulled off her damp, fragrant panties and slipped them down her legs. Tina saw a chair disappear out of the corner of her eye. Harlan set it down behind her. She felt the heat of his big hands settle onto her ass cheeks. He pulled her cheeks apart and she could almost feel his now hot gaze on her pussy. She wiggled her hips and moaned. Harlan growled and she felt his teeth nip at the inside of her thigh. She sighed. He started to nibble and lick and suck all around her pussy but never touched it directly. She wiggled and moaned and sighed but only when she gave up and was still did he finally bring his mouth to her pussy. He dragged his hot tongue up her slit and buried it inside her. She cried out and pushed back against his face. He growled, dug his fingers deeper into her soft ass and shoved his face into her. Harlan inhaled and drank her juices hungrily, sucking at her clit and pussy lips and stabbing deep into her with his tongue. He did this until Tina gasped, "Harlan!" The sound of her gasping his name in ecstasy drove want coursing through his veins and accumulating in his cock.

Tina heard the chair scrape back suddenly and then the sound of Harlan's zipper coming down. The blunt end of his cock pushed against her wet entrance. He slipped it under to tap at her clit and to the sides to rub the lips of her pussy. Tina whispered his name again, "Harlan. Fuck me." And that's all it took.

Harlan pushed forward firmly. Tina gasped as she realized that Harlan was almost as thick as Bear. She found herself not caring and pushed back against Harlan's stiff cock. He growled and pushed forward more firmly. Tina gasped again and whimpered; Harlan immediately stopped. He leaned forward until his front was against her back. "I'm sorry, Tina," he whispered. She reassured him, "It's okay. Go ahead."

Harlan brushed aside her silky hair and kissed at her shoulder, grinding his hips softly into hers. One of his hands moved under her and filled with her breast. Harlan bit down on Tina's shoulder and simultaneously pushed his hips forward. Tina yelled out her satisfaction. She trembled hard under Harlan. When she was still he began moving forward, forcing himself deeper into her wet heat. He groaned as her tightness squeezed his thickness. Tina was moving her hips in a circular motion and regularly giving out husky moans and sighs. Her pussy clenched greedily at Harlan's cock. He had to fight to hold back his cum; he wanted so badly to empty it into Tina. Instead Harlan reached down and touched Tina's clit. She immediately bucked under him, yelping and shuddering. Every several strokes he would start to move a little faster. Her cries steadily got louder. After a while Harlan was pounding into her, rocking the little table under them and wringing loud, helpless moans from Tina.

He felt her start shaking and then her pussy began gripping at his cock harder. He kept rubbing her clit, trying to get her to come soon, as he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back. He was relieved when she drove her body back onto his cock and screamed with finality under him. She was shaking and breathing hard, small, exhausted whimpers coming from her. Her pussy continued to pull at him and he finally gave into it.

Harlan stood up behind Tina, grasped her hips, and started slamming into her with all his power. Tina apparently liked it as her moans picked up again. But Harlan wasn't paying attention anymore. He could feel his cum building like pressure in a shaken pop can. He continued to pound into her pussy, making loud, sharp slapping sounds on every contact of skin on skin. He didn't know how much more pressure could possibly build in him before he exploded. After one more powerful thrust the question was answered: Harlan began shuddering hard. He curled over Tina and ground his cock into her pussy, shoving her and the table a few inches across the floor. He threw his head back and hollered as several, strong jets of cum shot deep inside Tina.

His cock jerked and twitched and Harlan did along with it for several more seconds. Finally his body suddenly relaxed and he slumped forward on top of Tina. They stayed that way until they had both caught their breaths. Harlan raised himself off Tina and eased his still hard cock out of her. He enjoyed watching his cum pour thickly from her pussy and down her thighs. Tina slowly got up from the table and turned to face Harlan. Now his eyes were as soft as his lips. He smiled for the first time since she'd ever seen him. She smiled back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Balanced sensual and sexual description and pleasantly arousing

I love the way Harlan seemed to be the rough guy but he is infact the most respectful to Tina and the sensually arousing guy. I would have pressed into Bear early on to feel secure and try to resist Harlan as much as possible but by the end Bear is the least sensitive and sexual and Harlan makes the experience pleasant and rewarding for Tina.

Nasty KarlNasty Karlalmost 16 years ago

A Pearl;

Well wtitten and you made us believe you needed to be FORCED!

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 16 years ago
Get a grip!!

Great story! Well written! In exactly the right place!

northwoods_subnorthwoods_subabout 16 years ago
get a grip

For all of you who are bitching about a rape story, hello did you not look at the section you were reading from? It is called nonconsent what did you think you were going to be reading?

To the writer, loved the story! Keep writing hope to read more from you.

MilkChocolateAmazonMilkChocolateAmazonabout 16 years ago

This was a really good story. Absolutely loved Harlan despite the circumstances. Didn't think I was going to enjoy this one but it was a pleasant change from the usual. Story was believable and the sex was hot!

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