All Comments on 'Tricks and No Treats'

by cookingwithgas

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

Holy backfire! Blew up in their faces.


6King6King8 months ago


Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed8 months ago

This was a great story until the last paragraph. This actually took away more than it added with its “bad ex-wife is still messing up and good guy main character has it all together” ending. He still has issues that any normal person would have discussed with a potential new wife before remarrying. This part dropped it to just good and a 4 stars.

clarkgarbleclarkgarble8 months ago

Great story I hope you have a happier Halloween than they did

jasonnhjasonnh8 months ago

I liked the story but it never came to a boil. The tension was only lukewarm throughout. Even the confrontation, the point of culmination, seemed scripted and forced. To keep the story going he had to do something different, even out of character, so he throws the vase. Then the momentum changes from the main focus of "pranks gone wild" to "can he stay out of jail". This is far less interesting and wheezes along until the end. Unsurprisingly, the divorce happens, and the jail threat collapses into a community service misdemeanor. Even the wife's "anger" over the previous prank seems muted. Then Mia is "punished" by "falsely" (although it seems to be the truth) being told he no longer loves her and a string of failed marriages. Even the closing paragraph, 10 years later, is tepid.

looking4itlooking4it8 months ago

Two wrongs don’t make a right so he makes an ultimatum about no more pranks then pulls a hurtful one on her. What a douche.

Of course it was 99% pre-meditated. He knew exactly what he was walking into. Throwing a vase was not likely planned to far ahead but he knew what he was walking in on and could have avoided the confrontation and anything that happened was his fault.

He was concerned she never said she loved him. Hmmmmm, was that due to the prank he pulled???

Pre-nups are signed before a marriage not before a potentially unpleasant event after you’re married.

BigfundrewBigfundrew8 months ago

I liked it.

"Sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

Uhhhhhh... that was actually your sole purpose.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode668 months ago

I liked the story, except for the final portion with his new wife. Despite my misgivings, I gave the story 5 stars.

LWLover60LWLover608 months ago

Great read. 5*

Pinto931Pinto9318 months ago

Good story they both got what they deserved a divorce.

BrentJWBrentJW8 months ago

If only they'd spent half as much time working on their marriage as planning their pranks.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostra8 months ago

Once again... you raise your own bar. In a world of cliché-filled stories, you take a different path and tread it boldly and with alacrity. Your writing is neat, compact, and right down the centerline--something Goldilocks could appreciate. Lest we take this all too sewiously [sic], you maintain a cheeky undertone. It's the low whisper that breathily intones, "This is allllllll just a story." Thanks for another fun flight of fantasy through fantastic writing! 5+++++++++/5!!

dgfergiedgfergie8 months ago

Pretty good story. I think to he proved his love for her was gone by letting to prank go on. A wife being i a room with a naked man? That alone is cause for divorce. When I caught my wife coming out of a bar with some guy that was definitely cause for divorce. I my old fashioned mind married woman do not go out to bars by themselves.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc8 months ago

Good job! Pretty straight forward plot lines but I didn’t buy into the unraveling of their marriage completely. Maybe it was implied, but for the center of the story to work would need them to never have really loved each other. Maybe that was the point? 4.0*

njlaurennjlauren8 months ago

There are families like Mia's that consider cruel pranks and humiliating each other funny, and it isn't, and the parents who allow it should have the kids taken away for cruelty and abuse.

Think about this, the sister encouraged and helped with his prank, what loving sister would do that? The MC is no gem but Mia's family is garbage. If I was him I would have filed for divorce the minute he knew what was going on. Mia had felt the hurt of what he did yet couldn't see what she was doing was worse? The thing is he was never happy with the pranks they pulled, told her that, and she kept doing it. He pulls his nasty prank, and she doesn't get why he did it, then decides to pour gasoline on the fire.

The real problem is that both his and her pranks showed the love was gone, that when you stoop to that level you don't love them, that.level of cruelty.

There was another story w a prank theme, where the husband is chained to a pipe in the basement while presumably the wife screws the neighbor. He gets seriously hurt trying to escape. The wife claims it was just a prank. The husband never really knows, but the point is that the wife even thought that was funny, let alone maybe had sex w the jerk, was enough to end the marriage, bc pranks show contempt for the person. Famous last words? ',can't you take a joke? I recall

Reading somewhere of a case where someone played a really mean prank on a guy, I mean really cruel and when it was revealed the victim snapped and near the shit out of the prankster. Charges were pressed but basically his lawyer got him off arguing that a sufficiently cruel prank was like the fighting words doctrine something so vile that a violent response was the fault of the victim.

Regguy69Regguy698 months ago

Hard for me to feel sorry for either of them. They are both so immature and thoughtless. No way I would ever treat my spouse like that or accept that sort of nonsense from her.

Well written, of course, but painful to imagine real people being so stupid.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle8 months ago

He is just as much at fault as she is and the fact he went after Peter says more about his character then the author thinks.

Hubby is a violent sociopath who cares only about himself . He should have been in prison for the brutal assault on Peter but the author chickened our and then made the consequences temporary. Assault with a weapon, bodily injury, intent to kill, dude was looking at a 30 yr stint in the crowbar hotel and all he got was 40 hours of community service? Bullshit. He committed a goddamn felony assault.

Then the whole bullshit prank. The truth is he is just as much at fault and didn’t deserve a happily ever after. He’s a convicted criminal. No passport, no high paying job, no nothing. He would be the bitch in prison tsking it up the ass.

deependerdeepender8 months ago

Stupid is as stupid does.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Boring and petty.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

First of all, this is a rip off of another story called the joke, which has about fifty different ending..


Second none of the story seems to make any sense.


In the beginning of the story the husband the main character is very frustrated and sick and tired of all the pranks that his wife plays and that their siblings play on each other. Yet for some reason he decides to conspire with the two siblings of the wife to set up a horrible prank about him leaving the marriage for another woman??


This makes absolutely no sense. How does somebody who is sick and tired of all the pranks and practical jokes proceed to participate in one of the worst practical jokes of all time?


None of this makes any sense at all. Even worse that the husband comes across as a pathetic crybaby and a loser. There is no difference in the terms of the severity and malevolence of these two pranks. Going out of your way to convince your spouse that you're leaving them for somebody else it's just as bad as having pretend sex in front of them.


This really is one of the stupidest stories of all time

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story BUT both of them should have stopped all this stupidity years before (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Weak premise, weak story. Usually like your work sorry

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The story itself was decent enough but all of the characters were despicable which is hardly a surprise because pranking is a despicable practice carried out by spiteful, mentally defective people who should never be left unattended. In the end everyone got what they deserved, though and now they can all wallow in their own self inflicted misery. Four stars for the writing but it left me feeling empty.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu8 months ago

Sad story.

But I guess it was the divorce was inevitable.

MC and Mia to me seemed childish,

They're pranks were juvenile but very harmful.

Despite him implying they were a loving couple but the way MC narrates there was no love at all.

No emotions during the drama period, and at the end just two cold people saying goodbye.


I think the legal aspect of the story is quite unrealistic.

I mean, MC KNEW that it was just a prank but he threw the vase to hurt Pete.

He was aware that Pete would be there so therefore MC could have not escape a jail time.

I gave this a 4* because I like and appreciate the effort of writer @cookingwithgas.

But it was quite tedious to read and quite bland, no emotions. The the act of prank should have been intense but I felt it was flat, lack of feelings expected from the characters.

It didn't invoke any emptions from me too, to be honest.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Would be a better story if Troy sent his attorney Jon to the house and served Mia with actual divorce papers instead of going along with the prank and going himself.

JensensloverJensenslover8 months ago

Good til the last paragraph, also if they're married, its a postnup, not a prenup.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A little mundane and way too drawn out but a good original premise.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon8 months ago

Absolute stupidity as a writer. What wife continues with a halloween party days after her husband leaves her? You're a fucking moron.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That's way too dangerous to be playing with your marriage and I'm sure no one is saying, "good one".

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I agree with Tumbleweed. Life doesn't happen that way when issues such as infidelity are involved, it's never that one sided. Not a bad story though. Thankfully it wasn't another worthless cuck or sharing story. Yeah, it was worth a 3 or 4. I'm feeling generous, so I gave it a 4.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Meh. Predictable and boring.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Dumb plot + idiotic characters = bad story

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Thanks for sharing...

Did you know how the story would end when you started out? You was on to a good plot, but the characters are awful. I can't sympathise with either one of them.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Not a good plot

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Enjoyed it….CWG usually spins a good yarn…but I agree with jasonnh that it never really grabbed the reader. I think because neither spouse apparently loved the other very much…if at all. That reality made the “transgressions” alleged or committed by either more of a “why bother?” than an expression of great angst or desperation.


The epilogue implied that Troy later found what he was looking for, but Mia had not — suggesting that Mia was the more lost of tne 2. Too bad tne full story never really explored that.


4 ****

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x8 months ago

"She wouldn't talk to me for two weeks, slept in the spare room" - Why are pranksters always so butt hurt when the tables are turned?


"Well, besides the sex you've already promised to compensate me with," - So, while the prank is just "pretend" sex, she intends to "reward" Pete with REAL sex, even if it's "just" a hand job or blow job?


Pete should just go the civil suit route. A lower burden of proof, and victory means cash for him rather than jail for Troy.


"the therapist seemed to want to opine about how we had pranked and hurt each other equally." - Troy fabricated a totally fake affair, while she did a real, if pretend one.


Obviously it would kill the story, but why not walk in on them when he first heard them?

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm8 months ago

Nope. Loved the story, but well I wouldn't stand for the pranks. I am much more angrier than this husband. The first prank would have ended my marriage for sure.

InfosaugerInfosauger8 months ago

Is this a repost? I think I read a very similar story some time ago.

TheCommenterTheCommenter8 months ago

Two wrongs don't make a right if you're the recipient of the second wrong, obviously. When he made a wrong in retaliation of her previous wrong, it was cleary very right. What a hypocrite. 1*

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Odious people. They got what they deserved, except I don’t like the “happy” ending for the MC. He needed to suffer a lonely life for his bad nature.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Confused, confusing, and dull

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Awful and totally irrealistic tale about an egopathic and childish husband (the MC) and one of the more childish and stupid wife ever seen in these kind of tales. No good at all.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I rated this 4 stars, but a weak 4, as I thought 3 stars would hurt too much. Both Mia & Troy were idiots for their almost "can you top this?" trick. She shouldn't have done her next to last trick, which led to him doing his to show her, & ultimately led to the finale trick. And Mia having a fake sex scene was beyond retarded. Pete, who was the unfortunate 3rd one, was likewise a jackass for agreeing to help Mia.

I felt the story's too long, even only 3 pages, for the "action" involved. Some editing, especially in describing every detail of each trick, could've easily did the trick. Bob

BSreaderBSreader8 months ago

Interesting read, pushed both too far. Sad really stupid things happen like this all time. Good job as usual thank you

deependerdeepender8 months ago

Stupid is as stupid does.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The MC was as bad as the wife. The "prank" he pulled on her, leading her to believe that he took all the money and ran off with another woman, would be an automatic divorce for most people, even if he whined that it was just a joke and he was "teaching her a lesson". And he should have pointed out to the wife that she DID cheat, regardless of whether she had intercourse with the other man. She saw and handled his erect cock, allowed the guy to see her more or less naked, touch her all over, and promised him at least a hand job, and probably more. That's an automatic divorce, too.

DessertmanDessertman8 months ago

I don't know which came first, but the basic theme of this story is identical to one i read some months ago where the wife set up a practical joke where she simulates having sex with another man in the marital bed while her husband is incapacitated.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wasn't that supposed to be a post-nup regarding the pranking? Well written but the characters came off as being idiots instead of free spirited and a bit wacky. In the end I really didn't care what happened to any of them. 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What we got here, is … failure to communicate. Some people you just can’t reach. LOL

I liked it, cheers


mndhanson017mndhanson0178 months ago

Considering the prank that she pulled, hushjf, she had that coming and he told her, before the pranks were meaningless and harmless, but she set that match off by locking him out of their bank accounts and so forth. Even after that prank, that he pulled, he talked with her about it, stating that it needed to end because they were hurting each other, but she wanted the last laugh and got burned, she had it coming. She also should have talked about it to him, rather than to Peter as he was not expecting there to be any more pranks.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

Another great story for this author. Troy played a nasty prank on her, but in the true LW tradition, Mia took the payback way too far. The nude rehearsals and promises made were just more than he would tolerate.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Pretty average. I think the author tried to repackage a run of the mill cheating wife story to fit the Halloween story submission guidelines.

If ever a couple should get a divorce this was the one. There was zero respect for the other partner in their relationship. I agree with others that said the author’s attempt in the end to paint the husband as the good guy and the wife as evil detracted from the story. The husband was NOT a good guy!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It was annoying, or at least puzzling, why you made it clear this woman had a very selfish and cruel sense of humor. She enjoyed laughing AT her husband rather than with him. So the weak combative marriage you illustrated so well begged the question: why the hell did they ever get married? The divorce was long overdue. But the husband enabled the wife, constantly praising her physical beauty while ignoring or minimizing her inner ugliness. A bit more work while courting would have revealed what subsequent husbands also experienced: the bitch is too immature and shallow to be a decent wife. The ex husband and the ex whore are both better off.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

@BrentJW, I agree. They both cared more for their pranks than for each other; this relationship wasn't built to last.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story but you should understand more about the subject you're writing about. Courts cannot order counseling.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A bit too convoluted for me. Three stars.

GardenshedGardenshed8 months ago

Liked the story, Mia you just can’t fix stupid. I enjoyed how the story finished that he was reading it from his journal. That was a nice change in these stories.

Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wow, the wife was way over the top. It was her way or the highway. Glad he took the highway. 4*.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

CWG's plots are a stretch, it is called fiction. Good fiction. Somehow, this one went a little too far for me.

enderlocke77enderlocke778 months ago

Hey we are diff in every way let's get married lol this just turned into a comedy

enderlocke77enderlocke778 months ago

Eh sorry characters were too dumb to keep reading after the Mc said two wrongs don't make a right. Right after doing the same damn thing

tralan69ertralan69er8 months ago

All of your stories so far have been good, enjoyable stories, this one included.

Thank you and keep writing.


"She wouldn't talk to me for two weeks, slept in the spare room" - Why are pranksters always so butt hurt when the tables are turned? - It's because they didn't come out on top like they had hoped.


"Well, besides the sex you've already promised to compensate me with," - So, while the prank is just "pretend" sex, she intends to "reward" Pete with REAL sex, even if it's "just" a hand job or blow job? - YES, that is what the story indicated.


Pete should just go the civil suit route. A lower burden of proof, and victory means cash for him rather than jail for Troy. - So you're on Petes side, should've known.


"the therapist seemed to want to opine about how we had pranked and hurt each other equally." - Troy fabricated a totally fake affair, while she did a real, if pretend one. - YES, again that is what was written.


Obviously it would kill the story, but why not walk in on them when he first heard them? - Since it would kill the story, NO reason to bring it up!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades8 months ago

Enjoyed the story. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a bunch of dumb assess, the lot of them, especially the husband. A moron to let things get so out of hand and then loosing his cool

like an aggrieved fourth grader. Dumbass with a screwy wife. Horribly immature, unlikeable characters.vintage very interesting either. You end up not caring about any of them.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

If you were trying for the miserable AND boring characters schtick, you succeeded. Horrible characters, bad story. Ik.

afanoffanlitafanoffanlit8 months ago

The whole out of control anger piece was interesting.... I think, even with a plea bargain, he ends up with a record. The videos would show premeditation in spades.... Guy's an idiot to just allow the prank to roll out instead of nipping it in the bud like a adult. Spineless beta-male instead of a fully functional adult male. It's a really well written story and the whole pranks getting out of control thing can be real. Thanks for writing!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Second 5 star rated story I disliked intensely. I thought she was a cheating slut half way through, but he could have easily stopped it.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Unlikeable characters, especially Troy. Two stars ⭐️ for this one.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I guess, a more stupid story, I don't believe I've ever read... it took a real abnormally disturbed person to conjure up this junk. 2-stars for the effort.

OOAAOOAA8 months ago

Good story! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


jackheadjackhead7 months ago
Trick and Tricked

5 stars- good story. Little fragmented but I really enjoyed it. Didn't expect a vase to the head, was expecting a gauze slip and Mia getting a good pounding! Oh well, that's just my perverted imagination!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

kinda fizzled for me.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

5 stars. Not a BTB, but she was humiliated AND at least somewhat hurt - sufficiently in my book; and main character had a happy end which is more important.

RePhilRePhil4 months ago

And the world continues to turn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story!

Fuck around? You find out.

The Peter character fucked around. He found out really hard what happens.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

"I never meant to hurt you. I need you to know that was never my intention." Always seems the motto of the btches that get caught... at least in these stories. Whether real or just for these stories, authors can't think of anything else to write except the usual?

"The problem is that you just pissed off Peter... he's talking to the cops in the morning." Well, what the fuck did he expect, fucking his neighbor's (friend's?) wife, even if pretend. He HAD to know there could be some violence when Troy came home & shouldn't have even gone there.

Mia's brother: "She screwed up, Troy," She's not the only one. After giving her the "no more tricks" talk, he listens to Brianna & pretends to leave Mia for a neighbor down the road. This set the stage for her wanting to get back at Troy. If he told her sister he's not doing it & kept to the "no more tricks" statement, probably Mia's rebuttal trick wouldn't have been thought of.

> That's not to excuse her on making him believe she's having sex with Peter, nor Peter's smirk upon seeing the hubby. Of course, it Troy didn't do that prank, the story probably would've folded right there, unless the author decided to have her still do that last prank, which I doubt. Maybe some other? Immaterial- Peter listened to his sis-in-law & backtracked his statement. No excuses for him as he's partially responsible for events that followed.

[Peter was] lured in by some 9-star pussy. He didn't go looking for it, [but] never put a stop to it either. Then he paid the price. Actually, they ALL paid the price. Motto, guys: don't let your small head dictate things to your big head. Mia's brother: When I told him ... no chance (at reconciling), he reminded me that in his book, we'd both played equally hurtful tricks. EXACTLY!!!

Good writing even tho the story, as I see it, was compromised. However, I'll still give this 3 stars. Bob

AmbivalenceAmbivalence15 days ago

"I'm confused, Mia. How exactly did giving another man a blowjob equate to a 'prank'?"

Your *idea* might have been prank but your actuality was cheating."

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago


Quit reading

He didn't like pranks

So instead of absolutely no

He is doing an extremely bad one

Shit for brains

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Romance novelist, under pen name K.L. Denison. You can follow me on Amazon, KDP and coming soon on SmashWords Like writing and posting free stories for others' enjoyment - often just to clear a writer's block. Real life can be pretty boring, so I strive to avoid the common ...