Watching What, Exactly?


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"It's a bit weird," Noah said.

"What is?" Lucas asked.

"I guess humans are weird. This morning she seemed hesitant to let us come with her to shop for a bikini, and she made it very obvious she wasn't going to model it for us in the store. But just because we're at the beach now, it's apparently OK for her to wear that very same bikini. Or parts of it, at least."

Lucas chuckled. "I'm not complaining."

"Neither am I," Noah said. "Do you think that's what she referred to when she said she'd like to reward us for a job well done if we promised not to talk about it back at the office?"

"I just assumed she meant that she paid for our extra nights at the hotel. But maybe, or..." Lucas trailed off. "Or maybe that."

Simon followed the young men's eyes back to his wife. She'd done it. She'd rolled over and was lying there with her tits exposed for all to see. She didn't usually sunbathe topless, and her nipples contrasted alluringly against her fair skin.

"Wow," Noah said. "What do we do now?"

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked. "We'll head back of course—and pray to god she doesn't cover up. This day is getting better and better!"

Simon held his breath as Felicia's employees made their way back to her. A part of him wanted to stop them, fearing she might cover up as they approached. Another part wondered what the hell she was up to, exposing herself like that. Maybe it was about time he walked over and put a stop to this.

But not yet, he told himself. He should see how this played out.

Arms along her sides, she remained exposed as Lucas and Noah joined her. Simon however noticed that she clasped the towel she was lying on, as if forcing herself to resist an urge to cover up. He knew she wasn't blasé about going topless in public. She must be doing this for kicks.

She sat up and sipped her drink from a straw, seemingly oblivious to her employee's admiration. Simon didn't consider himself possessive. It wasn't up to him to decide if his wife went topless. Yet, he was disconcerted by how she decided to do this now and never when he was around. What would she do if he joined them? Remain topless and keep up the charade that it was no big deal? Or was she regularly checking in with him to make sure she could cover up before he arrived? Simon had no idea what was going on, but what bugged him the most was that she was sitting with her back towards him. It hampered his voyeurism.

But it wasn't long before she stood up. She gazed around the beach, maybe to keep her eyes out for him. Or maybe she was just slowly spinning around to give everyone at the beach a good look. Was this how daring she usually was on her out-of-town trips?

Simon calmed himself. She wasn't doing anything outrageous. There were other topless women on the beach, and maybe she just decided to give it a try.

It was an odd occasion, though, given her company. And most other topless women seemed to put their top back on when going for a swim. Felicia however strolled down to the water without covering up. She seemed in no rush whatsoever and waded long before diving beneath the surface. The water was shallow, and when she stood back up, it was only waist deep. Was she purposely keeping herself on display?

She didn't linger in the water, adding to Simon's suspicion that her dip was largely an opportunity to show off. As her husband, he had mixed feelings, but the voyeur inside him was entirely grateful. And his voyeurism was highly selective, he realized. There were plenty of beautiful women on the beach, several of whom were topless. Yet, he never gave them more than a brief glance before returning his focus to his coveted object. He felt hypnotized by the sight of his bold wife, her breasts swaying as she waded ashore. Her employees looked equally enthralled, their eyes tracing her every step.

They however seemed to retain their pretended nonchalance when she reached them. They chatted casually, but Felicia never sat back down. Simon couldn't hear what they were saying, but Lucas and Noah eventually leaped up and started packing up. Had Felicia suggested they would leave already? Simon felt exacerbated. Why would Felicia leave before he arrived? She was the one who suggested they'd meet there. Sure, she assumed he'd be there by now, but he hadn't been spying for that long.

Or had he? He hadn't kept track on time. And if he was honest with himself, his main concern was that his voyeurism might end. The thrill was highly addictive.

But Felicia wasn't covering up. She even packed away her top. And when they started moving, they headed in the opposite direction, away from the parking lot. Simon traced their every step. Where were they going?

There was something surprisingly natural about the image. Not in the sense that her state of undress appeared desexualized. Far from it, Felicia radiated sensuality as she strolled along the beach, confidently allowing everyone to drink her in. It just seemed so natural for her to act this way. Of course, a sexy woman should enjoy some appreciating attention. Her two suitors—both at least a decade younger than her—carried her things and did their best to impress her. Repeatedly, Simon noticed that she put her hand on them while laughing at their jokes.

His brain was a clutter of conflicting emotions, and he struggled to think clearly. This wasn't just any sexy woman he was watching. It was his wife! Just how much attention was she permitting herself? He felt increasingly unassured her intentions were innocent. And to his amazement, he felt increasingly certain he wanted them to be.

The beach went on for miles with white sand intersected by limestone outcrops. He watched his wife and the young men that flanked her stroll further and further away until they disappeared around the next rock. He followed them in haste, not sure what he was hoping to see. Once he reached the outcrop, he peeked carefully around the corner. Still, they were strolling further and further away. Where were they going?

Or maybe it was more about what they were walking away from. As Simon chased after them, crouching behind the outcrops until the coast was clear to continue his pursuit, he noticed that the beach became less populated the further they walked. Felicia must have noticed this when she went into the water. She was leading them to somewhere less public.

When Simon peaked over the next rock, he found the trio laying out their towels. He dodged back down. He realized that if someone spotted him from the back, it would be obvious that he was spying on someone. If nothing else, it could ruin his chances to stealthily observe what his wife was up to. His best option was to climb up the outcrop and keep looking from there. He climbed carefully, not wanting to explain scratches and bruises to Felicia. He sat down behind a small shrub where he was concealed from his wife and her company but clearly seen from the side he'd been approaching. If someone came from that direction, it hopefully looked like he'd just climbed up to get a good view of the ocean.

Felicia had taken a seat on her towel, leaning back against her straightened arms and pushing her chest towards the sun. Her companions sat in front of her, and they seemed less concerned with hiding their admiration. Simon felt a surge of jealousy but mainly because Felicia's other voyeurs were still getting the better view.

Simon was confused. She shouldn't behave like this, hanging out topless with her employees. And why had she suddenly decided to move away from the main beach? Surely not out of modesty—she'd given everyone at the beach a good look already. And the people she should be most concerned about seeing her topless were her two junior sales assistants. But if anything, she seemed to thrive from their attention.

It struck Simon that she at least should have told him that she had left the part of the beach where he was meant to meet up with her. He sensed betrayal. But when he checked his phone, he noticed she had sent him a text. She must have sent it while he pursued them and was too distracted to notice.

Felicia: "We're heading east along the beach. Call me when you're close."

Simon looked up at the sun. It beamed down on them from over the ocean, which was to the right from the direction they had walked. At least she wasn't lying. And she regularly checked her phone, maybe wondering where the hell he was.

Or was she just making sure she was warned before he arrived so she could put her top back on?

There was only one way to find out, Simon realized. If he called her and said he was coming soon, he would see if she covered up. Disappointment welled up inside him, knowing it would likely end his voyeurism. But if nothing else, it would seem suspicious if he didn't call soon. He scooted back, making sure the rock blocked the sound of his voice. His mouth felt dry as he waited for her to pick up.

"Hi, honey," Felicia said.

"Hi, babe. Still enjoying the beach?"

"Yes, very much. Are you going to be a while longer?"

Her question threw Simon off. She sounded enthusiastic, as if she was hoping he wouldn't show up quite yet. It gave him an idea. Rather than telling her he'd be there soon, what if he told her she had plenty of time? Seeing what she did with that time would give him an even better idea of what she was up to.

"Yeah, at least thirty minutes," he said, not sure how long of a time frame he could give her without raising suspicion. "Probably longer."

His mind raced, trying to come up with excuses for why he was running late.

"OK, let me know when you're coming," Felicia said, apparently just happy to accept she had more time on her hands.

"Will do," Simon said. "Remember to put on sunscreen."

He felt stupid as he heard his own words. He'd been desperate to steer the conversation away from why he wasn't there yet, and it was the first thing that popped into his head. But again with the sunscreen?

Felicia chuckled. "That's sweet that you worry about me, honey. Of course, I'll stay covered."

"Great, see you in a bit."

After they said their goodbyes, Simon was left sitting with his phone in his hand, staring out over the ocean. Where was he hoping this would go? Sure, there was the part of him that wished Felicia would start acting sensibly. The more she kept flaunting herself to her employees, the more she had to regret afterwards. But his voyeurism craved something entirely different. His breath grew heavy as various scenarios played out in his head, each involving his wife doing a lot more than flaunting herself.

Felicia's voice from his phone shook him out of his lewd daydreaming.

"Hey, guys..."

Simon panicked as he realized both of them had forgotten to hang up. Irrationally thinking that she might be able to tell what he was thinking of, he rushed to press the hang-up button. But he stopped himself at the last millisecond. This was an opportunity he couldn't forfeit.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday?" Felicia continued. Her voice sounded distant, suggesting she'd put away her phone. But Simon could make out clearly what she was saying.

"The thing about not telling anyone back at the office?" one of her employees asked.

"Exactly," Felicia said. "That's not going to be an issue, is it?"

"Of course not," her employees said in unison.

"You can trust us," one of them added.

"I know," Felicia said. "You've always been reliable."

Simon's heart pounded in his chest. Whatever Felicia had planned, it apparently stressed the importance of not blabbering about it later. Simon scooted back to his vantage point where he had a clear view of the trio.

"Can you do me a favor and put some sunscreen on me again?" Felicia asked. "Your hands felt really good last time."

Even if she hadn't added her last remark, it was obvious that was her motive. Rather than turning around and ask for assistance with spots she couldn't reach, she stayed on her back. Lucas and Noah seemed uncertain just how forward they could be. Unlike last time when they divided up their assistance top and bottom, they both started with her feet. Lying back to enjoy her dual foot massage, she looked like a queen with very willing servants.

"Do my legs," Felicia bid.

Lucas and Noah eased her feet to the ground and ran their hands up her shins. They shuffled on their knees for a better reach, and it wasn't long before their roaming hands traveled up her thighs. Simon cursed how Lucas blocked his view, making it impossible to see just how bold their hands were. But he could make out Felicia's face, her lips parted in sensuous pleasure.

Felicia grabbed their hands, and for a moment Simon thought she might have decided to end their advances. But instead she pulled one hand from each of her servants past her bikini bottoms and onto her hips. Lucas and Noah caressed her waist and abs, and Simon noticed that neither of them seemed too concerned about reapplying sunscreen. Simon held his breath as their fingers inched closer to her chest, as if daring each other to be bolder.

"It's OK," Felicia said, the shivering excitement in her voice unmistakable even when eavesdropping over a remote phone. "You can touch them."

A moment later, Simon heard Felicia break out in a deep sigh. His view was partly blocked, but surely, he couldn't be misinterpreting what was going on? Two men were fondling his wife's tits, right there on the beach. This was it, Simon thought. No one could explain away what was happening as something innocent. Somewhere inside, he knew he must be feeling betrayed, but that sensation was dwarfed by the sheer eroticism of the scenery. She squirmed under their touch, relishing their lascivious attention.

"We've got company!" Noah said and looked up.

For a moment Simon thought he'd been caught but then realized Noah was looking at two women running along the water. Absorbed by the scene of his wife being groped, Simon hadn't noticed the joggers running past him. He worried they recognized he was spying but hoped the way he had his phone pressed to his ear made it look like he'd climbed up the rock for better reception.

Obviously aware that what they were doing wasn't appropriate in public, Lucas and Noah had removed their hands. Felicia seemed to take it with ease, nodding at the women as they approached.

"Good day," she said cordially.

The women giggled, indicating they knew they had broken up something indecent. Just like the trio on the beach, Simon watched the women jogging away until they disappeared around the next rock. Expectantly, Simon turned his focus back to Felicia and her employees. He knew what she was doing was wrong, but his lust-flooded brain rationalized that the damage was done, and he might as well enjoy the thrill a bit longer.

But to his dismay, the spell seemed to be broken.

"Come, let's go for a swim," Felicia said and stood up. Seeing his topless wife jogging down was an alluring sight, but Simon felt disappointed. The show had ended before he got a clear view of them groping her. Lucas and Noah seemed disappointed too, but they didn't protest. They glanced at each other, shrugged, and chased after her.

This part of the beach wasn't as shallow as the populated beach where Felicia had entered earlier. After a few splashing leaps, she dove under the water. When she resurfaced a few strokes later, she was concealed chest down under the surface. She waited as Lucas and Noah crawled towards her.

They stopped a few meters away from Felicia, but she said something that called them in like bees to nectar. Soon she was wedged between them, and though most of it occurred under water, Simon was certain they were groping her again.

Simon felt cheated—but not because his wife was encouraging two guys to feel her up. Sure, that nagging sensation that she shouldn't be doing this was there in the back of his mind. She had long since crossed the line where her actions could be written off as innocent flirtation. But at that moment, Simon mainly felt cheated because he couldn't see what was happening below the surface.

And then they kissed. It started with a light peck with Lucas. It looked incidental, as if their lips connected in passing while he caressed her. But she soon repeated it with Noah, and this time her lips lingered. It set off an avalanche. Soon she was passionately shifting her lips between them, no doubt allowing their tongues to dance with hers.

All the while, her suitors helped themselves to her body. Felicia never wore overtly provocative clothes around the office, but she didn't hide her figure either. She was blessed with sensuous curves, and her employees had likely had more than the occasional impure thought about their boss' ample tits. Now they fervently made the most of Felicia's invite. Their hands occasionally broke the surface as they roamed over her chest. Simon could only hint her expression from his distance, but he could tell she was relishing their greedy touch.

And where were her hands? She occasionally wrapped her arms around the neck of the one she was making out with, but for most, she kept them hidden under the surface. Were her hands exploring the effect her body had on her young suitors?

Simon adjusted his erection. Had he not been visible from behind, he probably couldn't have resisted the urge to pleasure himself. He knew what she was doing was wrong, yet he couldn't get over how natural it looked, his wife wedged between two eager men. Simon cursed how the water prevented him from seeing just how bold they were.

Distressed, he noticed the joggers coming back from around the outcrop they had disappeared around minutes earlier. He feared they might scare the steamy trio again. But Felicia seemed too occupied frottering and making out to even notice the approaching women. Or she was enjoying herself too much to care.

But Simon needed to care. The joggers might spot him once they came around the rock from where he was spying. Worst case scenario, they might alert Felicia that someone was perving on her and her friends. Hiding in the open was too risky if the two women had suspected he was spying when they last ran past him. He moved back and disappeared into the adjacent forest.

To be on the safe side, he ducked behind a tree. He felt stupid. Why should he care if he got caught? It was Felicia—his wife—who was busy making out with her employees. She's the one who should be concerned about getting caught. And yet she didn't seem to care.

Maybe this wasn't a big deal for her. Perhaps she always behaved this way when she traveled without him. She'd said she'd never actually sleep with other men, but maybe that meant she regularly permitted herself to anything except actual intercourse.

Or maybe she flat out lied. Maybe her thought-out reasoning for not sleeping with anyone else was just a facade to cover her tracks. Even though Simon was still turned on, her dishonesty stung. She should have told him. He would have let her. Even encouraged it.

Simon was baffled by his own thoughts. Where did that come from? Did he really want his wife to fuck someone else? Sure, it had been exciting to hear her confess to her fantasies of sleeping with the men who came on to her. But those were just fantasies. Actually doing it was entirely different. And she was right when she said there could be complications or misunderstandings. The thought of Felicia giving into temptation made his mind spin with lust, but surely, he would be jealous once he sobered up from this carnal craze. Yet, he couldn't deny how thrilling the thought was.

He peeked around the tree he was hiding behind. To his dismay, the two joggers stopped to catch their breath right below him.

"Wow, she was enjoying herself," one of them said, making her friend giggle.

Simon had to agree. And maybe it wasn't so strange that he wanted the one he loved to indulge in an amazing experience. Still, he knew he had far more selfish motives. If only these joggers would be on their way, he could continue his voyeurism.