Watching What, Exactly?


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"Let's pack up."

It was Felicia's voice coming from Simon's phone. Realizing the call with his wife was still in progress, he rushed to hang up. She must have exited the water and was approaching their belongings on the beach. If she noticed he'd been listening in over the phone, she'd probably get suspicious.

Looking at the call time on his phone, he realized that watching his wife's debauchery apparently made him lose track of time. The thirty minutes Simon had given Felicia was soon up, and he cursed himself for not giving her a longer time frame.

And if they were packing up, Simon thought it likely they were about to head back to the main beach area. That meant coming back his way. The joggers took off, but Simon lingered behind his tree. The last thing he wanted was for Felicia to realize he'd been spying on her—at least until he knew what the hell she was up to.

He waited. And waited. But nobody came. Eventually he grew impatient and snuck out from his protective shelter. He peered around the rock, wondering if maybe Felicia had decided to continue making out on the beach. At least he might finally get an unobstructed view of their roaming hands on her body.

But the beach ahead was empty. Felicia had vanished, along with her companions and their things. What did this mean? Simon's heart raced. She wasn't heading back to the more populated area—she must have gone the other way. What did she have in mind if she needed even more privacy? Lucas and Noah obviously had no greater wish than to continue what they had started.

Simon sprinted across the sand to the next outcrop. He peeked around the rock. But the beach ahead was empty. He continued to run, hoping he would see them around the next outcrop. Whatever Felicia was up to, he needed to find out.

But the next beach section was equally empty. How long had he waited? And how fast had Felicia and her companions moved?

Simon was just about to set off running again when his phone buzzed. There was a message from his wife.

"Felicia: You're going the wrong way."

What the hell did that mean? Simon looked around but couldn't see her. How could she know if he was going the wrong way? Unless...

That's when it dawned on him; the app he used to locate the beach during the drive from the airport was still running. Neither of them had turned it off, and she'd been aware of his position this whole time. He felt stupid. He felt ashamed.

And he felt relieved. She wasn't doing these outrageous things behind his back. She wanted him to see it.

He opened the location app. The red dot that indicated Felicia's location was near the part of the beach where he last saw her, but she appeared to have moved off the beach and into the surrounding bush. At least he'd been right in that she wanted to move away from prying eyes.

But not away from his. Whatever she was about to do, she wanted him to watch. Simon backtracked, moving as if in a trance. What was he about to see?

The icon in his texting app indicated Felicia was writing another message. And apparently it was a long one.

Felicia: "Do you remember when I told you about my sexual fantasies? I couldn't help noticing that you liked hearing about them. And after watching me with Lucas and Noah all day, I'm sure you can guess what else I fantasize about. Two guys, honey. I want to be with two guys. It's my most recurrent fantasy. I was planning to tell you all about it some time. But do you know what's better than telling? Showing! Especially when it turns out your husband is a voyeur...

I know I said it probably could get complicated to do more than fantasize about fucking someone else. But, with two guys, it's different. No one is going to get the wrong impression that it's something meaningful. I might be too horny to think straight, but I can't think of any reason not to continue what I've started.

I'm not asking you to say it's OK. But I'm going to take it slow so you can stop me. But to be honest, I'm convinced you won't. Given that you've watched me all afternoon without intervening, I think you want this as much as I do. Love you."

Simon's head was a haze of confusion and excitement. Felicia clearly had no interest in innocence. And she wasn't remotely apologetic about her intentions. Shouldn't she at least ask for permission if she was going to continue what she'd started?

Yet, he found himself grateful she didn't. There was no way he could express what he wished her to do. He even found her presumptuous tone gratifying. It fitted with the exciting notion that what he had seen evolve in her today wasn't a one-off abnormality. It was an innate part of her that had emerged. Of course his wife should celebrate a successful conference by fucking her employees.

Simon gasped at his own thoughts. Was she really going to fuck them?

On a rational level, it seemed insane. She was no stranger to pranks, and maybe she was about to jump out and turn the day into a gotcha-moment. If so, she'd taken it pretty far. And Lucas and Noah would have to be in on it. Could she really have persuaded them to make out with her as a joke? And had they only pretended to grope her? It had been hard to see exactly what they'd been doing. His heart sunk. It seemed like a cruel joke to stage this whole thing.

There was only one way to find out. Navigating by the phone app, he moved through the vegetation. The closer his blue dot got to her red, the harder his heart pounded in her chest. The terrain map showed that Felicia was located in between two rock formations. It seemed like a good spot to hide away from prying eyes—unless the eyes knew exactly what they were searching for. Simon treaded carefully, as if not to startle a rare animal. If this was for real, he didn't know how her employees would react if their boss' husband caught them with her.

Simon spotted Lucas and Noah first. They had laid out a blanket and were casually lying back, both still wearing their trunks. Having anticipated to find them in the midst of some vivid activity, Simon was discouraged that he couldn't even see Felicia with them. The location app wasn't exact, and he looked around, wondering if she was sneaking around somewhere in the bush. Or she could have left her phone with the guys to stage an ambush.

But nothing happened. All he could hear was the ocean, birds singing, and the wind in the trees. All he could see was swaying leaves, blue sky, and Lucas and Noah unwinding on the blanket in between the rocks.

He noticed, however, that there was something expectant about their posture. And they seemed to repeatedly turn their attention to the same spot, a section in between the rocks secluded from Simon's angle. Was Felicia waiting there, ready to jump him if he sneaked closer? Simon had no desire to be the butt of her elaborate joke. Yet, there was no way he would simply walk away. He backtracked, hoping the wind rustling the leaves masked his movement. Safely out of sight, he climbed up the rock. Ever so cautiously, he inched to the edge and peaked down.

And there she was. Felicia was leaning back against a boulder, still topless—still radiating sensuality. Nothing about her posture indicated she was getting ready to jump him. Simon realized that playing tricks on him seemed like a far-fetched excuse to expose herself for her employees. His pulse raised. It seemed this was for real.

He slithered back to a boulder on top of his large rock. It was a good place to spy from behind. The tall vegetation behind him masked his silhouette, and he still had a clear view of Felicia and her employees down below.

But as he continued to watch, he grew anxious. Felicia wasn't engaging with her suitors. If she was actually going through with this, what was she waiting for? Why was she idly hanging back, fiddling with her phone?

It dawned on Simon that he hadn't replied to her text. Sure, she hadn't asked him to explicitly sanction her brazen enterprise, but she must expect some reaction.

Yet, what could he say? Tell her to go ahead already? Let her know just how much he urged to see her get fucked? It seemed crude, unfitting for the erotic moment. Maybe the best thing would be to tell her to hold off, at least until they had a chance to discuss exactly how far into uncharted territory she was going. But he didn't want cautious rationale to dictate how to handle a desire that so deeply defied all logic.

In the end, there was only one response he could think of that made any sense.

Simon: "I see you."

Felicia immediately started to look around, searching for him in the bushes. But she never thought to look up. And she didn't seem too concerned. Soon she turned her attention to Lucas and Noah. She seemed to brace herself. Simon longed to see what for.

She stepped towards her employees with a confident swagger, stopping by their feet. Without skipping a beat, she pinched hold of the straps that tied her bikini bottoms together. Simon had to suppress a gasp as she ceremoniously pulled the knots and let her bottoms fall to the ground. What was going on inside her, Simon couldn't tell, but she confidently placed her hands on her hips and let them drink her in.

She glanced around, clearly still curious to see where he was hiding. But she again gave up. Apparently, it was enough to know her husband was watching. That's all she needed to pursue her brazen desire.

Felicia lay down between her employees. From his vantage point, Simon got the perfect view of her naked body, framed by two nearly naked men. Only a narrow strand of dark pubes decorated her pussy. Simon's cock grew rock hard at the sight of her being so exposed.

There was a moment of awkwardness as she lay there between them. Lucas and Noah were obviously still not believing their luck. But it didn't last long. The boss led the way and turned her head to Noah, calling him in for a kiss. It was tender but held a distinct hunger. Lucas started caressing her, fingers gracing her naked body. When she turned to him and engaged him in a deep kiss, Noah's hands joined in. Just like last time, their roaming caress honed in on Felicia's heaving chest. She obviously adored their touch and eagerly thanked them by kissing them. It soon escalated into a hungry make-out session, picking up where they had left off in the water earlier.

But compared to when Simon last watched them make out, there was one important difference. No longer was anything concealed under the surface. Finally, he was presented with an unobstructed view of greedy hands fondling his wife's tits. They alternated between intense groping and gently pinching her excited nipples.

And using their hands wasn't enough, it appeared. When Felicia turned to kiss Noah, Lucas kissed his way down her neck and onto her chest. Noah followed suit, and soon she had both her employees worshipping at her breasts. Felicia threw her head back in pleasure and held them tight by the back of their heads. Simon heard them groan and imagined it must be an exciting treat to suck on their boss' thick nipples—his wife's nipples.

They lingered at her breasts and she allowed her hands to explore. Making no detour, they soon found their way to her lovers' trunks. She grinned, obviously excited by what they contained.

"Take them off," she said, loud and clear so that Simon could hear.

Lucas and Noah shuffled to their feet. Pulling their trunks down, they seemed to copy Felicia's ceremonious demeanor when she stripped off her bikini bottoms. They stood for a moment while Felicia delightedly took in what they revealed for her. They had their back towards Simon, but when they lay back down next to her, Simon wasn't surprised to see they sported impressive erections.

Without hesitation, Felicia reached for their cocks. Somewhere in the back of his head, Simon felt he should be bothered that his wife's hands were stroking not one—but two other guys. But all he could think of was how sexy she looked. The three of them lay flat on their backs as she pumped her fists over their shafts. Felicia turned her head from side to side as they read the excitement in each other's faces.

They stayed like that for a long time, Lucas and Noah passive as she poled her way between them. But eventually their hands grew impatient and began caressing her back. Inch by inch, they traveled up her thigh, heading for the same inevitable destination. Felicia bit her bottom lip and responded by invitingly parting her legs. From his vantage point, Simon had a perfect view, and he held his breath as their hands approached his wife's cunt.

Felicia moaned as they reached their target, and Simon struggled to control his breath. Never before had he watched another hand touch his wife's pussy. He hadn't even considered it a possibility. Now two men explored her folds. Simon found their rubbing motion hypnotizing.

Lucas and Noah at first divided their territory left and right, gently caressing her smooth lips. But as their touch intensified, they increasingly bumped into each other, and they found a more suitable way to divide up her cunt. As Noah's touch circled towards her clit, Lucas moved his fingers along her slit. Even from his distance, Simon could see her glistening wetness on their fingers.

Felicia's moaning escalated as Noah's finger's honed in on her clit. Soon thereafter, Lucas's finger slipped inside her. It was tender at first, but she greedily bucked her hips against his hand, urging him to push deeper. Her pussy offered no resistance as he added another finger. Felicia's face was ecstatic as they continued to pleasure her cunt, and she responded in kind by eagerly pumping her fists over their cocks. From her high-pitched moans, Simon could tell her climax was within reach.

But instead of succumbing to pleasure, she suddenly sat up, forcing her pussy away from their hands. Simon feared her sudden movement was a sign reason had caught up with her. Had she decided things had gone far enough? From their worried expressions, he could tell Lucas and Noah had the same worry.

But Felicia put their minds at ease. She spun around, knelt between Lucas and Noah, and re-wrapped her hands around their shafts. She bowed down towards Noah, and though Simon could only see the back of her head, it was obvious she had decided to let more than her hands explore. She moved her head between them, pumping her fist over the cock not currently in her mouth.

Lucas and Noah were on their backs, and Simon worried they might look up and spot him. But they were constantly focused on Felicia, no matter whose cock she was currently bobbing her head over. Simon knew how delightful her full lips looked wrapped around a cock. She moved rapidly between them, eager moans conveying her hunger. Simon cursed his location that hid the sight from him.

Her mouth made an audible pop as she released Noah's cock from her mouth. Instead of moving back to Lucas, she lay down on her back between them. Simon knew what was about to happen. It was obvious. Her face shimmered with erotic desire. Her legs were invitingly parted. She was open and ready to be mounted. And Simon ached to see the inevitable happen.

"Who's first?" Felicia asked.

Lucas was the first to snap into action. He rolled on top of her, and the sight of a naked man between Felicia's legs made Simon's breath shiver. Though he couldn't see the details of their sexes grinding against each other, it was obvious from their movements what was happening. It was only a matter of seconds before she had guided Lucas to her entrance, but it felt like a turbulent eternity to Simon. When Lucas pushed forward, Felicia's mouth fell open in an excited moan.

It was happening. She was allowing someone else to fuck her—right before Simon's eyes. And next to her sat the next young man, stroking his cock as he awaited his turn. Simon noted that Lucas had enough self-control to pace himself. Slowly but steadily, he thrusted back and forth. Felicia responded by meeting his thrusts, taking him deep inside her as she experienced the full length of his cock.

It wasn't long before Felicia decided it was time to extend her indulgence to the next candidate. Lucas moved off her, and in the few seconds before Noah rolled on top of her, Simon could see her glistening pussy. She was open and inviting. A gratified moan escaped her lips when Noah mounted her. Spurred by Felicia's hands on his ass, he quickly built up the pace. Most of Felicia's body was concealed under the man on top of her, but her legs pointed to the sky as he slammed against her. And Simon could see her ecstatic face. Her eyes were closed, as if her entire being was focused on the sensation of taking a man other than her husband inside her. Simon rubbed his erection through his trunks.

When her eyes fell open, they landed on Simon. She looked surprised to find him watching from above, but there was nothing apologetic about her expression—only pure lust. She broke out in a delighted grin and emphasized her wanton lust by grabbing her legs, pulling them even wider apart. Simon gaped, too absorbed by the scenery to hide the excitement in his own expression.

When Felicia again decided it was time to switch partners , she made Lucas lie down on his back. She straddled him, facing his feet. This left her body turned towards Simon, and she shimmered with erotic desire as she reached between her legs for Lucas's cock. Though she obviously craved it inside her, she teased her pussy and Simon's eyes by rubbing it over her folds. Repeatedly, she pointed the tip against her opening, only to move it away and continue her teasing. When she finally impaled herself, Simon had to remind himself to breathe.

She held still for a moment, giving Simon time to adjust to the clear view of another man's cock disappearing inside her. It wasn't something Simon had ever expected to witness—nor was it something he had longed to see. But it looked right. There was no better way to describe it. Her sexual hunger needed this. And watching his wife give in to desire magnified Simon's desire for her. She started grinding on top of Lucas, moving up and down his cock.

Her mouth hung open in delighted lust. It must have looked inviting to Noah. When he approached, his cock still glistening with her excitement, she positioned him so that he didn't hide Simon's view. Simon couldn't tell if Noah wondered why she directed his exact position, but the young man seemed entirely delighted to follow his boss' direction. She licked his cock with long, sweeping lashes, making sure her tongue tasted every inch. Simon freed his aching erection from the uncomfortable confines of his trunks.

The intensity of the scenery below escalated, and cocks pistoned fervently in and out of her mouth and pussy. This was never what Simon intended when he said she deserved to enjoy some attention—but it was the attention she deserved. It was what she truly craved. And, apparently, it was what Simon wanted. Before witnessing it, he never could have imagined that two men enjoying his wife's body would be the most erotic thing he'd ever seen. Unable to resist, he stroked his aching cock.

When Felicia next decided to switch her partners, she positioned herself on her hands and knees. Her employees needed no further instructions. Noah moved up behind her while Lucas fed his cock into her mouth. The three of them were way past a slow build-up, and soon she was rocking between them in intense passion. Her breasts sway heavily with their thrusts, and she moaned around Lucas's cock as Noah slammed against her ass.

Simon was suddenly overcome with a sense of reproach. This wasn't right.

Yet, it wasn't that he allowed Felicia to be shared by her employees that troubled him. That seemed like the most natural thing in the world. What bothered Simon was his own behavior. Here was his wife, revealing her uninhibited lust in all its glory. She wasn't holding back in the slightest, squealing ecstatically as she bounced between Lucas and Noah. All day, she'd been nothing but open.