An Affair Begins


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"That's wonderful Michelle, I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you, and almost by accident, then to have found you again when I thought I'd never make contact, and now to have had such a wonderful night with you. I have had just the best time tonight getting to know you better."

I paid the bill and helped Michelle to stand. She had indeed had a bit too much to drink, she was unsteady on her feet. I took her arm and we walked out onto the street, there was a cab rank just outside the Radisson Hotel.

"What about my car?" she asked as I steered her toward the vacant cabs.

"Where did you park?"

"Just over the road" and I followed the line of her outstretched arm, saw where she was pointing and the distinctive Mercedes convertible parked at the kerb.

"Give me the keys, I'll take care of that. My office is only a few blocks away, I'll put it in our car park, it'll be safe there. You can come by sometime tomorrow and pick it up."

"Oh, thank you so much, you're a good man. Oh dear, I am so embarrassed at getting tanked. I will have to watch what I consume next time."

"Don't worry about it."

Michelle foraged in her handbag and came up with a set of keys, handing them to me.

"I better not take all of these, your front door key is probably on this key ring. You'll never get in tonight."

"Oh yes, good call." She fumbled around with the keys and managed to get the car key off the ring and handed that lone key to me. "Here, thanks!"

I reached for Michelle right there on the footpath, standing outside the Radisson and took her in my arms and kissed her. She kissed back and very well too. Her moist lips parted just a bit and I took up the invitation and slipped my tongue inside her mouth to play feel and touch with hers. She sounded like she enjoyed that, murmuring a sound of pleasure from within the clamp of our grinding lips.

I felt the passion generated by her lips and tongue but I was just a bit self-conscious that we were in a prominent well-lit area and could be seen in this passionate embrace by anyone who drove by. I reluctantly tore my lips from hers. She looked disappointed, her hands dropped to my hips and wrapped around to my arse, pulling on both cheeks, bringing our lower bodies tightly together. "Umm!" she murmured, "until next time John."

"Yes, I'll look forward to that." I steered Michelle to the first available waiting cab on the rank outside the hotel and opened the back door. "Tell the man your address my darling."

She used her hand to affectionately touch the side of my face and then without a second kiss she slid away into the cab and was soon gone. I walked across the road to her car, got in and started it up. I managed to reposition it in my company's car park a few blocks away without being challenged by the police to undergo a breath analysis. Then I too caught a cab home.

Chapter Four

I didn't have to wait long for her call on Wednesday morning. If she hadn't needed to arrange to pick up her car, I am guessing that, like the average courting couple, she may have left me to sweat it out before calling.

"Hi John, is that you?"

"Yes Michelle, how are you today?"

"Oh my God, don't ask. I can usually handle my liquor but I just let go last night. Three vodkas and half a bottle of wine with you and I'm a tad hungover today. Nevertheless, in spite of the agony of my alcoholic haze, I wanted to tell you that I had a wonderful time with you last night. You are great company John."

"Thank you Michelle and it goes without saying - but I will say it anyway - I had a great night too and I can't wait to see you again."

"I bet you can't, after what I think I might have said. Just what promises did I make? Have I committed my body to you?"

"No not quite! You said some things about never having sex on the first date and then something more about there being no rules for the second and third dates. So I guess you could say that there may have been a suggestion of us taking our relationship to the next phase."

"Oh God, did I really say that? Oh John, I'm so sorry to lose it like that, what must you think of me? You probably think we younger women can't hold our liquor like the women of your time. I should have just shut up ... I mean, sex can be such a wonderful mystery between two people. I would have preferred for neither of us to know when it might happen. I call that old-fashioned. You know, where the man tries to go a bit further each date and the woman weighs up how far to let him go as he reaches and claims each new body part. That can be so exciting."

"We can still do it that way. It's probably going to be hard for both of us to sound plausible when we tell our spouses we're gonna be out again another night but I would like to see you again ... and soon I hope."

"Sure, that's what I want too John, but I know I wouldn't be able to get away with it again this week ... it's Wednesday already."

"Ok, so how does next week look?"

"Too early to say yet John, it's best if we keep in touch and when we see an opportunity, we should seize it quickly, okay?"

"Yes, great idea! So when do you want to come by for your car?"

"I thought I'd come into town about four to pick up my car. Is it ok if I leave it in your car park until then?"

"Yes, no worries at all, I put it in a visitor's spot."

"Good, so do you want me to call when I'm outside?"

"Yes, that would be best, call me on my cell phone and I'll come straight down and give you the key and let you into the security car park."

"Great, thanks John, you're so special."

"Thank you!"

I got her call at 4.15 and left the office immediately to go downstairs and meet her, escort her into the secure car park. I led her to her car and gave her key back to her. She unlocked the door then turned to face me, an expectant look on her face. I knew what she wanted, and I did too. "Not here!" I cautioned and hustled around to her passenger door, opening it and slipping inside. She was already sliding into the driver's seat by the time that I dropped into the bucket seat alongside her.

We stared into each other's eyes for just a moment, both recalling the chemistry of our night out last night and then she brought her head toward mine. I saw her face approaching, the eyes warm and vibrant, her nostrils flaring, her lips moist, her tongue already out and licking to make them moister. Our lips met, only the third time they had come in contact but already there was no need to abide by ceremony. Our lips parted, our tongues challenged, each seeking entry into the other's mouth while our hands grasped and stroked and held. Backs, arms, I even felt one of Michelle's hands on my thigh, just above my knee. We were each half-turned in our seats. Emboldened, I brought one of my hands down over her arse cheek, caressing it over her clothing.

There was a heap of passion as sparks flew between us, our mutual feelings unleashed within the privacy of her car. I felt that hand of hers sliding inexorably higher up my thigh. I allowed my own to sweep down over the material of her skirt, leaving the globe of her arse cheek and sweeping down the back of one thigh until I reached the bottom hem of her skirt. I touched bare leg and swept the palm of my hand up under the back of her skirt.

Her exploring hand reached my crotch first and I felt her grip the bulge of my genitals. My moving hand hastened to keep up until my reaching fingers touched the bottom edge of her panties and I pushed the fingers under the elastic and three fingers grasped the warm smooth skin of her arse cheek, my fingertips so intimately close to the inner curve of those cheeks that I couldn't wait to see for myself.

There was incredible heat and passion in the front of her car and the windows fogged. I felt her fingers reach for the zip on my fly and realised that I better stop this now ... I was within the precincts of my place of work - my sole source of income.

Our lips parted as I withdrew my fingers from clutching her arse cheek in under her panties. Michelle though seemed unwilling to let go of her tight grasp of my genitals. So much so that I was forced to use my retreating hand to take a firm hold on hers and pull her away.

"Easy Michelle, this is my place of work, we better cool it before this gets out of hand."

"I want you John."

I was very quickly a happy man, "And I want you too Michelle, but let's keep it for somewhere private."

She placed both of her hands on her steering wheel and gripped it tightly in a gesture of frustration. "Ok but just you wait until I get my hands on you somewhere private."

"I look forward to that. But for now, I better go."

I opened the car door and slipped out, walking around to the driver's side where Michelle had already lowered the window. "I'll call you, my darling."

Wow, my fantasy was rapidly becoming a reality. This beautiful young woman seemed as eager as I for some kind of sexual relationship ... I could hardly wait. She was hot, that kiss in the car was intense and we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

Chapter Five

I was driving home Friday night from work, running quite late. I had called to tell my wife that I'd be home about eight and she actually promised to keep dinner for me and heat it up when I got home. It was 7.30 and the sun was just setting. My cell phone ring-tone chimed, I couldn't recognise the caller ID but I had hands-free in the car so I pushed the button.

"Hello, John here!" I went with my nine-to-five style of answering in case it was a late business call.

It was Michelle, that sultry sexy voice, I saw a vivid picture of her in my mind immediately. See how taking mobile calls while driving can be dangerous, even with hands-free. I should have been concentrating on the road ahead. "Where are you John?"

"Not far from home, running quite late tonight."

"Are you expected at a particular time, is she holding dinner for you?"

"Just heating it up when I get in."

"Have you got time - a few minutes maybe - to stop by the supermarket on your way home?"

"Err, possibly ... will you be there?"

"That's why I'm calling, I'm in the supermarket now, just came down from home for a few bits and pieces. I walked past the bakery, saw two mud cakes there and of course I thought of you. I'm gonna take one home, should I get one for you?"

"Yes, that would be great," I told her.

"How far away are you? I told Ben I'd only be twenty minutes,so I'll have to watch the time. But if you're sure you'll be only ten minutes, I can wait in the car park to give you your mud cake."

"Yes ... yes sure Michelle, no more than ten, that's for sure."

"I'll be out and have my shopping in the car by then. Don't go inside the supermarket, come looking for my car - you know it - it will be parked in the darkest corner of the car park. Hurry!"

She ended the call before I could make any other comment or response. I pushed the speed up to about five over the speed limit. The risk of a speeding fine was worth it to get to spend a few minutes in the company of this beautiful woman who had captivated my heart.

I pulled into the car park. At this time on a Friday night, only about 20% of spaces were occupied. I drove up and down a couple of rows, not really expecting to see the powder blue Merc this close to the supermarket entrance. I headed to the outer extremities of the car park, the spaces that were only ever filled weekdays 10 till 2 and all day weekends.

There it was, the distinctive Merc parked right up against the boundary fence and under an overhanging tree that in the fading daylight made it quite drak there. No other vehicles anywhere in the vicinity. Beyond the fence, there was a thick region of shrubbery and trees before the houses started about 25 metres beyond. I drew into the space immediatelyt alongside the one occupied by the Merc. I faced the opposite direction so that our driver doors opened onto each other.

The beautiful brunette, Michelle was grinning at me. "What?" I asked, curious as to her happy smile.

"This is perfect," she answered, "I can't believe my luck that you were already on the road and nearly driving by here. I so wanted to see you, feel you, touch you. Should I come in there with you?"

"Yeah sure, might be more room."

Michelle opened her driver door and stepped out. She was the most casually dressed I had yet seen her, except for the shorts and halter top she wore at the fête. She was wearing a loose flowing sun dress, scooped low in front to give me another glimpse of all that smooth breast flesh ... the upper slopes of her twin globes, But instead of walking around my car to get in on the passenger side in front, I heard her open the back door behind me and in a flash, her head was leaning in from the back, her face alongside me, "So what are you waiting for?"

I loved how uninhibited and forward she was. I swiftly opened my door and stepped back to the back door she had accessed, stepping in behind her, forcing her to move over on the leather back seat. She was pressing herself against me even before I could fully wrap my arms around her luscious body and her lips were already parted as my mouth closed in on hers.

The kiss that followed was intense and deeply passionate ... twisting lips and meeting tongues that lightly wrestled in both my mouth and hers. I eased my upper body back far enough to slip my right hand in between us and ran it over her left boob ... the first time I had touched one of hers, I found it to be such a good size, would have been at least a 36, maybe 38, in the number sizes that I recalled.

Her hands were busy too ... she draped one across the back of my neck, using it to encourage the continuation of the kiss until we were both breathless, and then that hand steered my head, my lips, onto her bare neck. "Be careful, promise me no bites John?" she whispered.

I nodded my concurrence with her terms and conditions. I had expected to feel her other hand exploring my genitals just as she had the last time we kissed in a car in my work car park. To my surprise and disappointment, she ignored them for now.

When I could at last free my lips from both her mouth and her neck, I pulled back far enough to gaze upon her beautiful face in the semi-dark. "We won't be having sex tonight," I paraphrased her words to me from that first date in the Italian restaurant.

"You want a bet? Give me one good reason why not John, I've missed you and it's only been two days since we kissed in my car at your work."

"The greatest reason of all is that I want you in a comfortable bed the first time, the second is that you've already told me that you told Ben you'd only be gone for 20 minutes, and the third is that I told my wife I'd be home for dinner at 8 and it's five after already."

"John, all of that is true and I never expected we would. I just thought I'd scare you ... or please you ... whatever. When do you think we might be able to do it? Could you get free one night until about midnight? I really do want you my love."

"We'll have to arrange something, how about next week, what are the chances?"

"Not unless you can find an excuse to fly to New Zealand, I'm there most of the week at a conference."

"Damn! That's another week to wait."

"Yes, I'm feeling it too John. Look, I really do have to get home, b-u-t-t..." She strung the last word out and her hand reached up behind her and I heard the zip at the back of her dress lower. "Five minutes tops, okay ... this is just a preview ... for both of us." She used both hands to drag the top of her sleeveless dress down her arms, letting the top half fall to her waist and exposing a sexy half-cup bra that was full almost to overflowing with the firm rounded flesh of two wondrous orbs.

"How good are you at opening bras John? This one clasps in front, it's so easy, do you want to get it?" My God, she was going to reveal these magnificent breasts to me in the back of my car. I eagerly brought my hands up and fumbled with my fingers to separate the two cups. She took over to ease the bra forward and off her breasts, exposing them to my gaze.

"Beautiful!" I enthused, "absolutely magnificent!"

"That's nice John, but I'm sorry, no time for compliments now. I want to feel your lips on my nipples, unfortunately since you only have one mouth, it has to be one at a time."

I dutifully brought my lips down to close over the nearest nipple and I sucked long and hard, capturing it tightly between my lips while my tongue painted its engorged brown tip. She moaned loudly and I loved hearing the sound of this young woman, that I already adored so much, reacting to pleasure that was created by my very own lips.

The hand that I had expected to grasp a firm hold of my genitals when we first kissed, was there now, slipping around and over the bulge in my trousers of a half erection and tightened balls.

Michelle gave me sufficient time to switch several times between her left and right nipples. I began to worry for her with her argumentative husband as much as me with Jenny. Then reason at last prevailed with her too, she suddenly broke into the sounds of my lips slurping on her nipples, "Ding ding, time's up, we need a clean break now. John, you have to release my nipples on the count of three and if you do, I will let your penis go ... reluctantly. Now, one ... two ... two-and-a-half. Oh God, I don't want you to stop that ... but we must. Three ... you hear me ... three ... three John, you have to stop now."

I gave one last swirl of my tongue around her left nipple and with my teeth, grazed her with a gentle nip. She squealed delightedly, "Oh my God, that was wonderful! Oh, I felt a tremor in my thighs when you bit my nipple."

She was quickly dressing, obviously realising that she had pushed the boundaries by staying far longer than could be easily explained. "Do you think Ben would believe that there was a blackout at the supermarket when there wasn't one at home and we're probably on the same grid?"

"I'm going to be okay for an excuse when I get home because I can say that I stopped into the supermarket to pick up a mud cake."

"Well you can if I remember to give you yours, remind me when I get back into my car. I certainly can't take two mud cakes home." Michelle had managed to refasten her bra cups in front, the most time consuming part of the exercise had been packing her ample bosoms into the cups. Her dress back in place, she turned side on to me, "How's that, do I look decent or do I look like I've just been making out with my favourite guy in the back of his car?"

"No, you look decent Michelle."

"Thank God for that. Oh, I must go or I'll be in deep shit with Ben. Thank you my darling and my nipples thank you even moire than I do, that was just wonderful. You were so good to them."

"I loved them, you have a beautiful pair of breasts and I look forward to becoming even better acquainted very soon."

Sensing she was now quite worried that she had stayed with me too long for harmony at home, I opened the back door and stepped out. She followed me quickly and darted back into the Merc alongside. She started it up and put it in gear. "The cake?" I called out loudly for her to hear me over the engine sound.

"Oh yes, here it is," and she passed my mud cake out of the window to me. "Bye my love, sorry I've got to race, I'll call you when I get back from New Zealand."

She was so eager to get away that she spun the tyres as she steered the powder blue Merc to the nearest street exit, leaving me alone in the furthest extremity of the car park. I drove home much slower than she did and caught no flak for not getting in until 8.20. As Jenny greeted me, I hoped that Michelle was not getting flak from Ben for staying with me too long to enjoy our rapidly growing mutual passion.