An Affair Begins


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Chapter Six

I didn't know what day she got back from New Zealand because I didn't hear from Michelle again until 11 days later ... it was a Tuesday. She called about 10.30, "Can you talk John?"

"Yes, I'm okay at the moment, how are you, haven't heard from you, how was New Zealand?"

"Boring John!"

"Oh surely not, it's a lovely place."

"Yes but you weren't there."

"Oh Michelle, you know the right things to say."

"It's true John, I missed you terribly."

"But we haven't even..."

"Shush, don't remind me of that, it's certainly not from lack of wanting to. It's just a matter of finding a suitable night and a suitable venue. In fact, that's why I was calling. I've got a work-type excuse that I can genuinely give Ben for this Thursday night. All of my colleagues are involved in it, but I can be excused. The thing is if he ran into anybody here that he knows, they would all say that we were all involved in this client activity. All we'd have to do is find a motel room somewhere and we can take our love to the next level, my darling."

Oh shit, why did it have to be this Thursday?

"It sure sounds good Michelle, but I can't Thursday. I hate to put you off when you sound so excited, but I have a family birthday celebration that night that's been planned for weeks. I couldn't pull out of that this late as much I want to be with you ... I'm sure you know that."

"Oh, bummer! It all seemed to fall neatly into place. Shit, shit! Okay, I understand John. I might sound like I don't but I respect you have to do things like that ... no problem. I'll try again real soon, I promise."

"I look forward to that Michelle."

"Gotta go, we'll talk soon."

I was as disappointed as she was. I have been eager for us to consummate our burgeoning relationship ever since that exciting first date in the Radisson bar and then the Italian restaurant next door.

Much later that same Tuesday, I got an unexpected second call from her about ten to five. "Hi my darling, I'm in town, just across the road from your office, would it be alright if I came up?"

"Err ... yes sure, but what are you doing here?"

"I desperately wanted to see you so I made up a work excuse to come into the city on business. I'll be very careful, I'll announce to your receptionist where I'm from so that I sound like a client of yours. Would you be likely to have a multi-national food company among your clients, would it seem feasible? I don't want anyone in your office getting suspicious and giving you a hard time. I mean, I guess that some of them, like your PA, would know your wife?"

"Yes, she does, several of them do,she calls in from time to time."

"So is it okay to use my real name and company name or would you like me to assume an alias ... something like Isadora from Scarlet Women Enterprises?"

I couldn't help laughing at her idea of an alias. "No, real names would be much better than that. Come on up, I'll look forward to seeing you soon."

I hung up and within 5 minutes, the receptionist buzzed my intercom, "There's a Michelle Taylor here to see you John."

"Oh yes, I'm expecting her, send her around Kelly."

I went to my door ready to greet her. She appeared around a corner in the corridor. "Ah Michelle, there you are," I tried to sound formal and businesslike within earshot of my PA despite my penis in my trousers giving a very positive twitch upon once more seeing the beautiful brunette with whom I was embarking on an affair, "So good to see you."

She stretched her hand forward to shake mine, playing her part to the letter. I showed her into my office and closed the door behind us, shutting out the typical inquisitive stares from office colleagues - mostly from men of course - no doubt enchanted by the natural beauty of this woman.

"Wow, that was harder than I thought, I felt a few pairs of eyes probing."

"Oh them, don't worry about that crowd, they're the lecher brigade checking you out, all of them wishing they could have you."

She stepped in close to me, drawing me in, wrapping her arms warmly around my back, "And none of them ever will ... only you and the sooner the better. Oh John, I'm climbing the walls with frustration that we still haven't got our bits together."

I folded my arms around her too, hugging her tightly to me, "Oh Michelle, me too. I'm really sorry about this Thursday."

"No, that's okay, you do still have to do the family stuff. I would like to have taken a chance and organised some special evening with you before this, but I am just being very cautious around Ben at the moment. I can't see how he could suspect anything but he does seem to be acting odd. I feel like he's keeping a wary eye on me so I am saying and doing nothing to heighten his suspicions."

I wanted to kiss her, so as soon as I saw her pause, I ducked my head forward and my lips claimed hers. She was keenly for it as if this was why she had come here to my office. It was quickly intense, mouths open, tongues twisting and touching, each exploring the other's mouth. My hands on her arse, pulling her tightly against me, wanting her to feel my rapidly growing hardness, she with one hand draped around the back of my neck, her other on my arse as sensually as mine were on hers.

I looked beyond her to the door of my office that was only closed, not locked and as we kissed passionately, lost in the heat of the moment, I managed to think how crazy this was to be taking such a risk. Most staff would knock before entering, but my boss - the owner of this business - had a habit of just barging in unannounced. He could do that at any moment and catch Michelle and I in this passionate clinch ... and he knew my wife far better than any of the other workmates. I don't know that he would approve of me risking my marriage to have an affair.

We at last separated our lips, breathless and with hearts pounding. I still held her lower body firmly against me, my hands on her arse ensuring that she could feel the strength of my erection against her clothed tummy.

"Did you lock the door John?"

"No I didn't, it makes a very loud click and would have been noticeable to my PA and a couple of the other office girls within hearing range. I have never locked it in all the years I've been here."

"I guess that's because you've never had a hot woman in here who desperately wants to feel this..." her hand that had been on my arse insinuated itself between our bodies and grasped the hard bulge in my trousers, "...inside me not against me?"

I gave out a very expressive sigh at the wondrous feeling of her touch in spite of two layers of clothing separating her palm from my hard-on. "Oh Michelle, I love the spontaneity of you, but this is highly dangerous ... at the moment. How long can you stay?"

She continued to fondle my erection, "What time is it now?"

I lifted one hand off her arse long enough to check my wrist watch, "Only five after five."

"I'll have to go by 5.30, I didn't give Ben any excuses that I would be late tonight."

"So no time for us to slip down to the Radisson bar for a drink?"

"Oh God no! So what time do they all go home out there?"

"You mean the staff ... oh, usually in the next 15 minutes or so. Hold on, I'll try to encourage them."

"I broke away from her hand's hold on me and from my own grip on her arse and walked to the office door, opening it and addressing my PA, hopeful the bulge of my hard-on in my trousers was not noticeable. "I'm good for today Nikki, we won't need tea or coffee. I don't expect this meeting to go long and I've got everything I need so if you want to get away, you can go now."

"Oh thanks John, I will if you don't mind, I have to meet my boyfriend after work."

"Okay, well away you go."

I stayed there in the doorway to make sure she was actually leaving and fortunately she didn't string it out. She was quickly up out of her chair, grabbing her purse. "Good night," she told me cheerily but did I detect a glance from her down below my waist? Was my erection that noticeable? She headed away down the corridor. My PA and I had a fine businesslike relationship ... one had to be so careful these days, what with PC and OH & S everywhere.

No other staff were close by, I closed the door and this time locked it, just to be sure. Michelle seemed extraordinarily horny and I couldn't yet gauge what she might have in mind.

I turned back inside my office, "Well, that's all taken care of, we're as alone as we can be."

"Great John, why don't you go and sit behind your big desk, I want to see how important you look when clients come to see you. I imagine that you look very important and impressive."

I didn't yet know what she was up to, so I happily did as she asked and walked around behind my desk and sat in my comfortable swivel chair. As I looked up again, I was stunned to see her drop her hands down to the sides of her dress, bending her wrists to slip those hands up under the dress. What was she up to?

I could see her hands wriggle up under her dress to about hip height and the hem of the dress caught on her wrists and lifted way above mid thigh, exposing a long expanse of her bare legs, about as much as I had seen in the bar that first night. I quickly worked out what she was doing and had it confirmed when I saw those hands dropping down from under the hiked-up dress, bringing with them the furled-up roll of her panties. She kept dragging them down until they reached her knees and then they simply feel under gravity, pooling around her ankles.

She lifted each foot, one at a time until her discarded panties were on my office floor, then bent to pick them up, momentarily twirling them around her fingers. Her dress still hiked high to mid thigh, she began to walk toward me, coming around the desk at which I sat. She reached me seated in my chair and I looked up at her excitedly, wondering what her next move would be.

She stood in front of me for a moment before the hand that held her panties reached forward, thrusting them in my face, pressing them against my nose and mouth, "A souvenir for you John, do you collect souvenirs?"

"Not usually this kind," I told her.

"You can keep these to remember me by when I'm not here John."

Her hand let go of her panties and they dropped off my face into my lap. There had been a wonderful sexual aroma from her in those panties and they were under my nose long enough for me to miss it now that they had fallen. She placed her hands on the arms of my swivel chair, one on either side of me and pushed it back away from the desk. She fitted herself into the vacated spot, resting her arse against the desk edge.

Michelle hoisted her arse and thighs up into a sitting position on the desk, her legs somewhat spread and dangling over the sides, then lifting each high-heeled foot, placing each one beside my hips on the seat of my chair. Using the strength in her legs, those feet tensed and pulled my chair forward so that my body was pulled in as close as I would normally be when seated at my desk.

So here I was seated at my office desk but with this woman that I adored now seated on the desk in front of me, her bare knees brushing against my shoulders. Her dress was still hiked to only inches from her crotch that I now knew to be naked after the removal of her panties. I glanced down and found I could see all of her intimately displayed to my gaze. Her thighs spread lewdly, I looked down between them and with the dress pushed way back, I could see along those inner thighs to the gorgeous sight of her exposed pubis, the outer lips wetly parted to expose the pinky bits within. What tiny bit of pubic hair she had was neatly trimmed above the prize.

It was all so inviting. I immediately knew what I wanted to do with what I could see but I wondered if her wish was for the same. In the way that she had positioned her body, it was going to be so easy for me to bend my head forward and go down on her right now. But was that why she had sat in this position or was she wanting more? Would she prefer me to stand up, haul her arse forward and fit my penis straight up inside her. That was very doable too!

I decided to go for my first choice and sitting in my office chair, close in to my desk, I bent my head down and began planting soft kisses on her inner thighs. She must have wanted that because I felt her ease up off each arse cheek, one at a time, so she could hoist the dress even higher, getting it out of our way. Her naked arse cheeks were now flat on my desk. She eased her upper body way back, leaning her body weight onto her bent elbows. Her legs lifted higher and folded ... one over each shoulder, her feet dangling behind my back.

I quickly kissed my way up her inner thighs until my lips came in contact with her other lips and I snaked my tongue tip in between those outer labia, eliciting a loud gasp from Michelle as my tongue touched her clitoris. I licked and sucked my way all around her clit and her treasure of tempting erogenous bits that were revealed by the spread of her sopping wet labia lips.

She was gasping and panting quickly and I continued to press home my advantage. I thought of stringing it out to postpone her ultimate enjoyment while giving her ongoing thrills, but even having locked the door, I was very nervous about doing this in my office. Not just to be using my office desk for oral sex, but doing it with a woman not my wife.

I could hear her pleasure building quickly so I didn't let up, just maintained those firm flat tongue strokes up over her budding clitoris, supplementing that with ovalling my lips to draw that clit in and suck on it vigorously. Michelle's hips humped up eagerly from the desk, pushing her succulent pubis into my face as her body exploded into a powerful orgasm ... her first in my hands - or rather, in my face and lips.

I kept my horizontal lips pressed against her vertical lips, feeling her pulsing and throbbing under my mouth. "Oh my God!" I heard her at last exclaim, "my first with you, that was wonderful ... so good John, thank you. I think you could tell how much I needed that."

"Yes, you looked to enjoy it ... sounded like it too."

"Hope I wasn't too loud, nobody came running to your locked door, did they?"

"No, I think we're good."

"What about you, what would you like now? Should I stay right here for you?"

"I guess you mean I should stand up and pull your arse back to the edge and slip myself inside you?"

"Yes, that was what I had in mind, you must be ready for that?"

"You couldn't believe how ready I am to be inside you, and this is going to be very hard for me to say, but more than anything, I want our first time in bed, not you laying back on a hard timber surface and me standing up. If you think it's likely that we could be in a bed soon, I'm prepared to wait, as much as I will rue that decision as soon as you walk out that door."

I did stand up, but only so that I could see her better. With the exertion of her cumming, she had dropped her head back onto the desk surface so I needed the height of my standing to be able to see her face clearly.

"John, in a way, I'm pleased that you feel that way because I'd like our first time in bed too. I'll tell you what, I do now have a plan. How does next week look for you?"

"Err, off the top of my head, I think it's not too bad. I guess you're talking nights, like we discussed previously?"

"Yes I am! On Wednesday - that's a week tomorrow - I've got meetings out of town most of the day, up north at Hamilton. That's almost a three-hour drive away. I'm thinking that I might tell Ben that the meetings finish so late that it would be best for me to stay over, particularly since on these trips to see clients, I usually have a liquid lunch with one of them."

"Yes, you staying over would be good, but as you said, Hamilton's a good 3-hour drive away. If I came up after work, I'd need to turn around and head home almost straight away. I mean, I can't see me getting away with telling Jenny that I was staying overnight in Hamilton."

"Yes, yes, I haven't explained myself well enough yet so hear me out John. In reality, my last meeting in Hamilton should be over by four. Ben and my company will think I'm staying over there, but I'm not really. In reality, I'll actually be on the road straight away and I will reach the northern outskirts of town by six and I'll check into a motel just an hour from town, instead of up in Hamilton. If you leave work at your normal time, you could reach me by six, even in the peak. We should both arrive at the motel about the same time. I will stay there overnight but I'll understand if you need to go home to maintain the peace at home. If you got away by eleven, we'd still have a few hours together to really get to know each other and you'll be home by midnight."

"That's brilliant Michelle, that should work!"

"Oh, there's just one little thing John ... err, I do have a period due this Friday. My regular pattern is five days, so if it comes on time, I should be clear by Wednesday, particularly since we're not meeting until early evening."

"Sounds like it's cutting it a bit fine."

"Yes it is, but my cycle is generally quite regular so there's no reason it won't start on Friday. But please understand that if I'm late and it's still around, I wouldn't want our first time to be messy so we would need to rain-check."

"How will I know if you're calling the night off?"

"No, I didn't mean that ... the night won't be off, I hope you'll still come up and be with me ... I can still do nice things for you. We just won't be able to do everything that you - and I - might want."

"Oh, okay!"

She brought her hand up to me and I took hold of it and pulled her upright once more, sitting in front of me on my desk ... her face still a bit flushed, probably from the exertion of cumming. What an exciting and beautiful young woman I had come across.

Chapter Seven

I must have had a spring in my step the next few days. Extraordinarily, Jennifer noticed it and commented to me over the weekend, "What's got into you John, it's as if you have a new lease on life. You're so much happier than I've seen you for a long while and you haven't even baulked when I've asked you to do some chores around the house?"

Of course, I made some lame excuse about everything going much better with my job and that must have improved my usual demeanour. Well, what do you think, I wasn't about to tell her that I had met this beautiful, gorgeous younger brunette woman - 12 years my junior - and I was on the verge of having amazing sex with her.

But why wouldn't I feel the way I do. With Michelle, I'm on a promise to be in bed with her this Wednesday night and barring any twists of fate, she and I will be indulging in mad crazy passionate love. I could hardly wait ... the days dragged by.

Eventually Wednesday rolled around. I stole an early mark and left the city by 4.30pm. It should only take me an hour to get to Brooklyn where we had agreed to meet at this wonderfully quaint motel. There would be no time to eat dinner, we would use the five hours getting to know each other's bodies.

As I drove into the little village on the northern outskirts of this big city, I got a call from Michelle. "Hi my darling, how are you? Is everything still okay for tonight?"

"Yes of course!" I assured her, "in fact, I'm almost there, just driving toward the motel."

"Oh my God, you are early. I was too, couldn't wait so I tore myself away from the last meeting in Hamilton at 3.30. Listen, would you mind not coming directly to the motel yet? I've just checked in, it's a nice room - in fact a lovely room for our first time together - but you know motels, only the room and a bathroom. I wanted to freshen up for you before you get here. I bought a couple of frilly sexy things that I thought you might like."