An Unwilling Submission


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I laughed as I dictated the text of a pathetic begging letter that I would send her but Dominique took it more seriously. She said I should try and tune into Vetris's psyche.

Her latest album was "Urban Primitive" and explored body art and piercing as a metaphor for abuse. I laughingly suggested that I get a tattoo of Vetris's name and offer to let her see it but Dominique came up with a far more novel approach.

The album cover, banned by some of the larger retail chains, featured an older man with a variety of piercings wearing nothing but a metal chastity tube. She suggested that I contact Vetris and volunteer to put myself into chastity. I would send her the key so that only she could release me when the time came to interview her.

The idea was absolutely absurd but it was so far off the wall it might just be brilliant. After that the whole thing came together so quickly that it made my head spin. Dominique did some research and came up with an acrylic chastity tube whereupon I wrote to Vetris's people more in hope than expectation.

The following morning, Saturday, a courier called at the flat and delivered a package. It offered an interview three days hence on condition that I used the padlock which was enclosed to lock myself up.

This was a development that I had not foreseen but the message was clear. I had ten minutes to return the keys to the courier or the offer lapsed. I immediately had second thoughts but Dominique talked me round. I had already tried the tube out of curiosity and so it was an easy matter to slip it on in the privacy of the bathroom.

The padlock, which was clearly not a chain store item, was less simple. It was small and neat, finished in matt silver. In order to lock it the key had to be turned a number of times so that the shackle was slowly drawn into the body of the lock. Once closed, it was fixed tight making tampering extremely difficult.

I felt ludicrous as I handed the key over but I told myself it was only seventy-two hours besides which Dominique had intimated that, if the interview went well, she would be willing to go to bed with me.

In the event it felt like the longest three days of my life. Dominique took every opportunity to tease me playfully, mainly by flaunting her desirable body, but it seemed that my mind turned to sex at every available opportunity. Even middle aged women that I saw in the street, usually not worth a second glance, suddenly assumed an unexpected allure.

The device itself created difficulties. I could keep myself clean but I had to sit when I went to the toilet and the padlock added enough weight to keep me constantly aware of its presence.

Now, as Dominique finished her meal, I had to break the news. "...she gave me a photograph that could turn out to be worth a lot of money and she wants to see me again a week from now. She's promised me something equally explosive but she had a price..."

From the quizzical look on Dominique's face I feared that she thought I was getting into something underhand but when I told her she burst out laughing. "She's making you stay locked up for another week!"

By the time she recovered she was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes but then she put her hand on mine. "I was really looking forward to this there any way?" The instant pain in my groin made me realize just how hard a bargain I had struck. I had checked the fittings any number of times but, without the sophisticated key, there was no way to remove the thing without breaking it altogether and that presupposed that it could be done without hurting myself in the process.

I brought coffee through to the living room and we settled on the sofa. As we listened to a little Ella Fitzgerald she snuggled up to me and I started to kiss her. It was a sustained embrace but then, to my surprise, she slipped her hand inside my shirt.

Without thought I reached my hand to her breast and, unlike previous evenings, she made no move to prevent it. Fired by this success, and with our mouths still joined, I reached behind her back and deftly slipped the clasp of her bra.

She immediately broke from me and I cursed myself for my impatience but, with an impish smile, she took off her tee shirt. For a few teasing seconds she held her opened bra to her chest but then, with the panache of a burlesque performer, she cast it aside.

Her breasts were as beautiful as I had pictured them. She was modestly endowed but they were delightfully rounded and her nipples were perfectly uplifted circles. She knew the power of her body and she let me feast my eyes for a few seconds before she drew my head to her chest.

Her nipple was chocolate brown, contrasting with her dusky Southern European complexion, and, as I took it into my mouth it began to engorge. I tried to ignore the aching reminder from my manhood as I ran my tongue around the rigid teat and explored the heavy dimples that surrounded it.

She indulged me for a few moments but then she encouraged me to pay court to her other breast. As I left one glistening nipple for the other I could appreciate just how erect it had become. It was no wonder that men were forever staring at her chest.

I suckled and teased both nipples to equal prominence but I wanted to ease off as the pain of frustration grew more appreciable. I sat up and put my arm around her shoulders but she slinked away from me and whispered. "Wait..."

She stood up and held my eye as she unfastened her jeans and wriggled out of them. I should have told her to stop but, as she stood in just her panties, I was enraptured.

Her body was perfectly proportioned and her legs were nicely honed by the hours that she spent in the gym. She stepped closer and held the side of my face against the flat of her stomach as she stroked my hair. "Will you make it special for me?"

As she said it she moved just a little so that my face slipped down to her panties. They were simple white cotton but what surprised me was the slight cushion of hair that I could feel.

She took my head between her hands and gently nuzzled my face into her crotch. She was already aroused and the slight pressure was enough to moisten the material. "Lick me..."

It seemed that she wanted me to lick her through her panties, something that would normally hold no appeal whatsoever, but, for a few seconds, I was lost in madness. With a broad sweep of my tongue I took in her whole pubis.

It was obvious, from the outset, that she had worn them for much of the day and I would venture to guess that this was not the first time she had become aroused in the past few hours.

I suppose I should have been flattered but I had to struggle to overcome the initial bitter tang. Fortunately, as I continued with my ministrations, the material quickly became sodden and the taste grew fresher.

My initial enthusiasm quickly began to wane but she was murmuring appreciatively and so I continued notwithstanding the fact that the wet cotton was not easy on my tongue.

When, at last, she released her grip on my head I hoped that I had done enough but she had ideas of her own. "Let me get comfortable."

She shimmied out of her panties and, without a hint of embarrassment, sat back down with her legs opened wide.

I regard myself as a man of experience but the sudden transformation from shy wallflower to a woman who knows exactly what she wants put me a little off balance.

For a few seconds I remained frozen but then she broke the trance. "Kneel down, silly..." The intimation that I did not know what to do, albeit very light-hearted, rankled somewhat but her smile was infectious and I got down on my knees.

Her sex was highlighted by a neat, narrow, strip of dark hair. The tight, wet, curls shone under the lights and formed a contrast to her pink tinged labia which nestled within.

I wanted to make her feel good, not because I felt that I owed it to her, but because I wanted it to be memorable. As this thought was formed it jarred me a little; I had never shown a woman quite so much consideration.

Even with my new found resolve I found it difficult to begin. I stalled by kissing my way slowly up her inner thigh but she perceived this as a show of devotion rather than reluctance on my part. "That's sweet..."

As I reached the edge of her mons I began to catch her essence and, for the first time that I could remember, I breathed in deeply trying to imprint the uniqueness of her.

Unconsciously or otherwise she reacted to this by brushing her fingers lightly over her sex seeding the air with her musky fragrance. Drawn ever deeper I put out my tongue and grazed the fringes of her labia. She gasped at this first contact and held her breath.

Emboldened by this apparent success I continued to trail my tongue slowly up and down trying to keep my touch as light as possible. This was clearly to her liking as she relaxed more deeply into the sofa and closed her eyes.

From my vantage point she looked truly beautiful as her breasts languidly rose and fell but in so thinking I felt a new pang of discomfort. She must have sensed this because her eyes immediately opened. "Does it hurt? You can stop...if you really want to."

I was touched by her self sacrifice but I could not deny her. I pressed my tongue a little more deeply and experienced my first true taste. It was richer than I might have imagined and I wondered, for the briefest instant, if I could live with this and no other.

"Let me feel you inside..." Her words unwittingly caused more pain as I imagined myself slipping deep inside her but for now all I had to offer was my tongue. Fitting the deed to the word I began to thrust slowly and I felt the walls of her sex contracting with a sympathetic rhythm.

"Don't stop..." The spirit was willing but after a few minutes the toll began to tell. My tongue ached with the effort and I had to rest. I came to a stop with my tongue still inside and she stroked my head. "Take a break for a minute, then you can try again."

It that brief time it had become uncomfortably warm. Her thighs were glossed with perspiration, her sex super heated, and trapped in the midst of it all I was breathing hard and sweating freely.

I had barely got my breath back before she squeezed me playfully with her thighs. "Don't go to sleep on me..."

I picked up where I had left off but this time less energetically and I found that she was much wetter. My tongue acted as a capillary feeding my mouth and I was swallowing frequently.

"With a little practise you could get good at this..." I looked up at this jibe but her smile was disarmingly innocent. I knew that she had had a number of lovers but now I found myself making comparisons and, in so doing, I began to try even harder.

Ignoring the protests of my neck and tongue I picked up the pace and she stretched her body leisurely. "Make me come..."

I hoped that this was a hint that she was close but minutes dragged by before her body began to quake. Even then it built slowly and I was nearly exhausted by the time a renewed surge of moisture heralded the onset.

After all my efforts I was disappointed with her reaction. This was no screaming climax but rather a slow melting which she greeted with little more than a reluctant sigh.

As to me, I could hardly move. It was amazing that my whole body seemed drained by the efforts I had made with my tongue but I remained on my knees as I tried to gather myself.

I was put in better spirits when she found her voice again. "That was lovely..." I smiled and prepared myself for a hug but I was brought up short " let's see if you can really make me come."

She opened her sex with her fingers revealing a vivid red wetness crowned with a proud clitoris which looked almost painfully swollen. For a few seconds the old me almost reasserted itself but I took a deep breath.

Yes, she was being greedy but it was something I had brought on myself. Had I not made a pact with the devil I would have been able to show her the real lover I was capable of being.

Even now I was thinking of excuses but she knew how to prick my ego. "Show me how good you are..." Fortunately my manhood had long since given up its frustrated attempts at tumescence and so I only had my tender tongue to consider. It ached to the root but I presented it again and applied it to the firm bud.

She shivered at the first touch and leaked moisture recharging the atmosphere with the scent of her excitement. I proceeded gingerly, trying to spare my tongue as far as possible, but this seemed to her liking. The only problem was that it took her a long time to come back to the boil.

At a guess I must have ministered to her for at least another half an hour. Every now and again she would encourage me to go a little lower to lap up her seepage but each time she brought me back to that tight bundle of nerves.

"Faster now..." Taking encouragement I did as she asked and her body tensed. She began to groan and then she was rocked by a series of irregular jerks that made it difficult to stay attached.

I hoped that this orgasm was as satisfying as it was violent a hope that was borne out by the fact that she was left completely limp and gasping for breath.

I rejoined her on the sofa and took her hand. "Would you like to stay the night?" "Yes...I'd like that"

I knew, almost immediately, that it was a mistake. The warmth of her naked body, the smell of her skin even her gentle breathing all conspired to excite me and I repeatedly suffered the pain of a pinched erection.

A couple of times she spooned up against me and her hand unconsciously toyed with my groin. This caused a pain sufficient to make me sit up and I almost gave up altogether and retired to the sofa.

At some point I must have been overtaken by exhaustion because the next time I opened my eyes there was daylight streaming in through the curtains. It took a few seconds to order my befuddled thoughts and then I saw Dominique standing over me. "Morning sleepyhead."

She was sipping from a mug of coffee with just her tee shirt to cover her modesty and looked sexy as hell. My manhood acted in its normal Pavlovian fashion, only to be denied, but that was the least of my worries.

I own exactly four ties, and one of those a Christmas novelty item, and she had used them to bind my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed. "Dominique, what's going on?"

She put the mug down, scooted up onto the bed, and lightly touched her finger to my nose. "You were really good last night...but..." I did not like the sound of that conjunction and waited for her to elucidate. " squirmed around so much." I was appalled by her seeming insensitivity. I had done my best under the circumstances and I thought I deserved more thanks for the painful sacrifice I had made in order to bring her pleasure. I bit my tongue and smiled. "Look, I'll see about getting this thing unlocked, she'll never know, and then I'll really show you what I can do. Just untie me and I'll fix some breakfast."

She took hold of the tie binding my wrist and idly ran it through her fingers. "That's a pity. I thought you might be a little more adventurous."

In fact, I had tried it a couple of times before and, I have to say, there is a particular excitement in having a woman tied down and being able to do anything one wished but, with the boot on the other foot, I hated being helpless.

It was not that the women were rough with me, they had both been very imaginative, it was just that the total loss of control induced in me an almost overwhelming sense of panic.

Her fingers moved slowly towards the knot. "I thought we could trust one another...perhaps I was wrong." There was tiniest hint of petulance in her tone and, fearing that she was re-evaluating our relationship for the worse, I blurted my reply. "Of course I trust you, it's just that..."

I did not get to finish the sentence. She turned excitedly and, almost before I knew it, she had thrown a leg over me and was kneeling astride my face.

"Really, there's no need for these..." As I said it I turned my head a little to indicate the bindings but she simply laughed. "I think there might be. We don't want you getting over excited. Just lie there and enjoy it."

With that she settled lightly onto my face bringing her sex to my mouth. Loathe as I was I decided that the best thing was to get it over and done with. I put out my tongue to find that she was both hot and very wet making me wonder how long she had been waiting and anticipating.

I was able to push inside with little effort and she held herself in such a way that I was encouraged to do all the work. After just a minute of two my tongue was reminding me of the exertions of the previous evening and so I proceeded cautiously but this leisurely approach met with her approval.

Above me she closed her eyes and began to brush her nipples with her fingertips. From my subservient position I could appreciate, more than ever, just how remarkably distended they could become.

As I laboured I forced myself to relax but, after several minutes, she showed no signs of increased arousal and she continued to hover over me with minimal effort.

I was getting very warm. I wanted it to be over and, to this end, I withdrew my tongue and sought out her clitoris. "Not yet...put it back inside."

I reluctantly did as she asked but, as I did so, a runnel of moisture flowed over my tongue to the back of my throat. I fought down the urge to gag and she pressed her thighs to the sides of my head. " me that you can take it."

From then on she leaked continuously until my mouth was thick with the taste of her but that only added to the growing feeling of claustrophobia. The one plus was that my predicament seemed to make her more excited. Now it was she that adjusted her position so that her clitoris was presented.

Her hands were still teasing her breasts and so I had to part her labia with my tongue in order to comply but, such was her degree of arousal, that the plump bulb was easy to latch on to.

I pointed my tongue but she wanted more. "Suck me..." I lifted my head a little and pursed my lips around the apex of her sex. Having formed a seal I began to use my tongue in earnest and her response was immediate. She began to rock gently and allowed her weight to bear down on my face.

I wanted to protest but her damp thighs pressed more insistently. She began to groan but I could barely hear as first sound and then vision were shut out. Her rocking motions were amplified until she was riding my whole face lubricated by an ever increasing flow of moisture.

She was no great weight but the perfection of her backside was like a basketball made flesh as she bounced on me. Thankfully, she quickly rose to a climax and she remained still as the tremors grew in intensity.

Once over she rested on my face as the pleasure ebbed until she finally found the strength to roll away.

She lay beside me and smiled. "God, you reek of me." I forced a smile in return but she was already getting back to her feet. "Are you going to untie me now?" "I'll be back in a minute...I'm taking the whole day off."

Chapter 3

Over the next few days her appetite for my tongue was almost insatiable. My annoyance grew but, in the final analysis, I only had myself to blame. I reached the point where I had made up my mind to return to Vetris and call off the deal but then matters came to a head.

I had quietly hawked the Prideau photograph around the newsrooms of the biggest dailies. I knew, only too well, how easy it was to produce a fake but the picture that Vetris had provided had one telling detail.

In it Prideau was naked, on his knees, with his mouth filled with all that a brutal shaven haired thug had to offer. Given that he had won substantial libel damages by denying claims that he was cheating on his wife this could finish him off.