An Unwilling Submission


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She allowed me a second or two to take in her captivating beauty and then she opened the desk drawer. She carefully removed a web of black leather and, as I watched, she allowed it to unravel.

I saw immediately what it was and my heart beat faster. Set in the centre of the harness was an impressive, lifelike, phallus cast in black latex. If my punishment was to watch DeeDee using it on Vetris it was cruelly chosen. Just the thought of it set up a deep ache in my groin.

DeeDee looked at me as she stepped into it with practised movements allowing me to see that the device was double ended. She smiled as she took the shorter end and pushed it into her sex with sluttish ease before unhurriedly cinching all of the straps tight.

I had only ever seen such things in lesbian porn movies where they had always struck me as faintly ridiculous but this was no novelty item. It was expensively crafted and it seemed tailored to be a part of her.

The first alarm bell started to sound when she took from the drawer a tube of lubricant. Still holding my stare she squeezed a measure of the clear gel into the palm of her hand and then proceeded to smear it along the length of the shaft.

She deliberately moved her hand back and forth in a motion that had been denied to me for days and I felt a fresh lurch of frustration. Once it was liberally coated she cleaned her hand with a tissue and stood ready.

"Come and lie here." It took a second or two to realize that Vetris was addressing me and I turned to see her indicating the chaise.

Any remaining doubts I may have had instantly dissolved and, without a word, I reached from my trousers. Vetris simply shrugged. "It's up to you can leave with nothing or you can have the job. In the first year you could probably expect three times what you got for your tawdry photographs and with commercial endorsements on top of that ..."

She let the words hang in the air and I looked back at DeeDee with genuine fear. Vetris was offering me the world in exchange for a few minutes of suffering and humiliation.

It was my vanity that persuaded me. I knew that, given this break, I could promote myself to the degree that I would no longer be reliant on Vetris. My raw talent would shine through and, going forward, I was in no doubt that there would be other offers and I would be able to name my own price.

It was with the anaesthetic of these euphoric thoughts coursing through me that I moved towards the chaise like an automaton. I lay down upon it almost in a trance and simply obeyed as Vetris made me adjust my position so that my legs overhung the open end.

DeeDee came towards me and I fought down a first prickle of terror. With cold deliberation she worked a cushion under my hips making me feel horribly vulnerable.

It was like room 101, as if they had intuited the thing that I feared the most. Many of my sexual partners had licked a finger in readiness but I had always told them no. I had even eschewed a medical check when I found out that it involved a prostate examination.

DeeDee placed a second cushion on the floor and then she slowly knelt in perverted reverence. She must have felt me shaking as she took hold of my ankles and, with unexpected strength, lifted my legs into the air.

She pushed my feet forward so that my centre of gravity was shifted over my pelvis and then she slowly opened my legs. I will never forget her gleeful smile just before I closed my eyes firmly.

My whole body felt tight clenched and it seemed impossible that she could achieve her aim but then I felt the warmth of Vetris's breath at my ear. "It will be a whole lot easier if you try and relax but, either way, she is going to have you."

I almost sobbed as DeeDee teased the head of the phallus over the taut flesh of my exposed buttocks and it seemed an interminable time before she finally centred it.

Despite Vetris's injunction there was no way that I could accept it willing and, if anything, my muscles coiled even tighter.

Now DeeDee began to move her hips. It was a gentle motion and I thought that she was testing my defences but then I understood that she was warming herself up, working the shorter end of the shaft inside herself.

She gave a low hum of pleasure and I had never heard a sound so imbued with menace. It told me that she had the will, the strength, and all the time she needed.

I broke out in a cold sweat as she slowly, but irresistibly, began to apply greater pressure. The bulbous head felt impossibly large and my muscles started to spasm with the effort of keeping her at bay.

Her smile broadened as she felt me start to weaken. I took a breath and relaxed for a fraction of a second as I tried to reinvigorate myself but she recognized the moment.

She gave a slightly firmer push and I felt myself start to yield. It was no more than a couple of millimetres but try as I might I could not claw back the lost ground. She held herself there, enjoying my struggle, safe in the knowledge that the one-sided battle was won.

I tried to stay calm but I was breathing ever more quickly as I waited for her to deliver the coup de grace. I almost whimpered as she wrapped her arms around my upraised thighs. "Ready?"

That single word chilled me to the core and never had beauty assumed such a sinister aspect. I felt her muscles tense but still she made me wait. For a forlorn instant I hoped that it had all been a joke, that I was to be spared, but she shook her head almost imperceptibly.

The initial pain was dull but intense and my mouth opened in a silent scream. I wanted her to pause, to let me try and get used to it by degrees, but there was to be no mercy. Using a combination of toned muscles and her own bodyweight she slowly but brutally eased the shaft all the way home.

I felt as if I had been cleaved in two. It seemed to have gone impossibly deep and my body frantically tried to eject the intruder but she held it fully in place, my struggles only serving to stimulate her further.

At the moment of penetration her eyes rolled up into her head and I suspected that it had been enough to trip her into orgasm. Now she was riding crests of pleasure fuelled by my ever growing discomfort. The only saving grace was my belief that it would now soon be over but I had badly underestimated her. The sense of relief as she slowly withdrew was incredible but it was matched by a sense of despair as she drove home for a second time and I realized that my ordeal was only just beginning.

She moved languidly to an unheard rhythm but I could not relax. My body continued to fight her and the pain only increased.

With my eyes closed I began to count in my mind telling myself that I just needed to get through ten seconds at a time.

As I reached two hundred I began to lose the count but then there was a fresh distraction. A sudden pressure made me open my eyes to find that Vetris was straddling my face.

She eased forward to pin my arms with her knees positioning herself so that she could watch DeeDee continuing to abuse me. I was left staring up at her sex with its dressing of curls now wet and unkempt and her labia still plumped and excited.

As she relaxed in place, scant inches above me, I was enveloped by her natural scent, rising from her warm skin and from the font itself. It seemed to thicken the air displacing the oxygen and, for a moment, my fear of being closed in overcame the anguish of my violation.

She seemed to comprehend this and she slowly closed her legs more tightly to the sides of my head. Little light now reached me but enough to see exactly what she wanted me to see. The dark triangle tapered to a sharp point which drew the eye to a tight, deep set, opening which, just then, seemed to mock my own condition. From a distance her backside had appeared honed and enviably firm but now that it loomed over me it assumed more intimidating proportions. It was perfectly smooth and unblemished save for a single tiny scar long since faded. I imagined a tack and a childhood prank but, even then, it must have taken a brave soul to incur her wrath. The thought was barely formed before she moved her knees fractionally and began to descend. I tried to turn aside but I was held tight as a stifling darkness gradually overwhelmed me.

As she held herself over me with effortless grace she had seemed almost weightless but now my head was pressed deep into the chaise as she settled.

Firmness had been an illusion as she wriggled slightly moulding herself to my face. My nostrils were pressed closed and it felt as if I was caught in a vice.

She paused for a moment, giving me a chance to control a panic, and then leant forward a little. Her sopping sex smothered my mouth making breathing impossible and I began to struggle.

It availed me nothing but pain. My arms were pinned and DeeDee had a firm hold on my legs but the worse was that I was still deeply impaled.

After a few seconds Vetris relented lifting herself just enough to let me draw a breath but it was as much moisture as air. I wanted to choke but she had already closed me off again and so the pattern was set.

Over the next few minutes I could only breathe at her whim. She would lift herself at irregular intervals, keeping me guessing, and only ever letting me catch one breath at a time.

It was like inhaling a narcotic. Every breath imprinted her more deeply on my subconscious and I began to feel light headed. I had to try and breathe more normally and so I did the only thing I could think of.

The next time she rose I put out my tongue and I began to lick her. She squirmed a little at the touch of my tongue but she held herself in place as she accepted my tribute.

She was incredibly aroused and I hoped to bring her to a quick climax but I had no sooner begun than she changed her position. A subtle shift brought my tongue to that darker opening and I reflexively withdrew it.

Her anger was immediate and she ground herself down on me. This time I thought I would die. Trapped beneath the warm unyielding flesh I became feverishly hot as my lungs screamed for mercy.

I gasped for air as she finally allowed me a second chance and I knew that I would have to overcome my revulsion.

She set herself as I reluctantly put out my tongue until the tip encountered the tight core.

The taste was predominantly that of her arousal, which had leaked copiously but there was also a hint of salinity. I licked tentatively and I suspect that she knew that I had never done this before nor had I any desire to do so.

After a while I pressed a little more firmly, in the hope that she would look favourably on my apparent willingness, but the opening was closely sealed. I thought it impossible to penetrate with only the flagging strength of my tongue but DeeDee had demonstrated all too graphically what could be achieved.

I was about to give up when I felt a tiny relaxation and my tongue was pinched a little. Again I balked but, following some cue, DeeDee chose that moment to drive home more forcibly making my body stiffen.

The message was clear. I made a fresh effort and, this time, I met with unwanted success. I felt my tongue almost sucked in and then a fierce, binding, pressure.

I was astonished that I could be drawn so deep inside and I was immediately aware of a moist, earthy, taste. It was not as unpleasant as I feared but I tried hard not to swallow.

Vetris began to toy with me squeezing my tongue with skilled muscles until I thought that it would be pulled out by the root. Further encouragement was lent by DeeDee who began to thrust with enthusiastic vigour as she worked her way towards another climax.

How long it went on for I could not say but a distant scream finally suggested that DeeDee had achieved her goal and a series of jerky contractions from Vetris implied that she was not alone.

I almost cried with relief as I felt DeeDee withdraw but a phantom sensation of the phallus remained. As Vetris, too, yielded her position I could see that her companion was flushed and her skin shone with perspiration.

I thought that I could never hate two people more but Vetris seemed oblivious as she languorously stretched herself. "Time to change ends..."

Chapter 6

It was the lowest point of my life but, with the tube finally removed, I told myself that I had to put it behind me and move on. The problem was that Dominique had completely disappeared.

Her mobile phone was dead and only now did I foolishly realize that it was my only way of communicating with her. She worked from home but I had never visited there. I knew the locality but that was all.

I reasoned that she would call me but after several hours I grew anxious. I spent a fruitless afternoon trawling the internet searching local council records and the music media but it was as if she never existed. I even began to phone round my magazine contacts but that too drew a blank.

By the following day I was thinking of calling the police but, given that I thought I was in love, I actually knew very little about her.

That afternoon I had to report for screen tests and I was able to forget her for a while as I lost myself in the heady world of television production. I was introduced to Miranda, a brash American who was to be the programme director. She was in her late thirties and had cut her teeth at MTV. She did not suffer fools gladly but, on the whole, she treated me well as I tried to get to grips with my new career.

I was stunned to find that they had lined up a real interview and I was given the use of a laptop for just one hour to research questions for the legendary producer Steve Lillywhite. The job was made easier because he is one of my all-time heroes but it was difficult not to appear star struck. I wondered if Vetris had done some research of her own.

At the end of it they seemed to like me and I felt totally exhilarated. I was asked to come back the following day for an editorial meeting.

By the following morning there was still no word of Dominique but I came up with a plan. I enjoyed the buzz of ideas and the frank exchanges of the editorial meeting and I had a sense that I had really contributed. The proposed guest lists looked amazing but I was a little surprised when I was told that we would be showcasing "Typecast" on the first show.

They were doing the rounds promoting the new single and the video that I had seen shot and it seemed at odds with the shows ethic that we would not include artists who were simply there to plug their latest project.

Miranda assured me that there was to be some breaking news on the band but she could not confide in me just at that moment. I felt uneasy being excluded almost before I had begun but I put it to the back of my mind.

I asked Miranda if there was any chance of a press pass for that evenings cancer awareness gig. It was a cheeky request given that it was the hottest ticket in town but I figured that if Dominique was to be found anywhere it would be there.

In the event she came up trumps and I set off in good time. Throughout the evening there was a lot of coming and going in the press corral but no sign of Dominique. After the gig I accepted an invite to the VIP lounge and it was as I was chatting with a couple of people I knew that I saw her.

She had her back to me but there could be no doubt. I was tempted to shout out but she was chatting to another woman and I decided to wait a moment. She turned towards me without seeing and my heart soared. She was laughing at something that the other woman said and then they kissed.

The blood must have drained from my face. This was no chaste peck; it was a lovers kiss and they did not care who knew. When they finally broke apart, and I saw who the other woman was, I had to fight down the urge to be physically sick. I fought my way out of the room and just about held it together until I got home.

I did not sleep at all that night and I did a poor job of repairing my ravaged face before reporting to the studio to find that I had missed out on some overnight news. The papers were reporting that, against expectations, "Typecast" had signed to Ventura, Vetris's record label.

Slowly but surely pieces began to hideously fall into place. "Typecast" had had a pre-contract with 'Arkdisc' records part of the "Ark Publishing" group whose chairman was Tom Prideau a man whose reputation I had just helped to destroy. Given the adverse publicity it must have been easy enough for them to renege on the contract with a strong likelihood that they would fall into the arms of their alternative suitor.

Unfortunately that suitor was Laura Denham's 'Spiral of Sound' record label which, thanks to me, was also tainted goods.

I had delivered "Typecast" into Vetris's hands and then another, sickening, thought occurred to me. I thumbed through the programme's briefing paper on "Typecast" and checked out the name of their new lyricist on 'Ambiguity'. It gave her full name 'Defina Du Bruyn' but she was known to the world at large as "DeeDee" the same woman I had seen locked in a passionate embrace with Dominique.

I had to grab hold of the chair to stop myself from passing out. I had been played for a fool from the outset and they must have laughed uproariously when I failed to spot the clues.

My anger rose and I stormed into Miranda's office. I was convinced now that she was part of it and she did not look surprised to see me. "You knew didn't you!" She looked at me with unnerving calm and smiled slightly. "Take a seat."

I was seething but I sat on the opposite side of her desk. "Yes, I knew but should be flattered on a least two counts. Firstly, that Vetris found you attractive enough; not many people are granted that degree of intimacy, and secondly we have a genuine regard for your journalistic talents.

With a little nurturing you will help to make this programme a success; it's just that you might have to compromise your professional integrity a little. You have to understand that what Vetris wants Vetris gets.

Alternatively you could leave now, but rest assured you will never work in television again and you can kiss goodbye to your little magazine ideas. You've seen what she can do.

So, tell me, are you on board?"

My head was spinning and I stared at her as I tried to make some sense of my thoughts. She was short and a little stocky compared to the average Californian and she was clearly part of the botox generation. It gave her face a hard edge and reinforced the image of a woman not to be messed with.

I knew that I should have left right then but I needed to stay; not for any professional considerations nor for the sake of my ego but purely and simply for revenge, whatever it took. I would work from the inside and I would bring them all down Vetris, DeeDee but most of all Dominique. The mere thought of her brought bile to my throat.

Miranda could see that I had reached a decision and her smile broadened. "I'm glad you saw sense...but there will be one addition to you job description."

With that she got up from her seat. She was completely naked from the waist down and, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, she walked around in front of the desk. She sat down on top of it with her legs wide spread and relaxed. "Come and show me what you can do..."

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