An Unwilling Submission


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What set this picture apart was that it showed a long, irregular scar, running from his hip to his upper thigh. This identifying feature had never been mentioned during the trial and, in the hands of a judicious news editor, it could be spun to lethal effect.

Because the photo was unsubstantiated, and would still need a degree of caution in its handling, I only had modest expectations about what it would fetch but when the offers started to come through I was pleasantly shocked.

It was clear that I was going to be receiving more than my whole year's salary just for this one photograph and dreams of setting up on my own now had a very solid foundation.

Unfortunately, there was to be no immediate dividend from the Vetris interview. She did not want to be linked to the photograph in any way. I assured her that I would circulate it on an anonymous basis but she feared that my name would come out. She made me agree to withhold the interview, at least for a couple of months, until the brouhaha had died down.

I was desperate to make love to Dominique but if Vetris could vouchsafe me a second coup on anything like the same scale I could guarantee my independence. So it was that I decided to wait out the seven days in ever increasing misery.

When the phone call finally came it was not quite what I was expecting. DeeDee gave me an address and precise instructions. "Be at the house for seven o'clock. Do whatever they ask but make sure you have your telephone. Does it have a camera?"

I assured her that it did and she told me that I would know what to do. Having put down the phone I felt uneasy. I was hoping for another photograph or something equally incriminating but it seemed that it was not to be that easy.

I talked it over with Dominique and she said that I should do it; after all. I could always back out if things seemed untoward.

The house was in the suburbs, one of a number of substantial gated properties set well back from the quiet road. The gates opened at my approach and, as I parked on the drive, I was guessing that it was at least six bedrooms, maybe more.

I noted the discrete security cameras as I waited for the door bell to be answered. Eventually the double door was opened and I met with my first surprise. "My, my, I thought they'd charge extra for someone like you."

It was not what she said so much as the manner of her dress. She was a short woman, a little overweight, but she was wearing a clearly expensive a-line dress which helped to disguise the fact.

Her bare arms were very pale and a little fleshy giving a clue to her age which I could not immediately determine from her face the upper half of which was covered by an elaborate Venetian carnival mask.

It was predominately mauve and it set off her startling blue eyes whilst, at the same time, clashing with her tightly permed hair which was a slightly unnatural shade of auburn.

There was something vaguely familiar about her but I was given no time to dwell on it as she ushered me through the house. It was beautifully appointed if not quite in the same league as Vetris's.

She led the way into a kitchen which would have swallowed my entire flat and then through a door and down a flight of stairs. I found myself in a large changing room complete with a double shower. "Get undressed and come on through when you're ready."

I looked around at the empty pegs. "I'm sorry, I didn't bring anything to wear." She put her hand on my cheek. "You won't need anything sweetie."

She left through a second door and I stood bemused. I have no aversion to swimming naked but I had no intention of trying whilst I was wearing the infernal contraption.

I was about to turn and leave when I saw the towelling gown on the back of the door and, more particularly, the distinctive logo that it bore. I realized, immediately, who she was and now curiosity got the better of me.

I undressed, slipped into the gown, and braced myself before stepping out. If I was expecting a pool I was badly mistaken. The basement space was enormous, and would have accommodated one with ease, but it had been redesigned with no expense spared.

I walked out into a plush carpeted area which was furnished with four matching sofas. It was well lit by two large dummy windows giving it the impression of an airy room. Beyond this was another space which was currently in darkness making it difficult to divine its purpose.

My hostess was sitting in company with two other women both with equally elaborate masks.

"Oh, he is very nice." The words were spoken by a tall dark woman whose mask was predominately black. Her accent was Eastern European but beyond that I could not be more precise.

"But why the gown?" This was from a woman in a yellow mask who fixed my attention by dint of the fact that she was completely naked. She was an oriental with a trim, almost boyish, figure, and a glorious cascade of black hair which fell beyond the small of her back.

I now had a good idea of what was going on but I was not sure how I could turn it to my advantage. I had, necessarily, left my phone in the changing room.

Mauve stood up. "Lose the gown, there's a good boy." My instincts said run but I did not want to come this far and leave empty handed. I decided to play along for the moment. I let the gown slip to the floor and they gasped as one before starting to laugh.

"Is that what I think it is? Jealous girlfriend?" Black got up and came towards me as she spoke. She had a honed body and wore a short skirt to show off her legs but I had the impression that she was somewhat older than she first appeared.

She took hold of the tube and tested its weight. "It looks painful." I assumed that she was speaking rhetorically and so I did not answer but my treacherous manhood was already stirring.

Mauve came to join her. "Well that's spoiled the fun somewhat. I hope he can make up for it in other ways or I might have to claim a refund." "Let's get started and find out." Yellow took my hand to lead me into the darkened area and my manhood gave another lurch as I took in the neat perfection of her taut buttocks.

Lights came on as we approached and I literally stopped in my tracks. It looked like an S & M dungeon as imagined by neighbourhood mums. There was a bench, with restraints, and chains hanging from pulleys as well as a variety of whips, paddles and other paraphernalia arranged on the walls but any sinister connotations were dampened by the décor.

There were no clichéd blacks but instead bright pastels and shining chrome making everything look antiseptically clean. It was hard not to laugh but I knew that the time had come to leave.

Yellow gently pulled my arms back and I politely protested as she proceeded to loosely coil a pristine white rope around my wrists. "Ladies, I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding..."

Mauve came closer her posture visibly tense. "I hope you're not going to disappoint my friends..."

"Look, I don't know who, or what, you were expecting but I have to leave." I took a step back so that I could move around her to the door but then the world turned upside down. Yellow was behind me and she used my momentum to pull me across her hip. As I fell to the floor the rope around my wrists suddenly tightened and with a dexterity of which a wrangler would have been proud she whipped the loose end around my ankles.

Before I could orientate myself she gave a sharp tug and I was left lying on my stomach in a very effective hogtie. "Ladies, please, a joke's a joke but this is not my thing."

Mauve knelt close to my face and smiled cruelly. "That hardly matters...because it is very much ours."

I tested the ropes but, for something done so quickly, there was absolutely no give. "I'd like to avoid any bad feeling. Let me go and I'm sure you'll receive a full refund."

Mauve stroked my face. "I think you're telling fibs. You must be a little curious." Her hand moved down to my groin to fondle the tube and I suppose she had a point. What sane man would willingly volunteer to lock himself away like this?

Meanwhile Yellow had taken hold of another rope. Her hands moved quickly weaving patterns in the air and I felt the weight of the coils settle lightly on my arms. Without making too much of a fuss I tried to shake them loose but she was already twirling a third rope around my legs.

"Look, enough!" It was not quite a shout but I wanted them to understand that I was in earnest. Yellow seemed unperturbed as she worked with yet more rope.

"Ready?" As she said it she stood up with one loose end in her hand and Mauve and Black counted in unison. "One, two, three!"

Yellow gave a single sharp tug and I thought I had been pulled apart. The ropes tightened as one so that my elbows almost touched whilst, at the same time, bringing them close to my knees. My back was painfully bowed and the air was driven from my lungs. It seemed incredible that some one so slight could be responsible for so much pain.

"Bravo!" Mauve and Black applauded as Yellow made a mock bow and proceeded to loop a chain around the knot that she had fashioned. I was still struggling for the breath that I needed to shout when, accompanied by the quiet hum of an electric motor, I was lifted from the floor.

Mauve took hold of my feet to stop me spinning and then pushed gently. The chain, with my dead weight, moved effortlessly until I was suspended over the bench which formed the centrepiece of the room.

"Lock it who wants to go first?" "You're the founder of the feast, so to speak,...I think the honour should be yours."

"I don't mind if I do. Will you lend me a hand?" Mauve turned her back to Black who unfastened the zip on her dress allowing it to fall to the floor.

Even through the pain my eyes were still drawn towards her. She wore nothing beneath the dress and stood unashamedly naked. She was more heavy set than I had visualized with rounded shoulders and plump, pendulous, breasts.

She raised the end of the bench to form a back rest and then she slid up onto it. "Will you get me a cushion please?" Yellow obliged and she slipped it beneath herself to raise her hips.

I was suspended eighteen inches above her staring down into the pit of her sex. It was set in the hollow formed by the slight overhang of her belly and the heaviness of her thighs.

She smiled up at me as she opened her legs further revealing a mousey thatch of untidy hair whilst I fought to keep my stomach in check and turned my head away. In so doing, I noticed the affectation.

Embossed in the leather of the bench was the same logo I had seen on the gown and I was willing to bet that it was repeated on the rest of the equipment. If I could get a couple of photographs of the room...

I wondered then if Vetris was laughing somewhere. She had put me in a position to make another tidy sum of money but she must have known the price that I was likely to have to pay.

"Lower him..." My centre of gravity meant that I was orientated slightly head down and now I was slowly dropping towards her. My constriction made breathing difficult and I was noisily heaving draughts of air but she was about to add to my misery.

"Stop." At her command I was left suspended just inches above her sex and she proceeded to idly stimulate herself.

Her fingers moved slowly producing the sucking sound of moisture and the scent rose from her as a miasma. She laughed as she noticed my distaste. "I'm ready..."

The motor whined back into life and my descent continued. It was like being lowered face first into a wet sponge and for a second or two I thought I would drown. She squirmed and pushed herself at me, adding to my torment, until I felt myself raised fractionally.

"Let's see how good you are. I assume that your girlfriend gives you lots of practise." I wanted to refuse, to tell her what a bitch she was, but I suspect that it would only it would only have added to their enjoyment. I tried for a compromise.

"Untie me and I'll do whatever you want" "Nice try sweetie...but I don't think so." She readjusted herself on the cushion so that my nose nestled in her damp thatch and my mouth was presented.

Galling as it might be I knew that I had to go through with it. I pushed my tongue into the soft, indistinct, wetness and I began to lick.

The taste was not as bad as I feared but I wondered how many others had preceded me here. How many men had she paid to take her abuse and bring her pleasure? Judging by the measure of her self control I suspected it was many. She was in no hurry and despite my best efforts she seemed no closer to coming.

As I continued to toil the purpose of the ropes became more obvious. I was still aware of the pain but my body had dulled it to a tolerable level; that is, as long as I kept still.

If I moved, even slightly, I was racked with cramps and so I held my enforced posture and focused totally on the task at hand.

All of this she knew. Her sex was my whole world and I would do what ever it took to make her come.

I strained my neck to find her clitoris and, thankfully, she was prepared to guide me. "Just there...nice and slowly."

It took a heroic effort to do as she asked and not to try and hurry things along but I was rewarded as she slid a little lower allowing me to use the whole of my tongue.

She rolled her head on her shoulders as she let her climax build, judging it minute by minute, until she finally relinquished control and came with a drawn out rising moan.

"Was that as good as it looked?" Black helped Mauve from the bench to unsteady legs clearly eager to take her turn. She quickly divested herself of her skirt and top and took her place unperturbed by the sheen of perspiration that shone on the leather surface.

Naked, she at least presented a more edifying prospect than her hostess. Her stomach was flat and her breasts pert, perhaps a little too much so to be natural. She quickly dispensed with the cushion and I was left to stare at her sex. It was immaculately depilated save for a neat triangle at the apex in which dark hair was run through with gray giving a clue to her true age.

"Should I loosen off the ropes a little?" Black smiled at me as she answered Yellow's question. "No...not just yet" A further adjustment of the chain was necessary to ensure her comfort at the expense of mine and I put my tongue to work without being asked.

Mauve's performance must have aroused her because she was already in heat. It might have been my imagination but the taste and smell seemed fresher although that made my task no less onerous.

I settled to it but then I was startled but a sudden pressure on my groin. It could only have been Yellow as Mauve was still at the head of the bench.

Over the past few days I had become intimately acquainted with the acrylic mechanism. My efforts were mainly to see if and how it could be removed but, on a few occasions, I had resorted to various impromptu tools in order to relieve periodic itching.

My fingers had proved too large and clumsy but Yellow seemed to have found the trick of it. Her slender digits made a partial incursion but the result was devastating. My manhood reared only to be cruelly crushed.

I cried out but it was a mute protest with my mouth sealed to Black's sex. She wriggled a little with the sensation. "That was nice...make him do it again."

Yellow needed no further bidding and, over the next few minutes, she almost drove me insane. Her knowing fingers repeatedly teased me to a point that I could almost believe that I could come, notwithstanding the tube, but each time the promise was viciously curtailed by the unyielding restraint.

Try as I might I could not help but groan each time it happened which acted as stimulus for Black. She started to writhe and her body glistened. "Oh God, I'm too hot for this."

She took off her mask altogether giving me a chance to see her face. She had hard features, softened by laughter lines around her dark eyes, but I could see why some people might consider her a beauty.

She swept her hair from her damp brow. "Lick me damn you!" Yellow had brought me to the brink again causing me to gasp for breath and to momentarily stop what I was doing. Now I reapplied myself licking the whole of her sex which had opened like a flower in sunlight.

As her excitement grew she scissored my head with her legs adding some of her own weight to my already strained body. She seemed determined to physically wring out every last vestige of pleasure even if I was damaged in the process.

I thought I might black out but she had reached the zenith and she slumped completely spent. It was a few moments before she could bring herself to stir and I was left breathing in the vaporous residue whilst behind me Yellow was finally relenting with the ropes.

As Black finally rose Yellow manoeuvred me. I was left lying half on the bench with my arms still bound behind my back but she now secured my thighs to the sturdy rear legs.

After that she wasted no time. She skipped lightly onto the bench and shuffled down so that her smooth sex was beneath my mouth. For a moment or two the pain in my tortured limbs seemed even greater than that I had endured whilst in suspension but I took comfort from the fact that my ordeal was nearly over.

My tongue felt swollen and my mouth strangely dry but I girded myself and started again.

Her sex was a tight clam and her skin was oiled. As I licked her mons there was a hint of sweetness which was at odds with a faint smell of incense. She liked the attention I was paying her and seemed in no hurry for me to move to another level of intimacy.

For a while it was almost soporific as the cramps in my limbs eased and my tongue was not overly stressed but I was dramatically brought back to reality. A sharp snap was followed by a pain that felt like a hot wire had been set against my backside.

My reaction was to raise my head in anguish but Yellow placed her hand on top of my head in anticipation. "Don't stop..."

A second snap accompanied by a new sharp pain made me howl and this time I jerked violently.

"Wait, let him see." As Mauve spoke she crossed to the side of the room and returned wheeling a white full length mirror; she carefully adjusted it and I was able to see Black standing behind me.

She had put her skirt back on but stood bare breasted holding a small dog whip in her hand. I now looked at her glistening musculature in a totally new light and I was genuinely afraid.

I knew, in spite of the pain, that she had only toyed with me up to now and I did not want to contemplate the damage of which she might be capable if she was roused. She had a mean smile and she raised the whip menacingly. "You'd better make a good job of it."

Yellow pushed my head down with obvious eagerness and I found her sex open and ready. I applied myself with renewed vigour but Black was not going to let me off that easily. Every minute or so she struck me again making me wail even though I was getting used to it.

As I continued to lick her companion using every trick at my disposal I had half an eye on the mirror watching her prowl behind me. She would tease me by running a finger lightly over my flesh, letting me know the target, and then she struck with unerring accuracy.

She had struck me eight times, ranging from my buttocks to the back of my thighs, before she spoke again. "How's he doing?" "In truth? I would have expected a little more enthusiasm."

I did not meet Yellow's eyes because, if I had, she would have seen murder in mine. I wanted to swear, to inflict physical damage upon them, but I knew that a show of outrage was exactly what they wanted,

Black struck me another six times before Yellow finally deigned to come and, even then, it was a lazy orgasm hardly worthy of the effort that I had been forced to put in.