Hanna Ch. 10-13


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In fact I felt a little sorry for the other diners that evening, the way Pierre and Jacques took care of us meant their service was a little more delayed than usual, and I'm sure our dishes were coming out from the kitchen well ahead of their previous orders. However, when I saw how much Hanna was enjoying her meal I was more than happy to accept the special favour.

Once the initial flurry of attention had calmed down Hanna wanted to know more about the resort and the island it was built on, then, obviously still concerned about what clothes she should take with her, questioned me about the type of people we might meet.

I told her that I imagined that most of the people there would be well to do, but still a fairly cosmopolitan group, not members of what is called the jet-set. I also told her that from what I could see of the weather forecast, we could expect relatively hot days and although there would be sea breezes the nights would still be quite warm. So shorts or simple sun-dresses would be appropriate for daytime, and although most people liked to dress for dinner, whatever she took as evening wear should also be quite light.

'I think I might do a little shopping sometime tomorrow. I don't even have a decent swim suit.'

'Can you swim?'

'Oh yes, I learned as a girl, I was quite good actually. But it's a very long time since I have done any. It's not something that's called for in Paris.' she added with a grin.

'The water around that part is marvellous, still quite unpolluted. And there's a good sized pool too, so the opportunity will be there if you want to.'

'We'll see, but I'll get myself something nice to wear, just in case.'

'Now I'll spend the next couple of days trying to imagine you in a swim suit.'

'Oh I should think that by tomorrow morning you will have other pictures of me in your head.' she replied softly.

'I'm sure I will darling, but you of all people should know what men's imaginations are like.'

'Always looking for something new, something more exciting?'

'No, that's not what I meant, and you know it, at least not now I have met you.' I added. 'So let's forget about why I'll be trying to imagine you in a swim suit, just accept that I will.' I said, breathing a mental sigh of relief as just at that moment Pierre brought our wine and the first course.

Our conversation began by talking about the concert and the other musical commitments she would have to re-arrange so she would be free to make the trip. She made no mention of any demands she might have from the other side of the Foundation's more exotic activities and as I presumed that was the way she wanted us to deal with it I carefully avoided asking any questions about those. I asked a few questions about a couple of musicians she had mentioned and that in turn led to her giving me an outline of other concerts the Foundation had planned for the near future. Then we had a long talk about the relative merits of a number of promising composers and musicians they were supporting, so our time passed quickly.

But when we were about two thirds of the way through our main course she suddenly said. 'But that's more than enough about all that, tell me about what you are doing Mac. I still know virtually nothing about your work.'

'Oh it's pretty grubby by comparison with yours Hanna. Lots and lots of politics, dealing with competing interest groups, contractors, and of course money, always money. It's not a very intellectually satisfying business.'

'But in the end you help to build something, something lasting.'

'Maybe lasting, but not always beautiful.'

'But we've already agreed that not all music is beautiful either, and most of it will certainly not last. To get one truly great piece, or performance, we have to listen to a vast amount of stuff that will soon vanish forever. It's the same with all Art, we have to produce a great deal of dross to get one small nugget'

'I suppose that's true, I've never really thought of it like that.'

'Well you should, so tell me about what you are working on now, and what you have done that you think might be memorable.'

I did as she'd asked and much to my surprise found she was genuinely interested in what I had to say, from time to time asking searching and really pertinent questions. So with the unobtrusive but efficient service Pierre was providing and Hanna's active contribution to the conversation, the time simply flew by and almost before I knew it we were sipping coffee and cognac.

'We do seem to get on well together don't we.' I said during just about the first lull in conversation.

'Yes we do Mac. I've enjoyed the meal very much, the food and wine were excellent, and the company was even better.' she replied with a smile.


She chuckled. 'All right, is, and I hope will be.'

'Do you realise we have gone for more than hour without once mentioning anything to with that three letter word?'

'Which one?'


She laughed again, that time using her deep-throated laugh. 'Tut tut, how remiss of us! But I'm sure we can more than make up for that omission soon enough.'

'Less frantically than before.'

'I think so Mac. But that was still wonderful.' she added in a much softer tone.

'Yes it was. But it didn't give me chance to look at you.'

'But you have been looking at me for the past hour.' she said with a cheeky twinkle in her eye.

'And that has been utterly delightful, but -'


'But there are parts equally delightful I need to see again. Just to make sure my memory hasn't been playing tricks on me.'

'Oh I don't think there's too much risk of that, not in less than twenty four hours.'

'I still have to make sure.'

'Then I suppose I had better let you do something about that. It wouldn't be fair of me to have you worrying about such things would it?'

'Definitely not. So I'll just take care of this.' I said, looking up to catch Pierre's eye and indicating he should add the meal to my account.

'You eat here regularly then?' Hanna said when she realised what I had done.

'Oh yes, it's almost my second home.'

'That accounts for the excellent service then.' she said pushing herself away from the table. She got up and turned towards Pierre, who was making his way between tables towards us. 'Please thank everyone for a most delicious meal, and thank you for your excellent service Pierre.' she said to him.

Pierre beamed and assured Hanna he would pass her compliments to his Mother, then turned to me and said. 'I trust we will see much more of Madame in future.'

'I hope so too Pierre.' I replied as I took Hanna's arm and turned to go.

'That was very nice of you, they will appreciate your compliments.' I said when we got outside.

'I meant them, as I said, the food, wine and service were all excellent. I hope you will take me there again.' she added.

'Oh I will darling, I will. But they don't open for breakfast, you will have to put up with my attempts at that.' I added as we made for the entrance to my apartment building.

'I'm sure I'll enjoy that just as much Mac.' she answered, snuggling closer.


Chapter 11

First Night

Although I lived on the top floor the lift was too quick for us to have time for more than an all too brief kiss and cuddle, then having exchanged somewhat guilty grins as we passed the place where we had had the earlier frenzied fuck, Hanna headed for the en-suite. I took a piss in the other bath-room, then having had a quick wash to freshen up, went through to the lounge room and put some Bartok on the stereo unit.

When I went into the bed-room I found Hanna was still in the bath-room and for a moment or two hesitated as to whether or not to strip, whether or not to wear something to bed. I decided my concern was ridiculous, the one thing Hanna wasn't was a shy, shrinking virgin, so stripped off and compromised by then slipping on a light bath-robe.

While doing that I found myself trying to imagine what she was doing at that moment, wishing that she hadn't closed the door between us, wishing I could have had even the occasional brief glimpse of her. But as exciting as those glimpses might have been they still couldn't have compared with what I actually felt when the door finally opened and she reappeared.

'I have left the lights off so you can see the lights out there.' I said, as her eyes adjusted from the brightness of the bath-room to the bed-room's relative gloom, and using that time to get a good look at her.

Like me Hanna had compromised, wearing a stunningly beautiful thing made of peach coloured chiffon and lace, through which I could clearly see most of her otherwise totally naked body. And seeing her standing there like that made me realise just how perfect that was. Tall and slender, with unbelievably long legs, and fully rounded curves in all the right places, full, high-set uptilting breasts, and a narrow waist and gently rounded hips. If given the task of designing everyman's idealisation of womanhood, this was what most men would come up with.

And she was there with me, freely offering herself to me, wanting to be with me. It was all too incredible, all just too wonderful.

'I love that piece of music Mac.' she said, referring to the music playing in the background. 'But I didn't think you had brought me here to show me some lights.' she added with a husky catch in her voice as she came forward and then slipped her arms around me. 'They'll still be there later, won't they?' she said as she lifted her face and pulled mine down.

We stood there kissing and caressing each other for a long time before each slipping the other's robe off so we could fully enjoy the feel of our skin pressing against each other's. Our lips, tongue's and hands moving in unison, each of us slowly responding to the unhurried, undemanding feel of the other.

Of course my cock was completely out of synch with all that, beginning to stiffen when she first appeared, rising the moment she slid her arms around me, then quickly hardening. When we paused to shed each other's robes Hanna lifted it higher, pressing it between our stomachs as she came back into my arms.

'I love the feel of that.' she whispered, wriggling herself against me when we eventually broke for air. 'So hard, so hot! I love knowing it's me that has made it grow to that size. And that it's me that's going to eventually get the full benefit of it - then make it explode.'

'Not too soon darling. I want more than what we had earlier, a lot more.' I replied.

'Oh so do I darling, so do I.' she answered before clamping her mouth back against mine.

We continued kissing and caressing each other for quite some time before I finally lifted her bodily, carried her across to the bed and laid her down on it. Then for a few moments I just I stood there, looking down at her, again marvelling at both her beauty, and the fact she was there with me.

'Move down to the end of the bed Mac.' she said softly as she reached up for the pillows. Naturally I did as she asked, watching as she pulled one down to rest her head on, then arched herself high and pushed another two under her bottom. Having made herself comfortable she moved her legs apart and slightly bent her knees, giving me a perfect view of her pussy.

'You do like looking at me don't you Mac.' she said after allowing me to silently stare at her for a minute or two.

'You know I do.' I answered, clearing my suddenly constricted throat.

'Well, here I am, all yours. And I like a man who keeps his body in such good shape, keeps the muscles so well defined.' she said as her eyes roamed over me. 'And as to the way you're equipped, well that's simply awesome.' she added huskily as they focussed on my crotch.

We continued staring at each other for a long, long time, saying nothing more, just feeding and gratifying those deeper aspects of each other's sexuality, and under other circumstances I might have stood there savouring the show she was giving me for much, much longer. But by then my rearing cock was starting to throb from the pressure that had built up inside me and after a while the sight of her moistly pouting pussy was just too much.

I got up on to bed, moved forward and lifted myself high above her. 'I hope it feels as good as you say it looks darling.' I said as I guided the head between her pussy-lips and pushed forward.

I used long, slow strokes, pushing deep, then withdrawing until I felt I had no more than the tip still inside her. But to do that while Hanna had her hips pushed as high as they were meant that I had to hold myself up on no more than fingers and toes. The strain was telling, but then the rewards were more than worth the effort.

At that angle I could immediately get right inside her, bury my cock to the hilt, feel the thrill of having the clinging warmth of her pussy wrapped around the entire length. And I knew there were benefits for Hanna too. In addition to the sensations generated by me being able to get so deep, completely filling her, were those produced by the shaft rubbing directly back and forth against her clitoris.

'Oh Hanna, Hanna darling!' I said hoarsely as the sensations sent the level of my excitement higher and higher.

'Yes lover, I know, it's beautiful!' she replied. 'I'm glad I waited for you to come along.' she added in a much softer voice.

'So am I, oh so am I!'

Even though the strain on my arms and legs was rapidly increasing I could have held on right through to orgasm, and as the pressure inside me mounted the thought of emptying myself into her welcoming pussy was a powerful temptation. But as I had told her, I wanted more for us, much more than just a quick, or even a single, albeit much slower fuck. So, some time before the urge became just too great to resist, I pulled back, right back out of her.

'No! Oh no!' she cried when she realised what I was doing. But then gasped and grabbed my head when I slid down and pushed it up between her thighs.

I took her all the way through to her first orgasm with my mouth and tongue, then, as I had the other time, giving her two or three more before responding to her questionable pleas to stop. Then, while her body was still weakly trembling and quivering from the effects of those, I flipped her over on to her hands and knees.

At that moment, kneeling there looking down at it, I felt sure her bottom was the most beautiful I had ever seen. The twin globes full yet firm, the absolutely flawless, creamy skin stretched tight, the valley between them invitingly deep. I bent and kissed them, pressing my lips against each in turn, tingles of pleasure running through me as I pressed them down against that silky smoothness.

Then, bending lower and spreading the cheeks apart, I slid my tongue up along the cleft from her pussy to anus, hearing her squeal of surprised pleasure when she felt me probing the tightly wrinkled entrance with its tip. I repeated that action several times before I got back up on to my knees and reinserted my cock in her by then very much wetter pussy.

'Oh yes lover, that's what I want now! But this time don't think about me, just yourself, let go whenever you need to darling!' she gasped as I gripped her hips and thrust forward, immediately getting my throbbing cock just as deep as I had before.

And what she wanted was exactly what I needed by then. After all the thrills I had got from doing what I had for her the tension had become almost unbearable. My balls had become quite painful from the amount of accumulated semen, and my cock felt so hot I half expected to hear it sizzling each time I pushed into her pussy.

So I began thrusting forcefully back and forth, watching the muscles in Hanna's arms and shoulders flexing as she braced herself to withstand the pounding. Each thrust sent waves of super-intense pleasure through me, and as I steadily increased the speed of my action I heard her words ringing in my head. 'Don't think about me this time, let go whenever you need to!'

But that time I really had no choice, by then the pressure inside me had risen so high that even if for some reason I had wanted to stop, I doubt my mental functions would have actually been able to control the physical. Not that I really thought about that, or anything else for that matter. The rapidly escalating thrills were so strong they completely overwhelmed any and every other thought, and I doubt that there was any processing power left in my brain to cope with anything else.

For a while I was vaguely aware of a few sounds; the increasing volume from the orchestra as they worked towards the finale of the Bartok piece, a fainter, squelching, sucking noise as my cock pistoned back and forth, and the uncoordinated gasping grunts of two people. But then those, and everything else vanished from my consciousness, that time even Hanna's climax didn't register with me, though I'm sure she had one I was just too busy coping with my own experiences to even be aware of hers.

I have heard the lead up to, and moment of actual orgasm by a man, described as being like everything from the most enormous sneeze, to a volcanic eruption. Although many have tried, as far as I am concerned the truth is that it is actually impossible to describe. In those few short seconds, although physiologically still fully conscious, my brain seems to need every scrap of processing power just to deal with what is happening. It seems that the intensity of the experience, no matter how many times repeated, requires all but that small part that deals with the ongoing life support functions. So the best I could do to describe a particular orgasm is by making comparisons with others. That it seemed more, or less intense. More, or less powerful. Or quicker, or longer lasting.

So, using those terms, that one was more intense, more powerful, and longer lasting than any I remembered ever experiencing.

I was of course conscious of the build-up, felt the tension inside me increasing even more, felt the sudden rush of blood that signalled the closeness of that dizzying excitement, felt my balls tightening as they rose up to press against the base of the shaft. Then felt the intensity of thrills I was getting sharply rise as the friction between my cock and the lining of Hanna's pussy suddenly increased.

Then there's nothing but the overwhelming sense of rapturous exultation as every nerve ending fired, every muscle and fibre in my body contracted. And then the only thing that seemed to matter was how much of my hot, sticky semen I could pump into her.

And that time it seemed to take very much longer than usual to fully satisfy me. Even after the draining effect of the first three or four truly massive explosions I felt the need to continue thrusting back and forth. And although not every thrust was productive the sense of urgency remained, and the thrills caused by even the intermittent spurts were strong enough to keep me going.

Eventually the power of both the urgency and the need waned, returning to me at least some control of my body. But as full consciousness was restored I discovered that even as I slowed the speed of my movements I was still getting shock-waves of incredible pleasure from my cock. Although I knew from experience that by then it couldn't have been either as big or as rigid as it had been, Hanna's pussy certainly felt much tighter.

For a few moments I was tempted to keep going, see if I was capable of a rare, double climax. But then I remembered that we actually had the rest of the night together. Only the thought that if I did continue I might totally deplete my reserves discouraged me, so I somewhat reluctantly slowed, then stopped, leaving it buried deep inside her.

Her pussy was such a snug fit it felt as though I had the entire length wrapped in its moist warmth. The feeling was utterly blissful, rather like those produced by taking a long, soaking bath. That sense of luxuriant well-being that comes from sinking down into, and then just lying in the hot water. But instead of having those sensations spread throughout the entire body, they were all concentrated in just one relatively small part, my cock. And were heightened by the positive tightening of the lining of her pussy as echoes of what Hanna had experienced continued rippling through her body.