Hanna Ch. 10-13


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'Oh apart from anything else this view is too beautiful to leave, let's have something brought up. Then we can un-pack while we wait.'

I agreed, ordered omelettes, a large Greek salad and a bottle of white wine, then having hung my few clothes, left her to arrange places for her own things.

The small dining area was set in one corner of the large living room, with wrap-around windows that provided almost as good a view as there was from the balcony. Hanna agreed that as by then it had become quite hot outside and the air-conditioning provided more comfort, it would be better if we had the waiter serve us there. Once he had gone I raised my glass. 'To us darling, and to a few days in heaven.'

'Oh I'll drink to that.' she replied, clinking my glass before taking a sip.

Although just the nearness of her during the preceding hours had kept my mind filled with images and thoughts of making love to her, the smell of the omelette had suddenly made me realise that I too was hungry, and it was several minutes before either of us spoke again.

'So Mac, what activities do you have in mind for us?' she asked, dabbing her lips with her serviette.

'I have no schedule darling. The whole point of being here is to do just whatever we please.'

'But we'll have to leave the room sometime, won't we?' she said with a mischievous grin.

'Well dinner is worth going down for. Apart from the food and wine, which is excellent, Saturday night usually turns into a bit of a party, there's quite a good band that comes in so we can dance, and that provides the opportunity for some harmless fun. Tonight will be a bit more restrained, more formal, but it will give you get a chance to show yourself off, everyone else does. After spending all day in shorts and T-shirts most people like the opportunity to put on their finest, wear their latest bit of jewellery, that sort of thing.

But other than that, it's up to us. There's a market down in the village on a Saturday morning, you might find that interesting. But if we want to spend all day in bed the staff will be happy to bring up life-saving supplies from time to time.'

'It still sounds too good to be true Mac, four days with nothing to think about but ourselves. I'm not going to read a newspaper or watch a single thing on television.' she said determinedly.

'I'll go along with that.' I replied.


Chapter 13

Twice, well...!

When I went to pour her some more wine she placed her hand over the top of her glass. 'Not for now thank you. Why not put the rest of the bottle in the fridge, we might fancy it later.' she suggested.

I took the hint and did as she suggested, but then instead of returning to my seat, went around behind her. Bending low to plant a kiss in the curve where her neck and shoulder met, I slipped both hands around her and moved them up to her breasts. 'I think we have both been patient for quite long enough. Self-restraint is an excellent virtue, but like any other it can be overdone. Don't you agree?' I said softly.

'Oh yes, very much.' she replied, leaning back in her chair so my hands had more room to move. 'But wouldn't you like me to have a quick shower, after all the travelling?'

'No I wouldn't. Apart from wasting that much more time I love the smell of you.' I replied as I slid my hands beneath the jacket and curled my fingers around the firm, lace covered curves. 'Don't forget that our body odour is filled with pheromones, and they are nature's aphrodisiacs. Substituting artificial for natural seems to me to be a bit of a waste of time and money.' I added as I fondled and gently squeezed her.

'OK, but you will have to let me use the toilet Mac.'

'I'll be waiting in the bed-room for you.' I said, then kissed her on the lips before taking my hands away.

'Can we turn the air-conditioning off in there?' she asked as she got up and headed for the bath-room.

'We sure can, each room is independent of the others. I'll fix that, just close the door behind you or this one will work overtime to compensate.'

Having fixed the air-conditioner I stripped the cover back off the bed and then took off my clothes and lay down. Although I had been experiencing the same sense of happy unreality that Hanna had remarked on, and had certainly been all too consciousness of her nearness during the trip, until that moment those feelings had remained somehow disconnected from any sexual urges. But, as though those had been lurking in the background, merely biding their time for the right moment to surface, as I lay there I suddenly found myself being filled with the most desperate need. I needed to feel her lips pressing against mine, her tongue probing into my mouth. Needed to feel her naked body in my arms, feel her moulding herself to mine. Needed to hear her cry of delight as I thrust my cock deep into her pussy.

And when I closed my eyes all I could see was her beautiful body, her eyes, sparkling with pleasure, the provocative sway of her breasts, and her pussy pouting moistly in readiness.

Luckily she was gone for only a few minutes so the reality of her presence quickly dispersed what might otherwise have proved to be all too vivid thoughts. She was still dressed, which initially disappointed me. But then, when she closed the door behind herself and smiled down at me as she began to slowly unbutton her jacket, I changed my mind and watched what she was doing with much more attentive interest.

She stood to one side of the bed, about half way down it, close enough for me to see everything in sharp detail but sufficiently far away to be well out of my reach. As she undid the buttons I saw she was wearing a short, silk camisole beneath it, and as she had told me, its pale dove grey colour precisely matched both the suit and the streaks in her hair.

Although most of the garment was made from silk the bodice was all fine lace-work, but, undoubtedly because she was also wearing a bra, I was disappointed to see that no skin was showing through it. But, as if to make up for that, the cut and fit was so perfect that even if I hadn't had the size and shape of her breasts firmly fixed in my head, I would have little trouble imagining them.

When she took the jacket off and hung it over a nearby chair I could tell from the two sets of straps going up over her shoulder that I had been right about her wearing a bra, and made a mental note to talk to her about that later. Even while I was doing that she bent and removed her shoes, then unzipped her trousers and, turning away from me, slowly slid them down.

As I had expected, her panties were made of the same silk as the bodice, much briefer than the wide legged ones I had seen before. They fitted the cheeks of her arse so snugly I felt a powerful urge to simply get up, pull them down and press my face against those firm pillows of flesh. But the actual need to see what she did next was much, much stronger so I held myself still as she unpeeled the knee length stockings she had on, then straightened up and half turned herself towards me.

She looked down and her eyes held mind for a few seconds, then they moved lower, and I saw a half smile curling the corner of her mouth. I looked down to see the cause of that and wasn't too surprised to see that my cock, although far from being fully erect, had lengthened and thickened and was starting to stiffen. 'That's nice to see.' she said in a low whisper. 'As I've told you, it gives me a nice warm, squirmy feeling when I see you reacting like that Mac.' Then she slipped the camisole up over her head and turned herself to face me.

In that first moment I fully understood why women are prepared to spend the money some do on fine lingerie. Hanna had a body as close to perfection as I had ever seen, when naked she would tempt the most fervent saint. Yet even she looked ten times more seductively beautiful in what she was wearing.

The bra, like the camisole, was a mix of fine silk and lace-work, and through it I could see the tones of her skin, even the outline of the darker flesh around her nipples. There was no more than a thin strip of silk running across her rib-cage, the cups separately moulding to, and almost tenderly supporting each breast. The fit was so perfect that I needed no imagination at all to 'see' her breasts, yet the delicate covering, rather than hindering the sight, somehow managed to enhance it.

Eventually I managed to tear my eyes away, and look lower, and wasn't disappointed, the panties were the same combination of fabrics and what little there was of it fitted her perfectly. But what immediately caught and then held my attention was the large vee shaped panel that ran down the front, it was made from nothing but lace, and through it I could see the dark triangular shadow of her pubic hair.

But that wasn't all, because I was lying down I was actually looking up at her from a slight angle. From there I could see that the lace continued on between her legs, and because it fitted so snugly and was made of such fine material, I could also see that the fleshy slit of her pussy was clearly outlined.

'Aah!' I heard Hanna sigh, but was far too engrossed in what I could see as my eyes flicked up and down to wonder what had caused her to make that sound.

She stood quite still for a couple of minutes, giving me plenty of time to enjoy the sight, and it was only when she moved that I noticed the reason for her soft exclamation, and realised that her display might have actually been for our mutual pleasure. By then my cock had not only reached full size but had also hardened and was rearing vertically. No doubt Hanna's sigh had been caused by the sight of it responding to what I was looking at, then she had stood still so she could watch its steady inflation.

The movement that had distracted me was her reaching up behind herself to unclip her bra. I've no idea where the thought came from but before she had time to remove it I said. 'Wait a moment darling!' Then, pointing to the chair said. 'Would you put that back on after you have taken your bra off?'

'The camisole?'

'Mmm, please.'

'Of course, if that's what you would like.' she replied, turning away as she took her bra off, then slipping the camisole back over her head before turning to face me again.

'Why Mac?' she asked in a soft undertone.

'Maybe just to prolong the anticipation, heighten the tension. But I would also like to see the way they move under it.'

'Like this?' she asked, moving her shoulders slowly back and forth as she returned to stand at the bottom corner of the bed.

'Oh yes, exactly like that.' I said as I watched the silk trying unsuccessfully to cling to her breasts as they swayed to and fro.

'It's nice for me too. Feeling it brushing against me.' she whispered a few moments later, then adding. 'I can feel my nipples getting even more sensitive, and my breasts getting tight.'

I could see she was right, at least I could see the effect on her nipples, see that they had become more sharply jutting spikes. 'Come closer darling.' I suggested, beckoning her towards me.

She did as I asked, moving up to stand beside me, and then giving a long drawn out sigh as I slid my hand up between her legs. 'We really do turn each other on very easily, don't we. You got excited just from seeing me watching you, didn't you?' I said softly as my hand cupped her crotch.

'Yes I did.' she said in no more than a low, indistinct whisper.

'And got even more excited from watching me get a full erection?'


I wasn't really surprised to find that the strip of lace covering her pussy had already become quite damp, and so as I slid two fingers slowly back and forth, I said. 'And do you like me doing this while you continue looking at me?'

'Yes, yes I do!' she answered huskily, then gasped as a shiver of pleasure ran through herself when I pressed my fingers up into the fleshy slit.

'In fact, in spite of a long period of self-enforced celibacy, you're actually a regular little sex-pot aren't you?' I said with a low chuckle.

'I seem to be, well at least with you I am.' she admitted, giggling momentarily, then gasping as another, much stronger shiver ran up through her body.

'And what are we going to do about that?'

'Enjoy it, make the most of it.' she replied as she reached down for my cock.

'No, wait!' I said. 'For now you can look, but mustn't touch. You can do that later. But first I think you had better slip these panties off, we don't want to wreck them on their first day. They are new aren't they?'

'Yes, one of the things I bought yesterday. You do like the set, don't you?'

'Of course I do, the speed of my arousal should have told you just how much. I didn't think anything could make your body more beautiful, more exciting than it already is, but these things do. That's why I don't want us to risk spoiling them, so I can enjoy looking at you in them many more times.' I added as she pushed the panties down and stepped out of them.

Each time she lifted her leg I got a brief, but much better look at her pussy and could see just how puffy its outer lips had already become. She really was what I had suggested, a sex-pot, and although that was a truly thrilling thought it was also a little daunting and I hoped my body could keep up with hers over the next few days and nights.

Knowing exactly what I was going to do Hanna positioned herself to make it easier for me to reach her, half turning towards me and standing with her legs sufficiently apart. Then as I slid my hand back up along the inside of her thigh I said. 'Let your mind run free darling, keep looking at me, but imagine whatever you like. Perhaps you are looking at someone who doesn't know anyone else is there, you have caught him at an unguarded moment. Perhaps you are on a train again, this time there are just you and the man who has been watching you, so with nobody else around he has been free to take his trousers off.

Whatever comes to mind, just enjoy my darling.' I added before falling silent.

Although of course I had no idea what was going on inside her head she appeared to do as I suggested, apart from the steadily increasing shudders that ran through her, standing quite still, her arms at her sides, staring almost unblinkingly down at my cock.

But my hand and fingers were busy, at first just lightly stroking her pussy-lips, then slipping up between them, then my thumb reaching higher, finding the already sharply protruding tip of her clitoris. And I took my time, not only for Hanna's benefit but also because I too had much to enjoy. As well as the way the feel of her super-responsive pussy made my fingers tingle, I also had both the expression on her face and the sight of her breasts beneath the thin silk.

Any one of those three things would have been enough, the combination was ten times more powerful. Just seeing the steadily increasing tension on her face as she continued staring down at my cock would have been enough to build my own excitement. As was the feel of her body squirming itself down against my hand as my fingers fondled and probed. But in spite of the strength of those, the real magnet for me was the ever-changing movement of her breasts.

The angle I was seeing them from made them appear even bigger than I already knew they were. And although the fabric was too shiny to actually cling to them, from time to time it did seem to get caught on one of her spiking nipples, momentarily being pulled tight around the voluptuous curves. The fact that they were so close, yet I was unable to touch them, their size and shape so distinct yet still actually hidden, only increased my longing to hold them, feel their weight, their soft firmness. Although with one part of my brain I knew that being covered was in fact adding to their desirability, another part cursed myself for suggesting she put the camisole back on.

So with all that going on it's not really surprising that I wasn't really aware of what was physically happening to me. Even though it remained untouched my cock had obviously been responding to what else was happening, although I doubt that at first there had been much that Hanna would have been able to see.

But what started as no more than an intermittent pulse would have quickly become more regular, then grown to a much more positive rhythmic throb. And as that happened its appearance would undoubtedly have started to dramatically change, the additional surge of blood making it start to jerk about, the head darkening in colour and becoming shinier as it grew more bloated.

But as I said, I was blissfully unaware of all that, that is until Hanna's reaction made me finally tear my eyes away from the almost hypnotic movement of her breasts.

At first I thought she was reacting to what my fingers had continued doing all that time, but then I realised what she had actually gasped. 'Oh, mon dieu, c'est magnifique!' That and the way she was staring down even more intently with a wide-open, almost glazed look in her eyes, made me glance down at myself.

I have to admit that at that moment my cock really did look rather impressive. As the shaft had expanded from the additional blood coursing up into it the veins running up it had thickened and darkened, and were by then standing out like blue-black whip-cords. The head had ballooned, turning a dark plum-red, and its already glossy surface was made even more so by the pre-cum that had begun to seep down over it. Adding to that was the way the whole thing was straining vertically, and from time to time jerking almost convulsively when my body attempted to pump yet another surge of blood into it.

So although I didn't know for sure whether it was what she was looking at, rather than what my fingers were doing that triggered her first orgasm, it quickly became obvious that whatever it was, it was massively effective.

It began with her giving a faint mewling cry, that, as her body began to shake, rose higher in pitch and grew progressively louder. Then I felt her pressing herself much more firmly down on to my fingers and the shaking turned to a series of more regular, jerking shudders that seemed to course up through her like a series of waves. As they grew progressively stronger and the time between each one shortened, her cry was broken by deep, grunting gasps for breath and I felt her pussy grinding itself even harder down against my hand.

Then something must have snapped inside her. 'Enough of that!' she gasped, stripping the camisole off as she got up on to the bed and straddled me. 'It's time for this!' she added as she literally impaled herself on my rearing cock.

It happened so quickly I was hit with two things almost simultaneously. The sight of her naked breasts, and sensations generated by her pussy engulfing me.

Apart from the already mouth-watering appearance of the most beautiful pair I had even seen was what her rising excitement had done to them. Her increasing arousal had swollen the flesh around her aureoles, stretching and smoothing their normally slightly puckered skin, and from the centre of each protruding circle were the blood-red, and even more spikingly swollen nipples.

I simply couldn't restrain the urge to touch them any longer, and just as Hanna pushed herself down I reached up and brushed the palms of my hands up over them.

Both of our bodies reacted convulsively. My hips thrusting my cock higher as the shock-like thrills of her descending pussy suddenly flooded my brain. Hanna's jamming herself hard down on to it even as the rest of her jerked upright from my touch of her super-sensitised breasts.

Then, although it was only thirty-six hours that we had been apart, we rode each other, furiously, mindlessly, as though each of those hours had in fact been a day, or even a week.

After only a few seconds, in spite of the strength of the thrills coursing up from my cock, I felt a desperate urge for more than just the feel of her breasts in my hands. So, slipping my arms around behind her I pulled myself up until I could press my face against them, feel their warm, silky firmness cushioned against my skin.