Hanna Ch. 10-13


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Although I could feel her fingers moving faster and her squirming and wriggling grew much more vigorous, she still made no attempt to move up and down on my cock. And with the weight of her pressing down precluding any movement from me, I could only continue squeezing and sucking her breast, and start slowly pushing one finger in and out of her arse-hole.

But that, plus what she was doing to herself was obviously more than enough, and it wasn't long before I knew she was building towards her orgasm. And a minute or two later, even if I hadn't been able to hear her rising cries of pleasure, the strength of feelings I was getting from my cock as her pussy began rhythmically squeezing it would have told me just how strong a climax she was experiencing.

When the strength of tremors gradually began waning she leaned back a little, pulling her breast from my mouth, then lifting my head. Her face was still flushed, flecked with tiny beads of perspiration, her usually sparkling eyes clouded, her mouth partly open as she continued gasping for breath.

'In addition to everything else about you, you are the most considerate lover I have ever known my darling.' she said softly. 'Thank you for letting me do that, and for helping me along the way you did, it was beautiful. But now let's share properly.' she added, bending her head and clamping her mouth to mine.

As her tongue probed deep, twining around mine I felt her finally starting to move herself up and down. At first slowly, using quite small movements, the post orgasmic slickness of her pussy allowing her to slip easily up and down the still rigidly swollen length that filled it. But even though she was so wet she still somehow managed to hold my cock in a tight grip, and each small movement triggered sparks of intense pleasure.

When she finally broke the kiss she placed her hands on my shoulders for support, her eyes looking deep into mine. 'And as well as everything else, we do fit beautifully together don't we.' she said softly.

'Definitely tailor made darling.' I replied, taking advantage of the space she had created between us and slipping both hands up to her breasts.

'Mmm, I like that too, they're always very sensitive at times like this.'

'I'll remember that, but I love holding them at any time. They're so silky smooth, so perfectly shaped, heavy but still so firm. Another absolutely gorgeous part of an all too perfect whole.' I added, squeezing them gently.

'Feel free to touch them, or any other part of me, any time you like. So long as I'm allowed the same privilege.' she said before bending to kiss me again.

Even though in that position there was actually very little I could physically do about it at that stage I was perfectly content to let her make the pace. Apart from the thrills her pussy was giving me I was happy just to continue enjoying the feel of her closeness and of having her breasts in my hands. But of course after all that had gone before I couldn't hold myself at that level of happy contentment. The effects of even those short, almost leisurely rises and falls were cumulative, and slowly but surely I felt the tension inside myself increasing.

Hanna must have sensed or felt some change in me, perhaps feeling the same steady pulse I had become aware of. Whatever it was I suddenly realised her movements were becoming stronger, rising higher and pushing down more firmly.

Then those stronger movements gradually also increased in speed, her hands gripping my shoulders much harder as her body urged me on. The pulsing throb I had felt grew stronger and stronger and I could tell my swollen balls were tightening, rising.

Although the weight of her was going to make it difficult and I was reluctant to let go of her breasts, the urge to thrust quickly became totally overpowering. So, dropping my hands, I took a firm grip of the arm-rests and picked up the rhythm of her action. Each time her downward drive met my upward heave it forced a gasp of breath from her and a guttural grunt from me. And as we each got closer and closer to orgasm and our actions got faster and faster those sounds began to blend together.

She rode me to a virtually synchronous climax, the feel of my wildly pumping cock apparently providing her with the final trigger for her own, then the strength of her convulsing pussy draining the final few spurts of semen.

When we were both done she fell forward, our sweating bodies squashed against each other, both hearts racing, each panting for breath, and it was several minutes before either felt capable of moving.

'That was...' she whispered, searching for words between gasps.

'Fantastic? Unbelievable?' I suggested.

'Both, and much, much more.' she replied. 'But there really aren't words in any of the languages I know to really describe what I felt.'

'Yes language is pretty inadequate when it comes to these sorts of feelings.'

'Or most things to do with sex.' she replied, finally pushing herself upright. 'But now we have a problem.' she added more brightly.

'What's that darling?'

'Finding some way of moving without leaving a trail of stains on your carpet.' she said, giving me a cheeky grin.

'I wouldn't worry about that, just nip across to the en-suite.'

From the loud squelching sound she made as she lifted herself off me I got a fair idea of just how much co-mingled fluid had accumulated inside her, then watched as she quickly grabbed her crotch and literally scampered across to the bed-room door. When she had gone I looked down at myself and saw the state I was also in. My still partially swollen cock was dripping wet, my pubic hair a matted mass, and I could feel some drops of moisture dripping down the insides of my thighs.

'I'll need to make sure I leave a few boxes of tissues scattered around the place.' I thought to myself as I hurried to the other bath-room to clean up.


Chapter 12

Get Away

After a busy day and then three such powerfully draining love-making sessions we were both more than happy to call it a day and get some rest. It was wonderful to feel her lying beside me in bed but although we kissed and caressed each other for a few minutes neither of us really had the energy to do more than that.

I slept like the proverbial log, I don't even remember dreaming, and when I woke it actually took me a few moments to remember who the person was curled up next to me. But then everything flooded back and I felt a surge of previously unexperienced happiness rushing through me. 'Hanna! Darling Hanna!' I whispered to myself as I pushed up on one arm and looked down at her still sleeping face.

Even though her beautiful and amazingly expressive eyes were shut and her face devoid of any make-up, I still thought she was the loveliest woman I had ever seen. And as I stared down at her, and recalled some of the things she had said and done with me just a few hours earlier, I found it hard to believe I had been so lucky.

I remained propped there for quite some time, enjoying the opportunity to look at her, her perfect skin and classic bone structure, the shape of her nose and ears. But time and again my eyes ended up looking at her mouth and lips. Remembering how softly moist they were when we kissed, how responsive to mine. Then remembering how exciting it had been just to see them wrapped around my cock, then trying to recall something of the actual thrills they had given me.

Although I made no move to disturb her something woke her from her sleep, perhaps some inner sense told her she was being so closely scrutinised. I saw her eye-lids flicker several times, then they slowly opened and although her eyes were initially unfocussed the effect on me was similar to seeing the brilliance of a full moon breaking out from behind a dark bank of clouds. Her eyes darted around, as though searching for some familiar object, then found my face, she blinked once or twice as her brain processed the unusual information, then she smiled. If opening her eyes had seemed like a sudden sight of the moon, her smile was like a sunrise on a crystal clear morning.

'Good morning.' she said in a sleepily loving voice.

'A very good morning my darling.' I replied, bending to kiss her lightly on the forehead. 'Would you like some coffee?'

'Oh most definitely yes please.' she replied, becoming more alert.

While the coffee brewed I warmed some croissants and poured glasses of fruit juice, adding those to the array of condiments I had put on a large tray, then went through to the bath-room to have a piss and wash the sleep from my eyes. When all was ready I carried the tray through to the bed-room, to find Hanna, obviously also freshened-up and sitting up in bed, waiting for me.

'Ah, at last! The smell of the coffee has been driving me mad, I wondered what you were up to.' she said, but then when I put the tray down on the bed beside her, she added. 'Oh Mac, that looks wonderful! You really are too good to be true. But I'm certainly not going to complain about that.'

Although careful about where I had put the tray and pleased to hear her reaction to my simple act of thoughtfulness, all my attention had actually been elsewhere. On her breasts. As we had both slept naked, when she sat up the sheet fell in crumpled folds across her middle, leaving those twin globes fully exposed.

To her they were no doubt merely another part of her body, something that had grown with her, something to be aware of, but never the centre of her thoughts. But to me they ranked alongside some of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. To me their size and shape were the embodiment of true perfection of form. If her eyes represented the essence of her personality, her pussy her sexuality, then her breasts were the twin beacons of her femininity.

I stared, quite unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of them, gently rising and falling with each breath she took, swaying gracefully when she reached for something from the tray. I wanted desperately to touch them, to hold them in the palms of my hands, feel their silky warmth, their firm weight. Wanted to fondle them until their cherry tips stiffened, then take those between my lips, to press my face against her as I gently nibbled and sucked.

But, perhaps luckily, her voice broke through my wishful daydreaming. 'Come on Mac, eat something.'

I mentally shook myself and looked up to find her offering me half a buttered croissant. 'Thank you, sorry, I was miles away.' I said.

'Oh I think you were right her darling. As I've told you, I love having you looking at me like that, makes me go all squirmy inside. Any other time I would have let what I think you were thinking lead to something more, but I'm sure you have to get to your office and I have calls to make if we are to have four, not three days together. So eat up, and then we'll have to get ourselves ready for the real world.'

She was quite right of course and that's exactly what we did. She told me that as she had many personal things to do we couldn't meet that evening so, having dropped her at the hotel I headed for my office with the knowledge that the next time I saw her would be when I picked her up the following morning. But twenty-four hours suddenly seemed an eternity.

Of course in fact it went remarkably quickly. Hanna rang an hour or so later with the news she had freed herself from her commitments and that good news plus the various things I had to do made the day flash by. The evening was a little more difficult, and having eaten and packed and made a few last minute phone calls I poured myself a drink and sat down, mentally running through the arrangements I had made, double-checking for anything I had missed.

Although I had done it quite unthinkingly and purely out of habit, I probably made the wrong choice of where to sit, in the leather arm-chair. Having satisfied myself that everything I could do had been done I slowly sipped my drink, then suddenly remembered what had happened in that chair the previous evening.

It was as though a whole range of information channels that had previously been blocked had suddenly been opened, letting through a torrent of detail. I remembered her words. 'Spoil sport.' she had said in supposedly disappointed voice when I had pushed her head back off my cock. Then. 'But if you won't let me do that then I get to choose where and how.'

When I had asked where she had pointed to the chair and when she then said. 'It looks more than big enough to take the two of us.' I also knew what position she had in mind, so wasn't surprised when she pushed me down on to it then got up and straddled me.

What she had already done to me had given me such a strong erection that she only had to reach down and steady it before she was able to take it all with one, firm downward push. 'Aaah yes!' she'd sighed as it filled her, then added as she squirmed herself even more tightly down against me. 'That's even better than I thought it would be.'

Once again I had experienced those utterly blissful feelings her snugly fitting pussy was capable of giving me, sensations that increased and intensified as she began slowly moving herself up and down.

Then something snapped inside my head, I realised I was being absolutely foolish, and pulled myself together. 'It's one thing to be besotted by a woman, spending every waking minute day-dreaming about her is quite another.' I said to myself as I pushed up out of the chair and headed for the phone.

She answered on the fourth ring and although surprised, sounded pleased to hear my voice. 'Is something wrong Mac?' she then asked anxiously.

'Absolutely not.' I replied. 'At least not now that I can hear your voice. I just wanted to check that everything is OK with you. Did you get done everything you needed to?'

'Oh yes thank you darling. But it has been a bit frantic. As well as fixing a few things for the Foundation I had a bit of shopping to do. I wanted to get something especially nice to wear, for the dinner-time, I want to look at my best for you. And of course I also had to get a swimsuit. Then there were other girly things to do, so it's been a busy day, but I'm nearly finished my packing now. And your day?'

'Also busy, but much more mundane stuff, to do with business. But all our various bookings are confirmed, plane, cars, the ferry, and the apartment manager has said he'll be sure everything goes smoothly there. I met him when we were interviewing people for the job, he's very competent and he and I get on well personally too, so that helps.'

'I'm sure it will be wonderful darling, especially not having to think about anything but us for a few days. It will give us a chance to really find out about each other.'

'Let's hope you don't find any stuff you don't like.'

'Oh I doubt it darling, but we can stand a couple of minor faults in each other surely?'

'Of course, neither expects perfection, do we?'

'I certainly hope not, I'm far from that. I'm sure you'll find some things I do irritate you, we wouldn't be human if that weren't true.'

'I have found in my work that a few minor glitches always make the finished project all the more satisfying.'

'I hope I'm more than just a project darling.' she said with a low giggle.

Having assured her she was far from that we talked for a little longer before she said she still had things to finish. So I reluctantly let her go, telling her only that I was looking forward to the morning more than anything else I could remember. Then, to avoid any hassles and delays that might result from driving to and parking at the airport, I booked a taxi for early the following morning and went to bed.

The morning was overcast with rain threatening, making just the thought of flying South seem a brilliant idea. But then the sound of Hanna's voice when I rang to tell her I was about to leave made me feel as though I was bathed in a pool of bright sunshine.

She was waiting at the entrance to the hotel and although momentarily disappointed to see that she wasn't wearing a skirt I recognised the practicality of the pant suit she had on. But I certainly couldn't fault either its style and cut that managed to discretely flatter her figure, or the colour that subtly matched the silver-grey streaks in her hair.

While we briefly embraced, Georges stowed her bags in the taxi and then we were off, holding hands and grinning at each other just like two run-away teen-agers. Even though we said little to each other the shared sense of euphoria carried us through the crawling early morning traffic, the milling crowds at the airport, and even the endless bureaucratic and security procedures prior to boarding.

Once settled in our seats she gave a long sigh and when I asked if she was all right, she gave me a brilliant smile and said. 'Oh yes darling, very all right thank you. It's just that I'm finding it a bit hard to believe all this is actually happening.'

'Ah, you too! I think I know exactly what you mean, that it's all a bit too good to be true?'

'Mmm, I keep expecting to wake up.'

'You'll find I'll still be here when you do.' I answered, giving her hand a squeeze.

The flight and service was pleasant and uneventful, and once we had crossed the Alps the clouds beneath us melted away, then both the car and ferry trips went to schedule so just a couple of hours or so later we were being greeted by Franko, the resort manager.

I could tell from the expression on his face that he was immediately smitten by Hanna and so wasn't that surprised when he not only escorted us to our apartment but then insisted on staying on to personally show her not only the layout but also the smallest detail of what it had to offer.

The rooms were large and sunny, with floor to ceiling windows running along the outside length, opening on to a balcony over-looking the bay. The bed-room had his and hers built-in wardrobes, the 'hers' section being big enough to include a vanity unit. The bath-room led off the bed-room and was equipped with just about anything even the most fastidious woman might need. There was an over-large lounge, with an entertainment centre and a small bar, and off that a compact kitchen area where basic cooking could be done.

Not wanting to deprive Franko of whatever pleasure giving Hanna the guided tour gave him, while he was doing that I went out on to the balcony and stood admiring the truly magnificent and quite breath-taking view. The surrounding rocky crags, the tumbling assortment of mainly white-washed houses of the adjoining village, the sun beating down on the sparkling waters of the harbour.

I was still standing there when I felt her arm slip around my waist. 'That was mean of you, for a while there I thought he was never going to leave.' she said.

'He's a nice guy, you have made his day, so I couldn't deny him those few minutes.' I replied, turning, taking her in my arms and kissing her.

'I've been wanting to do that for the last few hours.' I whispered when we broke for air.

'And I've been wanting you to. And waiting for you to tell me how you think I look.' she added.

'Stunning darling, truly stunning. Is that one of yesterday's purchases?'

'Yes it is, you really like it?'

'Really. It fits perfectly, shows off your figure beautifully, and I love the colour, the way it matches the streaks in your hair.'

'I cheated a bit there, had the streaks lightened a little.'

'And may I ask if you are colour co-ordinated?' I said, referring to what she had told me about her practice of matching the colour of her underwear to something else she was wearing.

'Of course.' she answered with a cheeky grin. 'But before we go into that, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a bit hungry.'

Recognising that she, like me had only had the in-flight coffee and biscuits, and had probably not had much more than that for breakfast, I curbed the feelings that had started the moment I took her in my arms. 'Of course you are. Well we can either call for something to be brought up, go down to the pool side, where there is an excellent smorgasbord, or have a proper lunch in the restaurant. Which do you prefer?'