Michelle's Story


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"Oh don't you let that worry you, he's capable alright," Edna replied taking another biscuit from the barrel.

"In that case why not leave your telephone number and I'll call later today with Andy's answer."

"Don't have a phone," she replied tersely.

"Mobile?" asked Michelle tentatively knowing the answer before she got it.

"Don't have one of those either," she replied drinking her coffee down, "I'll pop round again tomorrow and see what his answer is, is that okay?" Edna finished her coffee.

"Sure that'll be fine Edna."

"Okay, I'll be off then," she said as she stood the chair scrapped across the floor. Michelle stood up and headed for the front door with Edna in tow. She could feel the woman's eye boring into her arse as they walked the hallway. Michelle opened the door and Edna stepped out and turned to look at her host.

"Thanks for the coffee and biscuits Michelle."

"You're welcome," replied Michelle as she watched this woman blatantly look her over. She saw the lust in her eyes as they undressed her whilst standing on the doorstep.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then." Edna turned and walked back down the garden path.

Michelle quickly shut the door falling back against it, my god what was all that about!

Several minutes later Andy returned from town with the timber to build his next project. He entered the house via the backdoor and met Michelle in the kitchen.

"Hi honey," he called as he entered.

"You've been a long time?"

"I met Chris from the club outside the timber yard and had a chat."

"Oh, do you want a drink?"

"No not at the moment thanks. Did I see some woman come from our house just now?"

"Yes that was Mrs Farris."

"Blimey what did we owe that pleasure?" Andy asked as he leant against the worktop.

"Well she came over to thank us for the flowers we sent for the funeral and also for attending," Michelle looked up at the clock , "It's nearly lunchtime do you want a couple of bread rolls for your lunch?"

"Yes fine," replied Andy, "Go on what else did she have to say?"

"She was sort of creepy, strange even."

"What do you mean?" Andy asked.

"Well she didn't stop looking me over. One minute she was looking at my arse and the next my breasts." Michelle exclaimed. Her face was a picture of concern.

"Well I would as well you're a beautiful woman." Andy was smiling.

"I'd expect that from men, not woman."

"I don't see why not, woman like woman as do men. It takes all sorts to make this world of humans."

Michelle gave a weak smile of disdain, "She also asked if you can give Mervin some work round the garden during the summer, what you think?"

"I don't see why not."

"Are you sure; what if he can't do the jobs you give him?" Michelle asked sounding worried.

"I'm sure he'll be okay with mowing the lawns and edging the borders and maybe he'll be okay digging over that patch of ground at the bottom of the garden, something I've been meaning to do for quite some time."

"Well if you're sure then okay," Michelle seemed reluctant.

"You don't really want him here do you?"

"Well it's just that I don't know how I'll react when I see him?"

"Okay why don't we have him over only when I'm here that way he can work with me and I can then keep an eye on him," Andy suggested, "What do you think?"

Michelle still looked worried but she seemed to brighten to the idea, "Okay we'll do it your way for now and we'll see how he comes along."

Edna came to the door the following day and Michelle was waiting for her.

"Hello Edna," Michelle said with a smile while holding onto the door. Once again, Michelle could see her eyes were all over her, undressing her. She shivered.

"Did y' ask y' old man about me boy?" she asked expectantly. The look on her face clearly showed she wasn't hopeful.

"I did, he said Mervin was to come over on Saturday at about nine and he will give him some work to do."

Edna seemed to go into shock. She clearly wasn't expecting this, "Oh my lord, why thank you Michelle," Edna finally blustered, "Oh thank you you don't know how grateful I am."

"It's okay Edna just make sure he's here on Saturday nine o' clock."

Michelle was now smiling at the look on Edna's face.

"I will, I will, thank you Mrs Stevens." She said forgetting to use Michelle's first name. She turned on her heels and walked down the garden path to the gate. She turned and waved a huge smile on her face and walked on.

Mervin arrived promptly at nine Saturday morning. He looked petrified as Andy let him in through the front door. They came into the kitchen where Michelle was washing up the breakfast things.

"Hello," he said nervously, "Hello Mrs Steven's."

They walked passed Michelle and into the garden. Then an awful smell suddenly filled her nostrils. The smell of stale sweat and urine; Michelle put a hand to her nose and immediately got out the air freshener and sprayed the kitchen. God that was dreadful, she said to herself. She watched through the window as Andy took him round the garden showing him what they were going to do.

That Saturday saw Michelle cringe more times than she could ever remember. Every time she looked his way, he was looking back at her. Everywhere she went in the house, she could feel his eyes on her. That eye . . . it made her recoil in revulsion.

Michelle tried and tried to keep her composure but she was sure she let it slip and accidently showed her disgust. In addition, his body odour was just plain nauseating.

However, the day seemed to go quickly and before she knew it, Mervin was saying goodbye.

Andy closed the door after him and returned to the kitchen where his wife was preparing dinner.

"That lad did well you know," Andy revealed as he sat at the table and took up his cup of coffee.

"That lad is a man," Michelle said mildly annoyed as she could tell Andy had taken a liking to him.

"Only in body; his mind is quite sharp and is eager to learn," he revealed, "He's going to do just fine."

"Is he now?"

"Yes he is. His mind isn't as it should be. The accident had obviously seen to that, he does need supervision but he did a good job, worked hard for his money. £30 pounds this day and age isn't much."

"So you'll let him come back next week then?" She didn't know why but she felt rejected and relieved all at the same time. Michelle was relieved because they were doing something to help and it felt right. Then rejected because she knew Andy had found a new friend albeit once week.

"I don't see why not. What about you?"

"You're the one who worked with him, you should know," she replied.

"Yes, but I saw you watching him and so did Mervin. You made him nervous, hell you made me nervous."

"What do you mean I made him nervous, I didn't go anywhere near him?" She was surprised maybe she didn't mask her feelings as well as she thought.

"While we were down the bottom of the garden, I was explaining what we would be doing next week when he just came straight out with it."

"What did he say?" Michelle asked alarmed.

He said, "Mr Stevens your wife doesn't like me, does she?"

She gasped, "He didn't, oh dear I didn't mean to hurt his feelings I suppose I was just scared," she admitted, "Now I suppose he won't want to come back?"

"He sure does, Michelle. He said he was coming back next week," Andy replied with a smirk, "Said he loved it, the best day of his life. And he especially liked your cake."

"He did?" Michelle said with a smile, "He like my cake did he, well at least he has taste."

Andy's smile grew even wider, "He sure does in more ways than one."

Michelle squirmed in her seat tremendously embarrassed she hadn't given the lad the benefit of the doubt. She just took him as face value and didn't look to see what was underneath. Instead, Michelle ridiculed him because of his deformity.

During the week Mrs Farris knocked on the door, "Hi," Michelle welcomed.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Mrs Stevens but I thought I would just knock and say thank you." The woman in her late fifties with her hair tied back in a ponytail dressed rather plainly, sounded as though she was in a hurry.

"It's Michelle, Edna," Michelle said.

Edna smiled, "Sorry I mean Michelle."

"Thank you?" Michelle asked blankly.

"For having my son over to help with the chores around the garden," she explained. Again she watched the woman stand there looking her up and down. She looked at Michelle with an eye of a sexual predator ogling her body as if Edna was about to ravish it.

Michelle stood in the doorway unprepared as her eyes roamed over her body checking out her breasts and then her waist and thighs. Edna's eyes seemed to bore into her crotch as if trying to look beyond the shorts she was wearing on this nice sunny day.

"Oh yes, yes that's okay Edna. Would you like to come in," Michelle asked stepping back to give some space, her face flushed with embarrassment at Edna's blatant boldness.

"No, no that's okay I've got to go down to the store for some groceries. It's just that I really appreciate what you're doing, thank you."

Before Michelle could say anything else, Mrs Farris turned and walked away down the path. She watched surprised. As Edna turned away, Michelle noticed that the soles of her shoes were practically non-existent, while her dress looked like it had come from the seventies and that it had seen better days. As she moved to close the door so she felt the dampness in her knickers, my God, she thought, I've become aroused!

For six weeks, Mervin came over at nine in the morning on a Saturday and Andy would take him round the garden, and working with him, got the garden looking immaculate. The front was the envy of the crescent. The lawns looked green and well dressed, while the borders were full of colour.

By the seventh week, the work was drying up and Andy was struggling to keep Mervin occupied.

Although she could argue that she was slowly coming to terms with Mervin, he still scared her. Some of it was to do with his disfigurement but she could see beyond that now.

Now she saw something different and this became a new problem. Whenever he came into the house or was relatively close to her, she felt extremely uncomfortable. He would not take his eyes off her. When she looked his way, he would always be looking back at her as if he knew she was looking. Even when she had her back turned to him, she could feel his eyes burning into her - undressing her.

Michelle felt violated and was glad that work in the garden was nearly over and he wouldn't have to come over anymore. That was until Andy and Mervin found a common interest - model railways!

For weeks, she subjected herself to the same scenario every time Mervin entered the house. Now he's at our house several times a week. He would nearly always come over just after they'd had dinner, that little tap on the back door grated her nerves and Andy would open for him.

Mervin was always polite and courteous, he would always say hello and try to chat with her, but she felt revulsion every time she looked at him. However, over the weeks she had learnt to disguise her feelings. The consolation to this was his body odour had improved but he still stank.

Andy on the other hand seemed to put Mervin's disfigurement aside and see him for what he is, a man with the mind of a teenager in a thirty-eight year old body. Michelle really wished she could be the same as Andy but it didn't matter how much she tried she still loathed to see him enter her home. Now, the nights he comes over both of them disappear to play trains.

Andy and Mervin were in the loft placing more tracks to the board when Mervin, out of the blue said, "Mrs Stevens doesn't like me."

Andy looked up and watched him for a couple of moments as he studied the two pieces of track. "Why do you say that, Mervin?"

"Cos she doesn't speak and she doesn't like looking at me. I think I frighten her?"

"She has a bad time accepting you as you are Mervin. She knows it's not your fault."

"But I like her, Mr Stevens. I think she's a lovely lady. She lets me come into her home, help you with your garden and train set. I like trains."

"You like her a lot then?" asked Andy not sure where this was going. Like many conversations with Mervin, they start but die away as his mind moves quickly onto other topics.

"Oh yeah I really do like her a lot Mr Stevens," he emphasized the word 'really' and Andy could see he meant what he said. However, his voice carried with it overtones of something else and Andy was now curious as to what Mervin had on his mind.

They fell silent as they got on with the job of laying some extra track that was going to make a new siding to a station with a single loco engine shed. Andy was scratch building the shed while Mervin laid the track.

Andy pondered on what he'd said and the way he'd said it. The only conclusion he could come up with was Mervin had the hot's for Michelle. He thought this a bit strange for the lad had the mind of a teenager and he assumed this teenager was looking for new experiences. Girls or women are new involvements and something he wanted to try. But what made him chuckle in side was the mere fact that he'd have no chance with Michelle, Christ even I don't get to lay between her lovely thighs that often.

"Do you have a girlfriend Mervin?" he asked, "Or a girl you like?" He kept the question as light hearted as possible and kept his head down at the same time.

"Nah, but I do like Mrs Stevens," he replied. His voice was sincere as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "My mum said I had a girlfriend once, before my accident. But I don't remember."

"I see do you like looking at the ladies then Mervin?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh yes," he said enthusiastically, "I like looking at the ladies in the magazines. Some of them are really nice."

"What magazines are those then Mervin?"

Mervin looked at me distressed, "I don't know if I should say anything more Mr Stevens, if my mum found out she'd go nuts."

"It's okay Mervin your secret is safe with me. Are you saying you look at nude ladies in Penthouse and other magazines?"

Mervin looked at me still unsure about answering, "I don't know if I should say anymore my mum might find out."

"Well I won't tell her Mervin that's for sure."

"You won't?"

"No I won't."

"Okay then," he went silent looked down at the layout in front of him, "Yes I do I buy them out of my pocket money."

"That's okay Mervin there's nothing wrong in looking at nude ladies."

"There isn't?"

"Well your mum probably won't like it but its ok."

Mervin smiled at me and then went back to work.

"So who's the best woman you've seen either in the magazines or in real life?" Andy asked him and waited for his answer.

"Well I used to like the lady in the sweet shop, her name was Mary."

"Does she not work there anymore?" He asked noting he'd used a past reference.

"Oh yes, but mum has had a few words and they don't speak."

For a second Andy wondered what those words were but he probably won't ever find out. By the way Mervin spoke; Andy didn't think he knew either.

"So what did you like about her?"

"She had a nice face and some real big tits, and her legs were good as well," he replied salaciously.

Andy was shocked at his forthrightness he had assumed Mervin had a schoolboys crush or something of that nature. Now though, Andy thinks Mervin sees him as a friend and thinks he can trust him.

"So Mary had a good body on her then?" Andy asked. He'd been in the said sweet shop and Mary was an attractive woman. Andy wasn't sure but he thinks she's married to the owner.

"Oh yes really nice I would've loved sticking her one."

Now that surprised Andy. Mervin hadn't looked up for ages as he continued to place the track carefully into position and then gently tapped the track pin into the board.

Andy chuckled to himself and asked, "So who have you got on your mind now Mervin. Who would you like to stick it to now?"

He continued with his work, never looking up. Andy could see him hesitate then while placing another piece of track to the board he said, "I would really like to fuck Mrs Stevens." He whispered it as if he were scared of someone hearing him. Then suddenly he looked up, stood up straight, embarrassment covered his face. He looked carefully at me, eyes wide with fear and added, "I'm sorry Mr Stevens I shouldn't have said that. I'd better go home."

To say Andy was dazed was an understatement; he stood there like a lemon with his mouth open. Anger, rage and revenge crashed through his mind all at the same time. He watched Mervin make a hasty exit from the room. Climbed down the ladder and then down the stairs. He heard Michelle talk to him, but didn't hear any response.

Then Michelle popped her head through the loft hatch. "What's happened, Mervin just flew passed me like a bat out of hell?" she asked sliding a tray of drinks and snacks into the loft.

"I don't really know," he lied, "We were talking about girlfriends. Said he didn't have one now but he did fancy Mary the lady who works in the sweet shop," Andy chuckled, "He said he fancied her and would love to stick her one. He then got all embarrassed got up and walked out.

"You mean Mary Stewart," she said surprised then looked at me seriously, "You didn't make fun of him over it did you?"

"No honestly I didn't. Actually I didn't get a chance I was so shocked by the way he just came out with it that I'd lost my tongue."

"Well he was certainly embarrassed when he saw me."

"He'll be back," he said, "He likes his trains too much." Andy also knew another reason for Mervin wanting to return to their house. For the rest of the evening and later while lying in bed his words were constantly turned over in his mind, 'I'd love to fuck Mrs Stevens', those words were said with conviction and it was obvious that he really did want Michelle.

He was angry now and wanted to kick the shit out of him but as he lay there with these thoughts going through his mind, it suddenly happened. Pictures appeared in his mind with such clarity that he mentally gasped. There in his mind he watched his wife fucking another man, lying on the marital bed, knees raised and her legs wide open and there lying between them lay Mervin pumping away into her body.

He opened his eyes but the scene didn't change. His mind was still playing back the scene, Mervin was fucking Michelle, and she was letting him. Then she turned to look at him her eyes full of lust and passion as the lad continued to fuck her. "Oh Andy he's fucking me good I'm going to come."

It was then he woke up. It was a dream but the extremely hard erection he had wasn't.

Yes, Mervin did return. It took a week but he returned and got back to work on where he'd left off. For the rest of the summer and well into autumn he would come over to the house after dinner and play with the trains and at weekends, they would work in the garden.

With Mervin there to help him, he managed to enlarge the layout quite considerably and they soon had several loco's running simultaneously, which was quite exciting, both of them got a kick out of it once it was working.

The next couple of days were a torment for Andy, as he wanted to ask Mervin more about his thoughts on his wife Michelle. He left Mervin alone, never asking him about Michelle in that time. Andy thought it better that he didn't. However, it was hard as he hadn't been able to get the thoughts of it happening out of his mind. Most nights he would lay in bed thinking about Mervin lying between her spread thighs while he pumped his spunk into her cunt. His imagination on occasions went wild and he had to go to the bathroom and give myself some release. However, these thoughts would not go away. It got to the point when one evening whilst they were all in the kitchen drinking tea he watched Mervin get up from the table and go over to the sink and place his cup on the drainer. Michelle was leaning back against the sink with a cup of tea in her hand when his imagination just went haywire.