Michelle's Story


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"Yes, I sure am, I know what I like."

His cockiness didn't entirely convince Michelle. He was bold considering what had happened to him and the way he looks. It's blatantly obvious he will never have a woman by his side. Yet, his disfigurement was probably the reason for his boldness she thought.

"Well I'm flattered Mervin, does that mean we're friends now?" Michelle looked down and saw the small bulge in Mervin's lap realising he was sexually excited.

"Yes, we are friends Mrs Stevens," he said and then added, "I'd like to be more than friends though."

Michelle was pleased with his answer and she felt relieved that she had had this conversation with him. She felt she'd managed to quell her fears about Mervin. She could look at him now and not feel disgusted. Michelle sensed that she'd moved on and she could now accept Mervin as a friend and not the enemy. Yet she still had some doubt. She was still cautious about the man sitting at the table. She still didn't think she could trust him.

"You have to remember Mervin I'm a married woman and therefore out of bounds to other men. Let's just be friends, good friends."

"Okay Mrs Stevens, I think I'd better go now. If Mr Stevens wants me to help him tomorrow then I will."

"Thank you for that Mervin, and thank you for all your help through the summer."

"That's okay Mrs Stevens." Mervin got up from the table and Michelle saw the huge tent in his trousers. Mervin passed the cup to her and she took it. Her eyes roaming from his face to his groin and back again.

"Thanks for the tea," he said and walked up to her. He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. Straight away Michelle felt his erection press up against her belly. Mervin's hand went to her lower back and he pulled her closer making his cock press against his own belly ensuring she felt his cock against her body.

He then broke the embrace and walked away. He was out of the door before Michelle could bring herself out of shock.

Michelle stood there still feeling the pressure on her belly she really didn't know what to do except for placing the cup onto the draining board and then took a deep breath. My god, she thought, what was all that about?

From then on Mervin was a different person. Every time he came over he would always search Michelle out and strike up a conversation, they would talk of trivial things and Michelle was becoming comfortable with his presence. However, she still remembers the lad's excitement poking into her belly, something she hadn't forgotten and had left some unanswered questions that seemed to dwell on her mind.

Should she tell Andy about this? It was rather impertinent of Mervin to do such a thing to a woman and a married woman at that. Because of Andy's concern about his mother, she thought it wise to try to sort it out with Mervin by herself. Besides nothing really happened that she thought she couldn't handle and not bother Andy at all.

One night in late November, Andy again, was called away to see his mum, she'd had a relapse. She had dementia and various other ailments and at eighty-nine very frail. He left immediately leaving Mervin in the loft with the train set and Michelle just about to start her dinner, as she was late home from visiting her friend. She put the dinner in the microwave and set the timer then decided to have a shower.

As she climbed the stairs to her bedroom, she saw Mervin coming down from the loft.

"Hi Mervin," she said as stepped onto the landing.

"Hello Mrs Stevens," he replied, "Mr Stevens has had to go out."

"Yes I know Mervin, his mum has taken ill again and he's gone to see her."

Mervin nodded, "I hope she'll be okay."

"Well she is very old Mervin and she's very frail."

"I see how old is Mr Stevens' mum?"

"Oh she's eighty-nine coming on ninety."

"Blimey that is old isn't it?"

"Yes Mervin it is. Now you'll have to excuse me while I go and have a shower. My dinner is in the microwave warming up so I will have to hurry otherwise it'll get cold again."

"Well I think I'll go and get a drink and go home. I have done what Mr Stevens has asked me to do and as we can't turn the power on just yet so I can't do anything else."

"Okay Mervin, that's probably the best as I have no idea when Andy will return." She smiles at him and then went into her bedroom closing the door behind her.

Mervin watched her go and was about to go down stairs when he saw Michelle's bedroom door click back open. Suddenly Mervin's mind went into overdrive. Could he look inside?

I might see her naked body. Will she see me?

He looked at the door and watched it move gentle back and forth. Behind that door was his fantasy. The thing that has made him masturbate every night since he first met her. He'd dreamt of an opportunity like this and he now had it, should he take it? All he had to do was gently push the door open enough to get his head round and watch her undress.

His heart was frantically beating in his chest as he took a step forward and then another. Then he was there standing close to the wooden door that separated him from his dreams. Maybe she was waiting for him to make this move. Waiting, lying on her bed with her legs open, for him to entre and fuck her.

His fingers gently touched the gloss paint of the door and pushed.

He gulped as the door swung open, drawl was running down his chin and he suppressed the need to slurp it back up as the sound would have given him away. Yet more saliva ran down his chin and neck.

As the door opened, he heard the rustling sound of clothes. She was undressing; slowly he moved his head towards the door. Pictures of her body in various stages of undress flashed up in his mind and it felt as if his heart was about to explode out of his chest. He'd seen naked woman in magazines before, but to see a woman in the flesh would be outstanding. Yet to see Mrs Stevens naked or even in her underwear would be a dream come true.

Mervin could feel the blood rushing to his head as his heartbeat hurt his chest. He moved his head further, his forehead touching the white gloss paint that covered the door.

Mervin could now see part of the room but no Michelle. The rustling sound of clothing was louder as the door opened wider. Just a little further and I'll be able to get my head through, he thought.

Again, he stifled the need to slurp up his drawl. The angle of his head was allowing the drawl to drip onto the floor.

Mervin was now on a mission, his mind set to complete the task he'd set himself. He needed to see her one way or the other. The door moved that little bit more and his head passed through the gap and he looked into the room.

He saw the dressing table with the mirror on it and he could partially see Michelle standing on the far side of the room. He turned his head further round causing the door to open a fraction more and there she was.

Michelle was standing with her back to the door, her blouse off wearing a blue bra. Like light hitting a piece of film, the picture burnt into his brain. For now though, the sight he saw made his cock grow. A tent in his trouser was like Mount Everest and his heart hurt even more as it pumped his excitement around his body.

He watched Michelle pull the zip down on the back of her skirt and let it fall to her feet. She stepped back out of the bundle of cloth at her feet and bent to pick it up. Mervin marvelled at the sight he saw. The roundness of her bum and the way the material of her knickers stretched to accommodate it. Again, there was another image burnt into his brain. Michelle stood up and started to fold the skirt and as she did he took in her charms memorising her shape, the swell of her breasts the way her body curved down towards her hips, then fill out at her hips, and then down further as her bum rounded down towards her thighs. All these details made more images that his brain filed away, fodder for future fantasies.

Michelle turned sideways to him and he saw the shape of her breasts encased in there supports. She wasn't big like the woman in the pictures, to Mervin though her breasts were perfection and he would love to see them free as nature intended.

Then Mervin suddenly realised she was still turning and she would see him. He moved quickly but quietly. He was down the stairs in double quick time and run down the hallway to the kitchen where he quickly grabbed a glass, poured out some juice, and topped it up with water. He couldn't hold back any more as he had to slurp up the drawl that had run from his mouth. As he slurped, he sat at the table with his drink pictures of Michelle's body flashing through his mind.

Michelle turned and suddenly noticed the door was open. I shut that, she thought, didn't I?

She stood for a moment unsure, "I did shut it," she spoke aloud.

Michelle went to the door opened it and looked out onto the landing. She saw nobody there. She walked out onto the landing, listening but she heard nothing and saw no indication to say anybody had been there. Turning she went back into the bedroom her foot stepping into a wet patch on the carpet. Automatically she knew there shouldn't be any water there on the carpet. Michelle wiped her foot with her hand and noticed the wet had a different consistency to normal water and it suddenly hit her that Mervin had been spying on her.

My God, she thought as she paced up and down in her bedroom. She sat on the bed. The dirty little git has been spying on me. She looked at her watch and then at the bedside clock. How long is he going to take to drink his drink? Michelle sat there trying to think of what she should do. Call Andy and ask him to come home, no, that's not fair on him especially as his mother was so ill. No, I have to work this out myself. She went into the bathroom locked the door and took a quick shower. Drying herself, she put on a robe and returned to the bedroom. Michelle then went to the wardrobe to find something to wear when she heard Mervin call.

"Mrs Stevens?"

Michelle went to the door and called down to him in reply, "Yes Mervin."

"I'm going now, see you tomorrow night?"

"Okay Mervin, thank you we'll see you tomorrow."

"No problem Mrs Stevens, cheerio," he called back and the house went silent.

Returning to the bed, Michelle sat and waited. She wanted to make sure he'd gone home. Several minutes later, she tightened her robe and went down to the kitchen, looking in the other rooms on the way. She was definitely on her own, she thought.

She went to the back door and locked it. With a sigh she went to the microwave and lifted out her dinner, surprisingly she found it still hot and suddenly found she was hungry.

On the table was a place set out for her plus a cup of coffee. Mervin must have done that she noted. She sat placing her dinner on the table. Why would he do that? Was it guilt or was he being friendly, who knows?

Picking up the fork, she started to eat her chilli con carne. Maybe she was mistaken she thought as she ate. Maybe he wasn't there at all and she just imagined it. Would he have done something like that, seriously, Michelle would have thought no but who's to say.

Michelle continued to eat, it was tasty and she was enjoying it. The next tasty mouthful her tongue felt a different texture to the sauce she'd made. At first, she didn't make anything of it and swallowed the flavoured meat. She took another mouthful and once again that same texture was there but more of it. Looking down at the food on her plate, she continued to eat while breaking the food up with her fork when she suddenly realised what was in her food. In shock, she swallowed the food in her mouth. Her eyes bulged, as she comprehended what she had eaten.

"The dirty fucking bastard!" she gasped as she stood picking up her plate and throwing the contents on it into the bin. Her mind was a tumult of emotions; she couldn't believe anyone would do that kind of thing. Placing the plate in the sink, she looked back at the bin. Maybe it was something else.

Michelle returned to the bin and opened it. There was very little in the bin so she picked up a handful of the meat and sauce and looked at it. As she manipulated it in her hand, she could see the gooey mess working into the sauce and she confirmed her suspicions, the only male here in the house that could've done that was Mervin.

"My God I've just eaten his spunk!"

For several days, Michelle deliberated over whether to inform Andy of what happened. She wanted to tell him but didn't want to exasperate his problems with his mother. She was deteriorating quite quickly and the times she'd gone with Andy to see her were quite distressing. Michelle knew he was hurting inside. Andy was the last of her children a car accident had killed another son and daughter many years ago.

Christmas was looming so she thought it better to wait until after the festive season and see how his mother was then. Michelle was sure she could control Mervin if he were to try anything more.

Mervin didn't change; in fact, he made it even more obvious he was interested in bedding Michelle. His eyes never left her, he was constantly looking at her legs and bum and whenever she had to bend over in his vicinity, his eyes seemed to bulge with lust.

Andy saw this and it only solidified his need to see Mervin fuck his wife. His imagination didn't extend any further than Mervin. He didn't imagine his wife with multiple partners or any other man for that matter; all his fantasy scenarios were always with Mervin.

Then one day on the way back from the hospital, Andy had an idea to give Mervin a thrill. As soon as he got home he put the idea into motion but waited until Michelle was about to go to bed.

Michelle had switched off the TV and yawned, "Think I'll go bed," she said to Andy who was reading a book.

Closing it and placing it on a small table beside the chair, he looked up at his wife. Apprehension fill his mind as he said, "Michelle I'm sorry about all the trips to the hospital and neglecting you."

Michelle sleepily replied, "Hey, don't be silly you have to put your mum first under these conditions, I know that, so don't worry."

"That's the problem I do."

"Well don't, you'd do the same for me when the time comes?"

"Yes of course, that goes without saying," he replied. Then thought, well here goes boom or bust, "However, I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Help you with what, do you want me to give you a break from going to the hospital and visit your mum or something?"

"No nothing like that. I was wondering if while all this is going on that you could remind me what I have at home."

"What do you mean?" Michelle looked perplexed. She had no idea what Andy meant.

"Well I was wondering," he said tentatively. His mouth went dry causing the words to come out erratically, "Wondering if you'd dress a bit sexier for me. You know short miniskirts, stockings and things."

Michelle suddenly came awake her mind working overtime. Then she smiled amusingly. A sparkle appeared in her eyes as the smile grew. "Is that what you want me to do?"

"It could be fun," he added still unsure.

"Maybe, but what do I get out of it?" she asked still smiling. Andy hadn't asked me to dress for him for years. In fact, she didn't think she could remember the last time she wore stockings. Why, why did he want this now, then it dawned on her. How silly of me, he's feeling so down and melancholy over his mother he needs to know that he is still wanted and loved.

"How about . . ."

Michelle wouldn't let him finish and said, "Yes of course I will, it'll be fun." Her voice was full of acceptance and she went to him, bent down and kissed him on the forehead. Then looked him in the eyes and smiled.

Andy saw the love and affection for him and he loved her even more. Nevertheless, he also felt a guilty. He put his arms about her and pulled her down onto his lap. Michelle snugged up to him placing her head on his shoulder close to his neck. She felt the warmth of him and his delicious odour.

"You know this will give me an excuse to buy some new clothes, don't you?"

"Yes I know," he replied, "But you have some clothes to wear to go on with don't you?"

"A few but, you'll soon get bored with those."

"Well I don't mind, so long as they are sexy and will have the desired effect."

"And what effect is that?"

"One that'll want me to give you seven and half inches."

Michelle quickly sat up a tingle coming from between her legs. With a lascivious smile on her face she looked at her husband, her face flushed, full of excitement, and whispered, "Will it throb Andy, will it spurt in side me?"

"If you set the mood darling I guarantee it."

Michelle got up from his lap and as she walked towards the door spoke in a very lustful voice, "Good."

Andy sat in the chair. Well that was easy enough, now all I need now is to see Mervin's face when he sees Michelle dressed to kill.

The following evening Andy returned from the hospital. Michelle watched him get out of the car and walk up to the front door. She could see he wasn't very happy his face showed the stress he was under and it told her he hadn't had any good news from the hospital.

Michelle met him at the door and took him into her arms and hugged him she kissed him then said, "I've just got to pop up stairs for a few minutes would you watch the dinner?"

"Sure, what we got?"

Michelle headed for the stairs, "Nothing spectacular, fried chicken and salad. Oh would you open the wine there's a couple of bottles of Chardonnay in the fridge."

Andy watched her wife bounce up the stairs she was wearing her jeans and some old top realising his wife had forgotten about his request.

His melancholy deepened not only for the fact that his mother was seriously ill but also his wife couldn't manage a simple request.

He went into the kitchen and checked on the chicken then went to the fridge for the bottle of wine. He pulled the cork and with two glasses placed them on the dinner table. Andy returned to the kitchen and turned the chicken over noticing that the meat was cook and ready for serving. He turned to call for Michelle when she walked into the kitchen.

"Wow," gasped Andy as he saw the change his wife had made. Michelle was wearing a soft pink pleated dress, low cut across the breast and short in length in fact very short in length. The hem only managed just half way down her thighs. As she walked towards him, he could see the way the soft material swished with her movements caused the hem of the dress to rise up as she went, revealing more of her thighs.

"You like?" asked Michelle with a huge smile on her face. The thought of his mother very quickly disappeared as he watched his wife switch of the heat to the chicken. "Now you just sit down while I serve dinner and while we eat you can tell me what happened at the hospital."

Andy sat. His eyes never left his wife as she moved about the kitchen. At one point, she bent over to get the colander from the lower cupboard and as her dress rose up her thighs, he could see the tops of her stockings as well as the soft flesh above them, a couple of inches more and he would have seen her knickers. His cock started to rise at the thought his wife was blatantly exhibiting herself to him.

Then he thought of Mervin! He'd love this.

Andy told Michelle what happened at the hospital stating that there was no change to her condition. However, the doctors did state that if she were to come out of this she would not be the same person. Her Dementia would be ten times worse.

As soon as dinner was over, they both retired to the lounge with Michelle saying she would wash up later. Just as they sat with the remains of the wine, there was the tap at the back door.

"Damn it," Andy said, "I'd forgot about Mervin coming over tonight." He got up from his chair and headed back to the kitchen.