Six Times a Night


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She should stop this. Stop it now. She knew she should. The responsible family member told her clearly she should. But the womanly part of her fought against that. The aunt said. 'No don't kiss the nephew, but the woman in her said. 'Yes, kiss the attractive young man.'

And then they were kissing. And it wasn't the kiss of a nephew it was a kiss of a virile young man. And her response was not that of an aunt, but of a woman. And not just any woman but a frustrated woman whose entire body and being was crying out for love and sex.

Almost as soon as Glenn's hand had pulled her forward and his face had closed the few inches between them their mouths were open. As soon as the two pairs of open lips touched their two tongues were delving and probing. Two mouths were grinding together in a kiss of intense passion. A kiss where so many dormant emotions suddenly exploded. Christina's arms went round Glenn's neck pulling his mouth more firmly against hers. He pulled her hard against him so her breasts were squashed against his firm, youthful chest. And still they kissed.

Both heads rolled from side to side, her fingers ran through his hair and she squirmed herself against him and still they kissed and kissed.

She felt his hand on her breast and she pushed it towards the pleasure giving object as her hand ran up and down the young man's neck and back. And still they kissed.

But at last her senses returned. At last her mind overruled her body. At last the responsibility of the relative took over from the needs of the woman. She pulled away.

"No Glenn, no," she said moving away from him. "No we mustn't, you shouldn't have done that."

Before he could reply, though they were pulling up outside the large townhouse in the tree lined Highgate street. They got out and thanked the cabby, there being no need to pay for that along with the bill at the Ivy were charged directly to Jack's business.

Christina saw that the lights were on in the hallway and in Jack's study indicating that he was home so that night she and Glenn did not have the opportunity to talk about what had happened. It was equally frustrating over the weekend for, unusually, Jack did little work and the three of them were together most of the time. It was not until Glenn got back from college on the Monday afternoon that they were alone together and had the chance to talk.

All weekend she had been running over in her mind what had happened and still couldn't really work out whether she had encouraged him, overtly or covertly even, or whether he was just a little forward for his age and for being her nephew.

'Was it him or me?' she'd asked herself so many times.

Also she could not get out of her mind how she had responded so eagerly and, irrespective of who had encouraged who, there could be no excuse for a nearly forty year old woman reacting the way she did to the advance of an twenty year old man, she concluded. And even less of an excuse for an aunt charged with looking after her nephew she thought full of guilt and remorse.

Over that awkward weekend she had watched him more closely and had seen his eyes boring into hers, had watched him get close to her, unnecessarily and several times he had touched her. Sure the touches were on innocent parts of her body, but again they were unnecessary; unnecessary, but she realised they felt very nice!

"Glenn," she began nervously standing leaning against the large freezer in the kitchen as he sat at the table sipping a cup of tea she had made him when he got back from college at just after three.

"Yes Christina," he replied looking up at her. She was dressed in tight blue jeans, mid heel boots, a white shirt and a blue linen blazer for she had just come home from shopping. She looked fantastic he thought.

"We need to talk."

"Do we? Why?"

"About Friday," she went on trying to remember the speech she had prepared and practised several times in her mind, but now she was forgetting almost every word.

He looked into her eyes and, smiling, slowly drawled, "It was great wasn't it?"

His deep green eyes boring into hers made her feel confused and she, almost, visibly shuddered with the desire she suddenly felt for him.

"No, no Glenn it wasn't." She blurted out.

"You mean you didn't enjoy it Christina?"

"No, no, well yes, yes I did but, er, um."

"But what?"

"We mustn't ever do it again. It's so wrong."

"Why is it wrong?"

"Because, well because it is. We're related, you're my nephew for Christ's sake, my sister's kid."


"Glenn for fucks sake its incest," she said firmly.

"Well I didn't expect that we were going to have children Christina," Glenn murmured as he stood up and walked over and stood before her.

"No Glenn," Christina said very sharply as she saw his hand moving towards her shoulder. "No don't, don't touch me."

He stopped his hand half way between them and with a slight smile on his face he placed it on the fridge supporting him as he leaned closer. He smiled. He looked into her eyes and whispered. "Christina look me in the eye and tell me you don't like me touching you and kissing you."

She did as he asked and stared into his eyes. Her heart was pounding. She was finding it difficult to breathe easily and she knew that she wouldn't be able to properly frame her words. 'God this is madness,' she thought as his aftershave wafted into her nostrils and his eyes bored into hers.

"Glenn, oh Glenn," she whimpered.

"I know Christina, I know," he whispered his arms going round her and pulling her to him so her head rested on his chest. He ran his hands through her blonde hair whispering. "Shush Christina, don't say a word, just be quiet."

It was a lovely feeling simply being held. It was wonderful a man being tender towards her. She felt so secure and warm in his arms. So comforted and so wanted. His hands stroking her hair and pressing into her back just by her bra strap were such intimate gestures.

But she managed to once more find the resolve to push herself away from him.

"No we can't, we mustn't."

His hand, though, remained on her shoulder and her resolve did not extend to turning and walking away as she knew she should.

"Christina," he murmured. "I know that some may say it's wrong. But it's not. We're not that close and we're not thinking of having children. What harm is there if we make love? What harm can there be in two people who want each other having each other?"

"Glenn you're my nephew and I'm married."

"Hmmmm yes so I've heard and seen."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on I can tell the two of you have hardly any relationship. For God's sake you don't even sleep with him some nights, do you?"

"No," she whimpered quietly.

"And Christina you do want me don't you?" He asked, letting his hand slide round her neck. "Don't you Christina?" He went on moving closer. "Don't you?" He repeated pulling her against him. Her earlier resolve had gone. All her good intentions had vanished. She had lost complete control of both the situation and herself. She could feel herself slipping more and more under his influence as more and more her body took over from her mind. As more and more the woman, the frustrated woman, took over from the family relationship.

"Yes," she heard, with horror almost, herself saying.

"You do want me don't you?" he whispered in her ear as his arms circled her and crushed her against him.

"Yes Glenn," she whimpered just before they're mouths merged and they kissed deeply.


Jack had given her the worryingly exciting news that evening when he got home from work around nine, his usual time.

"Yes it will be over the weekend as well," he had said after telling her he would leaving for New York on the coming Thursday for five or six days.

"You'll be alright," he'd said laughing as he added. "You've got Glenn to keep you company," startling Christina with the way he said that being almost as if he guessed something had gone on between them.

They had argued about him having to be away over weekend but he had insisted it was essential for the deal, his normal reasoning.

Christina had got very angry with him and that night she once more left their bedroom and went to her study at around eleven. This time, though, when she logged in, there were none of her on-line friends around. She went into a couple of chat rooms and followed, without participating in, several conversations that became more and more lurid and graphic. She did not feel the motivation to join for her mind was on the events of the afternoon.

Sitting in the big office chair clad just in her robe she ran over what had gone on.

She was trying desperately, as she had all evening, to get her head round what was happening to her. Christina usually had a fairly analytical mind and could apply sound thinking to problems to come up with logical solutions. This though was beating her. That she was attracted to a younger man she could understand and accept. Lots of older women had such feelings and more and more nowadays, from film stars to ordinary women, had toyboys. So the principle of having sex with an twenty year old did not intellectually worry her and even morally she was fairly comfortable. The fact of her going outside her marriage for affection and sexual excitement did worry her. But she could reconcile that on the basis that Jack was driving her that way. She had been outside before with two different men and although the prospect of another affair with all the lying, cheating, the guilt and excuses depressed her, she had been coming to the conclusion for some time that it was inevitable.

And when she was brutally honest with herself she knew that it was mainly those considerations along with the skulking into hotels or shagging in a car and all the other baggage of an affair that was really stopping her rather than any moral considerations. It was, of course, the fact that Glenn was her nephew, her sister's child and that, therefore, they shared blood and thus it was incest that most worried her. It was the most taboo of all taboos, was it not she asked herself? That her sister, who she loved dearly, had entrusted her son to her keeping, albeit that he was twenty, also weighed heavily on her. And of long term concern was the future. How would she ever be able to visit Phillipa? How could she look her in the eye? How could she ever be in the company of her and Glenn knowing that she had committed incest with him?

She went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. As she walked down the hall she saw herself in the mirror. She stopped and looked. The top of the robe had parted and most of both of her breasts were clearly on view. The skirt part beneath the waist as she stood looking at herself had fallen away from one leg. She pulled the other side away. She also pulled the lapels away so that the only part of her front that was covered was that where the tie went round her waist.

She was pleased with her body. At thirty something she smiled it was, she knew, still good. Her stomach was flat and there was no swell or bulging at all she noticed sipping her wine. Her waist was as trim now, well almost, as it was in her twenties and her hips had a pleasing swell to them giving her a rounded and very feminine look. Her eyes ran over the rest of her body. The small patch of tawny pubic hair protecting her pubic mound, the shapely, lithe thighs and long slender legs that she knew looked their best in dark, lacy topped holdups and mid height heels.

Her breasts were small but beautifully shaped b cup in size were capped by dark pink, rather too protruding nipples that always gave her so much trouble when she wore tight tops.

And as she gazed at her own breasts she recalled Glenn's hand on them this afternoon. Every detail of him pressing her back against the large fridge, their mouths clamped together as his hand slid up her body and cupped them one at a time. Her mind recalled him squeezing and kneading them as she frantically, almost, ruffled his hair, stroked his neck and cuddled his body to hers. First outside her blouse but then rapidly afterwards inside it right on her thin bra. How, with absolutely no resistance from her, he had pulled both boobs out of the cups and had pinched her nipples almost to the point where they hurt, but in reality exactly with the pressure needed to inflame her even further.

Walking back into her study the open robe flapping around her nudity she flopped down onto the big, easy, recliner chair she often sat in when reading. She flipped the foot rest up so that she was laying almost flat out in the semi-darkness. Closing her eyes she let her mind run riot recalling the afternoon's events with her nephew.

She thought of how the kiss had immediately been intense and so very passionate. How almost as soon as they ha'd started kissing they'd struggled her blazer off and how his hands had, with no inhibitions at all, gone to exactly where both of them wanted them to be, her breasts.

And laying there in the darkness her hands found those breasts. But as she cupped and stroked them it wasn't her in her mind who was doing that. It was not her fingers that were pinching and pulling at her nipples. It was not her hands that were sending such deliciously arousing sensations through her entire body. No her mind was filled with an image of Glenn. Her thoughts were imagining that it was his hands doing that just as they had this afternoon as he crushed her against the large fridge. Just as he'd, almost, torn her shirt undone, ripped the buttons open and plunged his hands inside. As her hands and fingers worked harder and faster on the soft flesh and puckered nipples so it was his mouth she remembered sucking her teats just like a baby.

She was shuddering as she recalled the forceful way he had yanked each breast out of the flimsily, expensive lace bra. How he had pinched them and sucked them more fiercely than she was used to. How she had assumed it was just that he was so worked up and how that had acted like a chain reaction arousing her even more.

As her hands slid down her body she thought of how his had done that. How they'd slid across her lower chest and how he'd shoved them inside the belted waist of her jeans. How, finding that too tight, he had then pushed them between her legs that she had found herself clamping tightly around his hand and whimpering in his ear as she felt the pressure right on her pussy. The pressure she was feeling now. She remembered vividly how her body had reacted to his hand for it was just as it was reacting to her own hand right now.

As her fingers stroked and caressed her pussy exposing her sensitive clitoris from its protective hood so her mind and body exploded with sensations and emotions. Just as they had in her kitchen when had pushed her backwards until her legs were pressed against the large pine table. Pushed more so that she fell back flat on the table her feet off the ground her legs hanging over it, open. They had continued exploding as one of his hands had roughly rubbed between her legs while the other pinched and squeezed her breasts so hard they made her wince with pain.

She knew that laying on that table her blouse undone, her breasts pulled from her bra and with Glenn's hand between her legs that she had started to cum. Just as she was starting to cum now. Whether it was that or the somewhat sordidness of being half undressed on her kitchen table or whether it was realising the enormity of what was happening as Glenn tore his belt open and started pushing his jeans down she didn't know. But from somewhere she found the resolve to stop him. She pushed him off, sat up and said that they had to stop. The look on his face scared her a little as he said that he could not stop. But she insisted. He tried hard to persuade her to continue. He crushed her in his arms, pawed at her breasts and tried to undo her belt. He pressed her hand against his rigid erection and told her how much he wanted to fuck her. It had been a tremendous effort on her part but she pushed him off and got off the table. He again took her in his arms and pressed her back against the wall shoving his knee between her thighs as his hands pinched and kneaded her breasts. He was tearing at her belt trying to undo the complicated Gucci clasp that fortunately didn't give way too easily. Christina was telling him to stop but he kept on. She managed to break away and started to leave the kitchen but once more he grabbed her this time from behind. The feeling of his cock pressing right against her arse had thrilled her, but she did not want it to. His hands around her, one on her tits the other rubbing her mound had excited her but again she fought that for she knew they could not go any further. But she retained her determination and continued trying to fight him off. He was just too powerful though and he had pushed her forward against the work surface so that she was bent over her chest squashed against the granite surface. As he again tried to undo her belt Christina had begged him to stop and suddenly he did. He apologised saying that she had just got him too excited. She smiled in understanding as she eased her boobs back into her bra and had did up the buttons on her blouse.

But as all those memories flooded through her as she lay in that chair with her hands between her legs her finger became Glenn's cock. The hard long cock she had felt through his jeans. The cock that had pressed deep into her belly and had so thrilled her when it was pressed against her arse. The cock, she thought, laying there that right at this moment she would like to be inside her. Yes the cock of her young nephew that she was imagining was fucking her. It was not her three fingers that were pumping in and out of her cunt but Glenn's hard, youthful cock. And in her mind it was not her fingers that brought on the shuddering climax but Glenn's cock fucking her, hard and long.


Glenn had gone to his room immediately after he and Christina had eaten dinner almost in silence.

"Early start tomorrow," he had explained. "Lots of studying to do."

"Hope it goes well," Christina had replied. "Sleep tight."

"Oh I don't think I'll do that."

"Oh. Why?"

"I'm sure you can guess why," he replied rather gruffly.

"Look Glenn I'm sorry for this afternoon I should never have let it go that far. It was my fault and I apologise."

Ever since the episode in the kitchen Christina had reprimanded herself for letting him start anything and for her enthusiastic response. She knew that in a way she had led him on and she realised how hard it is for men to stop when they've gone as far as she and Glenn had.

She continued leaning forward so that their faces were close. "Can't you see how wrong it is Glenn? Phillipa, your mother, my sister has entrusted you to my care. How can I abuse that responsibility? How could I ever look her in the eye again if we made love? I don't know how I'll be able to now"

"But I want you so much Christina," he replied taking her hand. "And I know you want me, you said so."

"Please Glenn don't let's go there again. Please just let's stop now."

"OK I'll stop but I know you want me and one day I'll have you. I'll be there when you're ready for me."

After that Glenn had gone to his room and had missed Jack's announcement about going away.

In his room he thought of little else than Christina. He had come so close to making it with her this afternoon and that had only served to make him want her even more. He had always had a big thing for older women and in the few years he had been sexually active he had been lucky several times. He had had four older women including one that he paid for, one met on a plane, one that he worked with in a vacation job and one that was one of his mum's best friends. He was sure that Christina was going to be the fifth.