Six Times a Night


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"Oooooooooo," she sighed, "arrrrrrrrrggggh," she moaned as her orgasm completely exploded.

"Is that good Christina, is it, is it?

Although part of her so hated saying it she couldn't stop herself from being truthful. "Oh yes, yes Glenn it's sooooooooo good."

Then she passed over the crest of her orgasm and started that lovely, warm, soft descent down the other side. She sank to the floor, he slowly removed his hand and gently pulled at her body indicating for her to turn over onto her back. He was kneeling beside her looking down at her. He smiled and she couldn't stop herself from smiling back. She was in that tender, loving and such sensitive post climax state when women need to be handled carefully and shown that what they've just given of them self is special. And she felt that Glenn was doing just that.

His eyes bored into hers as he took hold of the tee shirt and pulled it up over his head and said. "Christina that was marvellous. Thank you so much."

Feeling now close to him she ran her gaze over his firm, tight body almost shivering with the anticipation of being crushed against it as she heard him continuing. "You are so beautiful and so sexy, I want you Christina."

She didn't reply. This time she did not reject him or say that they should not or could not for she was watching transfixed as his fingers undid the brass buttons on his jeans. One by one they came undone until he was able to peel the denim away from him. He wasn't wearing underpants she noted the realisation of that sending a thrill through her for some reason. Then the jeans were being pushed down and for the first time she saw her nephew naked, she saw her nephew's bare body she saw her nephew's rigid, straining cock.

And it was a lovely cock. In fact, she thought, it was a beautiful cock. Long and slender and smooth and silky looking it soared up his wonderfully flat belly until it reached his naval. Uncircumcised, it was shaped like a rocket ship she thought, with a bulbous end and a vividly purple tip straining through the foreskin. He rested his hand on it and looked at her. She suddenly realised that he was no longer restraining her, he was not holding her back or stopping her from moving or leaving. He wasn't forcibly doing that but there was something even more powerful keeping her there. A stronger force was stopping her from leaving. A more restraining influence was working on her. And that was her need to be fucked. Her need to be fucked here and now by her nephew!

"You like?" he asked meaningfully stroking his erection as they smiled at each other now they both knew they were at peace.

She sat up and, looking him straight in the eye, she slowly undid the last few buttons on her blouse. Neither spoke as she took that off and dropped it on the floor beside her. He could see her heavily erect nipples poking over the thin, cups of her flimsy bra and his cock if anything hardened even more at the thought of them in his mouth. His fingers closed around his cock and he stroked himself as his aunt reached behind her and unclipped the bra. That too joined the other clothes on the floor. Christina got up and slid the trousers off and momentarily stood before him dressed just in the ripped thong the torn back of which was hanging down between her legs. Her fingers were fiddling with the lace waist band of the thong. They were threading the material between them. She looked right into his eyes as she pushed her hips forward.

"You said to tell you when the time is right Glenn. When I want you. You said you'd be waiting didn't you?

"Yes Christina, yes I did." He replied his eyes almost hypnotised by her fingers holding and twisting the lace around her narrow waist.

"Well Glenn," she said in almost a whisper as both hands gripped tightly on the material. "I want you now," she went on her hands suddenly pulling hard on the lace tearing it apart and ripping the remnants of the thong from her body as she continued. "I want you to fuck me Glenn and fuck me now."

And fuck they did.

All that evening and most of the night. He fucked her six or seven times, she thought, although she may well have been wrong because one bout of lovemaking seemed to roll into the next. The whole period from around eight o'clock that evening until ten or eleven the next morning, when they eventually got up, became to her one long fuck. She had never experienced anything like it in all her life. She had never been fucked so many times in such a short period and she had rarely enjoyed being fucked as much as she did that night with her nephew.

He was insatiable and with him she felt insatiable. He was adventurous and that made her feel adventurous and they were both wild, abandoned and ambitious. She felt so feminine and so wanted. It wasn't that he was a great lover for really he wasn't. He was too rushed, a little too interested in his own satisfaction and slightly too eager to actually fuck as opposed to make love, but he made up for those shortcomings and more by his stamina and his recovery powers.

He firstly fucked her on the floor of the family room. After she had ripped the remains of her panties from her body and had told him that she wanted him to fuck her he had taken her in his arms and crushed her naked body against his bareness. He had squashed her breasts against his firm chest. He had pressed his long, hard cock into her stomach. He had run his hands up and down her back groaning and moaning with pleasure as he cupped the delicious cheeks of her bum sending sharp shocks of pleasure through her as he squeezed and pinched them.

It was such a wonderful feeling for Christina to be crushed against such a firm, taught and muscular body. Being used to the softer, flabbier, approaching middle age body of her husband it came as such a pleasantly, thrilling surprise to feel the body of a young man. The litheness and the firmness. He had no excess flesh on him. His chest was muscular, his legs and arms were lithe and sinewy and his belly was as flat as a washboard. And his cock was so hard. Much harder than Jack's ever was nowadays. It pressed insistently and so invitingly into her soft tummy as, kneeling, they kissed and ground their bodies together.

All thoughts of the taboo side of what they were about to do were pushed to the back of Christina's mind. It was as if the fact that he had forced her to submit to his will had overcome that consideration. By taking her to an orgasm without her agreement, by making her cum without her invitation and by almost raping her, albeit with his fingers, it somehow changed her view. It made it more acceptable for some reason.

"Maybe," she thought as he pushed her onto her back. "It's because I'm so aroused, but I feel no guilt."

"Possibly," she continued thinking to herself as he lay on top of her, "I'll regret it later."

"It could be," she mused as he wiggled downwards his cock slipping between her legs that she opened. "That it is terribly wrong."

Somehow her mind registered that he was not wearing a condom. Had they have not been related she may, well almost certainly would, have done nothing. Although she was on the pill the consequences of a pregnancy were so enormous that she stopped him.

"You have to wear a condom Glenn."

"Perhaps," she went on thinking as she felt the tip of his cock nuzzling right against the folds of her pussy. "We will do it just the once and then we'll both come to our senses."

But as he pushed his hips forward and his delightful feeling, long, hard cock slid effortlessly up her welcoming pussy all such thoughts were rudely pushed from her mind. As she raised her knees and wrapped her legs around him encouraging an even deeper penetration, so there was only one thought in her mind. That was gaining every bit of sexual pleasure she could from his young firm body and magnificently hard cock.

It didn't last long. Time and patience was not necessary for either of them. Guile and subtlety in their lovemaking was not on the agenda, even if Glenn was able to have sex that way. No raw, hard, fast sex was what the situation called for and that's exactly what they had.

Hardly was he fully in her than she wrapped her legs round him. He had only just started to thrust up and down her when both of them were grunting and moaning with the feelings they were experiencing. It was just a short while before he was thrusting hard and deep with the sort of movements that a more adept lover would have saved for later. As both of their heads were rolling from side to side as they panted and gasped kissing was difficult but they slobbered on the others chin, cheek or neck trying to combine oral with penetrative sex. Everything became flustered and urgent, fast and really out of control. But still it was exhilarating for both of them.

For Glenn to have got his way made him feel good. For him to be making love to Christina, an older, beautiful woman was fantastic for him. And somehow having sex with his aunt, his mother's sister, was the nearest thing to having it with his mother and that was something that had always fascinated him.

For Christina the feelings and emotions were different. At the forefront of them was the fact that she was being made love to by a man with a virility she had forgotten existed. A young man was filling her to overflowing with a cock that was of a hardness she could hardly remember. A body was against hers and she was being held by one that had the firmness, sharpness and smoothness of youth, features of men that were to her well in the past. That it was her nephew was a concern. That she would always now have trouble facing her sister was a consideration. And that she was committing incest did worry her. But, as she had sort of reconciled earlier, the forcible way that he had made her submit to him and the humiliating manner in which he had made her cum against her will gave her some form of justification, didn't it?

"I didn't fuck my nephew willingly, he forced me!"

And that seemed to make it more acceptable, not right but just about ok enough for her to push it to the back of her mind and to revel in the physical enjoyment and pleasure he was giving her.

"Oh fuck Christina, fuck," he moaned his body going rigid in her arms. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."

"I know. Yes Glenn cum for me, cum with me," she grunted as she felt his body go tight and his cock strain even more as he held it still deep inside her.

They climaxed together. It was a good orgasm for him for he poured his sperm into the condom in stream after stream of energetic eruptions. He was noisy and he rolled his body around as he grunted and moaned how, "Fucking marvellous it was."

Her orgasm was strong, but was not overall totally satisfactory. Almost as soon as he'd ejaculated he withdrew and rolled onto his back leaving her still jerking and shaking.

"Oh fuck me Christina, that was fabulous." He moaned seemingly unaware that hers was still going on.

In that tender, sensitive, immediate post orgasm state Christina wanted to be held and cuddled, whispered to and gently kissed as her mind and body returned to normality after the extremes of the sexual agitation.

But even when she rolled onto her side, pressed her breasts against his arm and ran her fingers over his broad, tanned chest he did not respond, but repeated how amazing it had been. Even when she brushed her fingers through his hair and whispered.

"Yes it was good Glenn, very good," he didn't react in a tender way. But amazingly, when she ran her hand down his body and onto his flat stomach, he did react. Not with tenderness or sensitivity. Not with a gentle kiss or a warm cuddle. Not with soft, loving words. No such things were clearly not known to him. Such behaviour was foreign to him and Christina mentally registered, quite shocking herself, "I'll have to teach him." What came so naturally to him, however, could well be a strong compensating factor though, for as her hand slid down his stomach his penis was laying sideways across it semi hard. And even more incredibly as her fingers closed round it she felt it start to grow and harden.

"My God Glenn, I don't believe it," she murmured as he turned and looked at her.

"I've always been able to get hard a second time almost immediately," he smiled.

"Mmmmmm wonderful," Christina smiled lovingly stroking his increasing girth and hardness.

"I want you again," Christina he said kissing her chin and cheeks and grasping one of her breasts. "Do you want me? Want me to fuck you again? Fuck you with my hard, young cock Christina? Do you? Do you Christina?"

His words seemed to mesmerise her. "Yes Glenn I do. I want you to fuck me again," she replied her body reacting to the growing hardness in her hand, the feelings he was stirring up with his fingers on her breasts and the effect of his and her words. "I want you to fuck me again and again and again Glenn," she went on as their mouths met and they kissed deeply.

"No like this," she said turning onto her front and kneeling on all fours. "Like this Glenn, doggy fashion as they call it."

Then amazingly to her, less than an hour later she was saying.

"Now it's my turn," Christina said huskily straddling him across his thighs and reaching down and behind her to guide his erection into her one more time.

And that is how that extraordinary night progressed.

From the initial rather frightening 'hand rape' of her, through the two times they had sex on the floor of the family room to them going to the spare bedroom and Christina being on top as she screwed him.

They showered together drank more wine and around midnight they did heat up the Chinese food and ate that sitting around in dressing gowns in the family room where it had all started.

As well as making love, well having sex really for there was no lasting love involved, they talked. In fact they seemed able to talk more and easier now that they were lovers than they had before and they were not exactly tongue-tied then. He told her about the girls he had been with explaining his love of older women giving her, perhaps rather too much, details about those he had been with.

He asked about her relationship with Jack and she was honest explaining that she did still love him, but that due to his almost total lack of sexual interest she was being forced to look elsewhere.

"Hence you get lucky," she laughed rolling over on top of him. "Affairs are just too messy."

"So you've had some have you?"

She laughed. "Now that would be telling wouldn't it?"

She did tell him though. She told how she had two affairs, the last about three years ago and the first about five.

As the night wore on they would doze and then wake up, have more sex then doze off again. In between sex they chatted and chatted not just about sex but many different things as well.

At last they slept. It must have been after three and Christina thought they'd probably had sex at least four and maybe five times. As she dozed off slightly drunk and amazingly well satisfied she could not help thinking how wonderful young men can be as lovers. She also could not help wondering just what else was in store for her while her husband was away and she and her nephew were alone in the house.


They did not go out of the house much the rest of that Saturday, the Sunday or Monday. They did not need to for what both of them most needed was right there. Each other.

It became a quite amazing sexfest, an incredible love-in and a fantastic sexual tutorial.

As Christina became somewhat of an addict for the firm, taught youthfulness of his body so she also gave him little tips. As she started to understand the attraction, she had read about and some friends had told her about, of young men so she coached and guided him. As she started to become used to being with a man who was able to be hard again almost as soon as he had gone soft, one being able to cum again within half an hour of the first time and one having the stamina to cum four, five and even six times in a night, or day, so she returned those with the sort of sexual education only an older woman can provide.

Through that weekend and the early part of the week they thrilled and enjoyed each other to the full and at the same time taught each other.

"No not as hard as that," she told him when he held her breasts too firmly.

"Don't squeeze my nipples so tightly Glenn, that hurts, just gently pinch them."

"Yes there, right there," she advised and encouraged him as his fingers fumbled around the lips of her pussy. "It's best right alongside my clit Glenn not on it," she whispered gently stroking his head as she lay with her back against the headboard, her legs wide open, her knees drawn up and Glenn's mouth between her thighs.

"Take your time darling, don't hurry, don't rush just enjoy my body and love my breasts and pussy."

With advice and encouragement like that Glenn became such a better lover over that weekend that the thought of being alone with him for the next few nights made Christina shudder with the sheer sexual expectancy of what they would get up to.

Now, being able to combine, gentleness, patience and consideration for the woman with his incredible stamina and sexual energy, Glenn was turning into a very formidable lover indeed. "Or", as Christina mumbled, through mouthfuls of his cock that she was sucking. "You're my sex machine Glenn."

She was teaching him she realised and he was a quick learner. He started being more subtle with his lovemaking, He stroked her small breasts rather than grabbed them, pinched nicely her nipples as opposed to squeezing them painfully, caressed her pussy lips and clit instead of rubbing them. He became more patient taking his time to fully arouse her before entering her. After she explained at some length about the difference between a man's and a woman's climaxes he held her and cuddled her after he had cum while she was still tingling and shaking with the aftermath of hers.

The week passed by in one riot of sex.

That Friday set the pattern for the next few days. He would come home from college and they would make love, usually on the sofa in the family room Sometimes though it would be with them standing up or with Christina bent forward over a chair or with her chest flat on the table or work surface. They would have a meal either, staying in or, popping to one of the local pubs or bistros. She had got over her concern about being seen in such places with a much younger man. Now she readily held his hand and even exchanged kisses and caresses in public. After dinner they might watch TV or a DVD or listen to music as one way or another they built up to their evening excitement. She might give him a massage or he might rub her back or feet as slowly, now, they moved towards having full sex. Usually they would do it twice in succession before relaxing for a couple of hours before going to bed around 10 or 10.30.

They slept together every night having a languid and quite long fuck involving lots of foreplay and oral before dozing off in each other's arms.

The mornings were especially magical for Christina. She had never, other than few times on holiday, had sex in the mornings for Jack was off to work so early. With Glenn, though, she had the extreme thrill of being woken up with his erection pressed against her bum or tummy or thigh, his hands stroking her breasts or his mouth on her nipple. And she responded to those advances. On the mornings where she woke first her arms would encircle his lovely body sliding down the flatness of his belly to find his genitalia. She loved just laying there, her breasts pressed into his back, her hands stroking and caressing his cock and balls feeling it harden and stretch. That was such thrilling sensation for her. To experience the hardness increasing, the length and girth growing and the flesh becoming warmer. As his erection grew so he'd wake, but lay still letting Christina pleasure herself by using his body as her plaything.