Those Days of...Ch. 20-25


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'You mean it was going on before Granddad got sick?'

'Yes Mum, we hadn't had proper sex until you went away, but we were already doing other things.'

'How long before?'

'Quite a few weeks.'

'I never knew.' We all remained silent for a while, Helen was obviously thinking over what Barbara had said and when she spoke it was clear she had been searching her memory of those times. 'That's when things got easier between us, between you and I. You lost a lot of the aggression you'd been showing me, that's right isn't it?'

'Yes, about that time.'

'Was that because of what was going on between you?'

'Some of it. But don't forget what I've always told you, I just wanted to be a real part of the family, not some stranger you had adopted. I wanted to belong to you both, share the love you had for each other, and as sex is an integral part of love, sharing that makes everything else better too. And it did, you just said so yourself, I became easier to live with, because I was happier, felt I belonged. As I do now, with you and Roger, I'm part of what you have together.

But you didn't only benefit from what was going on between Luke and I by me being easier to get on with, your own sex life got better too.'

'What do you mean?'

'Oh come on. Be honest. Luke was much more attentive to you and, I suspect active too.'

'I don't think so.'

'Think back. I can remember one Saturday morning, Luke was obviously wound-up, so I said I had to go and pick up some study notes, when I got back it was perfectly obvious that you had been making love while I was gone.'

'I remember that!' Helen exclaimed. 'I couldn't understand what had come over him, it was nice though.' she added in an almost wistful voice, before admitting. 'You may be right, now I think about it, around that time he did get more demanding, I remember being puzzled by that, not that I was complaining mind you.

That was because he was being excited by having you around, when he couldn't do anything else I got the benefit, is that what you meant?'

'Sort of thing, yes.'

It was as though Helen suddenly remembered that I was also in the car, she reached across and squeezed my leg, saying. 'All this talk can't be much fun for Roger though.'

'Oh it's O.K. - you have to remember that Barbara told me most of this last night.'

'You know what we're talking about?'

'Yes lover.'

'The Saturday morning Barbara mentioned?'

'Yes, that too.'

'But, I don't understand, why mention that day Barbara?'

'Because I wound him up for you Mum. I did it on purpose. I didn't want to feel that I was monopolising Luke. Remember that I wanted to share him with you, not own him. So I thought I'd make sure that your sex-life was spiced up a bit from time to time too, and that Saturday morning was the first time I tried to do that.

So, seeing as I was pouring my heart out to poor, long-suffering Roger, he got to hear about that as well. See?'

'Yes, now I understand everything much better. I can see I'll have to have a long talk to Roger sometime, to find out what else went on. And with a bit of luck he'll get as aroused by telling me about it as I hear he did when you told him.' she said with a wicked chuckle, giving my leg another firm squeeze as she glanced back at Barbara, adding. 'By the way, your hair looks nice today darling, I hear you've discovered a new sort of conditioner for it.'

Barbara laughed, and then we all joined in when she responded. 'Yes, and it comes in a pretty exciting package too!'

That one laugh almost immediately dispelled the last of the tension that I had sensed between them and as at about the same time we were starting to leave the bulk of the traffic behind us and heading for more open roads, the atmosphere in the car became noticeably happier, and raunchier.

For a while it seemed that the girls were determined to embarrass me, vying with each other in their descriptions of what I had done for them, how fantastic I had made them feel, which of course brought back my own memories and triggered an automatic, internal response that in turn brought on feelings of arousal down between my legs.

Helen of course had more events to tell about and once or twice she reduced Barbara to silence as she graphically described something I had done. Her re-telling of the time I had gone down on her in the restaurant toilet seemed to have the most impact, and when I glanced up into the rear-view mirror and looked back at Barbara I could see from the way she was biting her lower lip and the intent expression on her face that Helen's word picture was really getting to her.

'And then, after doing that for me, he went out and made a play for the waitress!'

'Not true!' I said in self-defence. 'I left your mother to tidy herself up, the waitress made some remark about her appearing to be taking a bit of time to get over it, that whatever it was that I had done must have been very thorough. I think I actually blushed, then said something about 'a man can only do his best'. To which she replied something like, 'I wish every man had that attitude. I know a few who wouldn't even know what you were talking about, let alone how to go about doing it.'

And that's when your mother returned.'

'Which must have been very disappointing for you lover. Who knows what might have developed if I had taken a few more minutes to get ready?'

'Was she attractive?' Barbara asked.

'Pretty I would have said.' Helen answered. 'Quite small, shorter than you and I but with a nice trim figure. Good legs, which Roger, as a confirmed leg man, would have certainly noticed. A pretty face, wide-set blue eyes and short, reddish-blonde hair.'

'You remember her better than I do.' I answered, surprised at the detail of her description, and instantly recalling both the mischievous grin the girl had given me, and the hint of envy I thought I had seen in her eyes.

'But you should also say.' I added. 'That her legs were nowhere near as good as yours are and that by comparison with Barbara's, her breasts were decidedly boyish. And don't forget that a man can look at a menu without ordering a meal. Anyway, after what you'd done for me in the cinema I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, even if I had wanted to.'

'What happened in the cinema Mum?'

Again Helen recounted most of what had gone on, and as she did that the memories came flooding back to me, and as they did, I became aware of the slowly growing stiffness between my legs. Helen must have seen the signs too because as she finished her description she slid her hand across to my crotch, found the rising swell and, as she gave it an affectionate squeeze, cried out.

'Ahaa! Life returns!'

Luckily for all of us I had only just turned off the main road on to the one that led to the entrance to the park, a long straight stretch, with no other traffic on it, because, hearing Helen sing out like that, Barbara pulled herself forward, reached over my shoulder and also tried to get a feel. As I reacted the car swerved across the road, which gave them a bit of a fright and made them stop what they were doing. I breathed a sigh of relief as I regained control of the car and said. 'Let's wait until we get wherever we're going before we try any more games, O.K.?'

'O.K.' They answered in unison.

'So, where are we going, anybody know?'

'I do!' Barbara shouted. 'There's a lovely spot down beside the river, it's not far from here, I can show you the right turn-off.'

'Which place is that?' Helen asked.

'It's not one that we ever went to Mum. I went there with a boy I knew, it's really quiet, sort of secluded, I don't think too many people actually know about it.'

'Sounds like there's a story attached to it.' I said.

'Is there?' Added Helen.

'Yes, sort of. Not as exciting as what you were telling me about though.'

'One of the boys on your list Barbara?' I asked unthinkingly.

'List? What list?' Helen immediately asked.

'Ooops! Sorry Barbara, I thought she knew.'

'It's all right, we've just never talked about it that's all. It doesn't matter. Yes, he was on the list, and I must say that by comparison with some of the others, he was pretty good. I'd made this list Mum.' Barbara explained. 'When I was new to it all, boys and sex I mean. A list of the boys I liked, what I'd like them to do to me, and what I'd like to do to them. It was pretty silly really.'

'I thought it sounded a pretty good idea.' I said supportively. 'I wish the girls had done such a thing when I was a teen-ager.'

'I did.' Helen responded. 'I did the same thing, but I'm sure it would have looked rather tame by comparison with what was on Barbara's. Mine listed the boys I'd like to hold hands with, the ones I'd like to have kiss me and just two boys that I was prepared to allow to touch my breasts, on the outside of my clothes that is.'

Barbara couldn't help laughing. 'You're right Mum, things have changed. Kissing was on mine, but then it included which boys I'd let have a proper feel of my breasts, those that I'd let touch my pussy, and of those, which ones' cocks I'd like to handle.'

'And the boy that brought you down here, which list was he in?'

'The shortest!'

'And did he, did you?'

'Yes, and yes.'

'Was it nice?'

'Again yes, and yes?'

'You're not going to tell us the details Barbara?' I chipped in.

'There's not that much to tell actually Roger. He brought me out here one Saturday after the football, I remember wondering where we were going, we seemed to drive for ages and I was starting to get worried about how long it would take to get home again afterwards and whether it was really worth coming such a long way. Especially as I'd already seen plenty of places where we could have parked and got on with it.

But in the end it was worth it I suppose. As there was nobody else around we could actually get out of the car, he'd got a blanket in the boot, so we could make ourselves comfortable and luckily it wasn't too cold, so we didn't freeze.

We did a lot of kissing and groping of course, before we actually got inside each other's clothes I mean. I had to help him with my bra, like most boys he just couldn't seem to get the hang of how to undo it, then, as it was the first time I'd let him get that far he made a bit of a meal of them.'

'I can understand his reaction Barbara.' I said, grinning at her through the mirror.

'Anyway, he took so long that by the time he got to putting his hand up under my skirt I was almost ready to pop, and once he got his fingers inside me that was it, I went off like a rocket. Then it was virtually the same for him, in fact for a while I thought he was going to come before I could get his cock out of his trousers, he was groaning and twitching so much.'

She turned to Helen and said. 'You know the way they do Mum, just before it happens, they go sort of rigid all over. He was like that, I suppose I was more worried he'd get it all over his clothes than anything else, anyway, somehow he managed to hold off until I'd got it out. He was lying on his side, so when he did come it squirted all over the blanket instead, and there did seem to be an awful lot of it.'

Then catching my eye in the mirror, she grinned and said. 'But not as much as you shot into my hair last night Roger.'

Anyway, having got rid of the initial pressure we lay there kissing and cuddling a lot, it seemed he just couldn't get enough of my breasts, which was nice of course. But a bit later I noticed he seemed to be getting excited again, so I made him get out of his trousers and pants, that was bit of a struggle, and he seemed awfully embarrassed about doing it, until I started to suck his cock that is. I wasn't particularly good at it at that time, I'd only done it a couple of times before. Still, once I got started he obviously liked what I was doing for him and I got the feeling that it was the first time he'd had it done to him, so that probably more than made up for any lack of skill on my part.

I didn't swallow it of course, I hadn't got used to the idea of that then, but I'm sure he didn't care, he was too busy shooting it to worry about where it was actually going.

So, that's what happened here, just kid stuff really.'

Kid stuff or not, hearing her talk about her teen-age sexual activities had been quite enough to re-start the arousal that my loss of control of the car had dampened and I felt the distinct pressure of my cock rising inside my shorts.

Just then she called out. 'Here, we turn off here!'

If she hadn't known the right turning I certainly would never have considered the narrow track, it was half hidden by a bend in the road and even having turned into it I still had my doubts that it was anything more than an old fire or timber trail. But after a couple of hundred yards of fairly rough going it widened a little and then levelled out, and after another few minutes drive we got to see the area that Barbara had brought us to.

It really was a lovely spot. The river made a U-bend just there and within the bounds of its curve was a broad, flat meadow-like area, dotted here and there with small clumps of trees. The track we were driving down led to a gravelled section that would take just two or three cars, alongside which a brick and iron barbecue had been built. But what made it especially attractive was the fact that there wasn't a soul to be seen, either within the area immediately in front of us or on the other side of the river, it looked as though we had this little Eden entirely to ourselves.

'Beautiful Barbara, it's quite beautiful.' Helen said.

'And, just as importantly, it looks deserted!' I added as I braked to a halt alongside the barbecue.

'I guessed it would be when I saw how unused the track still is. Aren't you happy that boy brought me here?'

'Yes, but not as happy as you were.' I cracked, then we all laughed as, in one voice they both answered.


The girls continued to break into intermittent giggles as they helped me unpack the stuff from the car, but I used the opportunities that all their bending, lifting and stretching gave me to get a really good eye-full of them. Barbara was in shorts and a T-shirt, both of which, as usual, appeared to be a couple of sizes too small and which clung to her like a second skin. Helen had teamed her cotton top with a skirt, a skirt that that left a lot of leg for me to enjoy, especially when she bent over to reach inside the boot of the car.

The arousal that had originally been triggered by the conversation during the later parts of the drive was understandably boosted by watching them moving around me and by the time we had got everything out and set up, I was feeling decidedly horny and was very aware of the partial erection that I had developed. But even as I was thinking about the best way of getting the girls to do something about relieving me of that, Barbara called out.

'I don't know about you two, but I'm starting to feel hot. How about a dip in the river, before we start getting lunch ready? If my memory's right there's a great spot down between those trees.'

Helen, who was standing closer to me, had obviously spotted the bulge that my still growing cock was making in my shorts and as she answered, she made a quick grab for it.

'By the look, and the feel of things, Roger's pretty hot too. I think a swim would be just the thing to cool down both he and his friend here.'

It was obvious from that, that yet again I wasn't going to have too much say in the matter. But within minutes any reluctance I might have initially had, vanished as the girls, who seemed to have planned this move too, stripped down to the swim-suits I discovered they were wearing underneath their clothes.

Almost predictably, Barbara was in a bikini, one of the smallest I'd ever seen! What there was of it was pure white and against her already lightly tanned skin it looked even whiter. The bottom half just about covered the essential parts of her, the upper failed to do even that, doing no more than provide unnecessary support for her breasts, which looked as though they were going to spill completely out at her slightest move.

Helen was wearing a quite stunning, bright red, one-piece suit, but the cut and the way it fitted her somehow managed to make her look even sexier than the minute scraps of material that did no more than decorate Barbara's curves. It was cut high on the hip, making her already long legs look even longer, the narrow strip between them fitting tightly over the mound above her pussy.

Their sudden change and the delights it revealed had left me standing, gawping at first one and then the other of them, so I was unprepared for their next move, which was to undress me too. Unlike them I didn't have a swim-suit on beneath my shorts, just my usual briefs and in no time at all I wasn't even wearing them. They giggled and laughed as their hands worked together and, when they had me completely naked they took a quick, admiring look at the state my cock was in, then grabbing some towels and with one on either side of me, they took me by the hands and we ran down across the grassy area to the river.

Barbara had been quite right, the spot we ran to was a perfect place for a dip, as the river made its turn it had cut into the near bank, creating an area of deep, clear water and on the other side we could see, between the edge of the river and the trees beyond, a short stretch of clean sand.

As we stood there for a few minutes, taking in the tranquil scene all around us I said. 'It seems a shame to get those spectacular swim-suits wet, and don't try to pretend you're shy, so why not skinny-dip, like me?'

They glanced briefly at each other, nodded and in a matter of seconds the three of us were stark naked and then, with assorted giggles we plunged into the water, laughing, splashing and generally behaving like a bunch of happy kids. Although it was refreshing the water wasn't cold and so I didn't have to suffer the embarrassment of suddenly being left with only a shrivelled version of my cock. In fact I soon found that having the two of them frolicking nakedly, playfully jostling and groping, was having quite the opposite effect. Then they both suddenly set on me and with their combined strength and the slipperiness of their curves soon had me under the water and then spluttering for breath when they laughingly let me surface again.

'Enough?' Helen asked when they had succeeded in half drowning me for the third or fourth time.

'Enough!' I agreed.

'Grab the towels please Barbara, we'll lie in the sun for a while.' Then, taking my hand and heading for the other side of the river. 'Come on Roger.'

Even as they'd been dunking me I'd felt two separate hands feeling between my legs, checking out and further encouraging my growing arousal so by the time we got out of the water I had a pretty good erection.

Barbara spread the towels so that they formed a single area for us to lie on together but it was soon apparent that they had something other than just resting in mind. Helen sat on one side of the towels and pulled me down beside her, then gently pushed me backwards. As she did that, Barbara kneeled down on the other side and I could tell from the smug grins on each of their faces that they had something in store for me.

'Two mouths, one cock.' Helen whispered in my ear. 'How does that sound lover?'

'Fantastic!' I answered, looking from one to the other as they both licked their lips.

Without another word Helen bent and kissed me, and while her tongue was snaking into my mouth, Barbara moved closer, slipped her fingers beneath my balls and her mouth over my cock. Then she began to fondle and suck me, gently rolling and squeezing my balls with one hand while her mouth concentrated on the head of my cock, using a series of short, tight-lipped bobs, then swirling her tongue tantalisingly over and around it before taking it between her lips again.
