Those Days of...Ch. 20-25


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I thought it was funny, the poor guy got so flustered he forgot what excuse he had come up with to come by our table. He brought things someone else had ordered, he collected plates we hadn't had a chance to use, then returned them, you name it, he did it. And all the time he just stared down at me, at my breasts.

As I said, I thought it was funny, but I could see that poor Luke was beginning to get upset by the performance. So when we had finished our main course and the waiter once again came by with the desert menu, then stood right beside me, staring straight down the front of my dress, I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was when Luke got up from the table. The movement caught the waiter's eye and I could see the look of surprise on his face as he saw Luke standing there, staring fiercely at him.

'Sir?' he asked in a confused tone of voice.

I had to hand it to Luke, even though he was livid with rage, he kept his cool, he didn't rant and rave and I guess that nobody but myself actually heard what he said. But the icy, controlled anger in his voice was quite clear to the waiter.

'If you don't keep your piggy little eyes from staring down the front of the lady's dress I'll shut them both, and I'll shut them so hard it'll be weeks before they can see anything at all. Understand!'

The waiter stood there for a moment, trembling, then nodded, put the menus down on the table, turned and almost ran back to the kitchen. Luke watched him go, then turned to look down at me, and I couldn't help grinning when I saw his eyes do exactly the same thing as the waiter's had, stare straight down the front of my dress. I also saw that, unlike the waiter, Luke already had an erection.

'Do you want desert Barbara?' he asked in a strained voice and when I shook my head he took some money from his wallet, put it down on the table and said. 'Let's go then, all right?'

After the brief but dramatic display I also felt it was best to leave, we would both have felt uncomfortable knowing everyone was talking about us, wondering what had happened, so we left and went back to where he had parked the car. On the way I held his hand tightly and tried to calm him down a bit. 'He wasn't doing any harm Luke, don't be so upset about it. Anyway, when you were standing above me I noticed that you couldn't help doing the same thing.' I added, smiling up at him.

He walked in silence for a bit and I sensed his angry tension was lessening. 'It would be hard not to look Barbara, you have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. But he made such a meal of it, almost drooling over you. That's what finally got to me and naturally I got angry, any man would.'

'I know, and you handled it very well, without making too much fuss. But I don't want that to spoil the rest of the night for us, it's over now, forget it, let's enjoy the time we have together.'

We had reached the car by then and as I stood, waiting for him to open the door for me I felt a shiver run up my spine and a complex whirl of thoughts ran through my head. I realised I had got some strange sense of enjoyment from the small drama. By doing nothing other than sit there I had been able to affect two men so strongly that one had come very close to fighting over me. That was a heady feeling. In a funny sort of way it was similar to the feeling I had enjoyed the previous night, when I had ridden Luke to that quite mind-blowing climax. Then I had been in control too, had been able to watch his reactions to what was happening to him, see the intensity of it reflected in the expressions on his face, know that it was me that was causing it.

I realised that on each occasion I had experienced a feeling of power, and that I had enjoyed it!

When he took me in his arms, he was shaking all over and he just held me for a while, then kissed me, hard. 'Let's go home.' I said when he gave me a moment to breathe. He nodded, let go of me and let me into the car.

He drove in silence, I kept one hand resting on his leg and from the way it flexed and trembled I knew his tension still hadn't completely dissipated. So, when we got home again I suggested we have the coffee we had missed out on at the restaurant. I don't think he really cared one way or the other but he agreed and having put it on I asked him to watch it while I went to the bath-room.

When I returned to the kitchen I found that he was still standing where I'd left him, staring down at the coffee pot. I slipped my arms around his waist and asked quietly. 'What's wrong, what's the matter?'

He didn't answer straight away, just stood there and I could feel the tension that still gripped him. Then he turned, took me by the shoulders and holding me at arm's length, looked down into my eyes. There was a strangely sad look in his and my heart immediately went out to him, but then when he spoke I felt it sink.

'We have to stop, we can't go on like this Barbara.'

'Why? What do you mean?'

'You know that whatever you say about our relationship, what we are doing is wrong. Apart from that it's not fair to Helen, your Mum I mean. We can't keep this up with her around, we'd never be able to hide it from her, imagine how she'll feel when she finds out, could you hurt her that much?'

'But she doesn't have to find out Luke. We can be careful, enjoy being together those times when we can. We did it before, it was no different then.'

'But it was different, it was as though we were playing a game, now things are getting serious.'

'What do you mean?'

'Making love to you properly, that's different to getting each other off, as we were doing before. My feelings are different too.'

'In what way?'

'I want you for myself. That's why I got so angry at the waiter, that's when I realised how things have changed.'

'But you do have me, as you always have, what I feel for you is something I could never feel for anybody else.'

'That's not quite what I mean.'

'I don't understand, how does actually having sex make it different? It's just an expression of what I feel for you, what we feel for each other.'

'It's more than that Barbara, much more, it is for me anyway. I just couldn't cope with trying to hide what I feel for you, how much I want you. Even now it's going to be hard enough, in fact it might already be too late. If we were to carry on I know that at the very least we'd end up hurting Helen more than she could bear. We just have to stop, that's all there is to it.'

I could see that the way he was feeling made it pointless to argue, tomorrow was another day and he might feel differently in the morning. I really couldn't accept or believe that it would be the last time, but, just in case, I was determined not to miss out on the opportunity to have him again.

'Whatever you say. But on one condition.'

'What's that?'

I slipped out of his arms, stepped back, unzipped my dress and simply let it fall to the floor and stood there in just the skimpy black underwear. I didn't say anything for a while, just watched him, his eyes stared, roaming over my body, returning again and again to my almost fully exposed breasts, his hands clenching and unclenching, his face showing the strain he was under.

'Fuck me, one last time, if that's what it really has to be.'

I watched as he fought his conflicting emotions but when he gave a sudden sob, came forward and virtually grabbed me to himself I knew I had won.

I left my dress lying where it had fallen and as we went through to the bed-room I was undressing him, tugging his shirt out of his trousers, fumbling with the buttons, not wanting to give him any time in which to change his mind. He was helping with one hand, feeling me with the other, and his quickly rising excitement aroused my own so that by the time I knelt in front of him, to help him off with the rest of his clothes, I was almost as worked-up as he was.

When I had got his trousers off and he had only his pants left on I stared at the hard ridge his cock was making in them and when I pulled them down it immediately sprang upright, rearing above me, quivering. The shaft looked like the handle of some sort of primitive weapon, the head, already a dark plum-red, was so swollen that the velvety skin was drum-tight and shiny. And, stirring me almost as much as the sight of him did, was the powerful scent of his arousal.

I gently closed both hands round the shaft, he shuddered and groaned at the touch but other than that, he stood quite still, his hands down at his sides. I could sense the battle going on inside him, and was reminded of the very first time I'd touched him, when I'd set out to get his agreement to me having the expensive dress material, and had ended up sucking him off. As it had been then, it was as though he was desperately trying to fight off what he was feeling. But even though his head may have been trying to ignore what I was doing, as my finger-tips wandered lightly up and down the quivering length his cock definitely responded, in fact it actually seemed to grow even bigger.

Then as I continued caressing him I saw the rest of his body beginning to react, the muscles in his thighs and across his stomach flexing as the pressure rose inside him. That time I resisted the temptation to taste and feel his cock in my mouth because I didn't want to risk missing out on feeling such a massive thing inside my pussy by making him climax prematurely. Instead of doing what I'm sure he'd expected me to do I used my free hand to get my bra off, then, lifted myself a little and trapping his cock in the valley between my breasts, pressed myself against him.

She paused to take another sip of her drink and I had an extra few seconds to visualise the scene. Two memories seemed to flow together, what she had said to me earlier - 'If you get that excited again just remember that you don't have to put up with it, I love getting you off, any way you like or you think you might like.' - and the time Helen had got me off by taking my cock between her breasts.

The sudden thought of Barbara doing that to me, with her even more magnificently full breasts, brought my cock back up to full size, but even as my imagination began to expand on the thought, Barbara's voice brought me back to reality.

' - thinking he probably couldn't take too much more of what I was doing to him I slipped the g-string off, went across to the bed and knelt on the edge of it. Then turning and looking back at him I said. 'I want you. I want that magnificent cock right up inside me. Then I want to feel you come, come as you've never come before.'

He stood there for a moment, looking across at me, at the inviting display my bottom made and maybe still trying to fight down the thoughts of what it would feel like to plunge himself into my waiting pussy. But it was no more than a momentary pause. The reality of his need overcame his sense of morality and when he came to me, unlike other times, there were no preliminaries. By then he was too far-gone to worry about making sure I was aroused, he just needed to fuck me. I used one hand to help guide the head into my already slippery hole then, taking my weight on my arms, I relaxed, opening myself for him and as he shoved it hard and deep, I heard our voices blend as groans of both pleasure and sheer relief broke simultaneously from both of us.

His fingers dug deep into the fleshy part of my hips, holding me steady, his balls slapping loudly against the backs of my thighs each time he drove forwards. His grunts and groans got sharper, louder as his action got faster and faster and he was so massive, getting so deep he was reaching parts of me that he hadn't the other times. In some ways it was as though I was being fucked for the first time, certainly he was triggering a whole new range of sensations every time he thrust up into me. So even though it hadn't been my main objective, because his fucking was so forceful I was helpless to stop it and it wasn't long before I felt my own climax surfacing, then heard myself shriek as it rocketed up through me.

I don't even know if he realised I'd had one. If anything, his fucking just seemed to get more powerful and as pleasure-surges continued coursing through me I began to thrust myself backwards, groaning and sobbing as his pistoning cock produced even stronger waves of ecstasy.

Then, just as I felt his cock finally expanding inside me, heard his grunting becoming more desperate and I knew I was about to be inundated with his jism, I heard another voice, even louder, more piercing than ours. But even as it shouted protestingly - 'Noooo!' - I felt him come, explosively, hearing my own wailing cries as I felt his cock pumping again and again and again each time he rammed himself into me.

The other voice I'd heard was Mum's of course, she had come home a day earlier than we had expected her to, friends who had been coming down to the city had offered her a lift. She'd had so many other things on her mind that it hadn't occurred to her to ring us.

I'd rather forget the rest of that night, it was terrible, crying, shouting, anger, guilt. In fact I really don't remember too much of the detail, it's all a sort of blur, Mum's totally distraught anger, Luke and I's guilt. Mum's first thought was that Luke had raped me. When I told her it hadn't been like that at all, that I'd wanted to share him with her, had virtually seduced him, that just seemed to make it even worse.

Anyway, I guess you know the rest.' she said, emptying what was left in her glass at a single swallow.

'Most of it.' I answered as I got up to pour us both a fresh drink, and once again I completely forgot my cock and that what I was wearing wasn't designed to cover it when it was fully aroused. I only remembered it when I saw her eyes drop down as I turned to give her the glass and when she saw the state I was in she looked up at me and said.

'No arguments this time. I'm not leaving you wound up like that. Come here.' she added, beckoning me closer to her.

I stood in front of her, looking down I had a similar view of her breasts as the waiter in the restaurant, and understood exactly why he had behaved as he had, like both he and Luke, I was also mesmerised by them. She slid one hand up between my legs, her slender fingers curling under my aching balls, squeezing and gently rolling them while she used the palm of the other to lightly stroke the smoothly taut skin of my cock-head.

My cock jerked higher as her touch sent a surge of excited anticipation through me and as she continued on with those delicate but thrilling caresses and I watched her lush breasts slowly swaying from side to side, I felt it responding, thickening and hardening even more.

Just when I thought I couldn't stand too much more of it she looked up. 'What would you like me to do for you Roger? Anything you'd especially like?'

The thought returned, the thought that had come to me when she was recounting the start of the last time she had been with Luke, which had reminded me of the time Helen had taken me between her breasts. The thought of having Barbara doing that to me, having my cock squeezed between her even more magnificent breasts. 'Yes.' I answered.

'What?' she asked eagerly.

'Take me between your breasts.'

'I haven't done that before, it sounds exciting.' she thought for a moment. 'How would I .....? Oh I know! Wait just a minute!' she added, suddenly springing to her feet and heading for the bath-room, leaving me standing there, my cock inflamed, twitching and jerking from the sensational way she had been handling it.

While she was away I slipped off my bath-robe and tried to imagine what she had in mind for me. She wasn't gone long and when she returned she had a towel in one hand and a small bottle in the other. Slipping out of her house-coat she spread the towel on one arm of the settee, sat on it and spread her legs apart. I glanced down at the tempting pinkness of her pussy-lips but then watched as she opened the bottle, tipped something into her hand and then smoothed it over the inner curves of both breasts, liberally coating the deep valley between them.

'It's body oil, it's quite safe. Now come here, let me relieve some of that pressure for you.'

I noticed that both of her nipples had started to swell from just the brief touch of her oil coated hand, which had given her breasts a glistening sheen. I couldn't wait to feel the sensations that sliding up between them would give me and stepped forward, my cock quivering in anticipation. As I moved she lay back a little, making it easier for me to do what I wanted and as I moved between her legs she slipped her still lightly oiled hand over my cock-head and back along the shaft, coating it too with a thin film. Then, using both hands to lift and press her breasts closer together, she created a narrow valley between the two globes of firm, creamy flesh.

The valley was widest at the bottom, where her breasts curved out from her rib-cage and I slid my cock-head into that space, then, taking hold of her by the shoulders and slowly thrusting forward, I pushed my cock up the tight, oiled channel.

The sensations were electrifying!

Barbara looked up, watching for my reactions and smiled as she saw the expression on my face. 'Is that good?' she asked unnecessarily.

'Unbelievable Barbara, quite unbelievable!' I answered in a hoarse voice, then began to slowly move my cock up and down that valley of sheer delight.

As she picked up the rhythm of my movements she adjusted the amount of pressure she was applying to her breasts, keeping them close together as I pushed forwards but increasing the strength of the sensations I was getting by pressing them even more tightly together as I withdrew. The resulting sensations were completely different to anything I had ever felt before. The slick, oiled surface allowed me to slide back and forth, but the firm flesh seemed to mould itself around me, squeezing my cock from end to end, triggering the firing of every single nerve cell. As the cannonade of pleasure-sparks continued shooting up through me I thought was in heaven, the feelings were simply indescribable and the pleasure centres inside my brain quickly became totally overloaded.

I heard myself groaning as the level of my excitement escalated higher and higher, and looked down at the sight of my cock plunging up and down that luscious valley. The bloated head had turned a deeper shade of purple, the veins along the shaft had become even more pronounced and I could tell from the increasing ache in my tightening balls that their contents were already churning.

Barbara caught my eye, a look of happy satisfaction showing on her face. 'That feels lovely, and I can tell how good it is for you. The look on your face says it all, not to mention how big and hard your cock's got. And from the feel of it it's going to shoot your jism all over me any minute now, isn't it?'

I was in no state to answer her because all too quickly from my point of view, just then I felt it starting, that sudden, unstoppable surge as the seething well was tapped and I felt the accumulated semen jetting up through me.

Her eyes had been flicking up and down, watching the strength of what I was feeling reflected on my face as well as the effects it was having on my body. But as she felt my climax approaching she kept them fixed on my cock, staring unblinkingly, obviously not wanting to miss the sight of that first blast.

It was explosive, my body must have put every ounce of strength behind that critical thrust, and as I felt my balls jam themselves hard up against the base of her breasts, the thick, creamy gout spewed out, splattering itself right across her face and on up into her hair.

'Aaah yes, yes, that's lovely! Come on, don't stop. Give me more! Let it all come!' she cried out excitedly, urging me on, squeezing her breasts even more tightly together, increasing their electrifying friction.
