Those Days of...Ch. 20-25


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I couldn't have stopped, even if I'd wanted to, and that was just the first of many. In response to the agonising ecstasy that wracked my body I thrust convulsively. Grunting at the intensity of the unbelievable thrills I was feeling as it continued pumping up from somewhere deep inside me, then squirting out over her, adding more and more to the mess the first load had caused.

When she finally saw I was virtually done she licked off what she could reach with her tongue, giving me a broad grin of satisfaction at the amount she had been able to drain out of me, and even as the pressure inside me gradually subsided and she saw that I had nothing left but a few, final spurts, she held me there, squeezing her breasts even tighter together. 'That was wonderful, something quite different. And.' she added as she smiled up at me, her face covered with trails and splodges of semen. 'It looked as though you enjoyed it even more than I did.'

'It was incredible Barbara. Just incredible.'

'Have you done that before?'

'Just once, with Helen. But this was much more powerful than that was, your breasts are bigger, firmer, and with the oil on them, wow!'

'I must remember that for another time.' she said, finally releasing me. 'Now we'd better clean up some of this mess.'

She used the towel she had been sitting on to wipe me down and then to get the quickly caking semen off her face. But there was nothing she could do about the stuff in her hair. 'Maybe it's a good conditioner.' she said with a laugh. 'Anyway, I'll have to wash it again in the morning.'

'It is the morning Barbara.' I reminded her, pointing to the clock. It was nearly three thirty.

'Good heavens, I hadn't realised how long I'd been talking. You must be dead on your feet.'

'A bit weary, but very pleasantly so, thanks to you.' I added, taking her in my arms and kissing her. Only realising just how tired I actually was when my body totally failed to respond to the feel of her nakedness pressed close to me. 'But even so, there's one part of all this that you still haven't explained.' I added.

'What's that?'

'Where Julia fits in, how you got to know her in the first place.'

'Ah yes, of course. That must have confused you. Do you want me to tell you about it now? I'll have to back-track a little, but it won't take long.'

Although weary, as I thought we might not get another such opportunity I said she should go ahead and sat down as she started to tell me what had happened.

'I was at college, very depressed and mixed-up, still having to take quite a few pills just to get through each day, and being totally anti-social, especially as far as boys were concerned. While most of the rest of the students were creating a constantly shifting scene of sexual activity around me, I was one of the few who was apparently totally disinterested in any of the variety of approaches the boys made to me. So I guess I was a natural target for a couple of the girls who weren't interested in boys either, girls who preferred their sex with other girls.

At first I didn't twig to what they were after, I just thought they were being friendly, and initially I was a bit angry when I did finally wake-up to the fact that there was more to it than that. Anyway, to keep it short, one evening, I gave in to one of them, and found I quite enjoyed it, it wasn't what I needed but it made me feel nice and in a way it helped take my mind off the enormous load of guilt I was carrying.

Julia was one of the occasional lecturers, she gave a couple of lectures in the business section of our course, talked about the role of women in business, and, as I soon found out, had a bit of a thing going with the girl I'd gone to bed with.'

'So I had been partly right!' I thought to myself. 'There had been more to Julia's sex-life than I had known about.'

'She never made a direct approach to me but I saw her looking at me and got the feeling she'd like to. But my friend talked about her almost non-stop, how elegant she was, how successful, where she had taken her, and as that had included the occasional afternoon in bed together, even describing her house in minute detail.

Then, quite a long time later, there was that amazing morning, when we all met because I fell over. As I've said, I was already attracted to you physically, and got very pissed-off when I realised that you and Helen had been to bed together, and that you refused to do the same with me. Then, from odd bits of conversation with Mum, about what had happened between you, I got a really funny feeling about the house, and it suddenly dawned on me that it sounded just like the house the girl at college had visited, Julia's house. Of course I'd known she was married, but just couldn't believe the coincidence.

Anyway, I was determined to have another go at you and as Mum had put your phone number in her book, I rang, hoping that it would be you that answered. It wasn't of course, so then I mentioned my friend's name and made out that I was after a copy of one of the lectures she had given us. Julia must have remembered me, and perhaps because she was going through a bit of a flat spot at the time, she came on quite positively, suggesting that rather than simply posting it to me, we meet for coffee so we could discuss the paper.

I couldn't really refuse, and in a funny sort of a way I was intrigued too and got to wondering what sex with her would actually be like. But I was still determined to reach you, so rang back again a few times during the next couple of days, but each time it was Julia who answered the phone and I had to keep finding reasons for the call, which got more and more difficult of course.

As it was you I had first asked for I suppose she got suspicious, thinking I was your girl-friend or something. Anyway we met, she told me she'd immediately remembered me from college and then came on very strongly, which I admit I found quite exciting. One thing led to another and when she invited me round to see her that Saturday, ostensibly to go through another of her lectures, I guessed where we'd end up, and decided I might as well experience whatever she had in mind for us.

So it was an odd situation, with both of us having you as the secondary player, even though you didn't know anything about it. I saw Julia as a way of getting closer to you, she thought you and I already had something going on. But regardless of that, we actually enjoyed each other, in a completely different way to what you, Mum and I have of course.

The week we had away together was a lot of fun and living together is pretty good most of the time. But I don't think either of us will be exactly broken-hearted when it comes to an end. I'm not sure just what Julia is looking for but I know it isn't me, and I certainly wouldn't want to spend too much longer in a purely female relationship. Apart from anything else, there's just no substitute for a hot, hard cock.' She added with a cheeky grin.

So, Julia and Barbara had got together as a result of an almost improbable set of coincidences, without which none of what was now happening to us could have come about. I couldn't help wondering what other twists and turns life still had in store for us, and what joys or sadness they would produce.

But by then my brain was too tired and too full to be bothered even thinking such thoughts and we returned hand in hand to the bed-room. Helen didn't look as though she had stirred in our absence but as we slipped into bed, one on either side of her, she murmured in her sleep and snuggled herself up against us. I lay there, recalling some of the things Barbara had told me, the new pictures I had inside my head, and especially the wonderful feelings I had experienced from having my cock between her breasts and, with the memory of that, within a few minutes I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 24

The Call of the Wild

Not surprisingly, we all slept late on the Saturday morning, Helen woke first and although I was still half asleep I was vaguely aware of her slipping her arms around me and pulling herself closer. Some time later, when she had found she was getting absolutely no response from me, she got up to go to the bath-room and as Barbara was still dead to the world, when I heard Helen go along to the kitchen, I got up, slipped back into my bath-robe and stumbled out to join her.

Barbara and I had left our cups and glasses beside the sink and as Helen heard me coming she turned and gave me a lovely smile. 'Good morning lover.' she said as I stood behind her, slipped my arms around her and kissed the side of her neck. 'It looks as though someone had a disturbed night.' she added as she pressed herself back against me.

'Yes, Barbara couldn't sleep and got up to make herself a hot drink, that woke me and we ended up talking for nearly two hours. It all came out, it was a bit difficult for her at times, a few tears. But I think it helped her, I think just talking it through will have made a difference.'

'Oh, that's marvellous Roger. Thank you.' she turned in my arms, gave me an enormous hug and kissed me hard.

'Careful, careful.' I said as I eased her away from me. 'The beard's a bit heavy, I don't want you scratching your face.'

'What about scratching somewhere else instead?'

'That might have to wait until a bit later lover.'

She grinned up at me, her eyes twinkling. 'I see, not ready for me yet, still a bit drained after last night are you? I knew the two of us would be too much for you to handle.' she paused, then added. 'Was it just talk that kept you and Barbara up, or did you find a more practical way of consoling her?'

'Actually it was she that consoled me, if that's the right word.' I admitted, wondering if I was doing the right thing, but recognising that she'd find out what had happened from Barbara at some time anyway.

But I needn't have worried, she seemed happy enough about it, she just wanted to know what and how, and when I described what Barbara had done for me she seemed to actually get quite excited.

'Oh good, I guessed you'd been thinking about doing that with her for a long time. She would do a much better job for you than I was able to, her breasts are a much better shape for it. Was it as good as you'd imagined it would be darling?'

'Marvellous.' I answered, then explained how Barbara had made it even better by using the body oil, adding. 'But she's going to have to give her hair a good wash this morning, there's a fair bit of me still stuck in it.'

'I can imagine.' she said with a laugh. 'How much detail did she go into, about she and Luke I mean?'

'A lot, just about everything they did together I should think. That was the real problem, as well as everything else she has going for her, she has a real talent with words, her descriptions were so graphic I couldn't help getting aroused. She couldn't miss seeing that of course, and took pity on me.' I added sheepishly.

'I understand Roger. I don't mind, that's what this week-end was all about remember. Sharing with each other. If I hadn't wanted that as much as Barbara did I would never have arranged things like this. You can do whatever you like with her, you won't upset me, believe me.'

'It's just that you weren't there to share in it, I didn't want you to think I was sneaking behind your back.'

She grinned wickedly. 'I liked what you did 'behind my back' last night, though you were anything but sneaky about the way you did it.'

I presumed she was referring to the way I had fucked her arse and was in one way glad of the opportunity to get off the subject of what Barbara and I had done together. 'Was that as good as you thought it would be?' I asked.

'Oh yes! Much, much better in fact, very exciting, very powerful. It was wonderful Roger. We can do that again sometime can't we?' she added eagerly.

'Of course, whenever you like.'

'But not right now, right?' she said mischievously.

'True.' I admitted. 'I don't think I'm quite back to full charge just yet.'

'O.K. - you go and shower, shave and all those things. I'll start getting some breakfast together, then I'll shower after we've eaten. We have to get your strength back, there's another day, and another night ahead of us.'

As I stood under the shower and let those words run through my head again, I wondered just how much staying power my body would prove to have.

There was a wonderful smell of bacon in the air by the time I had finished, which made me realise just how hungry I was. 'What do you have in mind for today darling?' I asked when I sat down to eat.

Helen smiled as she answered. 'Well I can tell you what we are not going to do, and that's the chores. They can wait.'

It had become one of our routines to get all the cleaning and other necessary jobs around the place out of the way on a Saturday morning, leaving us free to enjoy the rest of the week-end. But by the sound of things she had something more interesting planned for us.

'So, what then?'

'We thought, if it was a nice day, and it looks as though it will be, that we might get out into the fresh air, maybe go for a trip down into the National Park.'

I picked up on the word 'we', and wondered if they had thought up a programme for the entire week-end.

'But of course only if you fancy that too.' she added.

'Sounds fine to me. What about lunch, do we take something with us?'

'We thought we'd have a barbecue, there are plenty of places set up inside the park. In fact.' she said with a cheeky grin. 'We've already got most of it ready.'

'So much for any fancy I might have, it sounds to me as though I'm being organised, in the nicest possible way of course. Just tell me what you want me to do.'

'Just help us, and of course, keep your strength up. That's why we thought of a barbecue, good red meat. Now, I'd better get into the bath-room, perhaps you'd wake Barbara and get her moving too. Whatever way you like.' she added as she got up from the table.

'I'll just take her a cup of coffee, it sounds as though I might be called on later and I'd hate to be unable to respond and disappoint you both.'

'Oh I doubt you'd do that anyway Roger. But whatever you think, I'll leave it to you.'

After she had gone I put fresh coffee on to brew and while I was waiting for that I washed-up our breakfast things and re-laid the table for Barbara. I doubted she would want a cooked breakfast but felt equally sure she'd want something. Then poured a coffee and took it through to the bed-room.

She had obviously just woken and was half propped up in bed, her eyes still blurred from sleep, but her breasts were definitely wide-awake. As she had pushed herself up the sheet had slipped down, exposing both glorious globes, and the semi-erect nipples that tipped them. I could only think that she must have woken from having some sort of erotic dream and in spite of what I had just said to Helen I couldn't resist the temptation. Having put the cup down on the bed-side table, I knelt beside her, leaned across and cupped the nearest one, thrilling at the feel of her still bed-warm, silky skin and then lowered my head, took the budding tip between my lips and gently sucked on it.

She sighed softly and one hand slipped behind my head, pulling me more tightly down against herself, encouraging me to fondle and suck her more strongly and as I happily did that I saw her other hand slip down beneath the sheet and could then tell from the way it moved that she was using it to further stimulate herself.

It was very quick and not very strong but as she held me even tighter and as the movements beneath the sheet became even faster I heard her breathing quicken, then with a small gasp of pleasure, her body shuddered to its climax. She held me there for a few minutes while her body slowly relaxed again, then letting go of me she twisted and pressed her lips to mine.

'Thank you. That was a lovely way to wake up.' she said when the kiss came to an end. 'I'd been dreaming about us and as you could apparently tell, I'd got rather turned-on by it. You came in at just the right moment.'

'What was the dream about?'


'I've no idea.'

'Last night, the last thing. Remember?'

'If you're talking about what I think you are, I'm not very likely to have forgotten am I.'

'I'm glad of that. Well that's what I was dreaming of, having your gorgeous cock between my breasts, that's why they were so sensitive, why I came so quickly when you sucked them.'

'I'm glad you enjoyed it too, it was mind-blowing for me, as you saw, and as you'll see when you have a look at your hair.' I added with a grin as I smoothed the area where my caked semen had set it into flattened patches.

'That'll wash out, I'm just glad that it was so good for you, we'll do that again sometime won't we?'

'Whenever you like Barbara, just whenever you like.'

Just as Helen had, when I'd given her a similar answer a few minutes before, Barbara's response was an immediate and eager. 'Now?'

I chuckled at her enthusiasm but pushed away the hand that dropped over the edge of the bed and started to grope around for me. 'Right now is probably not a good idea, I gather from your mother that we have a trip to the great out-doors scheduled.'

'Oh good, we're actually going then?'

'So I've been told, and it sounds a good idea to me too, we can't spend the entire week-end in bed.'

'We could.'

'If we did I doubt that I'd be much fun for you by tomorrow.'

'I wouldn't be so sure about that, but O.K., I liked the idea of a bit of a trip too, so, where are we up to?'

'As you see, I'm virtually ready, I've had my breakfast. Your mother is in the shower, so if you go and have something to eat, then you should be able to have your shower. I'll get the car organised while you are doing that, then we can be off. O.K.?'

'Sounds fine. And a cup of coffee in bed too. Such service.' she said, giving me another, quicker kiss. 'I'll just have this, then I'll get up and get moving.'

In less than an hour we were actually under way, Helen beside me and Barbara and some of the barbecue gear behind and after we had made our way through the usual Saturday morning traffic and got to the outskirts of the city we found the going easier and quicker.

Until then I had been busy concentrating on driving, but the girls, as I still found myself thinking of them, had been chatting freely all the while. Initially they'd discussed different parts of the park we might make for, recalling other trips they had made and as those had of course included Luke it was natural that in time one thing should lead to another and that Helen should refer to the talk Barbara and I had had during the night. From the easy way Barbara answered I got the feeling that my impression had been right, that just talking about it had in fact helped her a great deal.

In fact, at one point it was Helen who seemed to become the more introspective of the two. 'I've often wondered if it would have all happened if I hadn't said 'no' to you having that dress.'

'Which dress Mum?'

'The dress for the ball, that Luke ended up buying the material for. If I had done that it might have all been so different.'

I remained silent, recalling what Barbara had told me during the night, about her disappointment at Helen's refusal and how she had then decided to try to get Luke's agreement for her to buy the expensive material.

'That was when it started, wasn't it Barbara?' I heard Helen ask, her voice breaking into my recollection of Barbara's recounting of the event. 'He bought it and you were so excited that, well, I can imagine the rest.'

'No Mum, it wasn't that way, it had already started before that. I think he bought it because by then he knew just how much it meant to me.'

'Before that? I hadn't realised.'

Suddenly I realised from the tone of surprise in Helen's voice that I probably then knew more about the detail of the sequence of events between Barbara and Luke than she herself did.
