Those Days of...Ch. 26-30


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The scene that first came vividly to mind was of what had happened in the kitchen, after Helen and I had left Barbara at the hospital and gone back to the house so she could make her phone calls, once she had finished I had made my approach to her - and found she was as hot for me as I was for her.

In my mind I replayed the picture in slow motion. Her skirt slowly rising, exposing the long, beautiful line of her legs - the welt of her stocking tops, the black slash of her suspenders cutting across the smooth whiteness of her thighs. There had been a split second when I wanted her to stop, so I could have more time to enjoy the sight of her but the movement had been too quick and it was a mere moment before just a tiny triangle of lace separated me from her sex.

I'd licked and sucked her pussy until a series of violent spasms shook her and as they'd hit she'd lifted her still stockinged legs higher and clamped them around me as I'd taken her to a shuddering climax, frantically swallowing the juices that then freely flowed from her.

And that memory of course triggered the one from only a few days later, when we'd raced out of the restaurant and headed back to her boss's empty office for one of the fastest, most spontaneous fucks of our lives. That was when she first learned how much I loved not only seeing but also making love to her while she still had stockings on.

We'd been frantically stripping our clothes off, Helen more quickly than I and when she pulled her dress up over her head I'd been thrilled to see that she was again wearing stockings - and just the thought of having those silky legs wrapped around me had made my cock throb and jerk violently upwards.

And, as she'd been about to undo the clips that held her stockings up, I'd said in a hoarse whisper.

'Leave them on for me - please!'

She'd heard my almost pleading tone, stopped and asked what I meant - and when I'd said I'd like her to keep her stockings on she'd smiled and said.

'Of course - I want to please you any way I can. You only have to tell me what you want.'

As we then made love, the silky feel her legs around my waist, slipping over my skin as she used them to pull me even deeper into herself had intensified the already blazing need I'd had - and after only a few, short minutes the force of our coupling brought on her climax - and, as that began I thrilled to the electrifying sensation of her stockinged legs, gripping me even more tightly, bringing on mine too.

There were many other memories, from the more recent weeks, since we had been living together, she had been more than happy to pander to my enjoyment and the variety of stockings she now had available to choose from was quite phenomenal. But even so, there was one other image that, in spite of all the others, kept slipping into my mind - of Barbara.

The day I had come home from work to find her already there - and as I climbed the stairs I'd seen her standing above me, bending over to get something out of a chest on the landing. She'd been wearing a short, straight skirt and when I'd glanced up I'd found I could see straight up her sheer black nylon clad legs, up under her skirt, on up the length of her thighs, up to the twin curves of her arse.

I'd managed to tear my eyes away finally and had gone on up and when she'd turned I'd discovered that the blouse she was wearing exposed the rising swell of her breasts, which only added more fuel to the fire that looking up at her legs had lit inside me.

She'd stood so near that I could almost feel her breath as she said that what she and Julia had was nowhere near as good as what she and I could have. Then she'd reached out, touched the hard ridge my cock was already making, curled her fingers around the shaft and begun to squeeze it. Luckily, just then Helen had come home and after a few words together, Barbara had left and Helen, seeing the state I was in, had simply dropped to her knees, unzipped me and soon had the bottled-up cum fountaining out of me.

I was brought back to reality by a sudden, burning pain in my fingers - and found that while I'd been caught up in my memories my cigarette had burned right down to them - and then that the coffee I'd poured myself had got stone cold. But I found that the re-playing of those arousing scenes had had one positive side-effect, all systems were 'go' down below!

Having made some fresh coffee I poured two cups and on the way back to the bed-room, peeked round the half-open door of Barbara's room to see if she had woken and when I saw that she was still sound asleep took the coffee into the other bed-room, sat on the side of the bed and woke Helen with a kiss. As she pulled herself up into a sitting position to take the cup from me the sheet slipped down, enticingly exposing her breasts - and yet again I was reminded that although it was her breath-taking legs that I always seemed to recall whenever I thought of the wonderful experiences we had shared and it was the thought of Barbara's breasts that never failed to arouse me - Helen's were almost as beautiful and could always excite me too.

'Barbara was very late getting home.' she said after she'd taken a couple of sips of coffee.

That's a good sign.' I replied. 'I checked, she's dead to the world.'

'Sleeping alone?'

'So far as I could see, I didn't check that closely.' I answered with a grin.

'That surprises me, aren't you fully recovered from yesterday's activity yet?'

In reply I simply stood, opened the front of my robe and let her see for herself. Although not fully erect, the arousal that had resulted from the replay of those memories, coupled with the sight of her luscious breasts had brought my cock up to more than half-mast and I saw her eyes open wide with surprise at the sight of it.

'Good morning to you too.' she said as she reached sideways and slipped her hand beneath it, lifting and supporting the length of it with the palm of her hand, curling her finger-tips around the heavy sac beneath it.

The feel of her gentle touch made the blood flow more strongly and the expression on her face changed to one of amazement as it began to lengthen and thicken.

'Oh, a very good morning!' she said quietly, then tearing her eyes away from what was happening, looked up at me. 'What brought this beauty to life?'

'You did. I'd been thinking about you while I was making the coffee and then, seeing you like that, your breasts I mean, that's more than enough to get things started.'

'That's nice to know. As I was apparently the cause it's only fair I should do something about it - any ideas?'


'For instance?' she asked, putting her empty cup alongside mine on the bed-side table.

'I seem to remember I woke you with a kiss.'

'I see. Like this?' she asked as she leaned sideways and planted a small kiss right on the very end of it, then smiled up at me as she sat upright again.

'Not exactly.'

'Then this?' Again she simply leaned sideways, that time moistening and pursing her lips, working them as she again pressed them against the tip.

'That's nice - but still not quite what I had in mind.'

'Ah, I think I understand. He wants our full, 'welcome to the bright new day, trumpet fanfare special'.' She said, flipping back the covers, then slid her legs out, turned to face me and sat up on the edge of the bed. 'Am I right?' she asked, grinning up at me expectantly.

'As always.' I answered, feeling my cock jerk up another notch as I looked down at her nakedness and edged myself forward between her parted legs.

She wasted no more time, the hand that had been supporting the stiffening length curled around it, her other hand slipped up between my thighs and found the tightening sac beneath and as she bent forwards, she opened her mouth and slipped her moist lips over the taut swell of the head, her tongue flicking the sensitive ridge of skin beneath it.

Helen must have noticed the way I'd reacted the previous afternoon to the technique Barbara had used to such dramatic effect and while keeping a firm grasp around the base of the throbbing shaft with her hand, began by using the same short, tight-lipped, head-bobs, each time taking in just the rapidly bulging head. The sight and the feel of what she was doing to me quickly brought my cock up to its full size, stretching her mouth as it thickened and hardened and when she felt that she changed pace, every now and then pushing forward, relaxing her throat and taking virtually the full length deep inside.

I groaned with pleasure as my system responded to the rising tension and excitement and she looked up to see the effect of what she was doing for me reflected in the expression on my face.

But though I could think of nothing better than letting her take me all the way to an absolutely explosive climax with her mouth, I also wanted her to have her share of pleasure too - knowing she'd be only too willing to repeat what she was doing for me some other time, when I was too weary to do more than lie there and be ministered to.

So, even though she made a frown of disappointment I eased her head back, shivering as her lips slid tightly off the grossly swollen bulb of my cock-head and pushed her down on to the bed, leaving her splayed legs still dangling over the edge of it. Kneeling beside it I eased her thighs even further apart and, pausing for a moment to enjoy the sight of her pink-lipped pussy nestling amongst the almost jet black, curling hair, moved closer, smelling the slightly acrid scent of her arousal as I slipped my head up between the smooth warmth of her thighs. Having spent some time licking lightly over and around the moist, sensitive folds I finally let my tongue slip up along the furrow then between the pouting lips. As I did that she gave a soft moan, which grew stronger when I stiffened my tongue and poked it up inside her.

Using a combination of light licks, stiff thrusts and gentle nibbles I slowly built up her level of excitement and it was only when I was absolutely certain from the growing strength of her reactions that I was taking her close to orgasm that I made the first, light flick up over the hard ridge of her clitoris. Her reaction was instantaneous! Giving a sudden sharp cry, she jerked her legs even wider apart and I felt the distinctive ripple as the muscles across her belly flexed from the contractions that were then starting deep inside her.

Feeling that, I pushed my hands up underneath her bottom, lifted her, pulled her even closer - and began to lick her clit as fast as I could. Her cries of delight grew louder and I felt her body shuddering convulsively as the full strength of the climax ripped through her - then suddenly found my mouth full of the juices that flowed as she went high over the top.

Her still spasming body made no protest as I turned her over and helped her up into a kneeling position on to the edge of the bed, then bent her forwards so I could fuck her from the rear. For a moment I was tempted to use the smaller, tighter hole above but as I felt that might still be a little sore from the events of the previous afternoon I moved closer and nudged my bulbous cock-head between the puffy, outer lips of her pussy instead.

Her climax had made them so slippery that it only took a single jerk of my hips to get my entire cock inside her, my stomach hard up against the sweeping curve of her arse and my balls pressing tightly against the backs of her thighs.

I hadn't realised just how aroused I had become from what we had been doing to each other but as soon as I felt the warm tightness of her pussy-lips closing around my cock I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back for too long. For Helen it seemed that just feeling me filling her was enough to trigger an extension of her climax because no sooner was I in and opening her up with long, powerful strokes than the short gasping sounds she had been making until then turned to deeper, louder groans of more intense pleasure - and I felt her contractions starting again.

The effect was fantastic - each time I reached the deepest part of her and then began to withdraw for the next forward thrust, I felt the lining of her cunt gripping it, as though trying to hold me inside her. Neither I nor my cock could take that for too long and all too soon, as my balls tightened hard up against the base of my driving cock, I felt the irresistible surge building deep inside me and heard myself grunting at the intensity of the sensations coursing through me.

Helen and I had been too carried away to hear Barbara come into the room and I don't know how long she'd been standing inside the door-way watching us - the first thing that made me aware that she was there was the feel of her hand, as she slipped it up between my legs, feeling for my balls. Even as she curled her fingers around the tightly swollen sac I felt her other hand forcing its way into the cleft between my tightly flexed buttocks - then the added excitement as she used one finger to probe my arse-hole. Somehow, even though my muscles were locking tight each time I thrust powerfully down into Helen's responsive pussy, Barbara managed to get her finger past them and as she rhythmically squeezed my super-sensitive balls with her other hand, she forced it deep into my arse.

That was the final trigger! I heard myself cry out aloud as I felt the explosive rush - my entire body went rigid, wracked by the sheer force of the climax, my semen boiling and ripping up through me then blasting deep into Helen. Forced on by the combination of sensations flooding my brain - from my inflamed cock, pistoning in and out of Helen's cunt and from Barbara's still squeezing and probing fingers - I slammed into her again and again and again, jerking her forward with the force of each lunge, hearing her sharp cries mingling with my grunts of exertion as I emptied myself into her.

I couldn't believe how much I unloaded and maybe, towards the end there was actually nothing being pumped out, but my body, and the added impetus Barbara's hands were giving to it drove me on and as sweat poured out of me and dripped down on to Helen the noise of our exertion was augmented by the loud 'smacks' of my belly hitting her wetted arse cheeks.

But finally my grip of her sweat-slippery hips failed, she fell forward on to the bed and as I slumped down on to her, gasping for breath, quite utterly drained, Barbara's deeply probing finger slipped out of my arse, her other hand finally released my balls and I heard her leave us almost as quietly as she had come.

It was some little time before either of us recovered sufficiently to move apart and even when we had it took several more minutes for us to find the energy to speak.

Helen managed to roll over, gave me a soft kiss and said. 'That's not what I really had in mind lover - but after something as powerful as that, who's complaining!'

'Certainly not me.' I answered weakly. 'But Barbara gets some of the credit.'


'We must have woken her up - and, just as I was about to come she urged me on a bit more, with her hands, well with one hand and one finger actually.'

She gave me a puzzled look, then the meaning of what I'd said dawned on her and she gave me a mischievous grin.

'Oh, I see - I must remember that and try it myself sometime. See if it's always that effective.'

'It was partly the surprise, not knowing she was there until I felt it - but even allowing for that, I should think it would work most times - but if it does and you do it too often you could have an exhausted wreck on your hands.'

'But what a way to go!' she answered, slipping her arms around me, pulling herself close and pressing her lips to mine.

We lay quietly kissing and caressing each other until we were disturbed by Barbara, who had obviously used the time to have her shower and dress.

'I don't want to interrupt anything - but I wondered if either of you wanted breakfast, or are you planning on staying there all morning?'

'No darling - I don't think either of us has the energy to do too much more for a while - and Roger tells me that we owe you a 'thank you' for some of what happened. I gather you have quite a potent finger!'

'Oh that. It seemed like a good idea at the time - and it looked as though it made a bit of a difference.'

'That's putting it mildly.' I answered. 'But your mother's quite right, after that I don't think I'll be capable of anything for quite some time.'

'Oh if I know you two you won't take very long to recover, a shower, something to eat, you might surprise yourselves. So, back to the question - do you want some breakfast or not.'

'O.K., O.K. - we'll have breakfast.' We answered in unison. 'But give us time to shower, etc. darling. You go first Roger and I'll help Barbara get things started in the kitchen.' Helen added.

Once I had taken care of the demands of nature and showered and shaved I handed the bath-room over to Helen, dressed and then went through to the kitchen to see what was left to be done. Barbara was just starting to grill some bacon and tomatoes and the mere smell of them soon had my saliva glands working overtime and my stomach letting me know that it was more than ready for something to be put inside it.

'What's still to be done?' I asked.

She turned and gave me a dazzling smile, saying. 'Me!' Then added. 'But I'll have to wait a while won't I?'

'I thought, Mike?' I answered, my confusion showing in the tone of voice I used.

'It's all right, I was only teasing.' she said, adding cheekily. 'Mike's taking very good care of me, you only have to worry about Mum now, not the two of us.'

'I was more than happy to be of service to you both, you know that - and more than happy to receive what you gave back in return.' I responded. 'It was just that we thought that if everything worked out for you, Mike mightn't be too keen on sharing you.'

'I think you're right, he's a bit old-fashioned in some ways - but that's nice too, I think he's one of those guys who, once he's committed himself is totally loyal - and expects his girl to be the same.'

'I can understand that attitude - I'm the same really. At first I had a lot of trouble coming to terms with your mother's idea about the three of us getting together.'

'You never gave me any sign of that Roger.'

'Well I'd accepted that's what Helen wanted of me by then, but it took me a while to get there.'

'That's a very sweet thought - I wish I'd known, I'd have been more considerate if I'd understood that.'

'You were fine Barbara. In fact you were spectacular! I wouldn't have wanted you to be any other way.' Giving her a broad grin as I added. 'Now, as I said, what's still to be done - other than you I mean?'

She grinned back and answered. 'Well, you could lay the table for us please.'

So together we got things organised and by the time Helen appeared everything was just about ready for us to sit down and eat.

Once our initial hunger had been satisfied both Helen and I couldn't wait to find out what had happened the previous evening, between Mike and his girl-friend and then between he and Barbara - and, as I'd discovered before, she was able to tell us in graphic and minute detail.

'He took me to a nice Chinese restaurant he knows and told me what had happened when he talked to Jean, that's her name. From what he said she didn't seem too upset about it, said she'd been aware that he wanted more from her than she was able to give him - meaning sex of course - and that she'd realised that sooner or later some tart would come along and open her legs for him - meaning me of course.' She added with a quiet giggle. 'Mind you it took me a while to get him to tell me the actual words she used, he wasn't keen on repeating them - but after a bit of persuasion he did. And when I just giggled at them he began to laugh too, so that got things off to a good start.