Those Days of...Ch. 26-30


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Anyway, once that was out of the way, as we ate we talked about ourselves, everything we could think of - I could tell he was just dying to ask me about us but didn't give him anything he could use as an opening, made him get to the point where he had to ask - and then I said I felt uncomfortable talking about it in public, to wait until we were somewhere on our own. As we had long since finished eating that gave him the excuse to suggest we leave the restaurant of course - which is what I wanted by then too.

Just sitting opposite him had got me quite wet, his eyes are gorgeous, so soft and gentle, almost liquid - and whenever he looked into mine and smiled I felt myself going all squirmy inside - a lovely feeling.

Anyway, we drove off to a quiet spot he knew of and although I couldn't help myself wondering who it was he'd been there with and what they'd got up together it didn't really matter, it was me he was with this time. He's funny, even after what we'd done together during the afternoon he was still a bit nervous about starting anything - and in the end, after a lot of kissing and tentative groping, I got things under way myself. Said I thought it would be better if we fixed the back seat, before we got too hot and things got out of control.

That got him going and just a few minutes later we'd both stripped off and before I really had a chance to do anything much about it, he was pounding away at me. I suppose that by then he'd got as hot for me as I was for him so I can't criticise him for being a bit too eager. He made me come all right - but I missed out on some of the lead-up that I like so much.' And, turning to smile at me, she added. 'Which is one of the things you're so good at doing Roger.'

'Anyway, we made up for it a bit later. But after that first, quite frenzied fuck, he wanted me to finally explain about us - and of course I had no more excuses, so I gave him a shortened, slightly altered version of what's been happening, leaving out the stuff about Dad - I just said he'd died in an accident a few years ago.

I said it was all a bit complicated, that I'd met Roger through his wife, one of my teachers at night-school, then he'd met you through me Mum, that his marriage wasn't working and that you'd started a serious relationship together. That as I'd not had a boy-friend for a long time I'd become infatuated with you Roger and that on the night before he'd met us, one thing had sort of led to another.

I know it's not strictly the truth but then I'd have been there all night if I'd had to tell him the full, real story - and I had other things on my mind than story-telling.'

'What were they darling?' Helen asked with a knowing smile.

'For one thing I wanted to see if I could get my lips around that thick cock of his - then to see what his come actually tasted like. For another I wanted to find out if he was any good at giving head - that's another thing you and your super tongue have made me appreciate Roger. So, drawn-out story-telling came a very bad last on my list of things.

Anyway, he seemed satisfied with what I told him and if we get really serious about each other there'll be plenty of time to fill in the gaps, if I have to.

While I was giving him the shortened version I'd kept my hands busy of course and by the time I'd brought the story up to yesterday's picnic I was pleased to feel him starting to respond. Mentioning the picnic was an obvious way of reminding him of the part he'd played in it and I asked him how he had come to be there in the first place.

He said that it was part of his normal route, that he had to check all the places where there were barbecues, to make sure people were using them properly, that they weren't chopping live trees for wood, that there was no risk of the fire spreading to the surrounding bush. He'd been scanning the area through his binoculars and caught sight of us down by the river. At first he said he couldn't believe his eyes - he caught us just as we were taking care of Roger's cock Mum. He said he took a fancy to me right then - but whether it was me, or what he saw me doing for Roger I don't know - anyway the end result was the same, he stayed on to watch us until he saw we were heading back to the car, then he took off.

But the thought of us kept popping back into his head - and his cock I expect - and of course he had to come back to see if he could get another look - and that's when Roger heard the sound of his vehicle. The rest you know.

I was delighted to find out that getting him to talk about his reaction to what he'd seen and then how he'd felt when he did what he'd done to me, had got him aroused again, I could feel how tense he had become - and even more importantly, how big and hard his cock was getting. Then, when I asked him if he'd like me to do for him what he'd seen us doing for Roger, I felt it surge up even stronger, so I asked him if he'd also like to do the same thing for me.

Well I have to say it - he went down on me like a starving man would go at a plate of food! It was as though he'd spent his entire life waiting for the opportunity to suck pussy! I've never felt anything quite like it before. I think it was actually the shock of it that actually made me come, it was just so different. But I wouldn't want it like that every time and I might have to get you to give him a few lessons Roger - or maybe sometime I could arrange things so he can watch you do it. Anyway, he seemed pleased with himself, that he'd got me off so quickly I mean and when he saw I was finished he rolled over on to his back and waited for me to do it to him.

I don't know whether it was from sucking me off or just the anticipation of what I was going to do for him but as he lay there it seemed to me that, if that was possible, his cock had got even bigger than it had been before. It looked simply enormous, sticking straight up, the skin peeled right back, the head a dark, glossy purple colour. But unlike him, I wasn't in any rush and I wanted to show him how good things could be if we just took a bit more time about them.

So I did, took my time I mean. Stroked it lightly, trailed my breasts over it as I leaned down to kiss his face, fondled his balls, shifted my position a few times so he was never quite sure what I was going to do next - then when I got serious, began with those little short head bobs that Roger seemed to like so much yesterday.'

'And again this morning!' Helen interrupted with a chuckle, referring to what she had done for me earlier.

'They're powerful stuff, I'll attest to that.' I added with a grin. 'I can well imagine how Mike must have reacted to those.'

'He nearly blew his top right then - which of course wasn't the idea - so when I saw how strongly he was reacting I began to alternate them with licks and little sucks and although his level of excitement didn't drop off at all, at least he didn't come as quickly as at first I had thought he might. But of course all that made his cock - and especially the head of it - even bigger, so big that when I finally decided to find out if I could actually get all of him in my mouth, I thought I'd dislocate my jaw.

But I paused for a moment, relaxed, took a deep breath and stretched it as wide as I could - and although I felt my teeth grazing the widest part, after that the rest slid down beautifully. Once I'd got it that far the rest was easy of course - and, as you know yourself Mum, very exciting. He was so wound-up that I really didn't have to do much more than enjoy the feel of it - he did all the work, thrusting up really powerfully - a 'head-fuck' is what I think they call it. And with a cock as thick as his, it's almost as good as the other sort!' She added with genuine enthusiasm.

'And after all that, what did his come taste like?' Helen asked and Barbara giggled before she answered.

'I very nearly didn't find out. He was so excited and I was getting such a kick out of feeling him powering into me that I admit I missed the signs he was about to come. His cock was already so big that I didn't have any way of noticing it had actually got even bigger and either there wasn't one or I simply missed the little pause that always seems happen just before they shoot off. The first thing I knew about it was the massive grunt he made and his even more aggressive up-thrust, followed by the sudden flood of stuff he shot straight down the back of my throat. You wouldn't believe the noise he made, or the number of times he shot into me - but he was so deep and it came out with so much force that there was simply nothing in my mouth to taste.

But I thought quickly and once the initial pressure had been relieved I lifted my head a little and in spite of the size of it, actually managed to suck his cock, getting several more really good shots from him - and those I did have a chance to taste.

I know it's going to sound funny - but it actually had a smoky, sort of woody flavour!'

'Oh come on, you can't really expect me to believe that Darling!'

'Honestly, a really woody taste - you know, the sort of extra flavour tea gets when you make it over a camp fire. I didn't believe it at first either, thought it was my imagination - so, having swallowed that lot and as he was still rock-hard, I used my hand to pump him and at the same time, sucked it again, as hard as I could. In spite of the amount he'd already shot into me I managed to get some more out of him - and it had just the same taste, woody.'

She looked from one to the other and it was obvious from the expression on her face that she really wasn't trying to pull our legs and when neither of us could find anything to say, she continued.

'Anyway, whether you believe me or not, that's what it tasted like to me. The thing that was even more amazing was that even after all that, he was still fully erect, his cock didn't seem to have lost any of its hardness. Well you can guess how hot I'd got and the sight of it like that just made me hotter still - sticking straight up, quivering slightly, one or two small drops of come still oozing out of the eye, the rest of it slick with his come and my saliva - I couldn't resist it, I climbed up on top of him, squatted down on it and helped myself to another climax.

I'm not sure if he actually shot off that time, I was too wet and too wrapped-up in what was going on inside me to really notice - but he gave all the other signs of having got there again and whether he actually made it or not it was quite obvious he loved having me do it to him that way - and of course it was simply fantastic for me.'

'Well it certainly sounds as though the two of you are sexually compatible.' I said, trying to keep my voice light and free of the tension Barbara had aroused with her vivid description. 'Did you have any time left to find out about other things, there's more to life than making love you know.'

Even as I said it I realised what I'd said sounded just like a typical parent and when Helen caught my eye, grinned, raised her eye-brows and silently mouthed - 'Really! What?' I had to laugh at myself. 'Sorry if that sounds pompous, I didn't mean it that way - but you do need some other things in common you know. In spite of how we've spent the last couple of days, there are other things in life then sex - no matter how good that sex is.'

'It's all right Roger, I know what you mean. And believe it or not we did actually find time to talk. Of course he's very much an out-door man - and I like that, I'd love to go around the park with him sometime, see it all through his eyes. He doesn't know too much about fashion or business of course but he was interested to hear me talk about it - and there are plenty of other things we both like, similar music, the same movies, that sort of thing. And hidden away inside that big strong body there's a really soft and gentle man - a very loving man I think. And I don't just mean physical love, he's really quite emotional too.

The fact that he has a superb body - and a really great cock to go with it is merely an added bonus for me.' she added with a broad, satisfied grin.

'He just needs a bit of education as to how best to use it.' Helen prompted.

'And I intend to see he gets all he needs.' Concluded Barbara - as they both burst out laughing.

'So, did you make any arrangements to see each other today darling?'

'Yes, he has today off, he's picking me up in an hour or so, going to take me out for a drive, start showing me parts of the park I haven't been to.'

'And where very few other people get to I expect.' I said with a grin.

'Hopefully!' Barbara replied, which got us all laughing again. 'How about you two, what are your plans for the day?'

'Well now that it's just the two of us I'll have to re-think things.' Helen answered. 'I'd expected the three of us to have the entire week-end together of course.'

'Damn - now I've spoiled things.'

'No, no you mustn't think that darling. We're much happier knowing you've found someone like Mike. Aren't we Roger?'

'Of course. Ignore us Barbara, we'll find something to do.'

'Why don't you drive down there too, in your car I mean.' she added in a slightly embarrassed tone of voice.

'No Barbara, we're certainly not going to cramp your style with Mike. We'll be fine. Make the most of the day, get some fresh air, enjoy yourself. I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunities for us to get to know Mike.'

'Roger's right darling, make the most of it. Now, if he's picking you up in an hour you'd better start getting yourself organised, leave the clearing-up to us.'



With that Barbara headed for her room and Helen and I sat there together, neither of us saying anything for a minute or two.

'Penny for them.' I finally said and she looked up and gave me a weak little smile.

'I was thinking how quickly things change. This time yesterday, after months and months of worrying about Barbara and then getting you to agree to help get her over the problem, the three of us were getting ready to go out for a barbecue - and other things, together. Now, within twenty-four hours it's just the two of us. Strange isn't it.'

'I like it being the two of us Helen.'

Her smile warmed noticeably at that. 'But it was exciting wasn't it - the three of us.'

'Of course it was. But it couldn't last, you knew that. You wanted her to find someone for herself, didn't want to have to share me with her forever - even if I'd been capable of that.' I added.

'Oh I'm sure you'd be more than capable lover. You're right of course, it's just that - I just wish it hadn't happened so quickly. I was anticipating all sorts of things for us over this week-end, now that Mike's come along it's, it's all different, that's all.'

'I hadn't realised you were looking forward to the threesome itself so much - I thought you were primarily concerned with helping Barbara.'

I saw an embarrassed flush creep up across her face before she replied.

'I hadn't realised it, or to be more truthful, admitted it to myself Roger. It's funny, I've seen Barbara naked hundreds of times - but Friday evening, when we were getting ready for the start of things, together in the bath-room. Of course it was her idea for us to use lipstick on our nipples. I couldn't help myself looking at her - and it was as though I'd never seen her body before. She excited me Roger, her body excited me.'

She paused but as it was obvious she hadn't finished I remained quiet, giving her time to sort out her feelings and then find the right words to express them.

'I've never been the slightest bit interested in the idea of making love with another woman - the thought of it used to make me shudder - and still does in fact. But with Barbara it's somehow different - I can't explain it - I don't understand it myself Roger. But it's there, I can't deny it - it wasn't just that it was exciting having her with us, I mean the three of us making love - loving her and having her make love to me, was in some strange way even more exciting.

Is there something wrong with me Roger?' she asked anxiously.

I reached across the table and took her hand, squeezing it and looked lovingly into her tear-brimmed eyes.

'No Helen love, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You've been under enormous stress with Barbara for a long time now, since Luke died in fact. Until I came on the scene you'd had to cope with that on your own - and knowing what had happened between them made that even harder for you. Then I appeared out of the blue, all the tension and stress that had been bottled-up inside suddenly had an escape route - and you wanted Barbara to feel as free of it as you did. Your love for her was able to show itself in a different way - and maybe because the problem had in the first place been caused by sex, sex became the natural route for those emotions.

Most people have some deep-seated feelings, or at least a sense of curiosity about sex with a member of their own sex and although society tends to encourage most of us to suppress those it doesn't mean they're not still there. Because of the unusual circumstances, the three of us being together like that, the sudden sense of freedom both you and Barbara were experiencing, I think yours suddenly exploded in the way it did. I'm sure that's all it was, a strange combination of circumstances, I'm certain it doesn't mean you're strange or peculiar yourself.'

Her hand gripped mine tightly and a flicker of a smile reappeared on her face.

'You're so good for me Roger, so understanding. I can't believe how lucky I am to have found you.'

'Likewise remember.' I said, then got up and went around to her, pulling her to her feet and hugging her tight, feeling all the tension and worry flowing out of her as my arms held her close to me.

We stood there, locked in each other's arms until I was sure she was calmer and then I suggested we clean-up the breakfast things and decide what we wanted to do with the day - and was pleased to see that as we worked and talked together the sparkle slowly returned to her lovely eyes.

Chapter 28

Follow that Car!

Having finished the washing-up we made ourselves another coffee and to the sound of Barbara bustling around as she got herself ready for Mike's arrival, carried the cups through to the lounge-room and sat down. Although I had suggested various things we could do together it had been obvious that none of them had really caught Helen's imagination and as I could see from the expression on her face that she was thinking about something, I waited.

Like any woman, she didn't come straight out with it but began in a round-about way.

'I've never asked, do you like watching cop shows on TV Roger?'

'Some of them.' I answered, totally bewildered by her question.

'There was a great one a few months ago - I can't remember the title - about this detective who'd been set-up for a crime he'd never committed, there's nothing unusual about that I suppose - but there was a terrific sequence, where he was following the people he thought had really done it. The tension was fantastic, you thought they were going to spot him any minute - but they didn't.'

I admit I didn't have the faintest idea what she was talking about, just sat there staring at her, wondering what had triggered that topic - until she continued that is.

'Could we do that do you think?'


'Follow them. Without them seeing us.'

'Barbara and Mike?'

'Yes!' She answered excitedly. 'Follow Barbara and Mike.'


'To see what they get up to of course.'

I said nothing for a minute or two - and thought about the implication of what she'd said. Follow them - could I? Did I want to? Did I want to see whatever they got up to together? Barbara and Mike stripped, fucking each other - again.