Those Days of...Ch. 26-30


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The impact was phenomenal, I felt my entire body stiffen, arching back from her, forcing my cock still deeper into her cunt and heard myself groan, as though in some unbearable pain, as it blasted explosively into the very heart of her body. Again and again and again it erupted, the amount fountaining from me seemed unending, flooding her then being whipped to a thick creamy froth by my still pistoning, apparently insatiable cock.

Even when I saw Mike start, then turn and look upwards, searching the rocks for the source of the sounds that he'd heard and then when I knew that he had spotted the upper half of my body, even then I couldn't stop myself. I heaved and thrust, pumping more and more of that seething mass into Helen, who began to sob as the effects of the size of my cock and its unending battering created a virtually non-stop orgasm for her, which shook and drained her body too.

But of course the power eventually waned, the gouts of semen turned to shots, then to even smaller squirts and the speed and force of my thrusts slowed and became weaker. It was as though the very life force had been drained from me, my entire body felt feeble, bloodless and I fell forwards on to Helen's broad, supporting back, clinging to her as my lungs desperately sucked air back into them and I waited for my body to recover sufficient strength for me to do more than lie there, shuddering from the after-effects of the incredible experience.

Chapter 30

joining Forces

I was nowhere near recovered when I heard the sound of someone scrambling up through the rocks towards us. 'I'm afraid Mike spotted me darling, it sounds as though he's on his way up to investigate. Sorry.'

'It's O.K. lover. Not your fault. Anyway, after what you just did for me I think I'd have to forgive you just about anything.'

Somehow we managed to disentangle ourselves and although still groggy from the after-effects, by the time Mike came bursting through the surrounding bushes we were sitting side by side a single blanket pulled around our shoulders.

He stopped and stared at us, his face a picture of confusion and I suddenly realised that he must have thought I was there alone, trailing Barbara, that he'd caught me perving on them, unable to resist masturbating at the exciting sight of them fucking.

'Hi Mike!' I said cheerfully. 'I hope we didn't disturb you, we got a bit carried away that time. Didn't we darling?' I added as I turned to Helen, who was also grinning up at him.

'Yes we did. But I don't think it made any difference to Mike and Barbara darling. By the time you got so noisy I think they had finished, at least for the time being.'

I could see that Mike was even more bewildered by our casual attitude to the situation, his original, justifiable indignation no longer had any foundation and he didn't seem to know what to say.

'But, but what are you doing here?'

'Same as you and Barbara - having a day out in the fresh air and sunshine, enjoying the scenery - and making love.'

'Actually that was more like good old-fashioned fucking than making-love darling.' Helen interjected. 'Mind you I've no complaints, none at all.' she added, giving me a strong hug. Then, looking up at Mike. 'I think it's being out amongst nature that does it, brings out the animal in him - if you know what I mean, which I'm sure you would, especially in your line of work. You probably spend half your time avoiding or tripping over couples busily doing it.'

'Well we certainly get quite a few, especially at holiday times.'

'And Barbara was telling us how some of the Rangers help themselves to a few perks while they're at it.'

'Yes, those things happen sometimes.'

'Still, if all the Rangers are as fit and good-looking as you are I can understand the girls, that uniform is a bit of a turn-on, especially those cute little shorts, they're enough to give any woman ideas. But I must say that from where I'm looking at the moment that towel is even more effective.'

Mike hadn't bothered to get dressed before he came scrambling up the rocks, he'd simply hooked a small towel around his waist. As the blanket Helen and I were sharing wasn't big enough to conceal everything beneath it Mike had unconsciously been staring at Helen, realising from the flashes of her breasts and other parts he could see that she was still completely naked. Whilst I could only make out a slowly growing bulge in the towel, from the slightly different angle Helen had I realised that she could probably see between where the two edges over-lapped, at what was actually happening beneath it.

Mike looked down at himself, realised what she meant and flushed as he tried to adjust the fit of towel. 'Sorry, I hadn't realised. I was in a hurry to find out who, er, what was going on up here.'

'Don't apologise Mike, I'm certainly not complaining.' Helen said with a low chuckle. 'I'll accept that as a compliment. And I'm sure Barbara will be more than happy to see you're nearly ready for action again.'

He managed a weak grin and seemed to finally relax a little, rather than continue standing over us he found a convenient rock nearby and sat down.

'But you must have followed us Helen - you could never have found this place on your own.'

'Of course we followed you Mike. We liked the idea of a day out, figured you would know the best places, so why not?'

'Why didn't you come with us?'

'Oh that wouldn't have been fair - we'd have got in your way, cramped your style. You and Barbara need time alone together. We hadn't planned on giving ourselves away like that, had we Roger.'

'No darling, my fault, as I said I just got a bit carried away.'

'I did notice that. I might ask you why, later.' she said with a mischievous grin.

'So, are you going to join us now, or stay up here on your own?'

'What do you think darling?'

Thoughts of Barbara down below made my decision easier and I answered. 'Well it does seem a bit pointless now, being separated, we might as well enjoy each other's company. Let's go down.'

'Funny, I was sure you'd say that.' Helen said quietly. 'But I agree, let's all get together now.'

So that's what we did, after Helen and I had slipped back into our clothes Mike helped us with our assorted bags, towels and blankets, giving me a distinctly knowing look when he picked up the binoculars and then spending far more time than I thought was really necessary in helping Helen down through the rocks and bushes to where they were camped.

Barbara of course heard us coming but when she acted suitably surprised at seeing us I felt sure she would keep the agreement we had made on the beach. Now that our cover had been blown, so to speak, there was less reason for Mike and Helen to know that we had stumbled across each other like that - especially since the meeting had remained completely innocent - but for some reason I still thought it better that there not be even a shadow of doubt in anyone's mind, especially Mike's.

Mike got out of the inadequate towel and put his shorts back on again, to an accompaniment of light-hearted jeers and boos from Helen and Barbara, then set about lighting a small fire, saying. 'I thought a brew-up might be a good idea.'

Hot tea sounded just right to the rest of us and I watched with interest as he constructed one of the smallest, yet most efficient camp fires I'd ever seen. By using a few loose rocks he ensured the fire didn't spread but even so, to make doubly sure of that he cleared the area surrounding them of every single leaf and twig before he put a match to the bark and small sticks he'd collected from the surrounding undergrowth. He'd also found a couple of larger, dead branches and from these he made a low tripod, from which he then hung the billy of water. In a matter of minutes the water had boiled and he made the tea, just as the fire began to die from lack of additional fuel, he'd judged it perfectly. I was more than impressed.

The tea was good too, hot, strong and refreshing but as I took a second and then a third sip of the distinctive flavour I remembered something Barbara had said and looking up, saw that she was watching me, grinning at me over the top of her mug. She saw from the look in my eyes that I'd remembered what she'd said after that first evening out with Mike, about the taste of his semen - and as she slowly wiped her tongue around her mouth her words came rushing back.

'In spite of the size of it, I actually managed to suck his cock, getting several more really good shots from him - and those I did have a chance to taste.

I know it's going to sound funny - but it actually had a smoky, sort of woody flavour!'

Helen had replied, disbelievingly. 'Oh come on, you can't really expect me to believe that Darling!'

'Honestly, a really woody taste - you know, the sort of extra flavour tea gets when you make it over a camp fire. I didn't believe it at first either, thought it was my imagination - so, having swallowed that lot and as he was still rock-hard, I used my hand to pump him and at the same time, sucked it again, as hard as I could that time. In spite of the amount he'd already shot into me I managed to get some more out of him - and it had just the same taste, woody.'

She'd looked from one to the other and it had been obvious from the expression on her face that she really wasn't trying to pull our legs and when neither of us could find anything to say, she continued.

'Anyway, whether you believe me or not, that's what it tasted like to me - woody.'

I took another sip of the tea, the taste was definitely 'woody' and I looked across at her again, licking my own lips, nodding and smiling back at her. Helen must have caught our silent exchange and gave me a puzzled look, I sipped the tea, made a show of rolling it around in my mouth, tasting it before I swallowed and then just said -

'Woody! Delicious!'

Suddenly the penny dropped, she smiled and looked at Barbara, her eyes sparkling with silent laughter as they shared the memory.

'I'm still not sure I believe you though Barbara.'

'Maybe you should find out for yourself sometime Mum.'

Barbara's immediate response created a few moments' thoughtful silence during which Helen turned back to look at me, to see my reaction to the suggestion, the expression on her face reflecting the complex mix of thoughts that were obviously going through her head as a result of what Barbara had so uninhibitedly suggested.

'That's up to you darling.' I said in answer to her unspoken question.

'There seems to be something going on that I don't know about.' Mike interjected. 'Or doesn't it concern me?'

Barbara managed to stifle her automatic giggles and while Helen was still grappling with her own thoughts I took the opportunity to calm things a little.

'It's a sort of private joke Mike - sorry, it's very impolite of us. But let's just say that when the time comes, if it does, you'll be the first to know about it. O.K.?

Now, anyone for a bit of a walk? Can you be our guide Mike, tell us a bit about what's actually all around us. It seems a pity to be surrounded by nature and not have the faintest idea about what we're seeing.'

The others agreed with the idea of stretching our legs a bit and Mike was more than happy to take us on a sort of nature walk, picking a route that didn't require too much rock climbing and talking almost non-stop the whole way. His knowledge was quite amazing, as he seemed to know something about everything he was able to answer any questions we came up with and as he didn't lecture us, as a school-teacher might he was able to keep it interesting for everyone.

Although he walked hand in hand with Barbara I couldn't help noticing the look in his eyes whenever he turned to help Helen up a particularly tricky part and smiled to myself as I thought how little effort she would actually have to make if she eventually decided she would like to try a sample of his 'woodiness' - and had thoughts about what Barbara and I might get up to while she was doing that.

We were enjoying ourselves so much that I don't think any of us really noticed how much time was passing but by the time we got back from our rambling walk we found that the sun was sinking low. Having briefly discussed the alternatives and as we found that Helen had included a stack of sausages in the things she had packed, we decided to stay on, to barbecue them and wait for the moon-rise, which Mike said would be an hour or so after sunset. He had charge of making an appropriate fire, I was set to finding whatever dead wood I could and the girls began to organise a meal from the sausages and whatever had been left from what we'd had for lunch.

As I had made sure we had a bottle of wine amongst what we had brought by the time everything was assembled we found that although there was nothing terribly fancy we did have the makings of a reasonably substantial meal.

Between my wood gathering and Mike's expertise we soon had a good fire going, he'd kept it small, so that the sausages could be cooked slowly but had a stack of the larger pieces I'd collected, well away from the fire, to add later, so that we'd have a good sized fire to sit around as the air cooled after the sun had set.

He also made another brew of tea, to keep us going while the food was being prepared and then had to put up with the girls' giggling whispers as they made a bit of a production out of comparing and analysing its 'woody' taste.

Mike and I chatted as we worked, he was certainly easy to get along with and as we'd found during our nature walk, rather than flaunting his knowledge of the bush he was happy to be able to share it, passing on tips in a friendly way, rather than in the sometimes belittling manner of some experts when communicating with people from outside their field. So by the time the four of us settled around the fire to eat I felt much more at ease with him, less threatened by his youth and strength than I had been at first.

While the girls were serving the food he'd built-up the fire with larger pieces of wood and as we sat eating, drinking and talking together it began to burn quite fiercely, radiating more heat and lighting up the area around us as the sky above became steadily darker and the first stars began to twinkle faintly.

When we had all eaten our fill and were sitting, staring into the dancing flames as we enjoyed the remains of the wine Barbara broke the lengthening silence.

'Why don't you tell us some of your Ranger stories Mike.'

'Which Ranger stories?'

'Oh come on, don't be bashful.' she answered, squeezing his thigh. 'You know very well - like the one you told me, about the Ranger who got himself kidnapped.'

'Oh those! I don't think Helen and Roger want to hear about those kinds of things.'

Barbara laughed and as we both knew what was in her mind neither Helen nor I could suppress faint chuckles when she said. 'These two are the original sex-maniacs. Don't let that 'butter wouldn't melt in my mouth' look of Mum's fool you, nor the slightly greying, very distinguished air that Roger presents. They fuck like rabbits and when they're not doing it themselves they like nothing better than hearing about other people doing it.'

It could have been the ruddy glow from the fire reflecting off Mike's face - but I didn't think so, I was sure that it had turned a deep cherry-red.

'She's just a sweet, old-fashioned girl really Mike.' I said, trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit. 'But though the language may leave a bit to be desired, she's dead right, we'd love to hear some of your stories. Barbara's already given us her version of the kidnapping, so we know the kind of thing she means, there's no need to feel embarrassed, we're all very open with each other.'

'Well actually it's Barbara and I that do most of the 'opening-up' Mike - if you know what I mean!' Helen added almost lewdly as she snuggled herself even closer to me.

Finally grinning, Mike answered 'O.K., O.K. - so you're just a bunch of perverts - my kind of people.' Which brought a laugh from us all and set the tone for the next hour or so, during which Mike regaled us with several stories of experiences in the park.





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bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Dont stop there

I hope your not stopping there lets see more .

Pat Murray


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