Who Watches the Watchmen Ch. 08


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"It's not working." she said, shaking the pen and trying again.

The shaking motion made one of the hooks of her gown come loose and displayed a little bit of her cleavage. The postman notice and peeked for half a second before politely looking away. Menaka quickly hooked it up again. It must have been obvious to the postman that this memsaab was just getting fucked. If only he knew that it was the watchman doing the fucking. He might have tried his luck as well, I thought to myself. And knowing how horny Menaka had become, might even have succeded in bedding her, I thought a little bitterly. Watchman, postman, open season for everyone.

"Oh, I am sorry." the postman searched his other pockets. "I don't have another pen. Do you have one?"

Menaka sighed, threw one quick glance at Dara hidden from the postman's sight.

"Wait here." she said to the postman and turned around.

She walked towards the showcase where we usually kept pens. She opened one of the drawers at the lower level and bent down to take a pen out. As she did so, I could see the postman's eyes widen. The reason was obvious. Bending over had made the sweat soaked fabric of the gown cling to Menaka's ass and some of it had gotten stuck inside her ass crack, neatly outlining her shapely buttocks and making it obvious that she wasn't wearing any panties. That view lasted barely a second as my wife straightened and pulled the fabric out of her as crack. But the postman had just been treated to a rare look at the shape of a young high class housewife's shapely ass.

The postman was smiling shyly as she walked back, signed the pad, took the letter and then closed the door behind her.

"Hahahaha." Dara burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" Menaka glared as she put the letter away and walked back to the table.


"That was funny." Dara said, wrapping his arm around my wife and patting her cheeks.

"That was not funny." Menaka said in a surly manner. "Things are getting out of control."

"Come on, it was hilarious. Here you are, fucking your watchman, and a postman knocks on the door. It's straight out of a porno movie."

"Yeah, well, life is not a porno movie." she slapped his arm away and walked away from him. "I would like you to leave."

"What?" Dara said chuckling. "But we were having so much fun!"

Vimla had meanwhile come out of the bedroom and was listening to this argument.

"You've had enough fun for today." Menaka tried to sound like a memsaab in charge. There was a strong edge to her voice.

Dara looked at her, shrugged, and decided not to push the matters. As she said, he'd already had a lot of sex. He started getting dressed, grinning all the way.

"When should I come back?"

"Never!" Menaka snapped.

"Seriously?" Dara asked.

Menaka stared at him for a few seconds, then the angry expression left her face.

"No. I...I will let you know. Please try to understand, Dara. All this is a lot for me to digest. I am a simple housewife."

Vimla standing in the corner snorted derisively.

"And you!" Menaka turned to glare at her. "You get out too."

"But I still haven't swept..."

"I don't care. I made you lose your jobs, I will pay you the money. You don't have to work for it. In fact I would prefer it if you didn't."

"Whatever." Vimla smiled and said. Who wouldn't mind being paid without working.

"But that's not right." Dara jumped in. "If you are paying her, she has to work."

Menaka glared at him, then just covered her face in her hands.

"Please, both of you. I don't want to discuss this anymore. Just leave me alone."

Dara, who had gotten dressed by now, looked at Vimla and shrugged. Soon they were both out of the apartment. Menaka closed the door and dead-bolted it, probably so dara couldn't use his keys to enter at his will.

The next few hours were largely uneventful. Menaka went to the bathroom and took a long shower. Then she got dressed in a sari, and probably tired from all the sex that morning, took a nap. She woke up just before our son was to return from school and then went to pick him up.


I caught up on some work related stuff sitting in the hotel room while keeping an eye on my wife. Once she picked up Ayan, watching her go about her business almost made me forget that just a few hours ago, she had been bouncing up and down on our watchman's lap. She suddenly seemed like the demure housewife and mom that I had known her to be for about a decade. She got Ayan changed, had him eat his vegetables while watching TV, then went over his homework with him. In between, she cleaned the living room, paying special attention to the chair on which she had ridden Dara, scrubbing it hard.

The hours ticked by and she put Ayan down for his afternoon nap. And then my wife, clad in a modest sari, sat in front of the TV, watching soap operas with a faraway look on her face. A while later, the doorbell rang.

She walked up to the door, looked through the peephole and then sighed before opening it.

"What the hell, memsaab?" Banke, the tall strapping young watchman sounded miffed as he walked in.

"Shhhh! Ayan is sleeping." Menaka said as she tiptoed to our son's room and closed the door, bolting it behind her.

Banke stood there looking like a kid who had candy stolen from him.

"What is the matter with you?" Menaka asked, keeping a respectful distance.

"All this nonsense that Dara told me...is it true?"

"What did he tell you?"

And the Banke narrated a succinct but accurate summary of the events from earlier in the day. Menaka's face went from white to pink to deep red as she heard a third person account of her depravity.

"Is it true?" the young man glared.

"Why didn't you call and warn me that the postman was coming?" Menaka glared back.


"The postman. He knocked on the door with a registered letter when Dara and I were...you know. Don't you have the sense to warn me?"

A look of anger flashed across Banke's face.

"How the hell am I supposed to know what houses he's going to? Am I a mind reader?"

"You could have asked him. Isn't that your job as a watchman?" Menaka snapped.

Banke took a couple of rapid strides as grabbed my wife by her hair.

"Listen, you slut." he hissed menacingly. "I know what my job as a watchman is. It certainly isn't to act as your fucking lookout while you get banged by Dara day and night and then have threesomes with him."

"Let go!" Menaka struggled but his grip was too strong. I was tempted to get up and rush over in case he did something hasty. But finally he let go.

"What was it you said the other day? You have standards. And a threesome is beyond your limits. But when Dara snaps his fingers, you just wiggle your ass and do anything he wants. Including having a threesome with him and Vimla."

"I...I didn't want it to happen."

"He forced you?"

"No, not exactly."

"Then?" he glared.

Menaka didn't say anything, just looked down with an expression of shame on her face. She was silent for a minute or so. Banke kept waiting for the answer. Finally he lost his patience. He grabbed her by the shoulder and started turning her around.

"What are you doing?" Menaka said in protest.

"Dara had his fun, now it's my turn." his right hand was tugging at the waist of her sari and a bulge was forming in his pants.

"No, please Banke, my son is in the next room." she pleaded.

Banke stopped and let go of her again.

"Great. when your son is home, I can't touch you. When he is at school, you're Dara's property. What about me?"

I felt bad for the guy. He had a point. He was the first one to have enticed my wife into actual intercourse and now Dara was having all the fun while he sat at the watchman's chair.

"Just go. Please, I beg you." Menaka folded her hands in front of him.

He glared at her for a few moments, and then left, slamming the door behind him.

Once Banke walked out, Menaka sat down on the couch with a loud sigh and started sobbing. I felt bad for her, but at the same time, also felt a little resentful. I was tempted to call her when I saw her reaching for the phone. I guess she was going to call me. She dialed a number and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello, Indu mausi? It's me, Menaka."

Huh? Why was she calling her aunt who lived in Thane?

"I am fine. Yes, Ayan is fine too. I just wanted to ask you for a favor. There is some maintenance work happening in our building for the next few days. And the work is very noisy. It keeps Ayan up all night. Could we stay with you until it gets done? I don't mean to be an inconvenience...oh thank you so much."

Well, this was an interesting turn of events. I know that Menaka was shook up by how much she had slid into depravity and under Dara's control. I thought she might take a break and try to pull things back a little. But I didn't expect her to just run away from the situation.

But that is exactly what happened. She rushed to the bedroom as if in a tearing hurry and started packing. In half an hour, she had woken up Ayan and was gone from the house.

I just stared at the empty rooms of my house for a while, wondering if she might change her mind and come back. But no. She was gone.

"What do you mean gone?"

I shifted my attention to the feed from the watchman's shack. The door opened and Dara walked in, followed by Banke.

"What do you think I mean? She is gone."

"Gone where? Shopping?"

"No, she had a suitcase and everything. Took her son, and left."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Dara thundered.

"I couldn't stop her. There were a lot of neighbors around. How would it look if I restrained her from leaving?"

Dara looked a little miffed, but then his face softened and he shrugged.

"I guess we pushed her a little too far. Maybe she just needs a break. But she'll be back. This is her home after all." he said.

"You killed the goose that lays the golden egg." Banke said in a surly voice.

"Not at all. She is hooked. A couple of days without a thick piece of meat inside her cooch and she'll come running back. I promise. I know these kind of women."

I admired Dara's confidence. I wasn't sure if it was over confidence or not. My wife did seem completely under his thumb, and not just sexually. She seemed to have some kind of deep emotional connection with him that I felt jealous of.

That night, I got a short email from my wife.

"Dearest Prakash

Ayan and I are going to be at Indu masi's place until you return. Things at home have gotten very complicated and I can't really deal with them anymore. I will tell you in more detail when we meet. When you get back, just take a cab to Indu masi's place so you can pick us up and take us home.

Love Menaka"

The next few days were quite boring. I kept an eye on all the feeds thinking that like Dara predicted, she might come back for a taste. But she diligently stayed away. I did get to see Dara and Banke fuck Vimla on the roof and in their shack a couple of times, but it really wasn't something I cared much for.

Watching all the action had made me horny, so after a couple of days of watching the feeds in vain, I contacted a fuck buddy of mine. She and I met for dinner at a fancy Juhu restaurant, and then I spent the night at her place, fucking her three times as I kept picturing Menaka in my head. My "official" return date was just a couple of days away, and I couldn't wait to finally bang my wife like I had never banged her before.

I returned from my fuck buddy's place to the hotel the next day a little before noon, prepared to disconnect all the equipment and return it.

As soon as I saw the screens, I stopped in my tracks.

The bedroom feed showed Menaka, naked except for her panties, asleep curled up. Also on the bed was a completely naked Vimla, curled up on the other side of the bed. But what made me stop in my tracks was who was between them. A dark skinned guy of medium built with a bush mustache, wearing just his underwear. I had no idea who this gentleman was!


The rest of the apartment was completely empty. I was relieved to see that Ayan was nowhere in the picture. My guess was that Menaka, unable to control her urges, had left our son at her aunt's place and come over for an all night fuck session. But who the hell was this guy? And where were Dara and Banke? I didn't see them on any of the feeds.

I immediately accessed the recorded files. I opened the one with the living room feeds and clicked at a random point. It went to a little before 9 PM. Menaka, dressed in a demure salwar kameez, was sweeping the floor with a broom. I clicked the forward button and the images quickly rushed through a sequence of Menaka cleaning the room, watching TV for a bit, taking clothes out of the bag, etc. Mundane stuff.

I pressed play at the 930 point when I saw her reach for the phone and answer it. It was clearly Dara. I could only hear what she was saying.

"What is it????" "No...no...NO!" "Yeah, well, I won't open the door." "I told you, I just need a break. Can't you respect that?" "No, I did not come just to tease you. I need some books, toys, and clothes for my son." "Do whatever you want. I don't care. I DON'T care. Jump off the roof for all I care." "No, I probably won't even be here at midnight." "Goodbye. Go to hell."

Menaka threw the phone on the couch, and plonked herself next to it looking very annoyed. She then went to the bedroom and was there for a while. So I opened the bedroom file and dragged the cursor to the time she had left the living room. She was sitting in front of the computer, typing furiously. Maybe an email to me? As the clicking of the keyboard continued, I switched to the live feed. Still unchanged. The three of them fast asleep. The unknown dude was now snoring.

I forwarded the bedroom file for a long time as she just sat there and kept typing. I checked my email. There was nothing from her. Either she hadn't finished the email or she hadn't sent it.

Finally the time stamp was 10:53 when she got up. I had synced the living room file with the time stamps and saw her walking to the couch and pick up her phone. She dialed a number and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello masi. Is Ayan still awake?" "No no, let him sleep. I just wanted to call and say I will be back tomorrow. It's gotten really late. Yes. Okay. Thank you so much."

Interesting, I thought. Maybe typing details of all her escapades had made my wife horny again and she was reconsidering her earlier desire for a break. But who the hell was that guy?

She went back to the computer and continued typing. And typing. I jumped straight to midnight. She was still typing. A few minutes later, she looked at the time and sighed. She picked up her one and dialed a number. She kept the phone clasped to her ear. There was no answer.

"Asshole!" she hissed under her breath. And dialed the number again. No answer.

Menaka sat staring at the screen with her hands on her chin, as if pondering her next move.

"Oh what the hell!" she finally said to herself and got up.

I saw her pick up her keys and phone and leave the apartment. I kept watching, waiting for her to return with Dara, and maybe this mystery dude still snoring on my bed. But nothing. I remembered her mentioning the roof in her earlier conversation. So I opened up the file from the roof feed. And dragged the cursor to around the time she left the living room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I sat up bolt upright at the sight that flashed on my screen.

Behind the water tank, I saw Dara, naked, on his knees, and with bruises on his face. His hands were tied behind his back. The guy still snoring on my bed was next to him, kicking him hard in the stomach while muttering a stream of profanities. A naked Vimla was on her knees too, but with her arms wrapped around the guy's legs, begging him to stop in Tamil.

A couple of feet away from there, stood a fully dressed Banke, and a fourth guy, a loutish thuggish looking type, was holding a knife to his neck. I had no idea what the hell was going on. And that's when I saw my wife walk through the roof door and towards where this deadly scene was unfolding.

The guy with the knife heard her footsteps and said something to Dara's tormentor in Tamil. He stopped and turned around.

Menaka reached the spot and froze as she saw what was happening.

"What the..." is all she could mutter, staring all around her.

The two guys did not seem to know her because they seemed taken aback at her appearing there after midnight. There was a sudden awkward silence.

"What's happening here?" Menaka asked in a voice that contained a mixture of fear and anger.

"Who are you?" the bed guy said gruffly in Hindi. He sounded drunk.

"Who am I? Who are you? Why are you beating up our watchman?"

"Your watchman is a fucking asshole who preys on other's wives. This slut here." he angrily spat at Vimla who still had her hands wrapped around his leg. "is my wife. She's been screwing him behind my back. I followed her today and caught them red-handed. I am just doing what any self-respecting husband would do. Kicking the shit of this guy."

He delivered another kick to Dara, who keeled over again.

Menaka seemed to grimace in sadness to see her lover being brutalized like this.

"Okay...you've proved your point." Menaka said, trying to sound authoritative. "Just let him go."

"Memsaab, mind your own business. Let us sort out our problems our way. Go home and sleep. It's not safe being out on roofs this late at night."

Menaka stared at him, then Dara, and then Banke as if trying to make a decision.

"Please call the police, memsaab!" Vimla whined, bent over on the ground, looking pitiable in her naked state.

Menaka suddenly remembered that she was holding her phone in one hand. Backing away, she raised it. But the other guy guarding Banke was too fast. He rushed towards her and snatched the phone from her hand. He then grabbed my wife by her wrist and dragged her towards Vimla's husband.


Menaka tried to yell for help but the lout effortlessly covered her mouth.

"You think these idiots haven't thought of screaming?" he menacingly said, raising his knife. "Try screaming again and I'll cut your pinkie off."

He let go of my wife's mouth. She stood there, looking petrified, trembling with fear even in the Bombay heat.

"What should we do with her?" the lout asked. "If we let her go, she might call the cops."

"I promise I won't."

There was silence all around as the two guys looked at each other. That's when I noticed something. The knife man had moved towards Menaka and left Banke alone. If he wanted, he could have done something to rush the guys or fight them off. Instead he was just standing there with a bitter expression on his face, staring at Menaka.

"Ask her why she really came here." he finally said in a resentful voice.

"What?" both guys asked in unison.

"This posh chaste looking memsaab...is no different than your wife."

"Oh really?" the husband moved close to Menaka and traced his finger along her cheeks. She shivered.


"What do you mean by that exactly, Banke? Do you mean what I think you mean?"

"Of course." Banke said, bristling. "Her husband works in the navy, so he's away for months. And she gets fucked by Dara regularly."

I noticed that he conveniently left out the fact that he had also fucked my wife.

Vimla's husband looked Menaka up and down incredulously.

"Is this true?"

"No." my wife answered in a low voice.

"She is lying." Banke said. "Ask your wife if you like. In fact Dara has had them both together."

This seemed to surprise the guy. He looked at his naked wife who was know sitting on folded knees, tears streaming down her face. He bent down, lifted her face up towards him and asked her something in Tamil. Vimla looked at Menaka and then back to him and then nodded.