Wife Get Even


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Leaning back and looking into Gary’s eyes, she whispered, “I think it will be almost a lifelong penalty for what they did to us. And Crystal at least will think she is being rewarded, until maybe two, three weeks after you quit servicing her.” Here she stood up off my lap, stepped back with her hands on her hips and looked me square in the eye. “And if I ever even suspect you of touching her or any other woman after I’ve had this baby, you may never screw a woman again.”

Laughing, I said, “Fat chance of that, Mata Hari!”

“I know husband, I know.” Sitting back on my lap she continued, “And in a strange way, I will feel I have made up to you just a little bit for what I did to you. I know I can never repay what I did…”

“You hush up, you little minx!” I broke in. “You put that behind you, like I’ve put it behind me. I don’t ever want to hear about that again. You agree my wife, mother of my child?”

My arms were about her, almost smothering her, and she loved it. Fighting back tears she kissed her husband. We were both silent as we cuddled.

Finally I leaned away and asked, “OK, Agent 007, when is our target coming over, tonight? Or has it been set up for tomorrow? And does she know I’m going to be dragging her into bed?”

Dimpling, Amy answered, “Tomorrow night, lover. And no, she has no idea she’s going to get screwed. Knowing her history, I don’t think we need to be too careful how we set it up. Now come on, dinners waiting in the oven.”

May called me at work the next day just before I left for home to tell me Crystal would be there when I got home. She took the opportunity to give me instructions on how she wanted the evening to go. I love the woman, but she is a constant surprise to me!

As much as I was against May’s idea she was getting me excited about it. Sure enough, Crystal’s car was in the driveway when I got there. Walking in I gave May a kiss and somehow managed to greet Crystal nicely. Crystal was wearing a blue full skirt with the hem falling to just above her knee, and a pale blue sleeveless blouse.

After changing into more comfortable clothes I found the two women in the living room and joined them. It was nice to see the gin and tonic May had poured me, I thought I might need it. May was in the midst of explaining how tough these last few weeks of her pregnancy were going to be. It was serious enough, but she was really laying it on thick.

On cue (a serious look my way from May accompanied by a wink) I excused myself for a moment and stepped into the garage. May had the living room sound monitor I had installed turned on and as I stepped into the garage I heard, “…and I just can’t take care of him now, Crystal.” My wife went on, “He keeps me satisfied. Oh God does he! But all I can do for him is use my hand and my mouth. And that just isn’t the same. He needs his relief! I even suggested Gary might think of using a whore, but he absolutely stopped that idea. I love him too much to let him go so long without relief. I’m embarrassed to tell you this, but I’ve even considered asking you or another of our really trusted friends if they would maybe take care of him a couple times this next month. I hope you’re not disgusted with me for that, but I don’t want him thinking of looking for some stranger. He gets so raunchy when he’s not drained, and as much as he loves me I don’t want to put that kind of pressure on him.”

Crystal made some soothing comments and then May’s voice came in again. This time it was clearer and louder than before, and I knew she had walked over near the sound pickup. “And that minx of a secretary of Gary’s, Carole! I can’t trust her a minute! She’s had a thing for him since she came to work for him!”

Why that little tease! She and Carole were extremely close friends and Carole was as happily married as any woman I know. I almost broke out in a belly laugh. It was a good lead in for what she was planning though and it gave me another whiff of smoke to blow in dealing with Crystal.

I waited another ten minutes and came back inside. “How soon is dinner, May? And Crystal, you are staying for dinner aren’t you? As I recall today and tomorrow are your husband’s nights in the ‘factory’. I’m sure we have enough. Oh hell, May must have asked you already, are you staying?”

Crystal gave me a strange look, glanced at May and said, “Well, I don’t know…”

May broke in, “Crystal, you have to stay. I made a lasagna for tonight, and it’s enough for four or five. And I can really use your company tonight, too. Sometimes I just need another woman around.”

“Well, OK you two,” she agreed, “if you really want me I’d love to stay, especially with a chance at your famous lasagna. Even if I’ll have to diet for the next week or so.”

May hoisted her pregnant body out of the chair and said, “Marvelous, and its time to take it out of the oven. Come on in the kitchen and help me set the table, Crystal.” And the two women walked into the kitchen.

The meal was pleasant, and as always May’s lasagna was something to write home to mother about. And complain that mom never cooked that well!

After the meal we adjourned back to the living room, where I served a nice Merlot to Crystal and myself. May because of her pregnancy took a glass of tomato juice. Truth be told, that’s what I would have preferred but I had my instructions tonight, and wine was on the menu.

It wasn’t ten minutes when May complained that she had to lie down for a moment, but begged Crystal to stay. Crystal demurred saying she should get home, but May wouldn’t hear of it so very soon it was just Crystal and myself and two glasses of Merlot.

The conversation lagged for a bit until I asked Crystal if she would like to see a new short foreign film I had picked up on the web. It was one of the films I had read about that had scored so high at the Seattle Film Festival. She agreed, and I popped it in the VCR, sat down next to her on the couch and refilled her wine glass at the same time.

As advertised the film was very good. It kept us both laughing, and kept my target from noticing me continually topping off her wineglass during the show. By the time it was over, we were both relaxed and Crystal was talkative. Placing an arm behind her on the couch I began talking about how difficult a time May and I were having dealing with the troubles of her pregnancy.

Crystal was being very supportive, but it seemed obvious to me she was trying to keep some distance between herself and our troubles. To my mind, knowing what she had been told and aware of her tendency to enjoy sampling the male animals not in her own paddock it sounded very promising. I managed to fill her glass again, and the smooth red wine was definitely having an effect on her.

Maybe an hour after the video was over, Crystal asked where May had gotten off to, and I told her to sit fast and I’d check on her. I peeked in on my wife, who was reading in bed with the living room sound monitor on. I gave her the high sign before coming back and sitting on Crystal’s right. This time our thighs were touching when I leaned back and put my arm behind her on the couch again. “She’s asleep at the moment,” I told Crystal. “Just the two of us.”

She giggled a moment, and started to stand up, telling me she thought she had better get home. I slipped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her gently back to the couch. When she relaxed, her head seemed to naturally lean over onto my shoulder.

I changed the subject and started reminiscing about the last vacation she and her husband had shared with May and myself and she relaxed more into me. Turning slightly toward her, I placed my right hand on her upper thigh, and began slowly massaging the ball of her shoulder with my left hand which was cupping it.

As we talked, I began moving my hand slowly and gently up and down her leg through the silky skirt she had on. And began lightly tickling her neck with my left hand, running it from just below her ear and down following down the curve of her arm to her elbow. When my left hand began playing with the back of her elbow, the action of my right hand on her thigh began pulling her skirt up ever so slowly.

Crystal’s breathing was very shallow as I played with the folds of her elbow, and then moved around and softly caressed the soft and sensitive skin inside her elbow.

When her head nestled more closely into the hollow under my chin, I began a slow pinching-massaging of her biceps with my left hand. Almost immediately after that I felt the hem of her skirt under my right palm. Sliding my hand under the skirt my caresses began falling on her naked leg, and her breathing seemed to stop for a minute as the sensuality flowed through her from the massage and petting.

This had taken maybe ten minutes, and I knew she was wallowing in the sensation from both hands. I kissed the top of her head, and cupping my left arm around her biceps I began stroking it from her elbow to the underarm. There I very lightly teased the smoothly shaven skin inside the arm hole of her blouse. I was very careful to avoid a tickle, allowing my knuckles to just brush the side of her breast as I was doing so.

As I began telling her how difficult it was for me with May being unable to give me ‘relief’ I began tracing the bottom hem of her panties, carefully staying away from her sex. She moaned a bit, her legs opening unconsciously allowing me easier access to her inner thighs. I took advantage by softly, gently tracing my finger tips down the inside of her leg from where her legs met her body to her knee. I then cupped and played with her knee, gently tickling and listening to her breathing increase at the unexpected sensation. Then I would retrace my path up her leg and back down. All my touching stayed carefully away from conventional sexual centers. But the sensuality was there! And she was beginning to feel sensory over load.

Crystal gave a small shudder, and leaned her head back to look at me. I leaned forward and captured her lips with mine. The kiss was soft, sensual and closed. But I used my lips to massage hers, capturing her bottom lip at last and sucking it into my mouth. There I sucked and chewed it so gently with my teeth. Her breathing stopped again.

Sucking firmly on her lip, feeling her body shudder and cling to me, I let the finger of my right hand slip under the edge of her panties and explore down the crease where leg and torso met. Pushing toward her center her legs opened of themselves. I was sure she hadn’t realized that she had voluntarily opened herself to me. Moving my right leg over hers, I pulled it wider yet and trapped it, gaping open her vulva where the moisture had already slickened her pussy.

Continuing to hold open her legs, my hand moved to the button on the side of her skirt. Undoing it quickly, I slid the zipper down. Moving my body over hers, but placing no weight on her, I reached between her and the couch with both hands to grasp the back of her skirt and begin pulling it downwards. With only that insistence from me she lifted her hips to allow me to pull her skirt down.

Swiftly I pulled the skirt along with her panties out from under her and pushed them over her knees. There they fell to her ankles. Laying myself back down atop the now thoroughly aroused and panting woman, half-naked under me, both knees now widely splayed, one leg caught between mine. Yet she was still fully dressed above the waist.

Thinking it time, I used the code Amy and I had agreed to earlier, “There lover, isn’t that better?” Crystal was too unaware to really understand what I was saying, all she knew was my hand so lightly, lightly caressing her throat and the other hand now firmly and gently squeezing her vulva and pulling on her pudenda.

In the master bedroom however my wife lay down her book on hearing the words come over the monitor. Smiling evilly to herself she pulled a quilted robe on over her flannel pajamas, slipped into her fluffy slippers and padded out to the living room. Catching my eye over Crystal’s shoulder she walked to her recliner, sat, and swiveled it to face the couch. One of the problems I had with her scheme was worrying that she would let fears and jealousy turn her anger against Crystal and Ralph into jealousy and doubt of me. I had insisted she had to take an active part in the seduction. And at least at the first I insisted she had to be present.

And here she was.

Knowing she was behind me, looking directly between Crystal’s legs and into her center, I moved the middle finger on the hand kneading her vulva and ran it up her slit. By now the extreme wetness allowed the lips to open and my finger was almost sucked into her hole. She gasped and her hips hunched up at my hand, and the finger was sucked inside her to the knuckle.

I broke our kiss and leaned back and to the side. Crystal’s eyes were squeezed closed, her mouth open and her red lips were soft and swollen. She was fully dressed above the waist, her neatly kept hair unruffled, but below the waist her legs hung open, her vagina gapped and my finger was thrusting into her cunt. My left arm was around her shoulders and I let that hand drop to her nearest breast to cup it, firmly but gently.

“Oh CRYSTAL!” my wife trilled. “I’m SO glad you agreed to keep Gary contented during these last few weeks! You are so right, this is much better than my looking to one of those escort services. I am so PLEASED!”

At the first word Crystal’s eyes snapped open and she stared wildly from me to May. Realizing her legs were open she tried to close them, but my leg prevented this. Her right arm was trapped behind me, but her left hand shot to the hand caressing her pussy with a finger buried deep within her, trying to pull it free from her core. My strength was too much for her to accomplish much other than emphasize where my finger was poking.

Leaning forward again, I kissed her and for the first time drove my tongue deeply into her mouth. At the same time I added a finger in her pussy and placed my thumb ever so gently but firmly on her clit, which was standing proud, free and hard at the top of her cleft. When my little finger landed naturally on her rosebud, her whole body shuddered.

Her left hand shot from the hand in her cunt up to my face from hers, and to pry my invading tongue from her mouth to stop the kiss. When I began licking inside her mouth she found her hand cupping the back of my head instead, and she pulled me deeper into the kiss. I used my foot to push the skirt and panties down off her feet.

Crystal began passionately returning my kiss and I heard May say, “Isn’t he good, Crystal? I always love the way his tongue drives down my throat. Uhmm. And then he explores the inside of my mouth. I like it best when he is licking the roof of my mouth, ahhhh… but it is so marvelous when the tip of Gary’s tongue is poking and licking the softness under my tongue. Yet it may be best when he explores and licks my outer gums. Oh God, that feels good. I’ve never really been able to decide what I do like best. I can’t quite see, has he started unbuttoning your shirt yet, Crystal? You’ll never be able to really know what that devil is going to be doing next, but I like it especially when he does my shirt. You'll see, and I bet you love it too.”

When she started telling Crystal what to expect, I began using her comments as instructions and my tongue and hands soon followed each activity she described. I had however already moved my hand to the top button of her shirt before May began describing it. I unbuttoned the top two buttons and began stroking, oh so lightly, the top of her chest just where her breasts began to swell as I continued tasting her mouth.

Crystal was making little noises, grunts, whines and mews as I worked her. Soon her shirt was open, and I deftly unclipped the front opening bra and pulled her last remaining garments open. Laying back I displayed Crystal’s naked body to my wife.

“Oh Crystal, how lovely you are!” she said. And your nipples are standing up so proud! You must be proud of them, too. I bet when Gary starts sucking and chewing on them you have an orgasm. Have you orgasmed before just from having your breasts loved? Oh you’re going to ADORE it. It is always so UNEXPECTED! But I see he is saving that for later, the little devil. But you know what is going to happen SOON now. Oh look forward to it.”

“Oh my Goodness, Crystal! I hadn’t noticed he still had his fingers buried to the knuckle in your twat and… Oh My God! That must have been a wonderful orgasm! Was that from the fingers or was it his thumb rubbing so delectably on your clit that did it?”

“Isn’t it grand the way he licks the valley between your breasts? And I bet you think he’s going to lick and suck, maybe even chew a little on your breasts and those pert nipples don’t you. I do-o-n’t think so…”

“See! I was right! But I never knew how erotic my belly was before Gary began playing with it. Oh god, he has your belly button doesn’t he? I can feel it over here! I love watching your muscles flex while he does that dear. I bet you didn’t know he could make you writhe like that from licking, mouthing and chewing on your belly.”

“I know where he’s going now! And I’m not going to tell you. I’ll just let you expect wrong. You enjoy him feasting on your belly and your cunt hairs for a while.”

May was quiet as I slowly worked Crystal over. Crystal's whole body was quivering, and she had enjoyed a number of small cums, which May couldn’t see from where she was sitting. My wife seemed to be having as much fun as I was. Crystal was a fine subject, and May had been right. This woman was not used to someone making love to her. Maybe she was right about this being a nasty way to get revenge on the two of them! It was sure a pleasant one for me at the moment. I always loved controlling a woman and giving her pleasure. I expected that she would lose consciousness, at least for a moment, when I began eating her cunt.

In any case, Crystal had a lot more to experience and endure before that happened. And some time after that before she was to feel my semen explode up into her. As horny as I was with my wife not being able to properly service me, and finding a woman essentially virgin to my type of loving, I hoped she was on the pill or something as effective. It was going to be a big load when it came!

Working my way down her body, slipping off her shirt and bra while I did, I decided when I was licking the back of her knees to make this shorter. From her reactions, I knew Crystal was mine to fuck any time I so desired. Perhaps not if I stopped now, but by the end of the evening she would be. And she was going to be over again tomorrow and I would take her right to bed as soon as I came home. She just didn’t know it yet. Tomorrow, maybe two sessions before I allowed her to go home. Fuck for an hour, have supper and watch a little TV, than fuck and send her out the door without any underwear on. Give her something to remember on the drive home.

Licking and sucking the inside of her thighs, I finally reached her core again. As I lifted her legs over my shoulders it was amusing to realize the insides of both thighs were sopping wet. She was much wetter just below her hole. The honey was almost pouring out of her.

Blowing softly on the deep pink tissues of her hole, I pursed my lips and puffed a cool stream of air into her overheated and very wet pussy. Stopping for a moment, I enjoyed the view and delectable odor. Glancing at her face I saw she still had her eyes closed.

May started speaking again, and Crystal’s eyes opened and stared unfocused at the ceiling. “I bet you think you know where he’s going next, don’t you Crystal,” she began. “Well I know where he’s going, but you’ve seen how he just keeps you on edge so you may be wrong.”