
Stories by DarkWolfKnight7

56.3k 47 3 60

Lucian tells the tale of the last moments of Lumia.

H 4.8 12.4k 8 10 8
by DarkWolfKnight7
NonHuman& more 09/22/2022
105.8k 82 17 97

Lucian and Sapphira share a dream together.

H 4.67 13k 2 3 2

Lucian faces his guilt.

H 4.7 13k 3 1 4

Lucian's dark past is revealed to Sapphira.

H 4.6 12.3k 2 1 2

A Wolf-Kin and Leopard-Kin called together by fate.

H 4.64 20.8k 11 13
by DarkWolfKnight7
NonHuman& more 10/14/2022
64.9k 19 17 28