How do I change my Literotica username?

Your Literotica Username is, along with your member avatar, an important part of your identity within the Literotica Community. We generally ask that members not change their usernames since it could cause confusion for other members of the Community. That being said, we realize that there are times when it may becomes necessary for you to change your username out of privacy concerns or other important reasons.

Changing usernames on Literotica requires the assistance of support, so please proceed with the following steps only when necessary.

  1. Visit Literotica Member Search to determine whether the username you want is taken or not. Usernames are unique on Literotica, so you cannot change your username to a name that is already being used by another community member. If the username you want is taken by an account that has never published any content and is no longer active, you may request that we review the account to see if it can be removed so that you can have the username.

  2. Once you are sure that the username to which you would like to change your account is available, visit your Literotica Control Panel page. From that page, click the “New Story” icon in the site header and select “Story” as the type of work.

  3. Create a new story with the following information in the form fields:
    Title: “NAME CHANGE” (in all capital letters).
    Story Text: In this field please enter the new username you’ve chosen and any notes (if needed) to Literotica Support.
    Category & Description: Doesn’t matter what you enter.
    Language: English.

  4. Submit the story as if you were publishing it (click Preview & then Publish). The story moderator will see the “NAME CHANGE” title and process it as a username change rather than a new work to publish.

Username changes usually take about a week to process, so please be patient after making your request. If it is an urgent matter, you can contact support and ask them to expedite the process.

Please be aware that once your username is changed, your old username may become available to other users to register.

If you have any reason to believe that a member may be using the username change feature to impersonate another user or for any other questionable purpose, please contact support about your concerns.