Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 03


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I saw the sergeant eyeing me. Whoever the uniform was, he didn't feel like he was done.

"Did you get much of a look at the redhead? She's a looker!! I mean, hot!" Wells eyed me then went back to the cop.

"Are you pullin' a double? I finally get to go home after this nightmare day."

"Yeah, just my luck a blizzard turns my 3 to 11 into a 3 till whenever. Who's your relief, Jimmy?"

"Slaughter; she should be here soon," he said, looking, I thought, longingly at the clock over his shoulder. I laughed. Slaughter was a funny, odd name for a cop.

"I'm going to get some coffee. You want any?"

"Nah, my kidneys are drowning in the stuff as it is." He looked at me and nodded his head in my direction. "You may want to ask the lady though. I think she's thawing out after trying to find a cab downtown." I smiled.


"Yes, please, officer. Coffee sounds like champagne right now." He laughed. Puppies! They're so easy.

He brought me the coffee with a flourish and a smile.

"Thank you officer... Whitney." I offered my hand. "I'm Lissy Stone. I was here to bail out Kara Thornton, but it seems like I was a little late." His eyes widened. I sipped the blessedly hot liquid.

"You too?" He smiled. "Two of you fighting over that drugged out mess." He shook his head then snapped his eyes up to meet mine. "Wait; was... is she someth... someone special to you?"

I didn't have an ice pick and didn't want to spend the rest of my life in the gray bar hotel, so I just smiled.

"I love her." Damn tears. "I... we both made mistakes; mistakes that have kept us apart for 3½ months. A mutual friend called me to tell me she... was a guest here." He laughed, I smiled. Good!

"Gay, huh? Well, I don't understand it, but I guess love is love." His eyes looked up and to the left. "So who was the redhead who got to her before you did? And why didn't she call you first?" I didn't have an answer to either.

I trotted out my biggest, brightest smile. "I live in the burbs, which may be why Kara called different people to come get her. This miserable storm is what made me stay downtown." I tried to make the shrug as casual as possible. "Did the redhead have a name? She may well be a friend of Kara's. I may know her."

"Becky something." I felt my heart freeze.

Redhead? Becky? Is it even possible? Didn't she tell me she lives way out northwest someplace? Crystal Lake maybe?

"McCann; yeah, I think she said her last name was McCann." He shrugged. Well maybe it's not her.

"Hey Tony, don't you have something else to do besides make nice with the lady?"

'Tony' had turned when the sergeant was talking. He turned back to me and rolled his eyes.

"Big shot sergeant," he said, very much under his breath.

"I didn't mean to keep you for so long, officer. You've been more than helpful and very kind. Thank you for the coffee."

He nodded, gave me a little half hearted salute, turned on his heel, and disappeared through a door.

Just like I'd choreographed it, Shade and Destiny wandered in the front door. I let out a little squeal of joy.

Both of them were bundled up like it was cold. They made a beeline for me; I did the same. Hugs and kisses all around.

"Have fun getting here?"

"I'm not sure the snow has eased up even a little bit," Destiny said as she shook her head.

Turning to Shade, I said, "Becky McCann." She smiled.

"And they say feminine wiles are a myth." We all laughed. "How did you get the information?"

"I told you Jenna called while we were talking." She nodded. "I didn't see him, but another officer had come out and was talking to Sergeant Wells. I heard something about injuries that I think was at the tail end of a back and forth. As I talked to my daughter, I walked back and forth, inching a little closer and keeping one ear on what was being said."

"That's very good, Lissy, but there has to be something more."

"Well yes, but really all I got out of him was a name." I had to come clean about Becky. "I've dated a Becky Reynolds a couple of times. She has red hair just like the Becky the cop said bailed out Kara. But the last name is different."

"So she's gone and we don't know where or who she's with." Destiny looked at her honey and said, "What's next?

"It's not a stretch to assume she's with this Becky," was Shade's response. That made sense.

"What do we do now?"

"Let me make a phone call and get the name Becky McCann to my people. I'll also check and see if anyone has had any success locating Bette and/or Kara. Please excuse me for a moment."

Off she went, phone to her ear.

Destiny laid a hand on my shoulder and asked, "How are you, Lissy? This had to be a real shocker."

"I'm thankful for this stupid storm." She smiled. "I made the decision to stay at Kara's tonight rather than take the train home. It wasn't much fun finding a cab, and Barb's call was certainly just as you indicated - a shocker, to put it mildly."

"Do I know this Barb?"

"I mentioned Barb Romano to Shade at dinner a week ago. Oh my god, not even a week ago. Geez, after 3½ months of no movement on my part or Kara's, there's been a bunch of it in a very short period of time."

"There certainly has," she said with a warm smile. "May I share what the thought I just had?"

"Why, of course!"

"Maybe it was fate's way of saying that it was time for the two of you to get back together. To be apart for as long as you've been... well, it may have been necessary, but it had to be miserable."

I never did find out if she said what she did on purpose, but I cried. She was right. I felt like I was missing my other half all that time. It was more than my bed that was empty; so was my soul. It felt like there was a fissure there; like the earth had shifted. It still wasn't clear what we'd have to do to put things back together. What was clear was that I wanted to.

Destiny held me to her shoulder while I bawled. Eventually I got embarrassed at my display and lifted my head.

"I'm sorry. I think the stress has gotten the better of me."

Shade offered me some Kleenex, which I accepted gratefully. Destiny was totally cute.

"I'd offer you my compact mirror but you might never speak to me again." I laughed.

"That's very considerate of you, plus thank you for the laugh. I sure needed one."

"Lissy, do you know if Kara's car is at the condo?" Hmm, I think so, but to be honest, I had never checked.

"I'm not positive, but I think so. Why do you ask?"

"I think we're about halfway between our place and hers. You're welcome to spend the night with us. We can see what happens overnight. It leaves you without a car, but with the weather that's not necessarily a bad thing."

"I don't know what to say, Shade. I hate the thought of inconveniencing the two of you." The couple looked at each other and smiled.

"Shade invited you and I'm seconding the motion, Lissy. You're welcome to be our guest. The bedroom Kim used is fully furnished. You'll have to go down the hall a bit to use the washroom and shower in the morning."

I threw my hands up in mock disgust. "Deal's off then." Smiles all around. "Does this offer include breakfast?"

"Sure does; we'll even let you buy," was Destiny's quick retort.

"I don't know how I can possibly turn this down. Oh, did your phone call prove to be fruitful? Anything new learned?"

Shade shook her head. "Regretfully, no. It's getting late. We should be going."

"Let me go say goodbye to my new friend Sergeant Wells." They both smiled.

I walked to the desk. Wells seemed busy with paper; a nasty looking brunette with her hair in a tight bun eyed me with suspicion. I wondered if she was naturally foul tempered or just upset about having to work on such a foul night.

"Sergeant." He looked up at me. I extended my hand. He frowned a bit but shook it. "I know you followed procedure, but I wanted to thank you for your kindness. I very much appreciate the coffee your officer... oh geez, I've forgotten his name already." Embarrassed, I shook my head. "Anyway, we'll be going. Drive safely on your way home tonight."

"Good luck to you and your friend, Ma'am. And thank you."

What happened next was shocking and beyond unexpected.

Bundled up for the storm, we headed to the door. We were maybe 10 feet away when Becky walked in. I skidded to a stop. She glanced at the desk, saw us, saw me, and stopped. Shock, pure and raw, rolled through me. I wanted to rip her heart out of her chest.

"So it was you. Where is Kara, Becky? Where are you and Bette keeping her?" By now I was quaking with anger that was fueled by adrenaline.

"Lissy, hi, who are your friends?" If you can believe it, she asked the question with what is best explained as a leer.

"Answer the question, you bitch," I said in the coldest tone possible. The smile ended as quickly as it started.

"She's where you can't get to her." I hadn't seen him, so I was surprised when I heard Sergeant Wells' voice.

"Ms. Stone, is there a problem here?"

In a burst of inspiration, I asked, "Sergeant, do you recognize this woman?"

"Yes, she was here with an attorney when Ms. Thornton was bailed out. Why?"

"We have reason to suspect that Kara is being held against her will somewhere in the area."

Becky exploded angrily, saying, "That's completely false. She's always been able to come and go as she pleases."

"Sergeant, I know this woman as Becky Reynolds. The other police officer told me is that she used McCann as her name."

"It's my maiden name," was said in a screech.

"So you admit you were here for all that?"

"Bette told me I had to come get her," was said before she had time to think. Awareness came too late and she shut up.

"Sergeant Slaughter, call someone to come up front. And call the A.D.A." He turned back to Becky. "Turn around, put your hands behind your head..." He Mirandized her as he was cuffing her.

Blustering, confused, and angry, Becky said, "Why am I being arrested?"

"Suspicion of involuntary restraint; kidnapping if you will."

"She's not kidnapped. She can come and go as she pleases." I was furious and about to say something. A female uniform appeared.

To my surprise, Wells said, "Fine; the officer will put you in a squad. You take her wherever Ms. Thornton is."

I honestly thought Becky might faint. She went pale as death, her eyes darting one way and another."

"I was sent to ask whether or not you would consider dropping the charges. The person Kara hit is a medical professional, a psychologist. She believes that Kara had some sort of episode and doesn't want to press charges."

Part of me wanted to hit the bitch. Part of me wanted to laugh at her characterization of Bette as a professional.

"I'm not authorized to do anything of the sort. Wichmann, take Ms. McCann wherever she tells you to go. Do not go inside without calling for backup and waiting for them to arrive. Use highest precautions for everyone's safety."

"Yes sir. Let's go miss." She didn't look very happy to go out in the storm. Becky looked over her shoulder at me with barely disguised scorn. Fuck you and your co-conspirator, you skank. I blew her a kiss and waved.

I turned to Shade and Destiny; only Destiny was there. Shade was over in a corner, phone to her ear.

I looked at Destiny, who shrugged.

"I have a feeling I know what's going on, but let's wait till Shade comes back. Are you okay? You look like you wanted to rip her from stem to stern." I smiled.

"I thought I might be able to have feelings for that... person." I shook my head. Destiny took my hand in hers.

"Don't beat yourself up, Lissy," she said softly. "It doesn't do you or Kara any good. At any rate, it's irrelevant. I have a feeling the two of you will be back together sooner rather than later." I wasn't so sure.

"I'm not positive of that. The other cop was telling the sergeant he thought Kara was on drugs. Something about her eyes not looking right. I can't believe that she'd use drugs for any reason, yet, after not being with her for so long, I can't be sure about anything anymore."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to try and keep from crying yet again. When I opened them Shade was there.

"I have eyes on the squad car, Lissy. They'll follow her at a distance and call me with an address." I shook my head.

"You're unbelievable, Shade. I'm not sure I want to know the how and why of whatever you're doing - or trying to do."

Her eyes twinkling, Shade said, "Good. Seriously though, it's better you don't know. Plausible denial."

"I know nothing!! Sorry, I can never resist a chance to do a little Sergeant Schultz from 'Hogan's Heroes.'"

Destiny rolled her eyes and said, "Your age is showing, Lissy." But she smiled as she said it.

Looking at Shade, I said, "Do we wait or go home? What do you think?"

After a short pause she said, "I think we can go back to our place. Do you care what happens to this Becky?" I laughed.

"No!" She nodded.

"I figured as much." Turning to Destiny, she said, "You ready, honey?"

Destiny gave her lover a quick peck and said, "Let's blow this pop stand." I snickered.

It seemed the snow had eased quite a bit; it made the drive to their condo a little easier. I had a thought.

"The police protect and serve but they're not likely to call and give us an update about what's going on, right?"

Shade turned to look at me and said, "That won't happen." She winked. "Don't worry about a thing."

For some reason, I knew I didn't have to.

Their home was warm and inviting. Destiny insisted on taking my coat and hanging it up.

"You must be exhausted after that ordeal, Lissy. Let me show you to the guest room."

"Would you mind if I stayed up for a bit with the two of you? I'm a little wired after all of this." Shade nodded.

"Would you care for anything? We have wine if you'd like it; juice too."

"I think I can nurse a glass of wine until I wind down. Whatever you have opened would be fine, thanks."

Destiny came back a few minutes later with a glass of white wine and - drum roll please. Potato chips!! YES!!

"Why are you laughing, Lissy?" I couldn't help it. I didn't want to appear rude to my gracious hostesses.

"Neither of you would know this - but I call myself a potato chip whore." They both stared. I shrugged. "I know; it's me being silly. Kara and I have had some fun with my silliness." I shook my head, remembering. "Thanks, Destiny." I held up my glass. "Cheers and hearty thanks to you both for having me as your guest on this night of nights."

We talked for a little bit but it felt like whatever energy reserve I had leaked out of me like kids on the last day of school.

"I'm sorry, but all of a sudden I'm completely gassed. That guest room bed sounds really good." And I yawned.

Destiny offered her hand to help me up. They both hugged and kissed me as we said goodnight.

"I think everything you need is in a dresser drawer. Feel free to help yourself to whatever you need in the bathroom."

"Thanks, Destiny." I hugged her and shook my head. "The two of you are incredible." I yawned again; we both laughed.

"Go to bed, sleepy head. See you in the morning." She smiled as she left and headed across the hall to their bedroom.

Screw it. I stripped off my clothes and crawled under the covers. I can get beautiful in the morning.

** December 19th **


Morning came all too early with a knock on the door.

"Lissy?" Shade.


"May I come in?" What the hell; we're all women.

"Only if you bring coffee and don't mind me hiding my nakedness."

She laughed, opened the door, and held up my prize - a mug of coffee. I moaned and reached for it. I ignored that the sheet fell, exposing my glories.

"Destiny won't hate me if I tell you that I love you will she?" My response was a hearty laugh.

"Not for more than a couple of decades." She sat on the bed and reached for my hand.

"Are you ready to see your Kara?" I jumped at her, completely forgetting everything but what I heard.

When I finally calmed down I managed to say, "Where is she, Shade?"

"She's at her condo with a few of my friends. That's where she wanted to go." I pulled back and looked at my sorta new friend.

"Do I want to know?" She smiled.

"I'd say probably not." Why argue? "Someone from the crew will get breakfast for Kara and bring it to the condo." I nodded. My heart raced as I thought of seeing the woman I love.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll jump in the shower and get dressed and meet you in a little while." I shook my head. "How do I thank you for all you've done, Shade? You and Destiny... I know I wouldn't know how to do whatever it is you've done."

A soft hand reached for my chin.

"You can't and you shouldn't. As long as you and Kara are together again all of this is worthwhile." She smiled. "It makes my rather mundane life a little more colorful." I laughed.

"Colorful is a cute word for it." I shook my head. "You're a marvel." She shook her head.

"I wasn't until Destiny came into my life. Some time soon we'll have to share some of our story with you and Kara. You may not think so highly of me after you hear how we came to be."

"That was then and this is now. Everybody has a past." I gulped some of the fabulous hot coffee and set the mug on the nightstand. "Is there a robe in the closet?" I pushed the covers aside and stood.

"It's blue; feel free." I slipped the robe over my shoulders and tied a loose knot. "I'll let you get a shower and the rest. There's toast and more in the kitchen. Help yourself. Whenever you tell us you're ready we'll take you to Kara's."

I hugged her and said, "Thanks. I... I don't know what I am. I'm nervous, I'm scared, and I'm excited. And I'm really worried too. I've wanted this day for so long and now that it's here, I'm not sure how it's going to go." Shade nodded.

"Seems perfectly normal, Lissy. I'd be more surprised if you didn't have all those conflicting emotions going on," she said with a smile. "See you in a little bit. Destiny and I are going to shower and dress."

I stood under the hot water and let it warm my face and body. I wondered if they shower together like Kara and I had. I smiled. Some of our sexiest and funniest moments came in those close quarters. Will we again? I shivered as I touched kitty, who was on high alert and no doubt eager to see her honey and Kara. I giggled. I hate to break the news, sugar, but there's not going to be any nudity today... well other than this shower.

I dressed as quickly as I could after finishing in the bathroom. I was nervous, jittery. I took the mug and headed down the hall. Getting a quick view of the front room, I looked beyond it to the kitchen, where Destiny was busy with something.

"Morning. Are you excited?" I poured more coffee.

"I'm nervous and excited. Plus, like I told Shade, I'm a little bit worried about who exactly I'll be seeing. Will she be as glad to see me as I will her?" She closed the distance between us and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I don't know what happened, Lissy, and I don't want to. Shade and I went through some pretty rough times; so rough that I couldn't believe I was falling in love with her. Anyway, you'll start over from today. The good news is there was lots of love between the two of you." She smiled and said, "I'm confident that if you both come from a place of love, things will come together for you." I sure in the hell hope she's right!

"I think I'd better eat something before we go; something quick."

"We have whole wheat toast, bagels, and English muffins." She waited at the refrigerator door.

"I can make toast for god's sake." She laughed.

"And cut yourself with the butter knife." My turn to laugh.

"Um, you may be right. I'm pretty jittery right now. I'll have a bagel please. I don't care what kind it is."