Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 03


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"Why don't you sit at the dining room table? I'll bring your bagel."

"I'm not sure I want to sit, Destiny. Standing and walking help me burn off some of the nerves. I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. Did Shade give you any details about how... whoever found Kara did so and what all happened?"

"No, Lissy, I didn't," Shade said. "Good morning. I hope you'll forgive me; today isn't the day for that. Today is for two women to reconnect, for tears, for love." She was right.

Turning to Destiny, I said, "I told Shade I loved her when she brought coffee." Destiny laughed. "I'm not so sure about that now." We all laughed.

"What do you want on this?" I shook my head.

"Please let me do it. It will feel good to do something as simple as put butter on a bagel."

"We have cream cheese, too, if you care for some." I pursed my lips.

"Normally I'd say no way, but a few extra calories for fuel might not be a bad idea this morning."


It felt impossible but as we all got out of the car and crossed the street I was even more nervous. The elevator ride was painfully slow. We walked down the corridor. Shade had told me in the car that she'd called and Kara was sleeping. I thought that was wonderful, though it meant I'd have to wait a while longer to see her.

I used my key to open the door after two long and one short knock, per Shade. The condo was quiet. Three short, black haired Asian women stared, guns in hand. As soon as they saw who we were the weapons disappeared. Destiny took my hand and smiled at me. Shade and a woman who appeared to be in charge were talking. Shade nodded and turned to me.

"Kai said Kara ate every bit of her breakfast and said it looked like she could have eaten more. She's been asleep for about an hour. I'm going to send them home, Lissy. Destiny and I can wait with you."

I walked up to the short, slender woman Shade had called Kai and hugged her. "Thank you so much." I looked at the other two. "Thank you too." They smiled. They all put on coats, hats, and more, bowed to Shade, who returned the honor, waved to Destiny and me, and left.

I threw my coat on a chair and said, "I'll make coffee for us. Make yourselves comfy while we wait."

We sat quietly with our coffee, Shade and Destiny on the couch and me on a stool facing the bedroom.

"You okay?"

"To be completely honest, no. And coffee probably doesn't help my nerves but it sure does hit the spot." I put the cup down and headed for the fridge. "Maybe there's something here I can pick at." I opened the fridge when I got there. The evidence of my visit last night stared back at me. "Oh god, I stopped for dinner before I came here and completely forgot I'd brought takeout to tide me over. Are either of you hungry?" Two heads shook.

"Okay, then I'm going to destroy the evidence." I winked; they laughed - and looked at each other.

I had leftovers in my mouth when I saw the door open. There she was - blonde, gorgeous, mine... I think. Sleep left her eyes at half mast; it must have been the laughter that woke her. Why? It didn't register that it was me staring at her with my mouth open. Until it did.

She slumped against the door frame and put her hands over her mouth. I smiled as I put my cup down on the counter.

I hurried to my Kara, who was shaking her head in disbelief.

We were both crying. I took her in my arms and held her. Her fingers clawed at me, holding me close.

I'm sorry if this is hard to read or hard to believe. It was miserable and wonderful and, for the first time since the end of August, I felt whole again.

I grabbed a handful of blonde, tilted her tear stained face back a bit, and kissed her, tenderly and hungrily.

She barely responded.

Stunned, I pulled back a little and whispered, "What's the matter, lover?" She shook her head.

"I can't Lissy. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's not us. It's me. I can't."

Lissy, don't be greedy here. You don't know very much about what's been going on. You need to be patient, give her room, give her time.

I know that, you idiot. I don't want sex, I want to kiss her.

I know. Look in her eyes if you can. She's not making a lot of eye contact with you. Pay attention to that.

Yeah okay.

"How about we go into the bedroom and talk?" She eyed me suspiciously. I smiled. "Talk!" She nodded.

"Shade, Destiny, we're going to go into the bedroom for a little while. If it's not too much to ask, could the two of you please stay?"

"Of course; take as much time as you need."

I took your hand, led you to the bedroom, and closed the door behind us.

I asked, "How are you?"

You shrugged and said, "I don't know actually. I'm glad you're here, so happy to see you. And I'm frightened, scared shitless that I fucked things up for us. I missed you like you wouldn't believe." I smiled.

"I missed you like you wouldn't believe. It was like half of me was gone. Come on, let's sit on the bed and talk."

You shook your head and said, "I'll sit on the floor. You go sit. I can't be close to you." My heart sank.

"Kara Ann, what on earth? I know you lost your job, okay?" I saw your face fall and your shoulders slump. "Whatever lover. We're not going to fix this in a day. It's going to take time. One of the cops at the station where you were being held mentioned you looked like you were on something." I saw your eyes narrow. "Care to share?"

"She has me on Oxy... Oxycodone." I felt myself pale and saw you nod. "I'm pretty sure I'm hooked."

"Oh my god, lover, that's miserable. Why?"

"At first I went to Veronica on my own." Veronica? "Then they started to chain me, keep me... She did things to me." I saw you scratch your legs and wondered. Your nails were ugly, nothing like what you'd had before.

"Well, unless you want to tell me some of it we'll leave it for another time. Do you know what happened last night? Or was it this morning when Shade's people sprung you?" You smiled.

"That was pretty good thinking getting her involved, Lissy. She's got some sort of gang, I think. It was very early this morning. I'm not sure about all of it; I was back in the dungeon after we got back from the police station. I was tired, strung out, and cold. Usually Veronica kept me drugged. It got so I looked forward to it. The numbness made... it bearable; the pain I mean." I brought my hands to my mouth.

When I had gathered myself, I said, "Her name is Becky, Becky Reynolds. I went on a couple of dates with her." I hate telling her but I have to come clean. "I kissed her, Kara, and I hate myself for admitting it, but I liked it."

I got my first smile - one of thosesmiles, then you said, "Good! You did the right thing, baby." My heart soared. "There was no guarantee you'd ever find me, see me again. Hell, I didn't know if I wanted to see you again, as much as it killed me that we haven't been together." You giggled. "Besides, you're a goddamn good kisser." I laughed.

"So are you, blondie." I felt my insides loosen a little as we began to fall back into our rhythm. "So why wouldn't you kiss me back in the living room?" Your head dropped and you shook it.

"Not today please. This isn't the right time." I felt a chill pass through me as my brain scanned through the possible reasons why you would say what you had in the dead tone you used.

Don't push her. She's fragile. Tell her about the kids. She might like knowing they're okay, that they missed her,

I nodded. "The kids have never stopped asking about you, Kara. At first they couldn't understand why we weren't together. Then they were concerned that neither of us had called the other." Head down, you smiled and nodded. "Columbus Day weekend was fun. Ian, Jenna and the baby were in town for the long weekend and stayed at the house. We also celebrated JR's birthday. He was out of his mind that I was able to get him tickets to two Blackhawk games."

"That's too cute. How are Rach and June doing? I missed all of you, obviously, but we spent lots of fun time with them."

"They're both fine. They're getting their own apartment the first of the year. June is getting a paying full time job then."

Your voice rang with enthusiasm as you said, "That's fantastic. They must be so excited." Just as quickly you looked subdued and shook your head. "I'm such a mess. I'm not going to be able to spend Christmas with you and your family."

I leapt from the bed and crawled to where you sat. Part of me wanted to tear the clothes from the body I know so well. Kitty was banging the drum for me to do just that - and not slowly. As I looked at you, slumped, my eyes teared. I got as close to you as I could, leaned in, and lifted your chin.

"May I tell you something?" You shrugged off my finger, your chin drooping again. "I have 3 children, Kara. I love them like nothing you could ever imagine." I lifted your chin and looked into dull blue eyes. "I can say, without a doubt, that having you back is the best Christmas present I've ever received."

"How do we put us back together again? I fucked up. I let that bitch get between us. I hate myself, Lissy. You can't imagine. I wanted to die. I let Veronica fuck me up, not like Alexis did, but I wanted, needed the pain." I shivered. "The drugs were more than a sedative. The more of them I took, the less I felt when she was... doing what she did."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This isn't like you, Kara. Have you given up on yourself? What did I do on that miserable Sunday? Did I overreact by driving back to the city and leaving you alone?

I reached for you and turned you on your side. I saw your eyes go blank.

"No, Kara, I just want to hold you. Please? May I?" I felt myself on the verge of tears again. "I don't know how bad it was for you, and it's killing me to hear you, hear your voice. It's so dead, so devoid of emotion." I hesitated. "Would it be okay to cuddle?" You nodded, your eyes still dead. Okay, I'm so not doing this when she's like this.

I scooted closer, put an arm under yours, lifted you to my lap, pulled you to me, and held you close. I felt you tense when I picked you up but you relaxed when you realized what I was doing. It took a little while but your arm went around my waist and held me to you. Several minutes later the tears started. Yours started mine. Lovers held each other and sobbed, happy to be together after so long. Each of us in what I suspected was our own private hell.

I have no idea how long we cried. And it was a while after we stopped that we let each other go.

"Would you please kiss me?" I cried out in ecstasy, fell to the floor, took you in my arms and kissed you like you were water and I was near death from dehydration.

That urge to rip your clothes off threatened to take hold of me. I think kitty had more than a little something to do with it. Who knows how much yours was communicating with mine as our lips and tongues were doing what they were.

And hands. And hips. And that 'no sex' thing nearly went by the books. It took every bit of self control to stop myself. Kitty may never talk to me again. You are more important than that needy, greedy wench.

The kissing and other stuff stopped and giggling started. Mad, crazy, foolish giggling that quickly turned into both of us on our backs, pounding our fists on the floor. And, wonder of wonders, turning to each other and starting up again.

"Still love me?" Giggle.

"Still love me?" More giggling.

"You know kitty has been on a virtual hunger strike the whole time."

You cried.

Oh god... what have I done!! Just that fast you turned away from me, curled into a ball, and cried. Hard, gut wrenching sobs. I knew enough not to reach for you, to comfort you. I had no clue why you were crying.

The sobbing subsided eventually and I was surprised when it was replaced by light snoring. I waited and waited and waited. I didn't dare turn my shoulder to look for a clock for fear of waking you. I finally slithered my arm from beneath you and crawled away. Climbing to my feet, I walked to the door, opened it, and closed it behind me.

Both Shade and Destiny were on the couch. Each had coffee in hand.

"There's coffee made, honey. Go pour a cup." I did.

"How is she?" Shade asked as I sat on the floor in front of them.

"She's a mess." I blinked back tears. "I have no idea what those two idiots did to her but she's messed up. And drugged up as well if what she told me is any indication."

"What?" Destiny's one word was as much a demand for information as a question.

I looked at her and said, "Oxycodone; it seems Becky, maybe Bette, kept her drugged, maybe to control her. I didn't have the heart to press her for details. I'm not sure how hooked on them she is but I think it's more likely than not that she's pretty dependent on them." I bolted from my chair. "I better go see if she's okay. If you need to go, please do."

"We're here until we don't need to be, Lissy." Shade's voice was calm and matter of fact. I turned.

"How do I ever thank you both for all you've done for me... for us?" They both smiled.

"Go look after the woman you love!" was Destiny's response. Shade nodded.

I opened the door, froze, and cried out. You were gone. You had to be in the bathroom. I tried to push the door open; it took every bit of effort.

"Kara!!" Panic in my voice, I screamed it.

"Leave me alone."

"I will NEVER leave you again, lover. Never! Let me in please." I pushed at the door. I felt hands on either side of me. Destiny? Shade? The three of us pushed so I could get into the bathroom. I found you slumped on the floor, barely conscious. "Kara!! Oh my god, NO! Don't do this. Don't leave me, baby, not after all this time." I fell to my knees, sobbing. "Please don't." I bent and kissed you.

I turned, saw Shade, and said, my voice conveying my panic, "Call for help. I... she... oh my god!"

"Destiny's calling 911, Lissy."


It was getting close to 9pm when we said our goodbyes to Kara and headed out.

My final words to her were simple. "Sleep, lover." I smoothed her hair as I looked in dull blues. I was over the moon happy she was away from those two maniacs and out of my mind with concern for her - physically and emotionally.

Shade and Destiny pleaded with me to come back and spend the night with them. I wanted them to drop me at the train, go home, sleep, and drive to the hospital tomorrow. We stood in the hospital lobby and talked.

"I finally called work this afternoon and told them why I wasn't there. I took personal days today and tomorrow. I'll see how Kara is Sunday and make a decision about Monday."

"So you're going home primarily to get your car?"

"Yup, that's pretty much it. That and change my clothes."

"Doesn't it make more sense to stay at Kara's and use her car? The hospital is downtown. A cab wouldn't be the worst option if the weather is a concern." I shook my head.

"As miserable as it was last night, I'm not sure I want to trust cabs. Then again, driving isn't a great option either. This is what I mean. I need to sleep on it and decide some of this tomorrow. If it's not putting you out again I'll take you up on your offer tonight."

"Good, then that's settled. Honey, can you call Connie and have her whip up some light fare for us? We should be able to get to the restaurant in time to have her serve dinner when we arrive." These two are amazing!

That's what we did. Chicken breast, rice, and a veggie made up the menu. Simple and delicious. Connie served the same wine Shade and I for our dinner a little more than a week earlier.

After she left, Destiny said, "You seem to have a new admirer, Lissy."

I rolled my eyes. "Shade told me she's quite a flirt. It's no secret she's drop dead gorgeous. Is she like that all the time?"

"Yup, she's always gorgeous." I laughed at my silly faux pas. "And she's been a flirt since I've known her."

The rest of dinner was fairly quiet. I noticed that Connie didn't bring Shade a bill; no credit card slip, nothing.

The ride home was quick as the roads had been cleared. I hung up my own coat and turned to my hostesses and friends.

"I don't have words. Thanks to you both, which sounds so completely inadequate for all you've done. I hope I sleep till January." We all laughed. I gave them both kisses. "See you in the morning."

I don't remember falling asleep.

** December 20th **


I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time. Yes, I was worried. But I had seen Kara, kissed her, and held her. We'd figure out the rest. Me? I need a shower, fresh panties, and a change of clothes.

After my shower and the rest of my bathroom stuff I headed to the living room afterward.

"Good morning to you both. May I pour myself some coffee?" I stopped and gave both women a hug and kiss.

"Help yourself, Lissy. How did you sleep?"

As I poured coffee I said, "It may have been the best night of sleep I've had since the end of August." I asked the awkward question. "Destiny, do you have a pair of panties I could borrow. I hardly want to spend another minute in what I wore the last two days."

"Dear god, woman, why didn't you say somet... oh never mind. All you could think about was seeing your honey. Of course, let me get you something." I laughed.

"I have a robe on so I'm decent. We can sit for a bit and talk before we..." I was too late; she was turning the corner into their bedroom. I looked at Shade, who smiled. "That woman of yours has a great heart, Shade."

Destiny called to me. "I'll leave these on the bed."

"I have to leave, Lissy," Shade said, "but I wanted to see you first. I made some calls last night before we went to sleep. Friends of mine know people who have found themselves addicted to the drug that's giving Kara some trouble. I should have the name of a rehab facility very soon." My jaw dropped as she had talked. This woman amazes me!

Destiny looked at me as she came back, laughed, walked to Shade, kissed her warmly and said, "You're not the first person to have that look on her face, Lissy. She can pull some remarkable rabbits out of her hat." I shook my head.

"I appreciate it, Shade, more than I can express. The two of you have... I don't even know how to put the words together."

"Take care of that girl of yours, Lissy, and take care of you too." She said that as she stood from the chair. She bent and kissed me, her hand softly caressing my cheek, dark brown eyes warm. "It's our pleasure to help; believe that."

The two of them walked to the door, kissed, soft words were whispered, and Shade gave a little wave as she left.

Destiny asked, "May I drive you back to the hospital before I go to work, Lissy?" I smiled.


I sat in a chair, watching Kara sleep, and sipping coffee. A pretty woman, maybe about my age, came into the room.

"Oh, hi, I'm Susan. I'm taking care of our patient. I must have missed you when you walked past the nurse's station."

"Hi, Susan, I'm Lissy Stone. Kara is the love of my life." She smiled.

"Good for the two of you. She had a good night; slept very well according to morning report. She may be discharged if it's determined she's not a danger to herself. If it's okay to ask, will she be going home with you?" No hesitation.

"Absolutely. Are you aware of her possible drug addiction?" She nodded.

"Yup. It's not a fun drug to get out of your system. Do you have any idea how long she's been abusing it?" I gave her a very brief overview of the last few months.

"I'm sorry I can't be more specific. Has Kara been helpful with that?"

"No." We both turned. "I want out of this place. You left me again, Lissy." She shook her head. "We've been apart for all this time and you left me twice on the day we finally saw each other again." Twice? Oh, yeah... right. Geez!