Camping Threesome

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The day we got carried away while camping with hubby's buddy.
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"Brrrr" I said aloud, feeling the cold bite of the fall air on my arm as I climbed out of our tent. Goosebumps formed on my arms immediately. There wasn't frost on the ground yet, but it wasn't far off based on the temperature this morning.

My hubby, Ben, and I were meeting some friends deep in the woods for a weekend of camping at the edge of a lake, far off the beaten path. It was a cute little lake that someone told us about ages ago, one not really intended as a campsite, but suitable nonetheless. Ben and I had decided to come a day early to have time to ourselves before his buddy Dave, and a couple of other couples we know arrived for the weekend.

We'd set up our campsite on the edge of a great little grassy clearing near the edge of the lake. Ben was already up and had a little campfire going where he had made coffee and was cooking bacon, the wonderful smell that woke me from my slumber.

"Morning beautiful" Ben greeted me, flashing me his usual big smile. I smiled in return, still trying to shake off the cobwebs of a poor camping sleep. I don't tend to sleep well when I camp, always hearing little noises which sound much larger in the dark in the wilderness.

"Have you heard from the others? Do you know what time they're arriving?" I asked.

Ben chuckled, "No cell service out here, remember? I think they're coming a bit later this morning or afternoon. They may change their minds if those clouds keep coming our way." Tom pointed over my shoulder and over the treeline toward the sky.

I turned to look in the direction he was pointing, and sure enough, despite the best predictions of the weatherman the day before, there were some dark ominous clouds coming our way. I hoped the rain missed us, I was really looking forward to catching up with our friends. With our busy lives, we rarely got time to hang out anymore and I was feeling a bit lonely. "Oh damn. I hope it doesn't get us." I replied, "Christy and Sue were hard enough to convince when they thought the weather was going to be nice. You know how those city girls are."

Ben chuckled, "Yup, I was surprised they agreed at all. I've never known either to even get their hands dirty. Mike and Jason aren't much better."

Ben was right, Christy and Mike were true city people, living in a spotless white condo, no kids or pets. Sue and Jason had a home with a yard, but hired people to do all the yard work and cleaning. They were fun to hang around with, but a lot different than us.

He continued, "At least I know Dave will show up. He loves fishing and there's supposed to be some great ones out here."

I hadn't really considered this possibility of only Dave showing up and I felt a pang of sadness and jealousy. I'd anticipated a weekend with the girls while the guys all hung out. If the couples didn't show up, that would leave BEn and Dave to hang out, and me the 3rd wheel. "I hope the girls do too. I don't really want to sit here alone while you boys go fishing."

Tom looked at me, a look of concern on his face. I figured that he hadn't contemplated this scenario either. He tried to cheer me up, "Don't worry babe, I won't leave you. We'll all hang out together and make the best of it if the others don't show, but I'm sure they will." Now he teased me a bit, "I'm sure it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have us both to yourself. I know you think he's cute." he winked at me.

I gave Ben a dirty stare and a light punch in the shoulder for his silly comment. While Ben was correct that I did find Dave attractive, Ben was my husband and the only man I'd ever been with or wanted to be with.

We cleaned up after breakfast and decided on a short hike after breakfast to burn off the calories and take advantage of the weather while it held. We hiked up a huge nearby hill, following some old game trails and ended up at a beautiful clearing overlooking the valley. We decided to stay there for a bit and after a while, found ourselves making out like a couple of teenagers. I felt myself become very aroused, and when I let my hand brush across Ben's lap, it was evident he was also. We were getting pretty worked up, his hands up my top, my hand rubbing him through his shorts, but for some reason we both paused.

I spoke first, "We should probably get back to camp. Who knows if anyone can see or hear us from here."

Ben nodded, looking disappointed, then grinned and teased me again, "I know the truth, you just want to save yourself for Dave."

I gave him a shot in the arm again and we both laughed, dismissing his humor. I wasn't sure why he kept teasing me about Dave.

We got back to camp and heard a motorized vehicle somewhere very far off in the distance, but found no one at the campsite yet.

"I'm going to jump in the lake and get some of this sweat off me." I started to rummage through the tent.

"What are you looking for?" Ben asked.

"My bathing suit" I replied.

"Why? We're alone." Ben pointed out with a devilish grin.

He had a point. Why get my suit wet now? I decided to tease Ben more, knowing that the more I got him wound up now, the more likely he was to give me the attention I needed later. I lifted my shirt up over my head and tossed it into the tent, then turned my back to Ben, slowly lowering my shorts and bending at the waist as I dragged them over my butt. Ben grinned, never taking his eyes off me. I stood up, stepping out of my shorts and tossing them in with my shirt. Now I unfastened the back of my bra, still keeping my back to Ben, then removed it and added it to the other clothing. Ben kept watching intently. I hooked my thumbs into the sides of my little panties and eased them down next. Ben started to get up and move toward me but before he could get near, I stepped out of my panties and bolted, rushing into the cold water. It was exhilarating!

I loved the cold water on my skin, and being nude certainly added an element of naughty excitement. The cold water made my breasts even tighter and my nipples hard as rocks, with little hard bumps on my areolas. I took great pleasure in knowing that Ben was horny for me as I laid back and floated out, my perky breasts and hard nipples on display for him, but my smooth shaved pussy just out of sight below the waterline.

I don't know how long I was floating out there, lost in my thoughts, but when I finally lifted my head out of the water, I was mortified. There on the bank, not 20 feet away, were Ben and Dave, giving me a good stare. I yelped, then tried to cover my chest with one arm as I treaded water.

"I tried to call you to warn you babe" Ben assured me, a stupid grin on both their faces. "Not much point covering them now, we both had a good stare."

I scowled, then laughed. I wasn't ashamed of my body. To the contrary, I worked out nearly every day and was aging well and was pretty proud of my 35-year-old body. My butt was perky and tight, my waist was taught, my 34C breasts stood up on their own. Overall, I knew I was desired by men. I just didn't really feel comfortable having Dave stare at me, although there was no real harm in it.

I looked around briefly, seeing that Dave had come alone and had ridden in on the ATV we'd heard off in the distance. His camping gear was loaded and strapped down tightly on the rear of it.

Ben spoke, "Bad news Tiff, the others chickened out when they saw the forecast this morning. Dave was just telling me."

I was disappointed. I knew the rest of the weekend would consist of drinking and fishing, with me trying to entertain myself. "Can you boys be decent and turn around so I can get out of the water?"

Ben turned around right away, which I found humorous because he'd seen me naked more times than I could hope to recall, but Dave took his time. He stared into my eyes, then down slowly, as though taking a mental photograph, before winking at me and turning away. I was flustered by his attention, feeling slightly aroused by it while I was on display this way.

I swam to shore, watching the men to make sure they didn't turn around and then I sprinted past them and into my tent, grabbing my panties on the way by and then quickly zipping up the tent before getting dressed. I went to put on the same clothing, but then paused. I felt sexy and a bit naughty, so I dug around in my bag to find the special underwear I had brought for Ben, putting on a pair of naughty white lace panties and bra, then a skirt and tank top overtop. I hoped to tease Ben by flashing him so he could see what I was hiding under my skirt later.

When I climbed out of the tent, the guys were standing by the campfire, bottles in hand. Dave held one out for me and I eagerly took it and had a big pull from the bottle. I coughed, not realizing at first that it was straight whiskey.

"You okay sunshine?" Dave asked. That was his nickname for me. I found it endearing.

"Yes." I coughed again, clearing my throat. "I just wasn't ready for that." I dug around into our cooler and pulled out some ginger ale, pouring some into a cup and adding the whiskey. I took a sip, "That's better!"

True to his word Ben didn't leave me alone. The boys did do a bit of fishing, but stayed at our campsite while they did.

Dave, always a great fisherman, landed a beautiful trout, "Guess what we're having for dinner tonight?" he announced triumphantly when the beautiful fish was dead in his hands.

The boys made dinner, cooking the delicious fish with some potatoes. Our bellies full, we sat near the fire and drank more. The air got chilly again so we added a couple more logs to the campfire.

Dave rummaged through his gear and pulled out a nice little Bluetooth speaker, turning it on and playing some music. I've always loved dancing, and within seconds, I was on my feet, swaying to the beat. I motioned for Ben to join me and he slowly got up and came to me. We danced, but Ben was obviously pretty drunk already and stumbled quite a bit, not that I was in much better shape at this point. After a couple of songs, Ben apologized and stumbled back to his seat, watching me before announcing, "Dave's turn!"

I barely heard Ben's words, still lost in the rhythmic sounds filling the air, then I felt Dave step up against me from behind. He started to sway and bump into me as we both danced. I watched Ben as he continued to pull from his bottle. I felt Dave's hands on my hips as he tried to coordinate our movements, and soon we were tight together, swaying to the beat. I was drunk, not too drunk to notice Dave's hardon pressed against my ass though. Ben didn't react to what he could see, so I foolishly allowed Dave to keep pressing his hard cock against me. Truth be told, he was making me very horny and I was planning to take it out on Ben later this evening.

After a couple more songs, I felt Dave move his hands up my sides, inching toward my breasts. I was slow to react, not really noticing until his hands slid under the bottom of my breasts, making contact with them. I wasn't going to allow Dave to go further because I was faithful to Ben and didn't want to upset him, nor did I want to cause issues between the men just because of some drunken stupidity. I moved forward, brushing Dave's hands away and moving to Ben. I sat next to my husband, watching Dave as he continued to dance as though I were still there with him. Even though it was now dark, between the moonlight and the campfire, I was sure I could see Dave's hardon pushing his shorts out. I got a shiver of pleasure as I tried to picture it for a moment. What was wrong with me? I'd never looked at Dave that way before Ben started his stupid teasing!

Ben leaned over to me, whispering in my ear, "You two sure looked like you were having fun."

I tried to reassure him that it was all innocent, "Yup, I love dancing hun. And he's a good dancer."

Ben paused, taking another swig of his drink, "That didn't look much like dancing from here. I think he was hitting on you." he whispered. I was worried that Ben was upset by what he'd seen until he continued, "It was pretty hot to watch."

I wasn't sure what to say. Ben was right, his buddy was certainly hitting on me, his hard cock pressed against my ass as he did. If he wasn't hitting on me, he was enjoying rubbing his cock against me.

Ben spoke, assuring me again, "I liked it." He took another drink. "You should dance with him some more." I didn't understand why Ben kept suggesting I get closer to Dave. He'd never acted this way so I chalked it up to his horniness earlier and his drunkenness now.

I dismissed Ben's suggestion, "No hun, I only want to dance with you." Truth be told, I had enjoyed feeling Dave's attention. Ben was my first and only lover and we'd been together for well over 15 years now. I loved Ben and never wanted anyone else, but that's not to say that I didn't occasionally fantasize about what it might be like to be with a handsome stranger.

There was a long pause before Ben turned and kissed me, staring into my eyes as he did, before leaning back in his chair again and slurring, "Too bad. You two are pretty hot together."

I was really confused by Ben's constant teasing about Dave. Was he suggesting that he liked watching me getting hit on by his buddy? I was sure he was, but part of me wondered if he was suggesting more than just dancing with Dave. I took another sip of my drink, my head starting to swim a bit more than I liked. I turned to watch Dave who was still dancing by himself. I started to really look at Dave in a way I never had before, imagining what he might look like without his pants on. I'd seen him topless many times, helping around our property or swimming at our pool, but I'd never fantasized about him before, and I was starting to now. "No!" I scolded myself, "You will not stray!" Damn Ben and his constant teasing!

"What's that babe?" Ben asked, not quite hearing my whisper to myself.

"Nothing hun, just singing to myself." I lied.

"Oh oh!" Dave announced, "I think I feel some rain starting. I better set up my tent." It was dark now, and when Dave arrived, his only priorities had been drinking and fishing.

"Ben, why don't you help Dave set up his tent?" I suggested.

Ben nodded, getting up awkwardly and stumbling towards the ATV where Dave was now trying to unload his gear.

Sure enough, the few drops of water started to multiply, followed by more and turning into a very light shower. I retreated into our tent to get changed, my skirt and top being insufficient now. I checked the time, surprised to see that it was already 11pm. I had planned to just grab a jacket and put on some pants, but seeing the time, I thought maybe it was time to turn in. I waited for Ben to return. I wanted his cock before he got too drunk or tired to use it. I stripped off my shirt and shorts, leaving only my sexy underwear as I climbed under our blankets. When we camped, we always used a big air mattress with a blanket over it and 2 more on top, finding it the most comfortable setup.

I heard the guys talking and swearing for a few minutes, then heard Ben's footsteps before he climbed into the tent. "Fucking tent!" he exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked as Ben started to crawl into the tent.

"One of the bar things is broken." he slurred, awkwardly climbing past me onto his side before continuing, "Dave's going to crash with us."

Before I could fully process this statement, Dave's head appeared in the doorway, "I hope you don't mind Tiffany. My tent is fucked. That stupid bar must have broken from bouncing around on the machine."

I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me. Ben had been getting me worked up sexually all day, and Dave had pushed my level of horniness to the top. I now realized I wouldn't be getting my release tonight. Just as well, it was getting late and we were all pretty drunk at this point.

I kept the blankets pulled up to my chin, embarrassed and slightly flustered that I was only wearing sexy underwear this close to Dave, although after having him see me skinny dipping, I shouldn't have been.

"Dave can sleep on that side with his sleeping bag." Ben stated, referring to the space beside the mattress on my side.

Sure enough, Dave had dragged his sleeping bag into the tent with him and was laying it out. Unfortunately, our big air mattress nearly filled the entire floorspace, leaving Dave about a foot of space between our mattress and the wall of the tent. "Do you guys think I could sleep on the air mattress? There isn't much room on the floor." he asked.

Ben replied right away, "Of course! You can sleep beside Tiff."

Ben stripped down to his underwear and climbed under the blankets. I had my back to Dave, but felt the mattress moving and heard him getting changed and into his sleeping bag behind me. "Night you two."

I nuzzled up to Ben who was laying on his back, sliding my leg over his thigh and resting my head on his chest with his arm around me in the position we usually cuddled up in. He didn't react, so I assumed he was already sleeping. I resigned myself to sleep, but as I was dozing off, I felt Ben's hand starting to caress me, slowly sliding up my side until he found my breast, rubbing it through my lace bra.

What was he thinking? I wondered what his drunken intentions were. Surely he wasn't thinking about being intimate with his friend laying right beside me. We couldn't possibly do anything sexual. I let Ben touch me, assuming this was drunken foolishness which he'd stop soon, but he kept fondling my breast, finally pinching my nipple. He moved his thigh, pushing it up between my legs further until it met my pussy. As soon as it made contact with my privates, I got a jolt of pleasure course though me. I was horny and drunk and was starting to lose willpower, finally sliding my hand down Tom's chest and tummy until it got to his underpants. He was hard as steel, so I gently rubbed his cock through his shorts until I couldn't hold back and needed to touch his flesh. I slipped my hand underneath the elastic waistband, finding his burning cock head.

I wrapped my little hand around Ben's cock, loving the intense heat it was giving off. I resigned myself to be content to give him a hand job, and if I was lucky, get myself off on his thigh so that Dave was none the wiser. I slowly looked over my shoulder to see if Dave was awake as he hadn't moved since climbing into his bag. I was surprised to find him staring at me with a big grin on his face. I froze, knowing that Dave likely knew something was happening, but then I felt Ben's hand wrap around mine and he started to move my hand up and down his cock. He obviously wasn't aware that Dave was still awake, or maybe he didn't care. I was embarrassed to have Dave know we were doing something sexual next to him, but Ben kept distracting me by moving my hand along his shaft.

I turned back to Ben, unsure of what to do. Should I tell him that Dave was awake? Should we stop? Was it that big a deal? After all, I was still dressed and Dave couldn't see anything that was happening, and it wasn't like he didn't know that Ben and I had sex sometimes. As I contemplated my options, I felt Ben pull me tighter against him, his hand went to back of my head as he tried to push it, whispering, "Please babe. I need your mouth so bad."

How could I give Ben a blowjob with his buddy laying behind me just inches away? He'd know for sure what I was doing! He'd look at me as a dirty girl, not just as his buddy's wife. My head swam, unclear because of the booze that filled my blood. Would it be that bad if I did it? The thought made me feel even hornier, and naughtier. It's not like he'd see anything, and not like he would be shocked to find out that I give Ben oral sex sometimes.

As I contemplated my thoughts, Ben's hand pushed at my head again and with me having little inhibitions due to the booze, I let him guide me down his body. I slid down under the covers, finding and guiding his cock into my mouth. I heard Ben moan quietly. I loved the feeling of his burning cock in my mouth and I soon found myself fondling his balls as I slowly sucked him, working up and down his shaft. I felt so naughty and was incredibly horny, knowing that Dave was right beside us as I did this dirty thing to my husband, wearing only a pair of my sexiest lace underwear. I focused on Ben, always fascinated by the feel of his hard cock when I sucked it. Ben's hand was tangled in my long red hair, guiding my mouth up and down.