Deep Down Inside Ch. 17-20


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Her face had an afterglow, the subdued blissfulness that only comes from arousal. She was still coming down from being eaten out only minutes ago and now half dressed and alone in a room with another man.

She took a seat off to the side of Kaden, leaving a comfortable three feet between them. Camille's arm crossed her chest just under her tits, with her fingers securing themselves into the fabric of the towel. Her knees were touching and slowly moving against one another in tiny circles, but her face looked at ease. By comparison, Kaden sat in such a way that he took up half the couch. He'd crossed his legs but spread them apart so that his ankle rested on his knee. His brawny arm lay over the back of the couch, the lean, developed muscles were flecked by sun-bleached hair that sparkled like the salt on a thick pretzel stick. His orange tank top left his shoulders and the center and sides of his pecks exposed enough to make out their solid definition. His shorts were baggy, but had fallen back some, showing off more muscles along his thighs.

Kaden asked about her Ashtanga conference and I was impressed he remembered. Camille sparked up and jumped right into how wonderful the community was. I know she was envisioning herself becoming a part of it. She'd come back from the conference horny but the morning afterwards she'd fallen into a somber, spiritually awakened mood that lasted most of the week, which is why I was pleasantly surprised she'd agreed to let me take pictures of her and reveal one to Kaden via our staged phone call.

"There was just no bullshit with that group. They were all so open and accepting." Almost as if to illustrate her meaning her knees relaxed and fell an inch apart. She'd created just enough thigh gap that from my vantage point I could see shadow between her legs. Kaden couldn't see, but was certainly aware a straight on view of Camille would've been priceless.

Camille had a bad habit of never putting away our bong, and so the small glass tower sat in the middle of the coffee table and Kaden pointed at it.

"Would you care for some?" She asked, in modern hostess fashion.

"Do donkeys have donkey dicks?"

She slid the bong towards him but Kaden protested, "Ladies first."

She sat back on the couch with the bong in her lap. We weren't stoners, just a single hit or two now and then, and the bowl was left packed. The effects were instantaneous. As she exhaled her body eased against the couch back and her legs parted just a little more than before. She handed it to Kaden and he put his lips to the rim of the bong where my wife's lips had just been. He inhaled and then broke into coughing after taking in a little too much smoke.

Camille laughed out loud. A real giddy laugh. The undersides of her eyes were a little puffy, a result of the pot, and coupled with her hair being down and falling freely around her face, she looked even more wild and sexy than before.

Kaden recovered and looked towards her with one eye and a tilted head. "You're laughing at me?"

This only made Camille giggle harder. "Wow, all that rock climbing has really given you the lungs of a beast."

"Fuck you," he said, still coughing and trying to recover. "I'll put my rock climbers lungs against your crazy yoga-"

"Ashtanga," she clarified.

"That's it, Ass-tanga. I'll put my lungs up against your Ass-tanga lungs any day." He put up one finger, asking for a minute, and then sealed his lips around the bong again. He took a long, steady inhale, tipping the one finger down to point at the bong and his more than impressive hit. He finally pulled away and issued a huge plume of smoke that was quickly scattered into the room by the ceiling fans. He thumped his fist against his chest and offered the bong back to her.

She thinned her eyes at his challenge and accepted the bong. I'm pretty sure she'd had a hit before I'd made it home, so another one at this point would definitely leave her stoned. She began a steady inhale, but the gurgle from inside the bong was far more subdued than on Kaden's massive hit.

When she was done she exhaled a plume about half the volume of Kaden's and he was quick to comment. "Not even close."

For her, it was still an extremely large toke and it left her a bit dazed and she patted her towel covered breast, presumably to comfort her lungs.

"Don't feel bad, Camille." He thumped his chest again. "I've always had high capacity lungs."

"What are you talking about, I counted to thirty in my head and you only got up to twenty-eight."

"Oh, don't even make that comparison. You took a long drag but not nearly as aggressive. See, that's the difference between men and women—men know when they play who's got the bigger dick, a measuring tape is all they need to settle it. But women will come up with one excuse after another to dodge defeat. And every woman will tell you, size is all that matters."

"So predictable."

"That's right, tuck your tail between your legs, 'cuz you know better than to play bigger dick with Kid Kaden." He spread his legs even wider, calling attention to his crotch.

Camille's eyes went there just before rolling in disbelief over his silly, suggestive boasting.

"My God you are just a testosterone bomb. I mean you never miss an opportunity to degrade yourself, do you?"

"I can't help it, fiery women bring out the worst in me."

"Wow, what a lucky girl I am to bring out the worst in a man."

Camille was completely at ease now, laughing at his every word and becoming more animated on the couch. Kaden asked about the Ashtanga conference again, and specifically if the whole room was doing crazy handstands. Camille shook her head dramatically, saying, "Nope, nada!" She went on to explain how there were only four difficult poses, and the group was more at a moderate level.

"We did Sirsasna a few times, a lot of the class had trouble. There were two other guys who were really good. We were the only ones who could stay up for the whole routine." She tried to turn towards Kaden by setting her left knee on the couch, but with the short towel it would've turned into a free show for sure. She ended up putting her hand between her legs to shove the towel down and hide her crotch and then brought up her left leg and folded it so her heel was under her thigh. She then went on about her teacher again. "Ben demonstrated so many cool poses. Stuff I'd never seen." She slapped a hand on Kaden's shoulder to further press on him just how great Ben was. "He's just amazing! I kept thinking he'd have us try one of the complex ones, but then the actual routines were down dog into warrior poses and blah, blah, blah. I know why he did it but it was such a tease watching him."

"That's a bummer."

"No, well I mean the conference was more about Ashtanga—all of Ashtanga, the history, the breath work... Ben's just smart. He just knows everything and everyone."

Camille's unbridled enthusiasm for the Ashtanga teacher became apparent when she leaned forward and rested a hand on Kaden's thigh. She was stoned, the fuzzy tunnel vision of her mind probably blocked out how she was dressed or who she was talking to. She was speaking of her passion and her raw energy was enthralling when coupled with her gorgeous face and intriguingly, beautiful eyes. Kaden went silent and just listened, and I don't think I've ever seen him stay silent for so long.

"I had a few minutes with Ben after the class and he told me he was impressed with my poses. He said he'd love to work with me on a more advanced level and that I should definitely take his summer workshop." She put both hands on the upper part of her left breast, showing how touched she was at being singled out. This meant that her left hand was no longer keeping the towel tucked between her legs so it rose up and bridged between the thigh bent on the couch and the thigh spread off to the right with that foot on the floor.

Nothing hid her sex from Kaden. There couldn't have been enough shadow to completely obscure the luscious slit of her vagina, and unlike the image on my phone, it was in person, with her seated right beside him. Camille's eyes went towards the ceiling when she clutched her chest, and Kaden's eyes were glued to her face. He could've feasted them on her naked, youthful pussy as Camille looked wistfully upwards, but instead chose to gaze on her radiant face as she spoke quick and excitedly. Her head then came down, her hand again shoving the towel between her legs.

"What's so funny?" she asked, commenting on his gaping maw. She was genuinely stoned, I could hear it in her voice, and she really was clueless to the fact she'd completely broken the big guy. The revealing picture on my phone had a bigger impact than I'd first thought. It was enough for him to drive over to our house just to see more of her. But her radiance and zeal for life broke down whatever defenses he had left. I could see it in his serene face - he was infatuated with my wife. He wanted Camille bad!

"Come on, what is it?"

"Nothing," he responded, breaking his fixation by shaking out his wavy blonde hair.

"Fuck you, Kaden, what is it?"

"Alright. I just never thought I'd see the day that the elusive Camille would fawn all over some guy."

"Who? Ben?"

"Someone's hot for teacher."

"Ha! All the girls were hot for teacher."

"Camille, Camille, Camille! You naughty, naughty girl!"

"Oh shut up." She jabbed him in his chest. "You're as bad as Alex."

"Nope, I'm way worse."

"Oh, is that so."


Camille had leaned forward, her right hand was on his thigh and his right hand delicately coddled her bare shoulder. He was so sly about it that I hadn't seen it move from the couch to her skin. Camille was stoned—very stoned. Pot makes her horny and she'd been riding a sexual roller coaster all night. No question she was on fucking fire. Her pussy had to be aching for attention. Kaden's shorts had a visible bulge. He didn't have a hardon but his cock had thickened up and lengthened as cocks do before liftoff. It was clear where The Beast ended on his thigh, and it confirmed once and for all just how big he really was. In fact, Camille's hand was only inches away from its head.

The way he looked at her... she was beginning to realize something was happening. Both their smiles eased from amusement down into thrilling intrigue. Camille's towel-covered chest rose and fell dramatically. Kaden eased further back into the couch, a move that seemed to invite her on top of him. He brought a hand to her face and cleared a few strands of hair from her cheeks.

Jealous, jealous, jealousy! My body was shutting down and I felt like I was melting into the carpet as I quietly panicked within my skull. Was my wife about to make out with another man? With fucking Kaden? Kaden was only about Kaden, but was Camille only about Camille? I was moments away from knowing if my wife would lay under my friend and accept his big cock inside her desirable body, and yet I was sure I'd always feel secure in my relationship with her no matter what. Not even that would destroy us. But I wasn't so sure how secure I'd feel in general—about myself. That was the thing—my ego wasn't handling it well. I may have had some strange kinks but I wasn't fucking second to any fucking man. Definitely not an asshole like Kaden.

As I sat there in the shadows, parylized by conflicting emotions, Kaden made the move, steering his lips towards hers and sliding that hand from her cheek to the back of her head.

Camille jerked back and away from him. "Kaden.... Wow."

He stood up swiftly, disregarding the semi in his shorts, and pushed a hand into his hair. "Shit, fuck. Sorry, I'm really stoned."

They both looked woozy, even after suddenly pulling away from each other, their salacious ebb and flow lingered, slowly parting like untethered cobwebs. Camille straightened herself out on the couch, as Kaden turned, looking to be going somewhere, but then turned back again.

She rose and gathered his empty cup of ice water and brought it to the brightly lit kitchen as Kaden said, "I should get going, Camille."

"OK, Kaden. And thank you for bringing back Alex's phone."

His feet seemed glued to the hardwood for a moment and then he led himself down the narrow hall to our oak front door, where he laced up his Adidas and left.

A few minutes later Camille found me upstairs in our bedroom. I took a step forward and leaned in so our foreheads met. "You crushed him."

"You think?"

"I know it."

"He left awfully fast."


She took a step back. "It's a shame because I was about to pull one of these." She gently scratched her shoulder, while slyly slipping her thumb under the towel and pulling to loosen it. Her hand came away and the towel "accidentally" dropped to the floor.

Goddammit! The reveal fired up me like a horse-sized shot of endorphins. She was such a natural beauty. Her movie star smile and an Instagram body never failed to make me crazy.

"God dammit you are amazing."

"Really?" she said, as she turned to check herself out in the mirrored closet door.

The thought of her dropping the towel in front of Kaden brought back all my conflicted emotions. I actually would've loved to see that. In fact, the desire was so strong a rush of courage overtook me and I began uttering my thoughts aloud, uncertain where they might lead.

"I wish to God you dropped your towel."

It was my honest tone more than what was said that caused her to look back over her shoulder.

Her eyes widened with intrigue. "Is this real life?" she weakly kidded, quoting an old internet meme. Her lips parted and swelled in their thickness, as if her excitement had suddenly reached a boil. I came behind her and took a massaging grip on her shoulders.

"You...". She began hesitantly. "You really wanted me to...?"

"Yes," I answered emphatically, as I circled my hand around in front and hugged her across her chest. I pulled her close and amended my answer. "...and no. I'd have also settled for you punching him in the dick."

She laughed. "He made me take a really big hit of pot. I'm so stoned."

She didn't want me to fuck with her head, and I assured her, "This is real life. "

"This is getting intense. What do you think would've happened if I'd dropped my towel?"

"I don't know."

"And that would be OK, or..."

"I don't know. I just know I'm twice the man Kaden is, and I don't want him to think otherwise."

"I know you are. You know you are."

"It's dumb," I said, hiding my face in the crux of her neck. "It's dumb to give a fuck what he thinks about me or you or any of this, I know that. But none of this is rational."

"So my husband isn't jealous, just prideful. Interesting."

"Interesting? Is that what you call it?"

"I don't know what to call it. But we'll figure it out, Alex." She gasped again. "We'll figure it out."

Chapter 18: The Endless Face

Abi kicked off the wall, jumped the last five feet and landed comfortably on a padded floor, with Camille running up for a high-five. Kaden landed solidly behind her and waved Jane over.

"You all done texting? Are you ready to try this?"

She shuffled over to the wall, as Kaden joked to the rest of us, "My own girlfriend and this is the first time she's made it to the gym. I was thinking I'd have to hide her phone at the top of the wall."

"K, don't make me sound like I can't handle myself."

"Nobody thinks that, Jane."

She latched onto the brightly colored pegs and started up the wall with Kaden climbing beside, pointing out the various, oddly shaped handholds. Jane proved surprisingly coordinated, even though she looked less stable than Abi had.

"He knows his stuff," Abi said to Camille and I, as the three of us stood off the mat and watched the couple ascend the two story slab littered with colorful climbing pegs. "Nice buns! You gotta like that."

Abi had huge brown eyes and a small head. Small tits, too, but that wasn't a bad thing. She threw an arm around Camille and faced me. "Alex, would you let me kidnap Camille next Saturday night to go dancing?"

"I haven't been out dancing since we worked together," Camille said, shying away from the idea.

"What? You had moves, girl. You kept up. Alex, are you keeping her from having any fun?"

"Don't blame him. I only went out clubbing back in the day because that's all you ever wanted to do."

"Bullshit, yoga queen. I remember us Ubering home at four in the morning."

Abi then struck a pose and began popping her hips. She got lower, adding a thigh lift, and then worked it towards Camille. "Come on, Camilly Cyrus, gimme a hip bump."

Camille dropped down low and my eyes bugged out at how smoothly she attacked the move. The sound of shoes skimming walls and the shattered echoes inside the enormous concrete cube gave the gym a lively atmosphere—the club without the music—and the hollow interior seemed to welcome their routine. Camille mirrored Abi's hard packed moves, and bumped asses with her, once, twice, three times before Camille stood up straight and blushed at having just done that in the middle of a rock climbing gym.

Abi was definitely a wild one, the type who could tow a party from dusk to dawn. I could only imagine a girl in her scene losing count of her shots as free Fireballs and Molly were shoved at them by a rotating handsome crowd of CEOs down to the facially tattooed. The whole male spectrum worshiped pretty faces, and Abi's girls surely picked through them like a platter of tapas.

Camille then grabbed Abi's shoulders and cranked them back to straighten her spine, and Abi complained, "Oh my God, you and my mother both, always with the posture."

"How is it that you have perfect posture when you dance but the instant you stop you go complete knuckle dragger? You need to come to yoga."

"You really think a bunch of bitches with their asses in the air will fix my posture?"

"Tell her, Alex, tell her how much hotter Abi would be if she just kept her shoulders back."

"It's a better look," I said, and then added, "It pops out your chest." I waved my hands over myself where a woman's tits would be.

She looked down at her small boobs, "Alright, sign me up."

Abi then asked if I'd always been posture perfect or if my wife had a hand in it.

Camille jumped in, running a hand up my back. "He's always had good posture. My Alex is just a little shy."

"Camille tells me you're a kinky one, though." She winked and stared from the corner of her eye.

Camille shrieked at her, "Abi!"

"What did you tell her?" I cautiously asked, hoping she hadn't dished on my dark side, of which there was too much to parse through and even attempt to guess.

"You're a pictures guy," Abi announced loudly. "You take nekids." She lifted her loose tank top to flash her sports bra.

"OK, guilty as charged," I said, trying not to sound too relieved, and then I grabbed Camille by the shoulders and held her at arms length to give her the once over, "But.... come on!"

"Oh, I get it! I'm not judging." She then looked at me suspiciously, her huge brown eyes thinning to almost nothing. "You have bigger kinks than that, though. There's something lurking behind those eyes, shy boy. What else are you cooking up in your handsome head for my bestie?"

"I'd rather not corrupt the innocent," I responded, leaning in to meet her incriminating gaze.

"Did he just call me innocent? Do you think I'm innocent? Camille you're gonna need to give him a hall pass and let me show him what's up."

"If I give Alex a hall pass he'll run straight to the girl on The Magicians."

"I don't even know what The Magicians is," Abi laughed.