Deep Down Inside Ch. 17-20


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"Just one room?" Camille asked, her voice climbing with curiosity.

"Three hundred a pop, so I just got the one. Double queens though. But if your wife's still mad at me, Alex, they probably have more."

"What makes you think I'm mad at you?"

"Oh, you're mad at me. I've seen you fly into a rant over some guy for just ogling your tits."

"You're drunk, Kaden."

"Drunk on power!" He toasted the empty air.

"I'm pretty sure it's just the scotch," Camille derided.

"Admit it, Camille, you kinda liked it—my joke."

I expected her to laugh in his face again, instead she stayed quiet for a moment and then somberly answered, "I should probably be madder than I am."

Kaden smiled dumbly, too drunk to extract her meaning. My dick twitched and I stayed quiet, giving her space to strike again. He finally shook his phone, which had been pinched in his hand the entire time, and said, "Jane just got off the beach and saw my text. It's three-thirty in the afternoon in Australia and she's jet lagged like a mother."

"Is she hopping on the first flight back?" I asked, doing my own impression of Kaden's cocky smile.

"Ha! I'm learning she's not the possessive type." He took a deep breath, and let it out as he spoke, "Jane thinks someone as classy as Camille deserves better than being inappropriately harassed. Her words, not mine. She's officially offended on your behalf, Camille. She respects you. Everyone loves Camille."

"Well you can tell her the respect is mutual."

"But her friend Miranda says she should move on. Do Australia as a single woman. Why the fuck is Miranda saying anything? She should go suck another twenty dicks and shut up."

At this point Camille asked for a sip of his scotch and then slyly held on to it as we headed to the elevator. When Kaden had initially mentioned the one room, I'd flashed on the three of us crowded onto a single queen size and my hands flinched reflexively as they had before. I swallowed hard, driving my unwanted desires down until they barely simmered in my blood. Even if my heart could fully commit, the impending break up between Kaden and Jane had become clear and it wasn't the time. Also, he was drunk as shit.

The room was nice, wood planked walls coated in a clear varnish that forever sealed in their yellowish, sappy youth. The whole building was constructed out of the same wood, like they'd clear cut an area and then used the remains to build a monument to its demise. Kaden flipped on the TV and then flopped on the bed. Camille has a thing about hotels, even nice ones, and she demanded Kaden to get up so she could strip off the thick cover.

"They don't wash these," she said, pinching it like it was toxic. "It's really gross."

She piled the bed cover at the foot of the bed and then we removed ours. We were both a little surprised to see Kaden stripped down to his boxer briefs and sprawled out on top of his blankets and sheets. There were only four TV stations and then a bunch of pay-per-view, and while Camille stepped out onto the balcony to sip the last of Kaden's scotch, Kaden selected a movie off the adult content menu.

"Are you fucking serious, man?"

"This looks good! Come on, this shit'll be funny."

We hadn't bothered to get our jackets from the car, and Camille shivered, her sweater top and tight black skirt exposing lots of bare skin to the late night wind. I stepped outside and wrapped my arms around her waist, as we took in our fourth floor view. The ocean was black in the distance, being tickled underneath by the tips of even blacker pine trees. The moon had inched its way up and shined straight down from the center of a sky glittering with stars.

Someone had lined up pebbles on the wooden railing, leading me to believe a family had been the last residents of the room and the pebbles placed by germy little hands. When Camille and I were alone and only speaking of other lovers, everything flowed like silky cream. But maybe those fantasies simply lacked the immune system to survive real life. I picked up one of the pebbles and tossed it as far into the trees as I could. I scooped up the rest, divided them between us, and then we both hurled them into the woods, listening as they swooshed through pine needles and knocked on branches.

The cheesy, electric guitar theme for the movie died down, and Kaden called out that we were going to miss it. Camille leaned way over the edge and asked if this was really happening.

"He's not going to watch it. He's just trying to make you crazy."

We stayed out on the balcony, unfortunately the quiet made it impossible to ignore the dialogue from Kaden's movie and I found myself following the plot of a porn instead of relishing a moment with my wife.

From what I gathered a football player was harassing the school valedictorian because she got his teammate Beef suspended for copying answers off her boyfriend's test.

"Our football team is nothing without Beef and Clarksdale High is nothing without football."

Paper rustled and then the girl shouted for him to give it back.

"What's this? 'Vote Annabelle for student body president!' Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding. I'm exactly the type of person this school needs and everybody knows it."

"I'll tell you what. I'm going to run for student body president. And if you win, I'll tell Beef to leave your boyfriend alone. But if I win, I get to bang you in the boys locker room. Deal?"

"Nobody will vote for you, Richie. Nobody even likes you."

"Then it's a bet! See ya around, Annabelle."

"Jesus," Camille exclaimed at the TV's audio. "Is that really what guys consider hot?"

"It loses a little something without the visuals."

"I was sure he'd be asleep by now."

"Maybe he's sobering up."


"He's angry about Jane. He's just acting out against her whole gender. Want me to have him turn it off?"

"Not if he gets some weird satisfaction in thinking he got to me."

"Alright then. Actually, I'd kinda like to know if Anabelle makes student body president."

"You're such a goof."

As we surveyed the dark forest below, the hoot of an owl came from just a few trees out. It seemed a complaint over the latest TV plot development, in which Richie was having expletive laden sex with the teacher in charge of the election committee. And Camille leaned into my arms for both warmth and love, as the amplified sounds of penetration made the wind feel like someone's breath and the leafy woods fluttered like it was alive and tingling.

"I give up. I'm going to get a rinse. See if we can get our own room."

I followed her in, pulling the sliding glass door closed behind us. She took a path directly in front of the TV, forcing Kaden to watch her pass. She added a little oomph to her sexy stride just to be cruel. His eyes broke from the TV long enough to follow her until she disappeared around the corner.

"Hey Camille, think you could get one of those glasses out of there and bring me some water?"

To my surprise she returned with full glass, dipped her finger into it and then flicked the water on Kaden's nose before handing it over. She then spun and headed back into the bathroom.

I sat on the second bed, and from my vantage point I could see the doorway to the bathroom. She stood in it and listened as Kaden apologized to me but said he couldn't resist pushing her buttons.

I stared past Kaden's feet to my wife as she grabbed the hem of her sweater and lifted it over her head. Her tits were pert enough she hadn't needed a bra, and she stood there bare chested and then twirled a finger around her lissom nipple as she stepped back out of sight towards the shower.

I laid back, picked up the old style phone and punched the front desk button. I kept my hand over the receiver to mask out the sound of the porno as a hostess set me up in the room next door to Kaden's. I thanked her, and she said someone with a key for the room would be up shortly.

With that out of the way I lay back on the bed and watched the porn with Kaden. It had progressed to something of a plot point. Ritchie was trying to earn the endorsement for student body president from the captain of the basketball team, who happened to be the most popular guy on campus. He approached him during basketball practice and called him out in front of his whole team, challenging him to a pushup contest. The deal was if Ritchie beat the captain the fit tall senior would offer his endorsement.

As the two muscular guys got into a prone position on the court, Ritchie waved a hand at two girls standing near the gym entrance. The group of sweaty men in Clarksdale High uniforms parted to let the sexy creatures through.

"What's this?" asked the basketball captain, tracking the petite blondes dressed in bandeau tubes and low rise shorts.

"They can't weigh more than a buck-ten each, so I thought I'd make things a little more interesting."

Camille entered the room in nothing but a towel, stopping at the edge of Kaden's bed to glance at the TV just as the two women kneeled on the backs of the competing jocks. Kaden gave her a slow once over, treasuring the sight of her body, and then he crawled off the bed and onto the carpet beside Camille's feet. He propped himself on his arms and called up to her, "Get on. I can whoop both these fucks."

"I'm more than a buck-ten, Kaden."

"Doesn't matter, I'll still whoop 'em."

She looked at me from across the way and inquired with her eyes as to the status of our room. I gave her a big thumbs up. She then narrowed her eyes and formed a wicked grin, before telling Kaden that he'd been warned as she began sitting herself down on top of him. The towel she'd wrapped around her body barely covered her butt, and as she came into a sitting position it rose up so her bare ass took a seat on Kaden's hard, underwear clad buns. Seated with her butt on his she brought her knees up and positioned her feet by his shoulders. She reached down and grabbed his waist to keep herself balanced as Kaden lowered his rigid body to the ground.

Kaden grunted as his beefy arms powered them both upwards. Camille shrieked, leaned forward and laughed as the angle of his back shifted and caused her to momentarily lose balance.

"One," shouted the audience of big-eyed basketball players on TV. "Two! Three!"

Kaden held his own against the two muscular porn stars, looking every bit as strong. He asked Camille if she was a valedictorian and I knew right then he'd developed an association between the esteemed Anabelle and my well respected wife. Anabelle had yet to do anything nasty in the film, but surely it was coming, and when it did, no doubt Kaden would be thinking of Camille.

The contest in the porno then took a turn as Ritchie winked upwards at the girl on the captain's back and she pulled her bandeau tube down to reveal two perky tits. The girl on Ritchie's back followed suit, exposing her slightly larger tits that shook each time he'd lower her body to the ground.

The girls then reached for one another from across the guys' backs, and leaned over far enough for their lips to meet. They began to French and fondle one another, eliciting an approving series of groans from the surrounding basketball players. The sound of his teammates alerted the captain to the action taking place on his back and, when he looked up to see the petite blonde on his back taking the other girl's nipple into her mouth, he suddenly couldn't look away. I immediately knew their antics were going to cost the captain the contest.

"Kinda indicative of life," Kaden remarked as he eked out another push up alongside the TV characters. "A man supporting a woman only to have her become his downfall."

"Except I'm the one up here in danger of falling."

"Ha! You know I would never let you fall."

Camille lifted a foot from his shoulder and tickled his ear. Kaden turned his head and nipped at it as she screamed.

The girls on TV had slid a hand into each other's shorts and moaned into each other's faces as their fingers probed into their clean-shaven pussies. When I looked back at Camille she was staring right at me with spitefully puckered lips. And then, she licked her lips, closing her eyes and opening her mouth in a look that mocked the two girls on TV, who moaned and squealed profusely as they wildly fucked each other with their fingers. Their shorts were pulled down to their knees and their young pussies glistened with satisfaction.

"Are you following along back there?" Kaden asked, looking very pleased with himself.

Camille, only because Kaden would never know, allowed her legs to part, and then reached down and lifted the towel in front, quickly revealing her bare pussy to me. She winked and I raised one eyebrow. Flashing me while on my oblivious friend was too fucking hot. Kaden watched the action on TV with an amused smirk, surely believing he was embarrassing the hell out of Camille, having no idea X-rated humor was playing out on his very own back.

She swung a hand between her ankles to brace herself on Kaden's straining lat as he pressed himself upwards, closing in on twelve. Her towel had risen up allowing me to see the entire profile of her naked ass, and left nothing to the imagination as her bare, toned cheeks squished down on Kaden's body as she forcefully grinded her tushy against him.

"Hold on! I can keep going," he said, mistaking Camille's movement for troubled balance.

I finally pulled my eyes from my wife to see the contest had ended on TV. The captain was now on his back with one of the girls seated on his face and the other fishing in his gym shorts for his cock. Ritchie leaned his face beside the captain's as he feasted on tender bald snatch, and asked one more time about that promised endorsement. Without freeing his face from between her legs, he gave Ritchie a big thumbs up while the other girl swallowed his cock.

"You whooped them! You actually did it," I acknowledged, as I turned back to Kaden, realizing he'd out performed the two muscular jocks.

"Fuck, I've got a few more in me." Kaden sounded sharp again, as if the porno and exercise had entirely sobered him up. His triceps popped out like the handholds at the Endless Face rock climbing gym, and his skin was starting to glisten with sweat. He turned his head back toward Camille but his swollen shoulder prevented him from turning far enough to fully see her seated form. He then joked in a breathy but cocksure voice, "There's your challenge!" His joke was in reference to the pornstar now sliding her mouth down the length of the captain's enormous cock.

"Dream on." Camille then caught my eye, and mocked the pornstars' ridiculous passion while sucking on her finger again. She then spread her knees, wider than before, and once again lifted the towel, providing me with a clear view of her juicy pussy. She brought her foot back and using her flexibility and perfected balance she used her finger tip to swirl saliva over her own big toe. She then proceeded to kick forward and stick her big toe back into Kaden's ear.

"Yeah, that's the sexy stuff," he said as she wriggled the wet toe around in the perfect toe sized bowl. He tried to pretend as if it didn't tickle, and when she didn't stop he added, "You realize as soon as I'm done you're in for a world of hurt."

He then rocked his hips left and right, messing with her balance so she had to return her foot onto his beefy supportive shoulder.

Kaden stopped doing pushups, staying in the up position with arms fully extended to watch the girl on TV go all the way down on the guy's cock. "Shit, she must've had her tonsils removed."

"Always the pervert, Kaden."

"You have no idea, girl," Kaden retorted, and spun his head backwards, coming dangerously close to seeing my wife's spread legs and her exposed vagina.

Camille quickly shut her knees together, nearly tumbling to the side as Kaden went back to watching TV and dropped his chest to the floor for another rep.

"That girl is definitely out of your league, Camille," he said as the petite blonde swallowed more of the huge dick like it was nothing.

Camille gave the back of his head a dirty look. "Why don't you show me how it's done, Kaden."

"Ha," he laughed. "Watch it, or I'll have to show you what this mouth was born to do." His meaning was wide open to possibilities, all very bad.

"Oh, is that so."

She thinned her eyes at him, as a truly wicked smile spread outwards. She had something in mind and I was scared to know what. She glanced my way with a smirk, before returning her gaze to the back of his head and spreading her knees completely to the side. She leaned forward, bringing her face close to his wavy blonde hair. With full sexy lips she gently blew at his neck seductively. She ground her hips over his ass again as his hair fluttered under her breath. Kaden's triceps and chest started to shake, and one slow fitful pushup later I knew he was through.

Instead of collapsing he bent his legs so that he was on his hands and knees. The sudden shift in height and angle meant Camille had to quickly drop her feet from his shoulders and onto the floor, which left her seated on top of him as if riding a horse. Kaden then straightened up his back and got his legs into a position to stand, Camille leaned forward, countering his motion, and she reached her arms over his shoulders to keep from sliding off. The towel wrapped around her slipped up past her hips, as she positioned herself for a piggyback ride. I couldn't see, but her naked vagina had to be pressed against his low back. She succumbed to the giggles once Kaden secured her on his back by grabbing her thighs.

Kaden took a deep breath and shook out one of his trembling arms, its muscles bursting with lactic acid buildup. Camille mussed up his hair and said, "Is my good boy all tuckered out from his pushups?"

Kaden ticked his head down with a conniving laugh and I knew it meant trouble for Camille. He backed up against the bed and then allowed himself to fall backwards. Camille landed on the sheets with a shriek and Kaden tumbled over on top of her, his big beefy body pinning her to the mattress. Both of them were laughing. I was laughing. Her arms and legs were spread to either side, the only part free of his weight. Her chest flattened under his back and her naked pelvis was smothered by his bare waist.

She lightly hammered his shoulder and yelled in a fit of laughter, "Get off me, you big oaf."

"I don't think I can get up after all those pushups."

"You weigh like a million pounds. You're crushing me."

"Alright, alright," he conceded, and then to my surprise and Camille's horror, he didn't lean up and off her, but instead rolled his body over so he lay face down. He also slid up so her face was beneath his. The motion had pulled her towel even further up her frontside, so the bottom gathered around her belly button. With nothing but his underwear separating their bodies, his big dick was treated to a feel of her sensitive pussy. He'd mauevered into the classic missionary position, essentially situated to fuck my naked wife.

My heart raced as I lay on the opposite bed. Sure, we'd talked about this earlier but I'd let the idea go, and I quickly found myself conflicted all over again. My dick was throbbing but I also had a nervous lump in my throat and a growing sense of panic. My hands involuntarily flinched but the rest of me couldn't move. I could only lay there and observe. The more I resided in the fact I wasn't going to stop them, the more comfortable my body became and I melted into the bed.

He began to lift himself off her using only his arms, and joked, "Oh man, all those pushups, I'm too weak." He collapsed back down on her, causing her to shriek with laughter again. I could see his underwear pinch between his butt cheeks. It might've all been a joke but the joke entailed a butt-clenching thrust between my wife's legs. He made another attempt to get up with the same results, only this time he appeared to thrust hard, followed by a much softer slow thrust. It was so brazen I had to wonder if he wasn't wise to her surreptitious mischief during the pushups.