Diary of a High Price Escort Ch. 23


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The sensation of orgasm built more quickly this time and before I surpassed the point of no return, I again removed my delicate probing fingers from my quivering cunt allowing my climax to wane moving both hands up to roughly squeeze my big soft tits and the erect nipples at their center. I knew that when I returned my probing fingers to my loins it would be with the purpose of taking myself over the top and riding the waves of self-induced ecstasy. I slid my hands up coating my chest with bubbles then dropped them toward my cunt. With two fingers of one hand spreading my lips apart I slipped three digits inside and began massaging my quivering flesh.

Almost instantly I began to feel the numbness of an approaching orgasm throughout my loins and as I continued finger fucking myself that numbness changed to spiraling waves of pleasure following my spine up to my brain. I reached the pinnacle of ecstasy my hips convulsing against my fingers as I tilted my head back closed my eyes and allowed my body to be consumed by the absolute pleasure of my climax.

Mercifully the sensations of ecstasy began to ebb, the spirals shooting along my spine began to lessen, the waves of pleasure diminished and my convulsing hips slowly relaxed. I moved one hand to my stomach while the other gently caressed my hard clit and let my entire body relax in the warm soapy froth of bubbles caressing my flesh.

As I soaked in the warm bath, I thought about my sex life, I recalled how frustrated I would become when Barry would basically ignore me to watch or travel to football games. I remembered the night I made a conscious decision to end that frustration by seeking out someone to satisfy my sexual needs and how I was drawn to that incredible hulk of a black man the first night I fucked him in the parking lot of his favorite sports bar. My memory of feeling him fill me completely is as clear as if it had happened yesterday as is the shock I felt when he suggested that I become one of his expensive call girls.

My fate with Elegant Escorts was sealed the day Daddy arrived at my home while my husband was out of town and I throated his massive black cock before he stuffed my ass with his incredibly hard thirteen-inch member. Since the day I agreed to his offer I've tried to portray myself as a sophisticated sexy escort, taking the time to explore the needs of my clients and how best to satisfy those needs. Each one is a different challenge, a different set of circumstances that draws them to seek the special talents I can provide.

Unlike the thousands and thousands of women who work the streets turning as many tricks as possible in one night, my situation allows me to relax and learn more about my client both personally and physically. I can take the time to explore what turns them on, be it a slow sensual striptease, a luxurious deep throat blowjob, or perhaps just giving them the chance to spend some quality time with a beautiful, sensuous, mature woman. When I first started with Elegant Escorts, I had some serious concerns about being intimate with so many different men, but now that I'm what I'd call a veteran I have to admit that I enjoy the variety.

While they all have basically the same equipment, the subtle differences between one man's genitals and another's is something I find fascinating, and I always take time to study both visually and physically every new cock I'm confronted with. There is one thing that every man has in common and that is when I've got them fully aroused and they slip inside me for the first time the sensation I experience is absolutely wonderful. As I use my body to guide them toward the ultimate goal, I know that once reached they will be happy to have paid such a high price for my services.

The warmth of my bath turned cooler, the layer of bubbles floating on top dissipated and as I lifted my hand above the water my fingertips were pruned signaling it was time for me to get out of the relaxing soak. After patting myself dry I wrapped my towel around my body and moved to the vanity, my hair was still wet at the tips and as I brushed it, I noticed it was getting rather long extending beyond my shoulders. I thought for a moment about a change of hairstyles, wondering if a short wispy look might enhance my appearance. If I cut my hair shorter it would certainly take less time to style it before an appointment, but on the other hand, I'd no longer have the option of pulling it back into a ponytail, twisting it up high into a bun or leaving it long and wavy to rest on my shoulders.

I decided that I'd go for a trim only. Moving into my bedroom I removed the towel and hung it over the back of the chair at my make-up table, pulled a baggy tee-shirt over my head and then snuggled under the soft bedding falling asleep in no time at all.

Sunday was a boring day which I spent packing some of my stuff in anticipation of moving to a new place, but Monday morning was completely different. I needed to call my attorney, meet with Phil to make the down payment on my GMC all before my noontime appointment with Barry's boss, Robert. I recall meeting Robert twice before the first time was the summer after Barry joined the firm at a company picnic. That was before I had my augmentation surgery and as I remember Robert seemed to be more interested in my long, shapely legs than my tits which could have been because I had chosen to wear a pair of very snug shorts to the picnic.

The second time was when Barry and I attended a black-tie formal holiday party at the swankest country club in the area.

I recall how handsome and sophisticated Robert looked dressed in a tuxedo with his somewhat plump wife on his arm. This affair was after I'd had my implant surgery and I wore a slinky back gown with a plunging neckline and an open split running up one thigh that showed more leg than was likely appropriate for the gathering. I remember Robert remarking that I looked more lovely than he recalled, which I had to assume was a reference to my larger tits and the exposed soft flesh of my cleavage. Barry was quite proud to show off his trophy wife at that party.

I decided on a conservative look for my appointment with Robert, choosing a white cotton blouse and a navy-blue pencil skirt that like the gown I'd worn to the holiday party, featured a less revealing slit along the front of one thigh, and a matching navy-blue blazer. I figured that once I was seated in his office, I could cross my legs and give him a chance to enjoy my nylon covered shapely calf and thigh while not appearing overly slutty when I first entered the office. I followed the conservative approach with my make-up and hair pulling my wavy blonde locks up in a loose bun.

First stop of the morning was Rusty's Used Car Lot, I arrived shortly after nine and found the closed sign showing in the window of his sales shack. While I waited, I gave Laura a call.

"Morning this is Laura, how can I help you," she answered.

I replied, "Morning Laura, its Margaret."

"I'm so glad you called, have you met with Robert yet?" Laura asked.

"No, not yet, but I have an appointment with him today at noon," I answered.

"He called me Friday morning and asked to meet with you alone. I told him that I would want to attend any meeting involving the settlement of your divorce," she said.

I wasn't sure why he would want to meet me alone unless he was expecting me to fuck him so I asked her, "Did he say why he wanted a one on one meeting?"

Laura paused for a moment before replying, "He said he has some personal matters to discuss with you that have nothing to do with the divorce settlement, he didn't go into what personal matters he was talking about."

Phil pulled into the lot and I gave him the give me a minute sign pointing to my phone before continuing with Laura.

"So, you're my attorney, what do you advise?" I asked.

"First of all, agree to nothing, tell him that any proposal would have to go through me. As far as the other things he wants to discuss I'll let you decide how to answer his questions but if you do be totally honest in your answers," Laura said.

"Okay, of course, I'll give you a call as soon as I finish him," I replied.

Apparently, the way I said I'd call her after finishing him caused some concerns for Laura, "Are you going to fuck him Margaret?" she asked.

"He did make the appointment through Elegant Escorts but I got the impression he only wants to talk," I answered not mentioning that Daddy had gone to bat for me with Robert.

She paused again, then said, "I would highly recommend that you don't to avoid any possible conflicts down the road."

"Thanks, Laura, I'll keep that in mind," I answered.

"Talk to you later," she said before disconnecting our call.

Phil was already inside but hadn't yet turned the closed sign over as I entered his little office. He was seated behind his desk when I entered and said, "Morning Phil."

He looked up from the papers on his desk smiled and said, "Have a seat, Angel."

I sat down and crossed my legs giving him the same sexy preview of what I was planning for Robert later today.

"I want to apologize again for Saturday afternoon, my place isn't always such a mess," he said.

I smiled at him knowing that was a lie, I suspect his place is in a constant messy state since he seldom has any visitors. I giggled and answered, "It was better than having you bend me over your desk and slam that big, hard cock into me."

It was his turn to laugh before he answered, "I thought that was kind of hot."

"It was very hot but I enjoyed Saturday afternoon so much more," I replied as I waved my sexy foot at him.

"I thoroughly enjoyed Saturday too," he answered.

I smiled and offered, "My thong was stuck to my cunt by the time I got home and stripped for my bath."

Phil smiled and said, "Next time I'll make sure to clean the bathroom so you can shower before you leave."

"The next time will be at my place and afterward we can shower together," I offered knowing there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that I'd be visiting his apartment again.

The idea of me on my knees sucking his cock while shower water cascaded over my face must have excited him because he replied, "I can't wait to shower your sexy face."

I giggled knowing exactly what he meant, but said, "Do you have the paperwork ready for my car?"

"Yep, everything is right here," he said as he flipped the folder open that held the documents.

"So, I need to write you a check, it was eight grand, right?" I asked.

"That's right Angel," he replied as I began writing the check.

We finished signing the papers and I handed him the check as I said, "When can you deliver the car?"

"You tell me Angel, but can we make it toward the end of the business day?" Phil asked.

It was obvious why he wanted to deliver the car after he closed for the day, so he could collect installment number two of our agreement for me to pay off the balance so I suggested, "How about Wednesday evening."

"That'll be fine, I don't open until noon on Thursday's so we won't be rushed," Phil said confirming he was planning on more than a car delivery.

I just smiled and wagged my stiletto at him.

"I could stop and pick up a pizza," he suggested.

"When was the last time you had a home-cooked meal, Phil," I asked.

He thought for a moment and then replied, "I don't remember."

"Tell ya what, you stop and pick up a bottle of red wine, and I'll take care of dinner," I said.

"I'd love that, to be honest, I miss engaging conversation over dinner," Phil admitted.

I smiled and answered, "Great, then we'll both have something to look forward too."

Phil folded my paperwork and slipped it into an envelope, reached across the desk as he stood up and handed it to me. I was surprised when he offered his hand to shake mine to finalize our deal and said, "Really Phil, after all, we've been through, I don't even get a big hug?"

He grinned at me as he rounded his desk and I stood up. Phil collected me in his arms and gave me a warm hug pressing his body close to mine. My chin was resting on his shoulder so I softly said, "You need some real pampering."

As he moved back Phil gave me a gentle kiss on the mouth, nothing sensual, just a kiss that relayed he was appreciative of me noticing his needs and wanting to take care of them.

"I'll see you Wednesday," I said as I turned toward the door.

He followed me outside and before I slipped into the Benz said, "I'm looking forward to it very much."

It was only ten-thirty when I pulled off Phil's lot, I had two hours to waste before I needed to arrive at Robert's office. I decided to go ahead and drive there, park, then spend a little time shopping at one of the swank women's clothing stores within walking distance to his office.

There's something unique about a well-dressed sexy looking woman walking alone on the busy downtown sidewalks, a lot of heads turn, nearly all-male, to catch a glimpse of how she looks from behind. Some men smile while others get a more lecherous look on their faces, regardless of their expressions you know that everyone is thinking about what it would be like to have such a beautiful lady fuck their brains out.

I spotted a small boutique called "Fashion Sense" across the street from where I'd been walking and as I waited for the traffic light to change a black coupe with heavily tinted windows slowed as the light turned yellow. I stepped from the curb as the passenger side window glided down and a voice from inside said, "Hello beautiful."

As I walked in front of the stopped coupe, I turned my head and acknowledged the compliment with a wide smile, knowing the driver could see me perfectly. The driver's window dropped allowing me to see who had paid me the compliment. I continued walking toward the opposite curb but looked over my shoulder, a rather handsome black guy was smiling widely at me and as I moved further from him, he said, "Wanna ride something thick, hard and long this afternoon?"

I just smiled and turned my head away, wondering how often his brazen pick-up line worked.

Safely on the opposite sidewalk, I made my way to Fashion Sense pausing outside to look at the clothing displayed in the front window. This tiny boutique offered the kind of clothing that I enjoy wearing and I was sure I could spend the time before my appointment with Robert trying on their wares.

As I reached for the door the same voice that I'd heard while crossing the street said, "Hey gorgeous."

I turned to find that same black coupe and its handsome black driver smiling widely at me. He had made an illegal "U" turn and pulled into the bus stop at the corner. I figured that if he was willing to chance a traffic ticket, I'd at least allow him to get a closer look at me. His smile widened as I walked toward the passenger side of his mysterious black coupe.

"You're rather forward," I commented as I leaned down placing my arms on the window opening.

"Don't often see such a lovely lady walking alone downtown," He replied.

I giggled a little and answered, "And I don't often get an offer to ride a thick, hard, black cock while I'm crossing the street."

His hand slid from the steering wheel to his crotch as he said, "Wanna see your ride?"

"No need, I'm sure it's quite impressive," I answered, then asked, "What makes you think I'd change my plans for this afternoon to take a ride with you?"

"Wishful thinking, I guess," he answered.

I smiled, then said, "I have an appointment in a couple of hours so I guess your wish will have to go unfulfilled."

"Too bad, a couple hours isn't anywhere near enough time to thoroughly enjoy my ride," he answered.

"That is too bad because I do enjoy long, sensual rides," I answered.

He smiled as he reached into his breast pocket and withdrew a business card. As he reached across to me, I notice how large his black fingers were. I took the card and looked down at it. His name, "Sebastian Cabot and the words Financial Consultant along with his phone number," was all it said.

I looked up at him and noticed that his hand had returned to his crotch, but this time rather than just resting it there he'd grabbed his cock through his slacks.

"If my appointment later goes as planned, I may very well need an experienced financial consultant," I said.

"And if it doesn't you can still call me if you're interested in taking a ride," he replied.

"Judging from the size of your fingers I can only imagine that would be an extremely pleasurable ride," I replied suggesting that he'd hear from me either way.

"For us both," Sebastian said.

I slipped his card in my pocket and started to straighten up as he said, "Do you have a name?"

"It's Angel," I answered leaning down again.

He smiled and answered, "Yes you are,"

As I turned and started toward Fashion Sense he sped off in his little black couple. It's funny how once you're in the business reacting to a total stranger that comes on to you changes. Prior to taking the job with Elegant Escorts I would have ignored his initial comment and continued on my way, but now that my business is pleasuring men I seize the opportunity to interact with men who one way or another make it known that they would love to bury their hard cock inside me, and I was fairly sure that Sebastian's would fill me completely.

I pulled the door open and was greeted by the exact opposite of what I had just spoken to on the street. His name tag identified him as Jim and I instantly knew he was as gay as a three-dollar bill. "Can I help you find something Miss," Jim said greeting me with a smile.

Knowing that I'd be trying on a few items I unbuttoned my blazer and after smiling at Jim said, "I'd like to browse a little if that's okay."

"That's fine, just give me a holler if I can help you with anything," he said before turning and quickly walking back to the sales counter.

I spent the next hour browsing and trying on a few items, but most didn't appeal to my taste and everything seemed a little over-priced.

"Thanks for your time," I said as I headed for the door.

"Come back anytime," Jim replied without looking up from the magazine he was reading.

My walk to Robert's office wasn't nearly as eventful as my walk to Fashion Sense giving me time to think about Sebastian Cabot. His hands were bigger than Daddy's and I had to assume the same applied to his cock.

I haven't been stretched wider than the two times Daddy and I fucked months ago and the idea of having my body filled totally again kind of excited me. Regardless of the outcome of my meeting with Robert, I was fairly certain that I'd give him a call and at least let him know that if he wanted me to ride his cock, he could schedule an appointment through Elegant Escorts.

As the elevator doors slid open, I entered the lobby with the hope that I'd not have to interact with Barry during my visit. I quickly approached the reception's desk and said, "I have an appointment with Robert."

"And you are," the older receptionist said.

"I'm Angel," I answered as instructed by Daddy in his email.

"Oh yes, let me tell him you've arrived," she said as she stood up from her chair.

A minute or so later she returned and said, "Mr. Burns will see you now."

I followed her to the third door in a short hall and as she opened the door said, "Angel is here Mr. Burns.

I waited for her to close the door, then took a step toward Robert's desk. He didn't get up but smiled at me and said, "Margaret it's nice to see you again."

"Thank you, Robert," I replied waiting to see how he wanted to handle our appointment.

"Why don't you take a seat and we can chat a little," he suggested.

I walked to the chairs facing his desk and sat down, but didn't cross my legs trying not to act seductively until I got a better feeling where our conversation was going.