Diary of a High Price Escort Ch. 23


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"I'm sorry to hear that you and Barry are splitting up," he started.

"It happens," I replied.

"Tell me a little about how you and he got to this point," Robert asked.

"I suppose we just grew apart," I offered wondering why he would want to review this part of my life.

"As a senior partner at Yost, Yost & Burns is there anything I should know about how Barry treated you?" he asked.

I thought for a moment before giving him a generic reply, "I suppose we got to a point in our marriage where I was feeling somewhat neglected."

"Was he ever abusive toward you Margaret?" Robert asked.

"Oh my god no," I quickly answered.

"That's good, we frown on employees who act that way toward their spouses," he offered.

"I can assure you, Robert, he was never physically abusive," I said reassuring him.

"And what about extra-marital affairs?" he asked.

I smiled at him and replied, "I think we're both guilty of that."

"When did you first discover that Barry was cheating on you, Margaret?" He asked.

I was reminded of Laura's advice about not offering too much information and replied, "When he admitted to me that he was having an affair with Connie."

While I certainly didn't want to make Barry into the villain, I had no problem throwing his little slut under the bus to Robert.

"I'll be dealing with her in the not too distant future," he remarked.

I just smiled at him.

"Do you think there is even the remotest possibility of you and Barry reconciling?" Robert asked.

"Not a chance," I immediately replied.

"Okay, now I understand that since the two of you separated you've taken a position with Franklin Marshall," Robert said.

"Yes, that's correct," I replied knowing that he already knew I was one of Daddy's high-priced call girls.

I suppose Robert wanted me to admit the line of work I've chosen before continuing our conversation.

"I'm interested in what makes a lovely, young woman like you decide to become a prostitute," he asked.

I decided to be completely honest with him and replied, "During the rough time in our marriage I made a conscious decision to seek the passion missing in my life and to be honest I discovered that a variety of sexual partners was something I thoroughly enjoyed."

"Interesting," Robert answered expecting me to expand on my statement.

"I had a series of affairs most of which didn't satisfy my expectations, then I met Marshall who understood my needs and offered me a position with Elegant Escorts," I admitted.

"I understand his employees are well paid," he said.

"Very well," I confirmed.

Apparently, Robert was questioning me about my work to verify that there was little or no chance of Barry and me patching things up.

"Well Margaret, or should I call you Angel, I'm pretty much convinced that it's time for you and Barry to move on," he remarked.

"I prefer Angel, and I agree it's time to move on," I answered.

He smiled at me and continued, "The firm isn't interested in a protracted divorce battle, it's bad for business, so I'd offer a proposal to convince you not to put a huge fight over petty terms."

"I'm listening Mr. Burns," I answered.

"I'd suggest that you agree to all of Barry's conditions and in exchange, I'm willing to write you a check today for one hundred thousand dollars," Robert said.

I thought for a moment recalling Laura's suggestion that I have any offers go through her office, but we're talking about a hundred "k" here.

"Do I have time to consider your most generous offer Robert?" I asked.

"This is a one-time offer, take it or leave it," he answered.

I knew Laura wouldn't be happy, but thought about how far this cash offer would go toward my ultimate goal of financial independence, and answered, "Agreed."

Robert pulled the center drawer of his desk open and withdrew a checkbook, "Should I make it out to Margaret or Angel?" he asked.

"Margaret will do fine," I answered.

After writing the check Robert stood up and reached across his desk handing me the check, before releasing it he said, "If you renege on our agreement, I'll have no recourse but to bury you and Marshall financially."

"Is that it, Robert, you don't want me to give you a quick blowjob?" I asked.

"I'm a happily married man, and besides I haven't been able to get an erection for over five years," he admitted.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I answered.

"Have your attorney send me the signed decree and make sure she marks the envelope confidential," Robert asked.

I stood up, slipped the check into my purse then shook his hand, "Thank you, Robert," I said before turning and walking toward the door.

I couldn't wait to get back to my car and call Laura, I knew she wouldn't be happy that I didn't consult her before agreeing to Robert's offer but I was sure she be more than happy when I wrote her a check for the full amount of her fee.

She answered my call on the second ring, "Margaret tell me what happened?" she said.

"He made me a one-time offer that I couldn't refuse I have a check for one hundred thousand in my purse," I said.

"I thought we agreed that any settlement offer would have to be reviewed by me?" Laura reminded me.

"I know but Burns was quite emphatic that if I declined another offer wouldn't be forthcoming," I said.

"You have no idea how much he wants to save face, I could have squeezed him for another twenty-five grand," she remarked.

"I don't want to be greedy Laura, I just want this whole divorce thing behind me," I replied.

"That's too bad, I would have loved to turn up the heat on that crafty old attorney," she said.

It seemed to me that Laura was more interested in battling the head of the largest law firm in town, than getting me what I wanted, a finalized divorce.

"How long will it take to draw up the final decree?" I asked.

"Not long, do you want to stop by my office later today," she said.

"Sure, that would be great," I answered.

"How about three o'clock?" Laura suggested.

"I'll be there," I replied.

"See you then," she said before disconnecting our call.

I was in the mood to celebrate, and I couldn't think of a better way than taking a long, leisurely ride on a massive black cock.

I pulled Sebastian's business card from my pocket and dialed his number.

"Good afternoon, Cabot Consulting, Sebastian speaking," he answered.

"Sebastian, it's Angel, we met curbside earlier today," I said.

"Well beautiful, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," he answered.

"My meeting went very well and I just wanted to call you to discuss hiring your expertise on financial matters," I said.

"Oh, that's good news, Angel I was hoping you were calling about taking that long, slow ride with me," he said.

I chuckled and responded, "Let's talk business first."

"No problem, when and where?" he asked.

"I'll be freed up by four this afternoon, we could do happy hour someplace quiet," I suggested.

"Almost any place is going to be quiet on a Monday afternoon, how about the Pinnacle Lounge at the Marriot on Cedar Street," Sebastian suggested.

"That'll work," I answered.

"See you at four beautiful," Sebastian said.

"Looking forward to it," I replied before disconnecting our call.

As I drove toward Laura's office I thought about the events of my Monday, I'd agreed to spend an evening with Phil, met a most intriguing new man, finalized my divorce from Barry and made an appointment to sign the papers with Laura. Talk about killing four birds with one stone, and on top of all that, I would hopefully spend the evening riding what I expected to be the second big, black cock of my life. A pretty satisfying day if I don't say so myself.

Laura was rather short and business-like as she pointed out the places I needed to sign, and then handed me a final bill for her legal services. "I hope you're happy, Margaret," she said.

"Time will tell, I'll send you a check later this week," I answered.

The Marriott was way across town and by the time I arrived it was after four, I noticed Sebastian's little black coupe parked away from the few other cars in the lot and decided to park next to him.

Since I no longer had to take a conservative approach to how I was dressed, I slipped my suit coat off and placed it on the passenger seat, I undid the loose bun in my hair and used my fingers to comb through the wavy blonde locks then spiced up my lips with a fresh coat of red lip gloss and finally a spritz of perfume behind each ear and just above my cleavage.

As I strolled toward the entrance, I undid the top two buttons of my white blouse and spread the fabric a little to show off my soft, smooth cleavage. I followed the revolving door into the foyer of the hotel and walked slowly past the service counter spotting a neon sign that read, "Pinnacle Lounge" partway down a long, wide hallway.

With each step my anticipation built, I'd listen to Sebastian's sales pitch for his financial services but what I was more interested in was unleashing what I hoped would be a huge, black cock that he seemed so proud of earlier when we interacted curbside.

The Pinnacle Lounge was dimly lit and virtually empty when I walked through the wide double doors that were propped open. Sebastian was sitting at the bar with his back toward the door, talking to the bartender. As I approached the bartender glanced over Sebastian's shoulder and grinned, then leaned forward and softly said, "Dude you weren't lying, she's one classy looking MILF."

I smiled at him and placed one hand on Sebastian's right shoulder then as I slid my hand across his back and took the stood to his left said, "I'm no MILF, never had any kids, I prefer to be thought of as a cougar."

Like any cougar, I used my long, sleek fingernails to lightly claw along Sebastian's left arm as I settled onto the stool and crossed my legs, giving him a quick glimpse of my nylon covered thigh.

"I was beginning to think you were going to be a no show," Sebastian remarked as he turned a little toward me.

"What'll ya have," the bartender asked.

"I'll have what he's having," I replied.

"Double Dewar's on the rocks, coming right up," he answered.

Sebastian's left hand was resting on the bar, fingers slightly spread. Unlike earlier when I could only look at his hand this time, I would be able to touch it and I moved my hand to his arm just below the elbow, as I slowly slid my fingers down, I asked, "Is it true?"

The bartender placed my drink on a coaster in front of me and retreated to the other side of the bar.

"Is what true," Sebastian said.

My delicate fingertips continued their slow descent along his muscular forearm until I reached his hand, then wrapped my fingers around his thick middle finger. "Is it true that the size of a man's fingers is in direct correlation to the size of his cock?"

Sebastian smiled and placed his right hand over mine lifting it off his thick digit and moving it to his crotch. "You tell me," he said as he placed my hand on the meaty cock covered by his slacks.

It felt massive, even through the fabric of his slacks there was no hiding the fact that its girth and length would challenge even the best cock sucker on the planet. My hand slowly descended along his shaft until I felt his solid balls, then slowly rose up until my delicate fingers discovered the huge head at its tip at which point, I said, "Oh my."

He placed both hands back on the bar and as I continued sizing up his awesome cock with my hand said, "I thought we were going to discuss your financial status, Angel?"

I turned more toward him lifting my right hand from his cock to his strong, wide shoulder and replacing it with my left hand. "We can talk about investments later, right now I'm more interested in that thick, hard and long ride you offered me earlier this afternoon."

He smiled and reached into his shirt pocket. Using his long, middle finger and the slightly shorter index finger he held up a key card. "I thought that might be the case," he said.

I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "How did you know?"

He smiled widely at me and replied, "I can always spot a cougar on the make, one that loves being slammed by a BBC."

I giggled and replied, "Is it that obvious?"

Sebastian finished his Dewar's and ordered another paying with his room key card, then said, "Let's get it on beautiful."

I took a fairly large gulp of my drink thinking I'd have to forgo the rest, but the bartender said, "Guests can take their drinks with them."

Sebastian slid off his stool offering me his strong hand as I slipped off mine. Before now I'd only be able to guess at his height since he'd been seated in his car and here in the lounge. I estimated his height to be at least six feet six inches. The anticipation I felt earlier as I entered the hotel intensified as we walked toward the bank of elevators leading to the guest rooms. He pressed the call button and we waited for what seemed to me like an eternity for an elevator to arrive.

The doors slowly opened and an elderly couple dressed in casual tourist attire exited, the woman giving me a look of distaste for being with a black man. As the doors closed, I remarked, "Asshole," loud enough that she could hear me as they slowly walked toward the front door.

Sebastian laughed aloud at my remark, then said, "I like your style."

The elevator moved at a snail's pace toward the twelfth floor and I took the opportunity to again run my hand along the length of his cock and said, "I can't wait to unwrap this big, beautiful cock."

He smiled and moved one of his mammoth hands to my chest squeezing one tit through the fabric of my blouse and bra. "These are some sweet tits," Sebastian said as he moved his hand to the other breast.

The elevator finally reached our floor and as the doors opened Sebastian took my hand off his cock and held it as we walked the short distance to our room. He slid the key card through the reader on the door lock which caused the tiny light to change from red to green and with his free hand, he opened the door.

I walked inside and was happy to see one king-size bed and a large upholstered chair beyond near the windows. "We'll have lots of room," he remarked as I walked toward the bank of windows.

"Yes, and later tonight after its dark we can fuck in front of all these windows," I suggested.

Sebastian followed me, but instead of closing the space between us he sat down in the chair and asked, "So what does a sexy cougar like you do for a living?"

I turned and moved behind him placing one hand on each shoulder, as I bent at the waist sliding my hands down toward his massive cock, I turned my head and whispered in his ear, "I work for an escort service."

He turned his head toward me and looked directly into my eyes as he said, "You're a hooker."

"I like to think of it as being a classy, high price escort," I replied.

Sebastian stood up and turned to face me with a rather disgusted expression on his face, "You can wrap a piece of crap in fancy paper but it's still a piece of crap," he remarked.

"Are you saying I'm a piece of crap!" I loudly replied.

"Of course not, but the fact remains that you provide men sexual favors for cash and in my mind that makes you a common whore," he remarked.

I wanted to slap his face but resisted the urge and took a step back. "You hypocrite, up until a couple of minutes ago you could hardly wait to bury that big, black cock inside me," I shot back at him.

"Oh, trust me, Angel, I'm still planning on doing just that, but I should have seen this coming. The way you strolled up to my car and bent at the waist to talk to me, was a classic street hooker move," he said.

"And what makes you think I'm still interested in having your big, thick cock get anywhere near my sweet, tight, little cunt," I asked.

"I felt the way you touched it in the lounge, the way you ran your hand along the shaft, and tried to circle the head with two fingers, you're interested, oh yeah, you can't wait to see my monster in action," Sebastian said.

I had no cards left to play, he'd called my bluff and topped my hand with his one-eyed ace of spades, with a smile on my lips I said, "So show me."

He took a couple of steps back until his legs rested against the bed. I watched intently as his massive hands moved to his belt, undoing the leather strap, then opening the clasp that held his slacks to his hips. His slacks slid down his legs to reveal an awesome sight, he was wearing a pair of black boxers that did nothing to hide the shape of his monstrous black cock and to my complete delight, the tip of his cock head extended below the bottom hem of his underwear. Realizing his was the biggest cock I'd ever laid eyes on I said, "Oh my god."

I had to assume that Sebastian was now considering me like a common street whore because in a rather demeaning tone of voice he said, "Come here slut."

As I walked toward him, he lifted his tight tee shirt above his head and tossed it aside revealing his muscular chest and abs. I came to a stop directly in front of him and waited for a moment not sure if I should touch him again.

His hands moved to the open fabric of my blouse above my bra and with one strong move, he ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere. "Nice tits," he said as his huge hands groped the soft flesh above my bra, then pulled the material down hooking it beneath my tits.

His fingers moved to my nipples slowly rolling the erect nubs between his fingertips, then more roughly pinching and pulling them forward. "Oh god yes, torture my nipples," I said as I reached for his cock, slowly sliding my hand down along its massive length until I reached the exposed tip just below his boxers, as my fingers touched the exposed cock head, he slid his hands up to my shoulders and said, "On your knees whore."

I smiled at him knowing that in short order I'd be tasting his huge, black cock. I slowly bent my knees clawing at his chest and abs with my nails until I was crouched before him keeping my eyes fixed on his face. I lowered my eyes to his cock head and again slid my fingers along the thick shaft still covered by his boxers until I reached the head sticking out below.

"Touch it, whore," Sebastian demanded.

My delicate fingers surrounded his cock head and I used my other hand to pull the fabric of his boxers up exposing the head completely. It felt massive in my hand and I knew his wide flaring corona would challenge my lips and the tight ring of flesh at the back of my mouth as well as my cunt. I twisted my hand around his cock head a couple of times, then released it wanting to uncover the rest of his big, black cock.

I grabbed the bottom edges of his boxers and began pulling them down, Sebastian moved his hands to the elastic waistband and stretched it out so I could continue removing his shorts. As the fabric slid down, I moved my eyes to the top to watch as his thick cock shaft was exposed.

Little by little as it came into view, still trapped against his leg by the elastic of his boxers, but finally, that tight band of material slid over his massive cock head and for the first time I was able to see it in its entirety. His boxers joined his slacks around his ankles and as I slowly ran my fingers along the dark flesh of his legs, I studied his big, black cock, which because of its massive length and girth still rested against his leg as well as his scrotum which stretched down because of the equally huge balls contained inside.

My previous experience with a cock this massive was when I first met Daddy months ago. I recall how his cock stretched me open as I rode it in the front seat of his car, and how it felt when I first throated him in my bedroom. Up until this very moment, I believed Daddy's cock was the biggest of all, but Sebastian's mammoth cock surpassed Daddy's by several inches.