Does Size Matter?


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Ask and you shall receive. My sexual arousal rose up along with my blood pressure and filled me with lust. I couldn't remember feeling this horny since my teens. My hips made a loud slapping noise as they collided with her each time I thrust deep into her. A thin layer of sweat covered both our bodies as the animalistic carnal coupling continued.

She stayed in a constant orgasm, grunting and breathing spasmodically as I pounded her and sped toward my own climax. Suddenly my body just stopped. The only parts moving were my balls churning and my cock swelling in preparation for my orgasm. Cum exploded from the tip of my cock with a force I couldn't remember happening before. Her pussy began contractions that felt like it was sucking the cum from me. My prostate conspired with my seminal vesicles to pulse out glob after glob of the pearly, viscous liquid each time I felt her vagina squeeze my cock.

I was beginning to feel lightheaded from the powerful ejaculations and managed to find the strength to push myself up and extract my still hard cock from her and roll over on my side. She kept twitching and jerking as orgasmic aftershocks swept through her body until she too rolled on her side and brought her knees up in a fetal position.

As I lay there recovering from the most extreme sexual encounter I had ever had I thought about what had excited me so intensely. Then I realized that her physical attributes, her five-feet eight-inch height, her large full breasts, her extraordinary, oversized clit were a novel experience for me. My ex-wife was only five-feet five with average, B-cup tits and her clit was normal. Maybe it's true; size does matter. I'd heard that from women before referring to a man's cock and the way most men react to big boobs certainly seemed to lend validity to that observation.

We were both so exhausted from this sex marathon that it was all we could do to use the bathroom and come back to bed, this time to sleep. We awoke about eight in the morning and had room service deliver a sumptuous breakfast, which we took our time eating. Then we showered and got ready to go to the meeting with the new company.

The meeting couldn't have gone better. All of the people we would be working with were competent, interesting, talented and cordial. Each of us was to receive an increase of forty percent in salary as well as stock options and an array of perks and benefits that were impressively generous. We both signed our contracts and were expected to report to work two weeks after the sale of the company was complete. We celebrated by going to dinner at an exclusive restaurant and had another round of scorching sex when we returned to our hotel.

The next day we discussed where we would live and decided it would make sense to share a place instead of each of us trying to find a place of our own. I wanted to rent but Vicky thought the real estate market was hot and wanted to buy a condo. We found one for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars that was seventeen hundred square feet in a great location. She paid cash for it from the money she received from her part ownership of her father's company.

We both decided to rent our houses in Atlanta in case we ever wanted to move back there someday and to let them appreciate in value because the housing market in Atlanta was heating up. Between the two of us we had more than enough furniture for the condo in New York and what was left over we sent to a consignment store to be sold.

Everything went great for the first two months. We were doing the same job we had been doing so there was no learning curve and we didn't have to put in a lot of overtime. This allowed us to explore the city and attend plays and museums. Living in New York took some getting used to but we were having fun and I was stuffing money into my 401-K like crazy because the company was matching it.

In the middle of our third month something happened that I was not prepared for. Vicky went out one Saturday and when she returned she had a dog with her. She had bought a Bichon Frise and named it Marshmallow. She called him Marsh for short. I wondered why she had not consulted me about having a dog so I asked her.

"Ummmhh, Vicky, do you know what kind of impact having a dog in a big city is going to have on your time?"

Her reply was totally unexpected. "Tyler I couldn't help myself. I saw him in a pet store and he was so cute I had to have him. Besides, I needed something to love."

I couldn't argue with the cute part but the needing something to love remark was like a punch in the stomach. I was under the impression that our relationship had progressed to the point that we were in love. Then I thought about it and realized that nether of us had ever told the other that they loved them. Somehow I had just taken it for granted since we lived together, worked together and had fantastic sex.

I should have said something but I didn't. After all, it was her condo and I wasn't about to tell her she couldn't have a dog. But her remark opened my eyes to the fact that we were not as connected as I believed we were.

Three weeks later she got a call from her father. He had decided to invest some of the money he got from the sale of his company in a start up venture that was ramping up to go nationwide and thought Vicky could open the office in New York. She would be the VP and make a lot more money than she was making now.

She agreed but wanted to try it out first before committing to it full time. She worked out a plan with our company to work from home half of the day and work on the new venture the other half. They agreed as long as she met her schedules. This worked out pretty well at first but she was soon spending more time at the new venture and working vary late into the night on the existing job.

This put a lot of pressure on me since now I had to do the chores, cleaning and cooking as well as taking care of Marsh. Our sex life was impacted as well because she would stay up until midnight most days and was usually too tired or busy to have sex.

This situation improved a little when she finally committed to the new venture full time and quit her existing job. She still spent a lot of time working the new job and she began traveling to see new clients. I finally went to my boss and asked him if I could work from home since writing code was pretty much all I was doing. He said he thought it was a great idea because they were beginning to get some government contracts and having a geographically dispersed workforce was actually a plus for the company.

So now I was living in a condo with a dog I never wanted in the first place and seeing Vicky less and less. It wasn't an intolerable situation but it wasn't what I had envisioned. Unfortunately it got worse. A few months later Vicky got a call from her dad who told her the new venture had decided to open a branch in England and he volunteered her to go there for two months to set it up. It meant a big bonus for her and if she really liked England she could head up the new office as well as future offices in Europe. I was really disappointed when she agreed to do it.

My dissatisfaction was really brought home to me about a week after Vicky left for England. I was taking Marsh for his morning walk when I noticed my shoelace was untied. I bent down to tie it and had to transfer Marsh's leash to my other hand. He pulled away and it slipped out of my hand. Then he took off running down the sidewalk like he was on fire. I ran after him but I could barely keep up with him let alone catch him. We must have run three blocks through crowded sidewalks and I was frantic that a car would hit him when he ran across a street.

He was about fifteen yards ahead of me when I saw a well dressed woman stoop down and put her arms out and said something that made Marsh run up to her. She picked him up and stood to see me running frenetically toward her. When I finally reached her she looked at me and said, "I suppose this adorable little ball of fluff belongs to you."

I was so out of breath I could hardly talk. "He's not looking all that adorable to me right now but yes, he does belong to me."

"You look like you could use a rest. I was just about to go into Starbuck's and get a coffee. Why don't you find us an outdoor table and I'll get us something to drink."

"You are an angel and you're saving my life. Thank you. Some bottled water would be fine."

I found a table behind a short iron fence and sat down making sure to tie the leash tightly to the leg of the iron table. Marsh sat next to me on the ground like this was a picnic. I had just about paid my oxygen debt when the woman returned. I got up to pull the chair on the other side of the table out for her when she said, "Please, keep your seat. You still look rather flushed from your run."

I guess I was rather more distressed by this event than I realized because I hadn't really noticed how pretty the young woman was. She was tall with red hair and green eyes and had the most beautiful skin I had ever seen. It was the color of a perfectly cooked pancake. When she smiled, her teeth were so white they dazzled me. Her clothes looked expensive and her makeup was perfect.

"My name is Tyler Cole. Thank you again for saving my dog from harm and rescuing me from a heart attack. His name is Marsh."

It is a pleasure to meet you Tyler and I think Marsh is the cutest dog I've ever seen. My name is Lesedi Imbuwe."

"That is a very beautiful name. Does it have a meaning?"

"Yes, Imbuwe is my family name and Lesedi means 'woman of light' in my native language."

"That's a name that is not easy to live up to but I'm sure if anyone can it would be you. Besides being a Good Samaritan, what else do you do?"

"I am one of eight special assistants to the UN ambassador for Zimbabwe. My particular specialty is to improve conditions for women in my country."

"It is my privilege to meet you Lesedi. Do you live here in New York and work at the UN full time?"

"No, I come here every three months to spend two weeks attending joint sessions for a number of issues that need to be addressed in Zimbabwe and other African nations."

"That sounds like important and interesting work. Where did you learn to speak English so well?"

"It was my great good fortune to be part of a program that brought young women in their junior year of high school to the United States to finish school here. My sponsoring family treated me like one of their own children and when I graduated they asked me if I wanted to stay and attend university. I was thrilled and they supported me all the way through to my Master's Degree in political science."

"That's a remarkable story Lesedi. You have used the opportunity you were given to pay it forward and help others to achieve things like you have done. I truly admire you for your dedication and your sense of purpose. I know you must be a busy woman so I won't keep you but I would very much like to see you again. Would you consider having dinner with me?"

She took her phone out of her jacket pocket and looked at her schedule. "Would tomorrow night work for you?"

"Tomorrow night would be perfect for me. I don't own a car so it would be best if we met somewhere. Do you have a favorite restaurant that you like?"

"Yes I do. The one in my hotel is excellent. You can meet me there. What is your phone number?"

I told her my number and she called me so I would have her number to put in my contacts. "I'll call you at six to confirm and you can give me directions and a time that I should be there."

"Until tomorrow then, it was very nice meeting you Tyler and it was nice to meet you too Marsh."

I watched her walk away and was captivated by her graceful, natural way of walking. She appeared relaxed and comfortable when she moved. I was excited about seeing her again and I got the feeling she felt the same way. As Marsh and I walked back to the condo I wondered why I didn't just take Marsh from her, thank her and go back home. I had a girlfriend didn't I? Why did I stay and talk to her? Most of all I wondered why my girlfriend was spending less and less time being here with me. That's when I realized that we were not boyfriend and girlfriend. We were just friends with benefits and the reason neither of us had told the other they loved them was because we didn't.

The next day I was anxious to call Lesedi. I took Marsh out for his evening walk and at exactly six PM put my finger on the screen where her number was displayed. The phone rang three times before she answered. "Hello Tyler, you're very prompt. Are you looking forward to tonight as much as I am?"

"Yes, I'm very anxious to see you again. What time would you like me to be there?"

"Seven would be fine. I'm in the Westin Grand Central in suite 3712. Just come on up when you get here."

"I'll see you at seven."

I knew this hotel was very posh so I wore the best suit I owned. I walked a short distance to a liquor store and bought a bottle of chilled Champagne then hailed a cab and took the short ride to the Westin. I walked to the elevators and stepped in and pressed the button for the thirty-seventh floor. It was a short walk to a door with 3712 on it. I pressed the doorbell and in a few seconds the door opened.

"Hello Tyler, I see you're right on time."

I just stood there looking at her.

"Please come in."

"My god Lesedi, I didn't remember you were this beautiful." She was dressed in what I guess was a formal gown but it had a definite African motif. "That dress is magnificent. Does that come from Zimbabwe?"

"Yes it does. One of the things I have tried to develop in my country is the fashion industry. We now have many designers and models as well as shops and factories to make clothing. Most of these are run by women and it has provided employment for thousands of workers."

"I can see why. Your dress would look stunning on any fashion show runway in the world though it wouldn't be quite as beautiful unless you were in it."

"That's very sweet of you Tyler but you wouldn't say that if you had spent much time in Zimbabwe. There are many attractive women there and they are developing a fashion sense as sophisticated as anywhere else in the world."

"You're right Lesedi, I have never been to Zimbabwe and I have no right to generalize about the people that live there but I still maintain that there cannot be many that exceed your beauty."

"You're not in any hurry toe eat dinner are you?"

"Not at all. I'm a big boy and I can stay up late. All night if necessary."

"In that case let's have a glass of that lovely Champagne you brought before we go down for dinner."

I had forgotten I was holding the bottle. "An excellent idea." I walked over to a cabinet that served as a bar and found two wine glasses. After I popped the cork I poured two glasses and handed one to her.

She held her glass up and said, "I would like to toast to Marsh for coming to me on the sidewalk so that I could meet you. I have a feeling we could be very good friends."

"To Marsh for introducing us." I said as I gently clinked my glass against hers.

After taking a drink of the delicious wine she walked over to the French doors that opened to a small balcony. "Come and look at this view Tyler. I never tire of seeing this beautiful city all lit up."

She stood at the railing and I was behind her and slightly to her right. "Isn't this marvelous Tyler?"

"Truly magnificent." I said softly into her ear as I moved my head closer to her neck to inhale the exotic fragrance of her perfume. My warm breath wafted across her neck as I exhaled.

"Kiss me Tyler." She said as she started to turn towards me.

"Don't move. The first kiss is very special and I want to enjoy every second of it."

My lips brushed gently over her neck as they made their way slowly down to her shoulder, pausing to kiss her lightly. Her head tilted slightly to give me full access to the side of her neck and head. She softly sighed as I kissed her throat and made my way to her cheek. My hands moved to her shoulders and I leaned back to make room to turn her around. Her arms encircled my neck and her eyes sparkled with anticipation. I sat my glass on the railing and put my arms around her waist with my hands on her lower back. My head moved forward until my lips touched hers. She didn't move, allowing me to fulfill her request to kiss her in my own way.

Her eyes closed half way as the fragile contact of our lips formed a connection between us that buzzed with sensations that rushed to our brains. The kiss had barely begun and already I was overwhelmed with the softness, the texture, the taste and the fragrance of her warm lush lips. Our mouths pressed forward, hungry for more. Her arms pulled me closer and I answered in kind to feel her full breasts spread their softness against my chest.

Her mouth opened slightly, inviting my tongue to explore it as intimately as I desired. As the passion crept steadily up like the mercury in a thermometer the kiss became inflamed with desire, lust and promise. I was dizzy from the rush of hormones and chemicals being pumped through my body in the natural response to what this was leading to. I resisted the temptation to slide my hands down the short distance to her ass. That would come but not now.

I pulled back and our lips parted. Her puckered mouth changed to the most beautiful and welcoming smile I had ever seen.

"Thank you Tyler. I've never had so much communicated to me with a kiss."

"It is a conversation I very much want to continue."

"Would you like to skip dinner?"

"Absolutely not. I want the full ride and that includes the rare privilege of getting to know someone that I am already extremely impressed with. A man likes to show off a beautiful woman that he finds so fascinating. Let's finish this glass of wine and go have dinner."

"You are a very unusual man Tyler. You have a natural talent for foreplay and you know that it begins long before we get into bed. I would be delighted to have dinner with you. Give me a moment to freshen my lipstick and then we can go to the restaurant."

While she was in the bathroom I managed to get the cork back in the Champagne bottle and put it in the fridge in the mini-bar. We took the short ride in the elevator to the restaurant and the maître D greeted her by name.

"Good evening Charles, could we have a table that is secluded? We're looking for something romantic tonight."

"Of course. We have some very private tables for couples that I think you will like."

Charles led us to some enclosed booths where we had a private waiter who was the only person to come to our table during the entire time we were there. The service was impeccable and the food was delicious. We both decided on soup and a salad because we didn't want to be too full for what we had planned for dessert; namely each other. We shared a lot about our lives as we ate and the more I knew of her the more I liked. She felt the same way about me and I was delighted to find out that she still had ten days left on this trip to New York.

"Lesedi, would I be too presumptuous to ask if I could see you every night until you return to Harare? I really enjoy your company."

"Don't you want to wait until tomorrow to ask me that?"

"No. I know sex with you is going to be fantastic. And sex isn't the only reason I want to be with you. You're the most incredible woman I've ever met and it makes me feel good just to be with you. I'd like to take you to art galleries and museums and the planetarium and have fun with you."

"You have no idea how much I would enjoy doing those things with you Tyler. I would like that very much. My full, hectic life keeps me far too busy to have a steady boyfriend and I'm sad to say I've neglected doing the activities you're suggesting. I'll try to get away from my meetings as much as possible but my evenings are mostly open."