Does Size Matter?


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"Please don't mention your ex-wife's name in my company. I despise her for what she did to you."

"Terry it was good for as long as it lasted. She just met somebody else. Shit happens. I was working hard and putting in a lot of overtime while we were married. I think she thought I was neglecting her on purpose."

"You were providing her with a comfortable life and treating her better than she deserved. You don't run away from a man as nice and kind as you are just to scratch an itch. I speak from experience here Tyler. She hurt you and I'll never forgive her for that."

"Well, things are different with Vicky and I really think it's because neither one of us is in love with the other or if we are, we don't seem to be able to admit it."

"Aren't you a little lonely in that big city if Vicky's gone so much?"

"Not really. Vicky's not my only girlfriend."

"No wonder you two aren't getting along. Does Vicky know about this other woman?"

"No. She's only in New York every three months for two weeks. She works at the UN for the ambassador from Zimbabwe."

"That sounds very impressive. How do you feel about her?"

"I'm in awe of her. She's beautiful, intelligent, elegant, super sexy and genuinely nice."

"In other words, the exact opposite of your former spouse."

"Terry stop. Let the past stay in the past. I admire the hell out of Lesedi but I don't see much hope for a long term relationship, unless maybe I were to move to Zimbabwe."

"I'm beginning to think you really need this time off with me. You seem to have a big decision to make soon. I've made my decision as to where I want to live and it's very near where we are sitting right now. I've talked to a real estate agent and she's going to start showing me around the various properties that are available. You can help me pick the perfect home and maybe it will help you with your situation."

We met up with the agent, Gloria Martin, after breakfast and she began driving us around to see properties that she had chosen based on her talk with Terry about what she was looking for. We didn't just look in Marathon but we did rule out Key West for various reasons. We also limited our time looking at houses so we could enjoy the amenities at the resort. After the first week we had narrowed down the list to four candidates. We spent the weekend playing in the ocean and even went out on a sailboat for a few hours. It felt really good to relax and be with my mother. I hadn't done this since before I got married.

On Monday of the second week we got down to serious negotiations on the four places we were interested in. We decided to keep our own scorecard and compare our choices after we had talked in depth to the sellers. As it turned out, we both chose the same one. It was a brand new community of twenty-six homes built to look like an Italian village. The houses were villas and were built on concrete pillars that were designed to look like Roman columns. The living area was elevated twenty feet above the ground with the lower part being garages and storerooms. This was done because of flooding due to storm surge during hurricanes.

The model we liked had four bedrooms, two masters on either side of the lower floor, each with luxurious bathrooms complete with large roman tubs and showers with tricked out multiple sprays and an overhead rain showerhead. There were two bedrooms on the upper floor that shared a large bathroom. The living room was spacious and had a veranda in the back that was large enough for a good size party. The kitchen was fabulous with double ovens and plenty of cabinets. All the floors in the house were Travertine stone. It really did look and feel like an authentic Roman villa for a member of the senate or something. Despite all the upgrades the price was still less than what we thought the place was worth so it was a good investment as well as an incredible place to live.

Terry actually had enough money from the sale of her estate in Houston to pay cash for her new home. She even negotiated a five percent discount for paying cash. She had learned a few things from her time with Frank.

We celebrated by going to dinner at an expensive restaurant in town and while we were eating Terry dropped a big surprise on me.

"Tyler, I know you've got a big decision about where you're going to live once Vicky moves to England but I'd like to add one more option to your list of choices. Would you consider living here with me in my new home? That's one of the reasons I picked the model with the split masters. I'd love it if we could live here and do all the things that are available to us. You could do it for a while and still go to England occasionally or Zimbabwe if you still want to see your girlfriends."

"That's very generous of you Terry. I have to admit that I've felt more comfortable and relaxed this past week than I ever have in New York. Or Atlanta for that matter. I could still do the work I do because they don't care where I live. It's no big deal to go to New York if they want me to be there occasionally. The more I think about it the more I like the idea. I'm going to accept your offer."

"Oh Tyler honey, I'm so glad. I've missed seeing you since you grew up and went away to start your own life. We've always been good friends and I think that's what both of us need in our lives right now. It will take a few weeks for me to furnish the house so that will give you time to wrap things up in New York and get your stuff shipped down here. You can leave Marsh here with me. I've fallen in love with him and he doesn't need to be flying back and forth."

During the entire flight back to LaGuardia I felt an uneasiness settle over me like a fog. I was more convinced now than ever that I had made a good decision to live with Terry in the Keys. Something had never been quite right with Vicky and me and I wasn't comfortable living in her condo. When she returned from England I hired a limo and went to the airport to pick her up. On the drive back to the condo I told her about my plan to move to Florida. She accepted the news very calmly as though I was telling her about a new chair I had bought.

"Vicky. I'm taking Marsh with me. In fact he's already there."

"You're taking my dog!"

She seemed much more upset about that than the fact that I was leaving.

"Think about it Vicky. You haven't been around much since you got him and now you're moving to England without even knowing what it would take to bring him into the country. I've spent a lot more time with him than you have and I'll continue to do that. If you really want a dog then buy one when you get there but I don't think you're going to have the time to devote to caring for a dog."

"You're right. I guess I'm just too high power for you and Marsh but I will miss you both. I'm not the kind of woman that wants a typical relationship. I want to go places and do things while you're very comfortable sitting in front of your computer writing code for hours."

"Some horses race and some pull a plow. I have no desire to set the world on fire or make a billion dollars. You can't take it with you and I'm not going to waste my life in the pursuit of wealth or fame. We'll both end up in a cemetery and if you want to be the richest one there then be my guest. I'm going where the sun keeps shining through the pouring rain, going where the weather suits my clothes; to borrow a line from the song. I belong in Margaritaville."

That was pretty much it for our time together. I didn't see much of her until the day I left; she offered to accompany me in a limo to the airport. We talked about her new life in England and my new life in Florida but it was all superficial. When we arrived at departures she got out with me and kissed me goodbye. I thought I saw a glimmer of sadness on her face but she didn't say anything. She got back in the car and drove away. On the flight down to Miami I couldn't help but feel a little regret about leaving her but I was convinced we just were not looking in the same direction, if indeed we ever had been. I heard a song by Phil Collins on the eighties greatest hits music channel called 'Do you Remember'. It really summed up our relationship. Especially these lines:

'there are things we won't recall

and feelings we'll never find.

It's taken so long to see it

cause we never seemed to have the time.

There was always something more important to do,

more important to say.

But "I love you" wasn't one of those things

and now it's too late.'

By the time we landed I felt like I was at a clean breakpoint. A new chapter was beginning.

Terry brought Marsh with her to pick me up and I couldn't tell which one of them was happier to see me. My final thought about Vicky was that she had never shown me this much affection upon returning from one of her trips. The drive down to the Keys lifted my spirits. The heaviness I had been feeling melted away under the Florida sun and I felt at home for the first time since my divorce.

Terry had done a fantastic job decorating and furnishing the house. I loved everything she had done including my bedroom. I felt like a dignitary in that posh suite. It was as grand as the suite Lesedi had when she came to New York. The bed was especially comfortable. It didn't take me long to get settled in. The only things I had shipped down from New York were my clothes. The few pieces of furniture I had I left for Vicky so she could rent the condo furnished.

In less than a week I felt like I never wanted to leave here again. There were so many things to do that I almost felt like I was neglecting my work but I needed to quit sitting at a desk for hours at a time anyway. Now I was taking walks on the beach, playing volleyball with whoever was around, shuffleboard with Terry, going fishing, going out on a sailboat and hanging out at some local bars where I met all kinds of interesting people. Marsh was my constant companion and loved being here more than I did. Not to mention he was a chick magnet par excellence. Beautiful young women in skimpy bikinis found him irresistible.

At breakfast one morning Terry asked me a question.

"Tyler when was the last time you saw a doctor?"

"I really don't remember. I think it was when I was still in Atlanta."

"You're thirty-two years old and you need to have a local doctor you can go to if and when anything happens. I want you to find one and make an appointment for a physical just so you'll have a baseline for future reference and somebody to go to. I'm not trying to be your mother but I don't want another surprise like I had with Frank."

"You're right, my sedentary lifestyle has probably not been that healthy. By the way, you are my mother and I appreciate your concern."

I searched for a few doctors and went to three of them for a meet and greet before deciding on a Doctor Jennings, an internist in his late thirties. I went in for blood tests and was scheduled for my physical three days later. When I arrived for the physical I had been sitting in the waiting room for about ten minutes when the receptionist called me up and told me that Doctor Jennings had an emergency to deal with and would be unable to give me my physical. She asked if I wanted to reschedule. I guess the look on my face told her I wasn't too happy about having to come back again because she said, "Rather than reschedule, Doctor Monroe has had a cancellation this morning and could do your physical if that's alright with you."

"Since I've blocked out this time to come here I suppose one doctor is as good as another for a physical exam."

She led me to an examining room and told me to undress and put on the gown that was hanging on the hook and then sit on the examination table. I stripped off and put on the gown with the back split and hopped on the table. A few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door before it opened and a woman in a white lab coat came in.

"Mr. Cole?"

I sat there with this dumbfounded look on my face as I beheld what appeared to be a young girl with straight blonde hair and no more than five feet two inches tall.

"Are you mister Tyler Cole?"

"Yes, I am." I finally managed to reply.

"I'm Dr. Monroe and I'll be giving you your physical today."

"Please forgive my bluntness but you don't look old enough to be a doctor."

"I'm used to that reaction but I assure you I am twenty-nine years old and I am indeed a doctor. I've been part of this practice for over two years now. My appearance is due to a genetic condition I have."

"If you don't mind my asking, what kind of condition is that?"

Have you ever heard of Progeria?"

"I may have heard of it before but I don't know much about it."

"Progeria is a condition that causes premature aging. A child of ten may be physiologically many years older. The entire body ages at an accelerated rate. The condition I have is exactly the opposite. I age at a much slower rate than normal. My brain, body and intelligence progressed normally until I was fifteen then everything just slowed down. In the fourteen years since I was diagnosed I've aged biologically to be about eighteen. At my current rate of aging, I won't look like I'm twenty-nine until I'm almost sixty."

"That's incredible! Aren't you afraid of what could happen to you?"

"I keep a constant watch on my vital signs and get tested every three months to assess my condition. My rate of aging has slowed slightly during the last five years but I'm not going to worry about it."

"I wasn't thinking about just the medical aspects. Women would kill their children to have your condition. I'm surprised some lab hasn't already kidnapped you and dissected you to see if they could come up with a serum to sell to people. Talk about a trillion dollar opportunity."

"That thought has occurred to me but I try to keep a low profile. That's one of the reasons I chose to come here to practice. This is a small office in a town with a relatively low population. I feel safe enough here."

"I work in computer security for large corporations. The Internet is everywhere Dr. Malone. I don't mean to alarm you but there is reason for you to be worried."

"That may be Mr. Cole but I'm not going to live my life in fear. We need to get on with your exam now."

The exam was very thorough and professional. Dr. Malone proved to be an extremely competent doctor. Toward the end of the exam she told me she was going to check my prostate so I had to bend over the table and she put a rubber glove on and spread some lube on her finger before inserting it into my ass. She seemed to be especially thorough while using her finger to examine my prostate. So much so that I got a full erection while she was stimulating it. As if that weren't embarrassing enough she then told me to stand up, turn around and hold the gown up so she could check me for a hernia. When I exposed my raging hard-on she actually blushed a little and her finger pressing just to the side of my testicles only added to the intensity of my erection.

Then she really surprised me. She wrapped her hand around my boner and squeezed it tantalizingly. "I can see you don't have a problem with erectile dysfunction but how's your sex life otherwise?"

"No complaints. I don't have a steady girlfriend but there seems to be a very friendly crowd of women at the beach and the bars that I frequent. I've got a secret weapon that attracts pretty women."

"Besides the one that I'm holding you mean?"

"Yes, I have the most adorable dog in Marathon and women love him. They aren't too shy about transferring that love to me, at least temporarily."

"That sounds a little devious to me Mr. Cole."

"Please call me Tyler. I didn't train him to be my bird dog; he came up with the tactic all on his own one day on the street in Manhattan. And while we're on the subject, how's your sex life Dr. Monroe?"

"I'm not the one being examined here Tyler. My sex life is my business."

"Does my lack of a medical degree disqualify me from knowing whether or not my examiner has a healthy and satisfying sex life? If you don't want to tell me here may I suggest you tell me over dinner on whatever night would be convenient for you?"

"It is the policy of the state of Florida that doctors not fraternize with their patients."

"You're not my doctor. Dr. Jennings is my doctor. You're just a substitute for this one procedure. Are you married?"








"Are you frigid?"

"Far from it."

"You do eat dinner don't you?"


"Then let me get to know you better. It's the least you could do considering how well you've come to know me. I'd even let you show me your bedside manner if you wanted to."

"Tyler do you really want to be seen in a restaurant having dinner with somebody who looks like she could be your daughter?"

"Appearances don't bother me. If other people want to think something then they can go right ahead and think it. I find you to be an intelligent, pretty, capable young woman and I'm more than a little fascinated with you. Won't you please let me learn a little more about you? And you can keep holding my cock for as long as you want to."

She jumped back and let go of my cock. "I'm sorry Tyler, I didn't mean to..."

"You don't hear me complaining do you? I was getting to like your touch."

"You're incorrigible Tyler." She was blushing intensely now. Then she smiled and said, "Would tomorrow night be good for you? Since you're new here I'll let you take me to one of the best restaurants in the Keys." She wrote her phone number and address down and told me I could pick her up at seven. "You can get dressed now and check out at the reception desk."

"Thank you Dr. Monroe. May I ask you what your first name is?"

She looked a little reluctant but finally said sheepishly, "It's Marilyn."

"You don't look a thing like you do in your movies."

"Ha Ha. I've never heard that before. As if I didn't have enough problems with my medical condition I have to have a name like Marilyn Monroe."

"Would you rather I call you Norma Jean?"

"I'll see you tomorrow night." She opened the door and left.

When I got home Terry asked me how I liked my new doctor.

"I didn't get to see my new doctor. He had an emergency and another doctor went over my tests and did my physical."

"Was everything alright?"

"Perfect actually. I have a date with her for tomorrow night."

"You asked the doctor that gave you a physical out on a date?"

"Yes. She obviously knows a lot about me and that I don't have cooties. Besides, she's a very unusual woman. You'd like her, she's special."

"Now you've made me curious, I think I do want to meet her. I wouldn't mind having a doctor in the family."

"Let's not rush things. I like her but this is a first date and we need to see how we get along outside of an examining room."

I sent Marilyn a text at five minutes to seven to tell her I'd be there to pick her up at seven. She sent me back an emoji with a big smile. When I got to her front door I pushed the button on a display pad for one of those entry systems that you can operate from your mobile phone and she opened it and told me to come in. She walked out of her bedroom and said, "How do I look? I wore my sexiest dress and the highest heels I have so you won't look too much like a child molester."

"You look beautiful Norma Jean. I really don't care what anybody else thinks but I'll try to look as dignified as possible and act like a grownup."

"Just call me Marilyn. I'm used to it by now."

I escorted her to the passenger side of the car where I held the door for her to get in.