Everyone Loves My Ass Ch. 07


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"Returning my lips to the head of his cock, I squealed in delight as he erupted in my mouth, firing off shot after shot of thick, sweet cum onto my tongue. Happily gulping it all down, I kept sucking and sucking, thoroughly enjoying his electric spasms. He was hopping and yelping, gasping for me to stop because it was too much. Still I kept sucking, adding to his torture by cupping his balls while pressing my finger back into his ass. Nowthat really made him jump, and he skittered out of my wicked clutches.

"We could hear your father laughing, and he said, 'You okay there, champ? Maybe you oughtta go a little easier on the syrup next time!' Then he said to me, 'And how about you, honey? Perhaps a bit of a sugar overload?'

"Donny was still pressing his tongue as deep as it would go into my ass and pussy, one right after the other, all the while squeezing my ass like a maniac. Wriggling my bottom for him, I answered, 'Talk to them about it! They're the ones who seem to love their sugar so much. I'm just the innocent cook here.' With Rick having regained a modicum of composure he looked on in laughter as his friend continued to thrash away at me like there was no tomorrow, until finally Donny returned to his feet and gave me a playful swat on the behind.

"'Honey,' I giggled, 'I think the boys are finished with their breakfast. If you don't mind, I'm going to go take a long, hot, soapy shower now. These two, I swear, they're such messy eaters!'

"'I guess you're just going to have to do a better job then of housetraining them,' he said, his deep amusement as evident as ever. 'Okay, enjoy your shower, and hopefully I'll talk to you tonight. Love you.'

"The boys and I said goodbye to him, and right away Donny raced upstairs, shouting, 'I call dibs on the other shower!'

"Now it was just the two of us alone together in the kitchen again, and I took Rick by the hand. 'You look like you could use one, too. Care to join me?' I smiled, gesturing with a pointed glance to my bedroom.

"'Me...shower with you? Jesus...ummm...' he stammered, with a lopsided grin.

"'I'll take that as a 'yes,'' I said teasingly, leading him up the stairs. When I felt him pause at my open bedroom door, I gave him a moment to take it all in. Staring at my unmade bed, his attention riveted to my fluorescent pink vibrator nestled among the rumpled silk sheets, he continued to sport that same goofy grin. Answering his grin with an innocent smile, I brought him into the master bathroom."

"Okay," I said, imagining what Rick was thinking, "he had to have been totally freaking out."

"No doubt," added Paul. "I sure would be. I'd be nervous as hell."

I asked, "Mom, was he just absolutely terrified?"

"Yes, I think he was. He wasn't trembling or anything, but he seemed stiff as a board. He wasn't saying anything, either. He simply stood there, clearly unsure as to what to do. Noticing all this, I clasped his hands together in mine and said, 'Relax, honey. We're just going to enjoy a nice shower together. You'll see. It'll be fun.'

"Opening the glass door, I stepped in first. I started the shower, setting the temperature just so. I had a specific plan, and I didn't want the bathroom to become so hot and steamy that we wouldn't be able to take it for long. Guiding his hand beneath the warm spray, I asked him if it was okay. When he said it was fine, I pulled him in with me. Right away, he sort of retreated into a far corner. Turning to face him, I held out my arms, beckoning him to come to me."

Paul was seriously eating this up. He clearly loved hearing about Donny and especially Rick being so shy and awkward, and he said, "Swear to god, Mom, we need to set up some hidden cameras around the house for when it's just you, Rick, and Donny there. They give me so much grief about being quiet and bashful, and look at them! You basically already had sex with them, and they still don't have a clue! At least once any of you girls start in with me, I figure it out easily enough. This is beautiful...absolutely beautiful. The next time I talk to those two clowns, I am going to give them so much shit...."

"Better be careful there, sweetie," I grinned. "It's not as if you weren't every bit as shy and uncertain with me and Lisa in the beginning, and look how freaked out you still get with Mom. Be nice, Paul. Donny and Rick are virgins too, just like you were."

"Yeah, but I never gave them massive shit about it, the way Rick has always teased me. Hell, I never gave either of them any crap about it at all."

Mom said, "Baby, again, you're more mature than they are, especially Rick. And your sister has been an absolute angel to you every step of the way. Sweetie, you've had a much easier go of it. Besides, once the game starts, it's not as if those two don't step up to the plate. Their thing seems to be that they almost need you and each other there together as a group in order to feel confident. Even on their own, though, they both do just fine...eventually."

"Yeah, okay, I know I have it way better than they ever did. Still, come on..." he answered, grinning smugly. "So did he at least step up and give you a hug, like you were asking him to?"

Mom sighed sweetly. "Yes, he did, and once he did he wouldn't let go. Like you said, it was beautiful...absolutely beautiful. Even though we had already made out quite a few times, it almost felt like this was really our first genuine kiss. No one was watching; there were no friends around for him to worry about, or show off for. This was real. It was also truly heartbreaking, in the most wonderful way."

"Why?" I asked. "What happened?"

"Baby, we kissed so tenderly, so completely, and it lasted forever. We just stood beneath the shower kissing and kissing, locked in a warm embrace. When we finally paused to catch our breath, he started to say something. His lips were moving, but I couldn't hear him over the shower, he was speaking so softly. Reaching up to cup his face, I said, 'It's okay, honey. Whatever it is, it's okay. Tell me.'

"Dawn, that wonderful boy raised his eyes to mine and whispered, 'I love you.' Just like that. 'I love you.' Nothing else, and it was perfect. So, yes, Paul, listen to your sister and think about maybe going easy on them. Rick definitely had a clue, and when his time came he did himself proud."

"Yeah, whatever," he said, still grinning. "Like there's any chance he wouldn't fall in love with you, and it's the same for Donny. How are they not supposed to fall madly in love with you? I mean, please. There's no way."

"Nope, not a prayer," I added. "And you too, huh? When did you first realize that you were in love with her?"

Pausing to ponder it, he sat back on his hands. "I don't know that there was ever a time when I wasn't in love with her...and with you too, for that matter. To be honest, I think I've always known. I didn't know what I was supposed to do about it, but it was always there."

"Dawn, Paul has always been in love with you, that much I can say with absolute certainty. It started to become more of a 'present' love when you two were just beginning high school, and it's only grown deeper ever since. With me, I would say that he didn't really become aware of it until his junior year, when he began spooning me and otherwise rubbing against me at every possible opportunity. The harder he grew, the more he'd want to do it. He never said anything, but I'm his mother. I could see it in his eyes. He would always look away, unwilling to let on as to what he was feeling. Instead, he spoke to me through our physical closeness.

"And now Rick was doing the same, only he was also willing to say it."

"Easy for him," Paul grumbled. "You're not his mother. It's hardly the same thing."

"No, it isn't," she replied. "And don't think that I'm not aware of that fact, sweetie. I know how difficult all of this has been for you and Dawn. And you know what? I couldn't be prouder of both of you, for everything you've done. No mother was ever blessed with two more wonderful children. I told you that what Rick said truly broke my heart, it was so perfect, and I feel that way every minute of every day when I think about you two. The way you love me, the way you love each other and also your father, you really are my angels."

"It's all you, Mom," I smiled. "It always has been. You're our everything. Paul pointed out to me during our road trip just how important you are to us; how awesome you make each day for everyone. He tried to convince me that it was all because of me, that you only started being this way again in response to watching me, but I know better. If anyone in this family is an angel, it's you. You're the one we all turn to. You show us what love really is."

I started crying, and Paul scooted up to cradle my head and kiss my tears away. I couldn't help it. I love her so much, it felt like I was going to burst.

Worried that the crew might be watching us, I had Paul return to his little chair.

Mom, though, she wasn't fooled. I could hear her crying too.

"Oh, baby..." she said, beaming between quiet sniffles.

Steadying himself in his chair, Paul sat chuckling. "Mom, just so you know, Donny is in love with you too. Did he ever get around to telling you?"

"Yes, eventually. We were snuggling together on the living room floor beneath Dawn's big 'K.U. Basketball' blanket when I told him that I really do love him like my very own. I let him know that he's welcome to stay with us, if things ever become too difficult for him at home. 'I love you, sweetheart,' I said. 'We all love you.'

"Pressing his face to my chest, he whispered as softly as can be, 'I love you too. God, I love you.' Then he looked up and said, 'I mean it. I really do love you. I always have, and I always will.'"

"See, Mom?" laughed Paul. "Everyone is crazy in love with you!"

Mom also laughed, but her sweet laughter was tempered by a deeper appreciation.

"Baby, I know how blessed I am. I really do. I feel it every day, from all of you. It was driven home to me that morning in the shower with Rick. You both know how difficult it is for him to be serious about anything, and yet there he was, pouring his heart out to me. Trying to keep the mood light, I squeezed his dick and told him that I loved him too, but I had a feeling that he might have been confusing me with Dawn. 'Be honest, now,' I added, smiling while stroking his thickening length. 'As much as you and Donny love me, Dawn is the one you truly dream about.'

"I had to give him credit, because he didn't wimp out. Nope, he just grinned and said, 'Can't we love you both? I mean, yes, Dawn is my absolute dream girl. She's any guy's ultimate fantasy...but so are you. Believe me, so are you.'

"'And Dawn isn't already married,' I grinned. Reaching over to grab a bar of soap, I handed it to him before turning away to offer him my back. Looking over my shoulder, I wiggled my bottom for him. 'Lucky you, she's still available, and her ass is even better than mine.'"

Paul sat up then. "Just so you two know, no, Dawn is not 'available.' Definitely not to that cheese dick. No way. If I can't marry her, okay, whatever, but there is no way in hell that Rick gets to have her."

Mom giggled in delight. "Oooh, did you hear that, Dawn? You've got all our boys fighting for the honor of your hand!"

"Yeah...somehow I don't think it's my hand they want...." Grinning, I wiggled my ass for Paul just the way I pictured Mom doing it for Rick in the shower.

"Oh, we want your hand too, as well as your amazing ass," he said, reaching down to give each cheek a playful swat. "It's pretty much a package deal."

Whack! Whack!

Mom squealed happily at the sound. "Your brother just can't resist spanking your luscious bottom, can he? God, he always has to have his hands on it!"

I laughed, "Seriously! It's like every guy we know is a total ass monkey!"

"Speaking of which," said Paul, "okay, Mom, so now you're wiggling your bare bottom for Rick in the shower...."

"I was, and Rick gladly took the hint. Running the bar of soap all up and down my back and legs, he took his time, making sure to cover every inch of me. He wasn't about to miss a spot, particularly if that spot happened to bebetween my legs. I knew he wasn't quite the ass fanatic that Donny is, so I thought it would be fun to give him a bit of direction. Guiding his fingertips through my soapy split, I pooched out my bottom. I wanted to see whether he would take the additional hint.

"Unfortunately, this time he didn't, at least not in the way that I wanted him to. I had to hold his hand in place while dancing my bottom on his fingertips, until finally he got the message. 'Whoa...' he said, watching as I pressed against him. It took a moment, but then his finger popped right inside, and from there it slid straight in.

"'Give me more...' I breathed, arching my back as he slid another finger into my tight ring. Leaning against the wall, I let out a lusty moan as he began to fuck me. I wanted to come, and I told him so. 'Keep going...make me come for you,' I panted. He began driving in and out at a steady pace, and I felt his hard shaft occasionally bopping against my pussy as it swayed between my legs. I was so focused on his fingers pounding deep in my ass that I doubt I would have even noticed had his cock slipped inside my pussy."

Becoming totally turned on again, I asked her, "Could you tell whether it was going to be one of your big cums?"

I could almost see her shaking her head as she laughed, "I guess you told your brother about those too, didn't you?"

"Yep!" he grinned. "Thar she blows! Aye, matey, she's a real gusher, that one!"

"Paul Christopher Summers!" she guffawed. "When I come out there, I really am going to put you over my knee and paddle your cute little bottom! I can't believe you!"

"Me?!" he said, guffawing right back. "I should paddleyour cute little bottom for not gushing like that for me! How come you only do it for Dawn?"

"Like I said earlier, sweetie, I guess you're just going to have to practice some more. Dawn did tell me that you make her squirt like a fountain now, so don't worry, I'm sure you'll get me there, too."

"Well, to be fair," I said, coming to Paul's defense, "it's not like he's had any real opportunities to do that to you. You two have only had sex twice, right? Once in the kitchen with me standing there, plus that night with Rick and Donny on the couch. Both times, you guys weren't really able to go for it. When I made you gush, it was different. We made love all night. I got to spend forever licking and fucking every gorgeous inch of you. Oh, and that's right! Paul hasn't even gotten to eat you yet, has he?"

"Nope!" she laughed. "One more for the bucket list!"

"Definitely!" I giggled. "Believe me, though, if Paul ever gets to give you the full Lisa Treatment, he'll make you gush like crazy. That much, I can promise you."

"Baby, I have no doubts about that. In fact, I'm surprised you couldn't tell that I was only teasing. He already did make me gush. Paul, you felt how wet I became that night on the couch. Right before you exploded inside me, you made me come all over your amazing cock. You're just so big that it probably had nowhere to go."

"You did tell me that she was just blazing hot, and incredibly wet," I said, looking up at him with a leading smile.

Paul blinked once...twice. "So she actually did gush on me?"

"Yes, honey, I did. And if your father had waited just a few more minutes before coming downstairs to join us, I would have gushed on you like a broken faucet that night at the kitchen table."

"He shoots...and he scores! Yes!" Paul exclaimed, leaning down to give me an exultant high-five.

"And, honey," Mom continued, hearing Paul whoop it up, "you'll be equally delighted to learn that, no, I didn't have one of my 'big cums,' as your sister so delicately puts it, that morning in the shower with Rick. I only had a small one, which was triggered mainly by the exquisite feeling of his fingers pounding away inside my ass."

"Mainly?" I asked, giggling in suspicion.

Mom laughed at my little giggle. "You caught that, did you? Well, yes...mainly. I guess I should also add that there was the small matter of Rick's insistent erection slipping inside me at the exact moment he leaned in to bite me between my shoulder blades. That sort of helped, too."

"Yep, like I said, it's hard-on heaven for Mom!" crowed Paul again, joining her in laughter.

"Hey, is it my fault that you boys are all so perpetually horny? Every time I simply sit on someone's lap or give one of you a friendly hug, someone drives a rock-hard cock inside me. What am I supposed to do?"

She knew we didn't believe a word she was saying, which made it all the funnier.

"Okay, fine," she continued, "I suppose I did tell Dawn that before she sits naked on some guy's throbbing erection she really ought to make sure that she's not sending the wrong message."

"And where does taking a hot, sexy shower with a wildly horny guy who's just dying to fuck you fit into that equation?" I asked, exchanging smirks with Paul. "What sort of message does that send?"

"The correct one!" she laughed, and Paul and I laughed too. "Okay, but no, I really wasn't trying to have actual sex with him there. I was only planning on some nice, sexy shower play, including an intimate little project I had in mind for later. Once he sank his teeth into my back and slid inside me, though, I did let him go a bit further than I initially thought I would. Baby, all our men have wonderfully tempting cocks, and I'm nothing if not a sucker for a lonely erection. So, even though it wasn't on my original setlist, I thought it might be fun to change up a song or two.

"Pushing against him as he continued to drive his fingers up my ass, I took his eager cock all the way inside me while moaning, 'See? Aren't showers fun?' Returning my hands to the wall, I arched my back and went to my tiptoes; moving my ass in needy circles, I was encouraging his dual penetrations. I guess the sight of my swaying breasts must have gotten the better of him, though, because he pulled his fingers from my ass and reached around to grab two firm handfuls. Holding me by my juddering breasts, he thrust deep into my pussy and began fucking me hard and fast.

"In my muddled mind I hadn't entirely committed to having full-blown sex with him, and fortunately I ended up not having to make that decision just yet; after only thirty seconds or so of hammering away inside me, he popped out. It wasn't that he meant to, either; rather, it was more the result of an awkward angle, and I think he simply lost his place. In any case, he gave a startled yelp. Turning to see what had happened, I saw that he was about to come. His face reflected his anguish as he tried to hold it back, and I quickly went to my knees before him. Guiding him to the little seating area in the corner of the shower, I'd barely set my lips upon the tip of his shaft when he began rocketing rope after rope of warm, creamy cum into my mouth. It wasn't as much as the last time, yet somehow it was even thicker and sweeter. Holding my head exactly where he wanted it, his entire body went rigid as he unloaded down my throat.

"This time, however, I wanted to keep him right where he was, so I made sure not to do anything that might make him jump and skitter away again. Holding him by his hips, I applied soft, even pressure with my lips. More than anything, I avoided using my tongue on his sensitive crown, especially in his still-oozing slit. Instead, I simply gave him a warm, wet place in which to drain every last drop, until he became comfortable once more with the feeling of my lips on his shaft. Patiently waiting out his final spasms, I took special care to coddle him in my mouth."
