Giving Mom Facials


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"Well, then, you better make it quick. Mommy's been waiting a long time for it now."

He kept sliding his cock between his mom's feet as she talked filthy to him. Andy found her incredible. Darleen was truly his sexual goddess. The young man believed it would be a fruitless task to find someone one who could match or surpass the affect she had on him.

His eyes soon opened and he noticed Darleen's tits bouncing in her playful, squeezing hands, as if she sat on some malfunctioning massage chair.

Dear Lord, it was majestic to behold, and caused his first involuntary streak to shoot out and sully the bed along with her right foot. It was quickly followed by another that flew up her right calf and dripped down between her heels.

"Hey. Andy. That's supposed to be for my face."

"Oops...sorry, Mom," he gasped as his hips kept rocking. "That wasn't on purpose. Quick, get off the bed." He grunted as he released her feet.

Darleen scurried to kneel before him as Andy took hold of his cock. He stroked at it and within seconds, euphoria kicked in, his shaft throbbed and the young man groaned as he let loose.


For the next four beautiful weeks, Andy rushed back home from school and headed to his parents' bedroom. There he found Darleen, who never failed to help him achieve sexual release.

Sticking to their schedule, every second or third day, she stripped down to her bare necessities, involving either her yoga pants, biker shorts and, on three lucky occasions, a lacy pair of cheeky panties—pink, black and then purple. Then she knelt before her boy and used her hands, mouth, tits, feet and saucy language to coax orgasms from him. And Andy rewarded her efforts each time with a heavy load, banished upon her lovely face.

It was an amazing time; it was every perverted young man's dream; and lasted until the arrival of spring break. As usual, Andy made no reservations to go out and get hammered with his buddies, but at least this time he had a great excuse to be at home.

And even though he never achieved his goal to bed the woman of his dreams—as he kept his word and stopped asking—Andy had to admit, these four weeks were one hell of a time.


After getting eliminated in his latest Fortnite: Battle Royale attempt, Andy decided it was time for a break. He removed his headphones, stretched his back and took a sip of his energy drink. The last facial session he had with his mom was the day before, so he had no plans with her this afternoon. However, he felt the need to spend some time with dear ol' Mom, anyway. Maybe they could watch a movie or something.

He walked out his door and straight into his parents' open room. He found Darleen sitting on the edge of her bed, using the landline. It didn't look like she enjoyed her conversation.

"Are you messing with me, Maxine?" she said with concern on her face. A distorted voice cried from the receiver. "Okay...Oh, God, this can't be happening." She placed her free hand over her face and more distortion followed. "Okay, Maxine...Okay, thank you for letting me know." She sighed. "I'll talk to you later...Thanks." Darleen put down the receiver, and then hung her head.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Andy wasn't sure what to make of what he'd heard.

Darleen remained seated with her head low. Then she shook it as she looked up at him. "I'm not sure." Darleen stood and made her way to her closet. "But I'm about to find out." She stepped into a pair of sneakers.

"Aaaah...want me to come with you?"

The young mother hesitated as she shouldered her purse and looked him in the eye. Andy got the impression she searched for something—an answer, if you will, deeper than the words that left her mouth:

"Ummm...okay." She nodded. "It might be best."

Andy and Darleen climbed into her white Porsche Cayenne. Once they were buckled up, she backed out of the driveway, gunned the accelerator and drove out the neighbourhood.

The mother and son sat in silence as they headed towards the city, with Darleen's foot heavy on the accelerator whenever the road opened. There was no point in trying to talk to her. Her eyes remained on the road, and she looked in no mood for a conversation outside the one in her head.

Andy wondered what it was about. Obviously nothing good. He rarely saw her in this mood. Andy knew he didn't need to question what all this fuss was over. Since he was along for the ride, he'd soon have an answer.

Eventually, Darleen steered into the parking lot of a motel inn. Once she backed into a particular parking spot, she pulled up her handbrake, shifted the car into neutral and killed its engine. Andy waited for her to open her door and step out. She only detached her seatbelt. He followed suit.

"What're we doing here, Mom?"

She didn't answer or turn her head to acknowledge his existence. Her focus remained on the east wing of the motel.

He stared at her. Man, she's being weird.

Minutes ticked by, and many more.

Andy's stomach growled. He tired of the games on his phone. Plus, his battery ran low. All he wanted was to head back home at this point. He no longer cared what he and Darleen were here for.

He heard a gasp.

Andy eyed his mom. He noticed a hand over her mouth and devastation in her eyes. He looked to where she did and shock filled his eyes, too.

Andy spotted his father in the doorway of a room on the second floor of the motel. With the jacket of his suit missing, his light blue dress shirt looked dishevelled—collar up, tie crooked and all—and so did his hair. The whereabouts of his jacket was no mystery. It hung in the arms of the blonde woman who stood before him.

It took a moment for it to register to Andy, but the woman's name was Lacey—Lacey McCauley. He remembered meeting her on a couple trips to his dad's office. He never talked to her for too long, but he remembered finding her gorgeous.

She was in her mid or late twenties, and was also the PA of some exec in the company. Andy also remembered—disappointingly, to him at the time—that she sported a wedding band.

He watched stunned as his dad and Lacey talked in the doorway with toothy smiles. Then Oscar leaned over and planted his lips on his colleague's. Andy turned his attention to his mom. Mascara dyed tears ran down her cheeks. This wasn't easy for the young man to witness.

I knew it. Darleen shook her head, sniffled and wiped her face. I knew all along he was doing this to me.

Her thoughts may have come from the perspective of hindsight, but seeing her husband and his tramp made the last few months make sense: the lack of intimacy, his decline of interest in her, and, more tellingly, the reduction of his semen. Old age, my ass! It all made sense.

The thought of him stepping out of their marriage had crossed her mind, but she'd dismissed the notion.

How could I be so stupid! She wiped her face, again, reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. She snapped a few pictures of Oscar and his skank, and one of his car. Then she reached for the ignition and brought her SUV to life.

The drive back home was another silent affair. Andy fully understood it this time. He couldn't believe what he'd seen and wondered what this meant for his family. Andy knew he was no saint in all this, but that didn't make the situation any easier to accept. How could Dad do this? He shook his head with his face in his hand.

When they arrived back home, the mother and son entered the house and headed straight upstairs. As they reached Andy's bedroom, Darleen ordered him to get inside and pack his bags, at once. He felt no need to protest. Darleen then headed to her bedroom, stepped into her closet and found her vacation bags.

After dealing with his own luggage, Andy helped his mother place her bags into her car. Before he could head upstairs to bring down her last bag, his dad's Mercedes coupé pulled into the driveway.

Andy was instructed by Darleen to get into her car and wait. She told him she could handle her last bag.

She walked into the house, headed upstairs and into her bedroom. Darleen eyed her bag for a moment. Then she walked to her bed and sat. Oscar soon strolled into the bedroom with his briefcase, casual as ever.

"Babe, I'm back. What's for..." He stopped in his tracks. "What's with the bag?" he said, pulled off his jacket and hung it up.

Darleen stared, seated. "How could you?"

Her words were calm, but any fool would notice the rage in her eyes.

"Whoa. Honey, calm down." His hands came up. "I'll take the trash out in a minute. No need to pack your bags." He could tell she was in no mood for wisecracks. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"How could you, Oscar? How could you cheat on me with that little whore?"

His face turned grim. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play games with me, Oscar! Don't. I saw you with her an hour ago!"

He looked confused.

"Oh. You need me to refresh your memory, do you? Okay." She reached into her purse, pulled out her phone, made her way to her pictures and tossed it to him.

Oscar caught it and examined the evidence. "Fuck," he sighed.

"How long have you been doing this?"

He stared at her, concerned.


Oscar exaggerated a sigh, then walked over to her dresser and took a seat. "Is that really important, Darleen?"

"Just answer the motherfuckin' question!"

"Okay, umm...I don't know. A few months now—maybe."

"I knew it. I knew it, you cheating BASTARD!"

"Is this really how we're gonna handle this, Darleen? You yelling at me for the next two hours? Okay. You got me. I cheated." He tossed her phone back, landing on the bed. "I'm sorry!"

"Well, you don't sound very sorry."

"Oh. Dear. God. Darleen, what do you want from me?" Oscar placed his face in his hands.

Darleen stared at her husband. His lack of remorse shocked her more than anything. Didn't he care about what he'd done, didn't he care about their marriage, their family, did he no longer care about her or her feelings?

Darleen wondered who this man was who sat before her. It certainly wasn't the same one she fell in love with nearly two decades earlier. She felt she may as well have been looking at a stranger.

"Oscar...tell me what's going on here. Why are you talking to me like this? Does this woman mean something to you?"

He faked a laugh and shook his head. "No."

"Be honest with me here, Oscar. Look dead into my eyes and tell me she means nothing to you."

Oscar looked his wife in the eye for what felt like an eternity to her. He seemed to struggle to find words. Then his head dropped.

That one action hurt Darleen a million times more than what she'd seen at the motel. To her, this was the ultimate betrayal. She didn't know where she found the strength not to stand up and maul him to within an inch of his life.

"So what does this mean for us?" Her eyes welled.

"I...really don't know." His head shook. "Probably nothing." Oscar shrugged.

She found that impossible to believe. "Okay." Darleen placed her phone into her purse and stood, wiping her face. "I think we just need a little time apart." She walked to her bag and extended its handle. "And then...we'll take things from there."

As she headed for the door, a part of Darleen hoped he'd say something and try to convince her to stay. She knew she would've left, regardless, but she wanted to hear him fight for them, and wanted to leave on better terms than this.

He remained silent.


"So...we're staying at Grandma and Grandpa's place, huh?" Andy unbuckled his seatbelt as they pulled into his grandparents' driveway.

"Only for a little while, sweetheart. I think we need to give your dad some space to clear his head. Then...we'll see what happens."

"Okay." He opened his door. "Let's try and make the most of this."

As they walked up the lit stone pathway toward the house, Darleen looked over her shoulder and said, "Honey, don't tell Grandma or Grandpa about anything that happened this afternoon."

"Of course, Mom."

"I'll let them know what's going on when I feel the time is right."

Darleen rang the doorbell a couple times. Soon after, Gloria Walker opened the front door. "Honey!" She beamed and stuck in her key to unlock the door's gate. "What're you doing here, and at this hour?"

"Hi, Mom." Darleen smiled back and gave her a hug. "Well, Andy and I thought we'd just stop by and maybe have dinner with you and Grandpa."

"Of course, of course. And just in time, too. Your daddy's in the kitchen, right now, finishin' up with his famous oxtail soup."

"Sorry we didn't call in advance."

"It's quite all right, dear. Oh my, your skin looks amazing, darling." She placed a hand on Darleen's cheek, causing her to blush. Gloria turned her attention to a smiling Andy and opened her arms. "And how's my grandbaby?"

"I'm doing okay, Grandma." He gave her a squeeze. "You?"

"I'm good, too, dear." She took a moment to admire him. "Okay, you two come on in and make yourselves right at home. Oh, and go and wash your hands while I put down two extra plates at the table for y'all."

Once everyone was seated at the dinner table, and grace was said by a smiling Gloria, the family dug in and enjoyed the delicious meal Grandpa Grant had prepared.

It was a causal affair.

Most of the chatter derived from Darleen and her mother, as they caught up on current news—barring one subject—and engaged in their usual gossip. Andy threw in his two cents every now and then. Grandpa grunted with a nod or shake of the head whenever a question came his way.

Andy had always known his grandfather to be that way—a man of few words. In a way, he thought he and Gramps were alike. Andy too was never the life of the party.

He figured his grandmother was probably the perfect person for old Grandpa Grant. Other than the cute fact they shared the same initials, Grandma Gloria was the exact opposite—never short on words. Andy thought they evened each other out.

And might that be how they managed to stay together for all those years? Forty-one, to be accurate. He wasn't exactly sure, since research suggested those with similar personalities were better suited for one another.

"I love the new colour of your hair, Mom."

"Why thank you, dear. " Gloria smiled. "I'd been thinking about making the change for a while now."

"Well I think you made the right choice. Blonde really works for you."

Darleen's mother smiled, again. "Okay, well, it looks like everybody's just about done."

"Need any help with the dishes, Grandma?" Andy took a sip of his soda.

"Don't worry about it, dear. Me and your mom will take care of it. Why don't you and Grandpa head to the den and watch some TV. I'll bring you both a slice of my blueberry pie, and maybe Grandpa will even let you have one of his beers."

"Mom, he's still only eighteen."

"Ohh, don't be such a fuddy-duddy, Darleen."

Soon Andy and his grandfather were settled in the living room, while Darleen and her mom kept themselves busy in the kitchen. As Darleen attended to the dishes, Gloria sliced out a third helping of her store bought pie. She'd lied to Andy for years about being its baker, but Darleen had long caught on. Gloria also poured her daughter a glass of milk to enjoy.

"Are you and Andy plannin' to stay the night? It's getting pretty late out there." She looked out the window.

"Would you mind if we did?"

"Of course not." Gloria placed Darleen's pie and milk beside her on the counter. "I'll make sure the guest bedrooms are ready for y'all."

"Thanks, Mom...Oh, and would it be okay if we stayed for a few more days after?"

Gloria stepped up to the sink and eyed her daughter. "Why? Is something goin' on between you and Oscar?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded. "We really got into it today."

"What happened?"

Darleen hesitated. "Well..." she said, placed a glass in the rinsing water and filled her mom in on the details.

"I can't believe he would do that." Her head shook.

"Yeah. But please don't tell Dad. He doesn't need to know. At least not until I know what's going to happen moving forward. For now, though, you can just tell him Oscar and I got into a big fight and I need somewhere to stay for a little while."

Her mother sighed. "All right, then, darlin'. My lips are sealed. I'm still shocked about the way he behaved."

"Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?" She shrugged. "Hey, when are you and Dad gonna move back into the future and buy a new dishwasher?"

"Ohh, you know how uptight he is about spendin' money."


Later that evening, Andy lay awake in his new bedroom for the next—he wasn't sure how many days. He thought about his current day. It seemed to be going okay until he and his mom found his dad out. He didn't know what on earth Oscar had been thinking. How could he be so stupid?

Andy believed had he been lucky enough to end up in a relationship with someone like Darleen, he never would've strayed—not even for Lacey McCauley.

That old fool. He sighed, shaking his head.

He looked at the desk placed in the corner of the dark room, illuminated only by his bedside lamp and the moonlight shining through his sheer white curtain. He wondered why he'd left his computer behind. Andy didn't think he could go on watching Fox News and sports with his grandfather.

Plus, Grandpa Grant was retired. He and Grandma Gloria would be around all day. That meant facials were probably off the table. He figured he could use his cell phone to help relieve himself, but, still, what would he do with the rest of his time? Maybe his mom would allow him to drive back to the house while his dad was at work. Andy switched off the lamp and closed his eyes.

Moments later, he heard a gentle knock on his door. He answered. The door creaked open, and in stepped Darleen. She was in a sleeveless white nightgown that stopped a little way past her knees. It looked somewhat old-fashioned, but elegant.

"Everything okay, Mom?"

"Yes," she whispered, walking up to his queen size bed, and took a seat. "I, ah, just...don't really feel like being alone right now. Would it be okay if I just cuddled with you for a little while?"

"Of course, Mom." Andy nodded and pulled back the cover.

"Thanks, hon." Darleen slipped in and rested her head on his shoulder. She curled her left arm across his chest and rested the same side's leg on top of his. They adjusted to get comfortable.

It didn't take long for Andy to become dazzled by her scent. And this time, he picked up her strawberry scented hair conditioner. As usual, he couldn't name the fragrance. All he knew was he enjoyed the smell. He closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. He let it out with a smile.

Andy also enjoyed the position they lay embraced in. The intimacy felt good. Curling his arm around her neck and resting his palm on her upper arm, he didn't ever want to let go. He could lie with Darleen like this until the rapture of heaven's gates came calling. Funny, he didn't think it would feel as good.

"Are you okay with everything that happened today, hon?"

"Yeah. Still a little...shocked. But yeah."

"I'm sorry I took you with me to find out if it was true. You didn't deserve to see that."

"It's okay, Mom."

"I only brought you along because if what Maxine told me turned out to be true, I wanted you to be the first to know."

Andy wasn't sure what to make of that.

"Meaning...I wanted to see...if I can count on you; if you there for me."

He considered. "Always, Mom—without question."