Granddad at Play Ch. 05


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"Ohhh yesss, keep it coming!" she panted, "I like this, I really do!"

We were away again, our bodies working together and with both of us intent on reaching a climax before too long. It had been an amazing fuck so far but I could feel my energy starting to ebb away now.

"Ahhh, got to keep this going!" I grunted as I thrust harder and faster, "Going to cum soon, or else!"

"I'll help you!" said Mary and I felt her vagina grasping me tighter as she spoke, quickly urging me onwards.

There was a brief period of relative silence now as we worked together and as we built towards our mutual peak, until eventually I felt the sudden spasm that I knew heralded the onset of an orgasm.

"Ohhh, ohhh, that's it!" I gasped, panting heavily as I slammed my cock into her, "Can feel it coming, come with me Mary."

"I'll try," she gasped as her own hips lifted against me, "Bet I can – sure I can in fact!"

I felt soaked in sweat now and even Mary's breasts were speckled with bubbles of sweat as we thrashed on and on, but every stroke brought us nearer to the end until finally I felt the spasms suddenly building strongly.

"Ohh here it cums!" I grunted as I felt my cock swelling and stiffening even more, "Don't stop – it's cumming, it's cumming!"

"And me!" squeaked Mary as her hole tightened madly around my cock, "Ohhh Chris – do it – fuck it – cum, just cum!"

I had no options left – the stimulation between my cock and her vaginal walls had sent my orgasm into free-fall entirely out of my control.

"Uhhh yeahhh!" I cried loudly, "Uhhhh cummming!"

"Yes Chris, so am I!" Mary howled as we climaxed together powerfully.

Suddenly there seemed to be a huge amount of lubrication around as I let loose with my pent-up cum and as Mary flooded us with her latest climax.

Lubrication and juices splashed, splattered and streamed between us, fluids that were filled with our hot sexual scents, fragrances that were full of pheromones and aromas that flooded our noses and filled our senses.

It was all we could do to cling together as we writhed and twisted and let loose and then, all energy spent, we flopped together with me falling to the bed and Mary quickly rolling over on top of me.

Her warm wet weight was wonderfully evocative of years gone past and, to my amazement I realised that perchance, I might well have met the successor to my late wife.

"Oh Chris," she breathed, her body resting comfortably on me, "That was really something, wasn't it? How on earth did we manage to do that?"

I shook my head as I too wondered, although inside me I knew the answer.

"That implant – I know I've said it before but if it wasn't for that..." I panted, "Bloody hell – thank heavens for that implant!"

"But we did the work, didn't we?" added Mary and I nodded now.

"They said it would do us good all through," I said, "You know, not just our sex drive but our whole system. Makes you wonder how long it'll work for."

"Year and years, I hope!" said Mary with a giggle and a squirm, "Ooops, I think he's going to slip out."

My cock had at last decided that enough was enough – at least for now and was doing it's best to hide away and as I felt it sliding from Mary's well-used pussy so I also felt the flood of juices that escaped too and now it was my turn to have a wet arse.

"We ought to move and get cleaned up," I suggested and after we'd enjoyed a warm kiss, Mary climbed off me and we both eventually headed to her bathroom.

The shower was only big enough for one so I let her go first while I gave myself a basic once-over in the wash basin.

"Need a bigger shower!" she said from being the curtain, "It's far more fun showering with a friend!"

My mind had run the same way and along with my thoughts on making her mine, I inadvertently let my tongue take over.

"Need one of those double units then," I said blithely as I began to towel myself dry.

"But they're only for couples," replied Mary quickly, her head reappearing quickly, "Hey – what are you thinking?"

"Guess I wouldn't mind sharing," I muttered and hardly had I spoken than Mary was climbing out of the shower and plastering her wet body against mine.

"Seriously?" she asked, her eyes glittering and shining, "You'd share with me?"

I'd cast my die, whether intentionally or not and with a deep breath and an impulsive nod I answered.

"Go on then – why not!" I said, "I told you I fancied you from the moment I saw you and if the last hour is anything to go by then we've loads in common!"

"And I said I felt the same," she answered, as her body squirmed against me, "We'd make a lovely couple!"

I pushed her away, gently of course, and looked her up and down. She still looked entirely delectable to me and more than a little sexy. Her face glowed with fun and happiness, her large but wonderfully plump breasts hung somewhat but still looked very welcoming and her lovely curvy body spoke of sensuality and desire. I knew that we'd certainly have plenty of sex in common, if nothing else.

"Let's go for it," I said impulsively, "We'd better get together to find out what we like and dislike and if we still feel we can get along then I'm all for it!"

"Oh Chris!" shrieked Mary as she leapt into my arms again, almost toppling me with her enthusiasm, "That's wonderful – that's perfect!"

Somehow we managed to finish showering and washing and drying and then even dressing, then we settled in her lounge to relax and to talk over a bottle of wine and an hour or so later we'd found no major setbacks or disagreeable quirks. The deal was almost sealed, but there was one more potential stumbling block – the matter of sex...with other people.

I might well only have been at James Ogden Court for a matter of months but in that time I'd been able to explore more sexual interactions than I'd done in the previous thirty years and I loved my new freedom, so I finally raised the subject.

"There is one thing though, Mary," I said slowly, almost holding my breath with worry, "Well, you know we've had these implants..."

She nodded so I continued.

"Well, they seem to make you desire sex although often with people of the same sex," I managed to say, "So what's going to happen if we get to live together?"

"We'll have even more sex!" said Mary triumphantly, "Oh Chris – I knew we had to discuss that and I'm so pleased it's come out!"

She left her chair and settled herself on my lap, her squirmy arse pressing against my penis and her lovely tits firmly to hand.

"I want us to enjoy sex of all kinds," she said, her voice wickedly seductive, "And where better to enjoy it than at home, so to speak, so if we get a double unit we'll have more room to romp and fuck and play around, won't we?"

I could hardly believe my luck and certainly my cock understood and suddenly began to grow, pressing up against Mary's arse, something that Mary soon realised.

"Ohhh, feels as if that's ok with you too!" she laughed as she wriggled her bum against me, "And I think that ALL the people at our table are wonderful, especially you, so we'll be able to invite them all round. I've wanted to see how nice Nancy is for ages and there's a couple of other ladies who look interesting, so now perhaps I'll have more of a chance. As for the men, I've always liked Dick, but he's gay apparently."

"What about me?" I asked, "Will I still be allowed to get together with my pals?"

"Of course you'll be able to have fun with your friends too," she said and she added her enthusiastic nod, "I love to watch two men going at it – well three men at once, if you like – I don't mind how many!"

"Even if I bed some of the other women?" I asked.

I felt Mary nodding furiously before she replied.

"Even women!" she said happily, "Especially if you do it where I can see you in action!"

Our discussion was ended as Mary twisted around and found my lips with hers and before I knew it we were heading back towards the bedroom, with her hand firmly grasping my cock through my shorts.

"One more round and then we'll be ready to go and tell the rest," she said as she threw her clothes onto the chair, "Oh, and then we'd better go and apply for a double unit or none of this will happen."

"This bit will!" I added as I displayed my newly stiff cock, "Whatever happens we can still get it on, can't we!"

"Damn right we can!" laughed Mary as she spread herself on the bed, "Come on then, let's get some more practice done!"

An hour later and we parted, both of us feeling that we should take some time out to let each of us chew things over alone. Of course we parted lovingly, Mary now in her short bed jacket as we kissed and cuddled at her doorway and then I was striding lightly to my own unit, my heart happy, my face smiling and my cock exhausted. It was well into the afternoon now and just time for a relaxing nap before dinner too and I fell asleep just seconds after I settled into my comfy chair.

I awoke about an hour later as I usually somehow did, feeling refreshed and so happy that I could barely contain myself, but instead of telling the world I merely addressed the few birds who gathered on my windowsill to collect some crumbs that I put out for them.

"I can't believe my luck!" I told them, my smile as broad as my face, "The sexiest woman here and she's mine! Not only that, I can still have fun with the guys too!"

Alone I was able to remember Mary's body now and let my mind stray over her lovely attributes, especially remembering how heavy her breasts had felt as they pressed down on me; how warm and soft her mouth was; how hot and wet and amazingly tight her pussy was and in a matter of seconds my cock had risen powerfully once again.

"Oh no, go away!" I moaned to myself, not daring to touch my cock, "Save it, for fuck's sake!"

Time for our evening meal was by now swiftly approaching and the last thing I wanted was for me to arrive at the table looking and feeling exhausted – mealtimes were usually a good time for a decent chatter and discussion so somehow I found other things to do other than to play with myself until it was time to head to the dining room.

There was a full house tonight with all the regulars in attendance and the meal quickly passed as our conversations helped with our digestion, and then it was time to loiter in the lounge for the evening. Mary and I had sat side by side tonight, with Joe moving across the table to Mary's usual place and while several people had looked at us questioningly no-one had spoken to ask us anything, so Mary and I kept ourselves from giving away out little secret. Nevertheless we couldn't help but glance at each other and smile despite intending not to do so and more than once our hands met under the table. Eventually as we finished eating and stood up from the table I turned to Mary to ask if she'd like my company later on but she shook her head, understanding my intent even before I asked.

"I'm having a bit of girlie night in!" she giggled quietly, "I'll tell you more tomorrow. You go tell your pals and perhaps you can keep them happy too."

With that she disappeared and I joined the guys as we walked through to the big lounge where we usually gathered, all of us soon settled in our usual armchairs.

"Come on Chris," said Bill almost immediately, "You and Mary are up to something aren't you?"

There was no way I could hide my happiness from the likes of Bill so his question actually came as a release for me.

"Sort of," I admitted, "Yeah, me...and Mary – we're thinking of getting it together."

"Ohhh, I'd get together with her if I had a chance!" gloated Bill while the other laughed, "Couldn't half give her one – I reckon she's fucking lovely!"

"Tell us what she's like once you do the deed," added Dick, "You tell a good story."

"No, I meant we're thinking of living together," I said, my excitement bubbling over, "We've already done it – you know – fucked!"

"You dirty little scoundrel!" spluttered Dick with an added laugh, "No wonder we haven't seen much of you today!"

"Is that were you were – up her?" asked Bill, "You're a bit of a dark horse, aren't you!"

"Was a bit sudden," I said, "But I think we'd been building up to it for months really without actually doing anything. So yes, we spent most of the afternoon together and loved it."

"What about this morning then?" asked Joe, "Where were you then? Could have done with a nice cock!"

"I was busy with Doctor Sandra," I said at which Dick laughed loudly.

"I know what being busy with her means!" he said, still laughing, "I know what she's like, you dirty fucker!"

Dick suddenly stood up now and turned around to display the strong stiff length of his cock in his trousers to us. We could see the thickness of his shaft and the outline of his knob as he held his hand around his eager cock and thrust his groin out towards me.

"Guess you won't be wanting to enjoy this any more then?" he said ruefully, "One less to play with."

"No, no," I hastened to add, "No way, I mean yes – even if Mary and I get together then we both want to keep on playing around!"

Dick's face lit up and he surged towards me, pulling me to my feet with his strong arms.

"Come on then, I need you!" he said eagerly, "I want your arse and then I want you to fuck me hard!"

"Not so loud!" I spluttered, still not entirely comfortable with outlandishly sexual matters, "Let's get out of here!"

"Ok," he whispered as he pressed his arse back at me, "I already put some lube in my hole, I'm all slippery down there!"

We bustled from the room, cheered on by raucous calls from Bill and Joe and were soon in Dick's unit where he pulled me tightly into his arms and hugged me while his still stiff cock pressed against me. Our lips met quickly then we parted, both eager to divest ourselves of our clothing and to get down to business, then we were standing there, face to face, cock to eager naked cock.

"I reckon you're still growing down there," said Dick as he took my penis in his hand, "If that isn't eight inches by now I'll eat my hat."

"How about you eat my cock instead?" I suggested and with that Dick quickly knelt down and in a moment or two he had most of my penis embedded in his warm wet mouth.

"Ohh Dick, you certainly like your name, don't you!" I hissed, trembling from the delicious senses that he was causing, "Ohhh, that's great!"

His attack on my cock was entirely different to that of Mary; he was rougher and firmer; his lips felt hotter and drier – and thereby seemed to generate more feeling in my cock – and he could somehow slide almost all of my cock into his mouth. Truthfully though, what mattered was that his actions were powerful stimulants that were making my hips jerk and my cock throb. All the excitement generated earlier by Mary was now building again inside me and every suck, lick and stroke was sending me quickly towards a climax.

"You're going to make me cum if you don't stop," I panted as waves of lust jerked my hips, "You'd better be ready!"

Dick lifted away from my cock and glanced up at me, his lips and chin wetted by his saliva.

"Up to you mate, cum if you like, or you can cum up my arse if you prefer," he said as his hand languidly slid up and down my shaft, "It's all good, wherever you cum!"

"Let me try your arse," I said, my mind suddenly desiring an alternative to pussy, "Come on, get on your knees."

Dick turned and repositioned himself, thrusting his glistening arsehole towards me.

"I'm already lubed for you – I told you I did it earlier just in case," he said as he wriggled his arse as if to encourage me, "You up for it?"

"Definitely!" I said eagerly as I settled on my knees behind him, my stiff cock just inches from his body, "Here I come then."

A quick adjustment to my posture and then the tip of my penis was sliding in the lube around his hole, then pressing into his tight little arsehole.

"Ohhh, fuck!" I moaned as I pressed forward and felt my cock sliding into him, "That's nice mate, tight and hot."

"Hasn't been used since yesterday!" moaned Dick as he squeezed my slowly thrusting penis, "Don't take too long – I want to feel you squirting in there!"

"You like that do you?" I asked as I began to move more quickly and strongly, "You like to feel all that cum filling you, pumping from my cock, squirt after squirt?"

"Love it!" he hissed, "And these implants have done wonders for the amount of cum everyone makes these days!"

"Yeah, I'm amazed too," I panted as I thrust steadily if harder into him, "Don't know how much I'll give you though."

"Don't care – just do your best – try to fill me!" he answered, his arm now moving steadily as he jerked his cock, "And do it before I cum!"

That was a distinct likelihood now as my thrusting and the tightness of his hole had stirred my gonads into action. The undercurrents of an orgasm were already causing my body to spasm, to tighten my ball sack and my stomach muscles, to swell my cock, to jerk my hips and to drive my penis harder into his arsehole. For a short while we thrust and humped energetically, sending strong messages back to my balls and sweat to my brow and chest until our efforts came to fruition.

"Ohhh, Dick – it's cumming, I can feel it!" I grunted as I thrust faster and faster, "Any minute now I'll fill you!"

"Yeah, yeah, fuckin' fill me!" he gasped, his hole now gripping me very tightly, "Pump it up me – give me loads of it!"

"Uhhhh!" I grunted as my hips spasmed and slammed my cock deeper than ever into him, "Here it – ahhhh, yesss – cummms!"

Sudden jerks of my hips, entirely unbidden, pressed my cock into his hole, blasting what felt like huge waves of cum into him, one jet after another.

"Ohhh fuck, fuck, fuck!" I spluttered as my spasms fired off then died away, "Bloody hell, that was good!"

"Yeah, felt really good too," said Dick as his arsehole tried to suck more cum from me, "Loved the way you squirted; all warm and wet and wonderful – I can feel it all up there inside me!"

Instantly worn down I slumped back onto my haunches, my chest rising and falling deeply and my penis slithering wetly from his hole, followed by a nice dribble of whitish cum but while it seemed to be a waste, I didn't even have the strength left to wipe it up, lick it away or even to say anything. Dick must have felt it escaping though, because his hand reached between his legs and found the sticky slippery blob, gathering it on his fingers and transferring it to his mouth.

"Nice – tasty!" he breathed as he turned around, "Thanks Chris, that was just perfect!"

"Yeah, it was good!" I panted, still not recovered yet, "You were nice and tight today."

"Told you – it's been a whole day without being fucked!" he said with a big smile, "Feels better now though."

We sat there on the floor as we recovered, then Dick levered himself up and strode off towards the kitchen, soon reappearing with some cans of lager, one of which he handed to me. It was cool and was just what I needed and in seconds I'd half emptied my can, before wiping my lips.

"Brilliant!" I enthused, "So, what's next?"

"My turn to fuck you," said Dick before he too drank deeply, "Got him all ready for you – now, just a bit of lube on your arse and you'll be fit to go too."

"Can we get on the bed?" I asked and with that Dick pulled me upright and led me to his bedroom.

"Course we can," he added, "Got some lube here too and some towels."

"All prepared then?" I asked as I climbed onto the bed, "Ready for anything!"

"Bloody right!" he laughed as he too clambered onto the bed, "Here you are – don't use too much."

The lube didn't even feel cold as I pressed the small blob of the stuff against my hole and rubbed it around and then, with the puckered opening and my finger both lubed, my finger slipped easily into my own arsehole, causing me to quiver suddenly, then laugh.