Granddad at Play Ch. 05


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"I'm still not used to all this anal stuff," I said as I slid my finger in and out, "Still comes as a shock when I even touch my arsehole."

Dick laughed too but didn't comment and a moment after I'd arranged myself on my hands and knees I felt Dick moving behind me and then the touch and pressure of his cock at my hole.

"No messing today," said Dick quickly, "I need you – let's get on with it!"

And then his cock was squeezing against my sphincter, stretching my hole, then filling my anus with his substantial chunk of meat, his lengthy cock sliding inside me until I felt his warm belly pressing against my cheeks.

"Ohhh yeah, that's good!" breathed Dick from behind me, "Nice and firm and tight – not going to take me long to cum, I reckon."

"Don't be too rough!" I advised, not really wishing to be fucked hard, "Still want to feel you right up inside me though."

"Ok, ohhh fuck, right up inside you!" panted Dick as he began to slide his cock in and out steadily, "This is perfect!"

He'd hardly taken more than a few strokes when his doorbell rang, jerking us both from our sexual scenario.

"Fuck," spluttered Dick as he slid his cock from my hole, "What's the betting that's Bill."

A moment later he was sliding his dressing gown over his shoulders and heading from the bedroom to his door and a few moments later I heard him call out.

"Yep – it's Bill," he said, "He wants to join in – I knew he would!"

A few moments later, and with me still in position on the bed, Bill appeared in the bedroom doorway with Dick right behind him, Dick naked again with his gown thrown over his arm.

"Hello Chris," said Bill as he surveyed the scene and began to undress, "Thought that you'd both enjoy another cock, so I brought mine along to play!"

"Wait your bloody turn!" said Dick as he stroked his penis back to it's original stiffness, "I hadn't finished – damn, I hadn't even started!"

Dick pushed past Bill, ignoring him as he climbed back onto the bed.

"Anyway, it's my place so I'm having him first!" he crowed, "You can wait!"

Bill smiled as he finished undressing and a short while later he settled himself on the bed beside us, now with a can in one hand and his already stiff penis in the other.

"Give me a nice suck while he's fucking you," he said to me as he adjusted the pillows and sat on them with his erection not far from my face, "Get my cock all ready for your arse!"

His huge penis actually looked very inviting – a delicious gleaming, stiff length of thick flesh, all complete with retracted foreskin and a smear of precum that had already started to dribble down under the knob.

"Looks like it's already ready," I murmured as I lowered my head towards his penis, "Bet you've been playing with it!"

Bill laughed then lifted his hips until his thick penis met my lips.

"Only a bit," he said, "Started having a wank a little while ago but the bloody phone interrupted me, so I thought I'd come and see how you two were getting on."

At that moment Dick's penis found my arsehole again and in seconds he was inside me once more, his thrust driving my head forward and Bill's cock into my mouth. I tasted the slipperiness of his precum and then the more strident scent of male essence filled my nose.

"Ohhhh!" came groans from each end of me and from me too.

"Ahhh, ohhh, that's lovely!" said Bill as his penis squeezed into my throat, "You could do that all day!"

"No way!" I spluttered as I pulled away for a moment, "Anyway, I like to be able to taste you, I want to feel your cum spurting into my mouth!"

"Ohhh, you'll feel that alright!" moaned Bill as I settled to sucking him again, "Don't suppose it'll be long either, not with how good your mouth feels."

"His arse feels bloody good too!" answered Dick as his dick pumped in and out steadily, "He seems to grip me and sort of pull at me – it's amazing!"

I didn't know what my hole was doing because whatever it was doing was automatic and unintentional, but Dick seemed to like it, as did I because the fluttering, squeezing spasms of my anus were sending quivers all through me that made my own cock as stiff as a wooden pole, albeit a dribbling sticky one.

It was hard to concentrate on sucking a cock while another one was pumping in and out of my arsehole so I mentally shut Dick's steady thrusting out while I sucked and played with Bill's substantial instrument. It was hard and slippery and big and at best I could only comfortably fit half of it inside my mouth – there was still room for my hand to wrap around his shaft. I swirled my tongue around his knob, concentrating on the underside and on the ridge around it's rim and whatever I was doing was right, apparently.

"Damn, you're good!" groaned Bill as his penis seemed to jump and shiver in my mouth, "Ohhh, yesss, keep it there...that's perfect!"

Again I wasn't doing anything special but I was enjoying sucking his lovely warm solid penis. It was a big, thick, firm piece of flesh that tasted good and felt even better. Every so often, as I twisted my tongue around it or sucked that bit harder it seemed to pulsate and each time it did so I felt his precum oozing out to anoint my tongue and palate. Inevitably, each time it did so I sucked harder which in turn caused Bill to lift his cock up at me, doing his best to spear it right down my throat, or at least it felt that way. I could let it press into my throat but my gag reflex was stopping me from taking it all, but anyway, since a good mouthful was more than enough I didn't need any more and nor did Bill right now.

"Fuck – you're going to make me cum!" he gasped as his penis thrust firmly against the roof of my mouth and gushed a nice load of precum, "Getting really close now!"

Apart from offering a grunt I couldn't answer because his cock filled my mouth but Dick answered for me.

"Yeah Bill, fill him!" he grunted, his own penis now slamming into me faster and harder, "Give him a big load just like I'm going to do!"

I was in the middle of a very aroused sandwich now, with both cocks that were inside me coming to the boil and I could feel that my own cock was rigidly stiff as well. Bill seemed to be trying to hold back while Dick was doing just the opposite and I hardly knew which end to concentrate on – but Dick solved my problem.

"Ahhh, ahhhh, here it cums!" he grunted as his thighs slapped hard against my arse and his cock thrust deeply into my hole and exploded.

I felt the sudden pressure inside me as his generous cum flooded into me, a pressure that increased as he thrust again and released another gush of cum. The warm wetness seemed to flow around inside me, thrilling me to the core. I didn't dare touch my own cock for fear of it blasting off too!

"Ohhh fuck, yeahhh!" he gasped as his hips jerks spasmodically, slamming his cock into me as he sprayed his spunk into my bowels, "Ohhh, damn, that was perfect!"

The added excitement must have reached both Bill and me, causing me to suck harder and Bill to reach his own peak.

"Hold tight Chris – here it cums!" he panted as his body froze rigidly.

I didn't have a lot of choice because Bill's hands were now pressing me down onto his pulsating throbbing penis, then I seemed to feel his cock expand and it certainly stiffened even more – and then there was the delicious feeling and taste of his cum that quickly flooded my mouth. I swallowed quickly for fear of being drowned but was immediately blasted by another huge wave of cum that was so sudden, and possibly so large in volume that it overpowered my mouth and squirted from one corner. My hand moved into place to catch it before it splashed to the floor, then I needed to concentrate on Bill's cock again as he pressed it deep into my mouth and pumped a gushing load into my throat.

"Ohhh Chris, oh damn!" he gasped, his whole body now shivering and shaking, "Fuckin' hell, I'm drained!"

"And me," murmured Dick from behind me, his cock still inside me but just slowly sliding in and out of my arsehole, "He certainly loves the cock, doesn't he?"

Bill laughed as I cleaned around his penis with my tongue, sliding my fist down his shaft to extract the last of his load, then remembering to clean the puddle of cum from my hand.

"He certainly does that!" he laughed happily as he watched me, "Best man in this place I reckon – makes me wonder what he's like with the ladies."

"He's definitely good!" said Dick, his penis still languidly moving inside me, "We shared Doctor Judy a few days ago and she was more than happy."

"No, you fucked her while I fucked you," I answered as I let Bill's penis slip from my lips, "But yes, I do love the ladies too."

"Sounds like fun – a nice little threesome, was it?" enquired Bill with a leering grin.

"It was a damn hot little threesome actually!" answered Dick, laughing, "Loved it – amazing!"

"He definitely gets on well with Mary too," added Bill, "I reckon he's screwing her!"

I was in the middle being discussed almost as if I wasn't there, but I was enjoying it.

"Oh ok, I'll admit it," I said, proud about my relationship with Mary and wanting to have my say, "Yes, we've fucked and she's absolutely super in bed – she's pretty super out of it too!"

"See, I told you he was!" said Bill as he cleaned his penis with a towel, "Bet he settles down with her and then we won't be able to enjoy his talents."

"Funny you should say that," I said happily, "I think we are going to get together – still a few things to sort out but there's one thing we've agreed on already."

"What's that then?" asked Dick from the bathroom where he was now washing his cock.

"If we do get together then we'll carry on with our sex lives," I said triumphantly, "Especially threesomes!"

My arsehole was now dribbling Dick's cum so I too headed to the bathroom where I sat down on the toilet until I'd pushed out what I could, then I dressed and somewhat reluctantly said my goodnight to Dick and Bill, my need for some sleep overcoming all else. I'd only cum once during our evening of fun but having had both my mouth and arse filled I felt quite replete, if still somewhat horny. My cock refused to deflate even after I'd settled in bed alone but then suddenly sleep overtook me and the next thing I knew it was morning once more.

"Whew," I breathed as I stretched, "That was good last night."

It was then that I realised that I was stiff once again, something of a rare event now that I was getting on in years and my hand was soon caressing my hot and rigid penis.

"Sorry lad, I need a pee," I said to myself as I rose, "I'll deal with you later."

I eventually peed and almost immediately after I'd finished I felt my cock stiffening once again. "What's the matter with you?" I moaned as my hand slid up and down my shaft, "Didn't you have enough last night?"

Apparently the answer was a resounding 'no' and now my cock actually started to throb and dribble precum, to add to my general arousal so instead of dressing I stayed naked, having slept that way, allowing my penis freedom to stretch out freely. The trouble with having my cock sticking out was that every so often I'd find that my hand would meet my erection and the natural effect of my touch and occasional stroke did nothing to allow my cock to relax.

"Come on, I'd better make you happy," I said to myself as I settled in a chair and squeezed my cock firmly, "Just the once though, then breakfast."

I settled to my stroking, feeling my hips jerking upwards occasionally and seeing my cock almost glowing with it's urgency as I turned on my laptop and headed to a porn site, then, having located a suitably arousing clip I made myself comfy and got ready to start stroking but I'd hardly started when the phone rang.

"Oh that's fuckin' typical," I grunted as I picked up the phone and lifted it to my ear, "Yes, good morning!"

"Hello Chris, it's Joe," came the voice, "Just wondered if you were doing anything?"

"Well I was and hello to you too," I said, my hand still around my cock, "What's up?"

"I was just feeling like wanting some cock!" said Joe quietly, "I wanted to suck someone off and I immediately thought of you!"

My penis jerked powerfully as he spoke and I realised that Joe would be able to get me off far more enjoyably than I could and was a most opportune interruption.

"Oh, ok – you'd better pop round then," I answered as I started to move my hand up and down my cock again, "Make it quick, I haven't even had my breakfast yet!"

I heard Joe laugh just as I cut the connection, then leaned back in my chair while continuing to stroke myself, carefully avoiding overdoing things. I'd much rather cum in Joe's mouth than in my hand...and then, no doubt, I'd be able to have a nice taste of his cum too.

I'd hardly had time to brew two cups of coffee when I heard a knock on the door and, still naked and with my cock leading the way, I went and opened the door, hiding demurely behind it until I could let Joe in, then shut the door behind him.

"Wow, look at you!" hissed Joe as he stretched out and grasped my cock, "All nice and hot and ready for me!"

"I was just getting ready to jerk myself off," I said, "But now you're here..."

"I can take over, can't I?" said Joe as we walked together to the lounge.

I sat down on the sofa which was somewhat higher than my chair and all the easier to allow access to my penis. That instrument was still in Joe's hand for now, although a moment later he let go and stood up again.

"I'm overdressed," he said simply and a moment or two later he was naked and standing beside me.

His own penis was also already hard and glistening with what I guessed was precum and Joe quickly confirmed my thoughts.

"I was going to have an early morning wank as well," he said as bent and took hold of my cock again, "Then I realised that it was silly to keep it to myself – surely someone else would like to enjoy my cum, and that's when I thought of you."

"Glad you did," I answered as I reached out for his penis, "Always nice to share things!"

His cock felt harder than mine, but as he was somewhat younger than me that was to be expected. His penis was also dribbling far more precum than mine and in seconds my hand was slipping and sliding in his hot juices.

"Fuck, that feels good!" he sighed as we both settled to our task, "This is going to be fun!"

Already though I could feel my cock tingling as my orgasm quivered within me – my earlier action and probably last night's pleasures had set my body on edge and right now I wasn't far from blowing off.

"I think you'd better get this thing in your mouth," I murmured, "Either that or we get down and do a 69. It's not going to be long before I cum."

"What, already!" gasped Joe as he moved quickly until he was on his knees between my legs, "That's quick!"

"Been thinking of cumming ever since last night," I moaned as Joe's mouth engulfed most of my penis, "Ahhhh, oh that's lovely Joe, don't stop!"

He didn't answer but merely let more of my cock slide between his tight lips until I was buried to the roots in his mouth. His throat was hot and tight and amazing and I couldn't help but thrust my cock up and deeper into him, causing him to hum with pleasure.

He lifted off me, leaving my cock all slippery, slimy and gleaming with his saliva, then his hand was around my shaft again, quickly sliding up and down, his mouth poised just inches from me.

"Ahhh!" I gasped as he worked faster and harder, "That's good – that's, oh god, brilliant! Aaaahhh, don't stop!"

I was already on the brink and about to explode and fortunately Joe understood and realised. He gave me a few more energetic rubs that made my hips jump and my cock swell and then his mouth was over me again, his lips squeezing me deliciously, his tongue very busy stimulating my knob. I was almost there...just a few more strokes...

"Yeahhhh cumming!" I gasped as the finale arrived, "Here it cums!"

A second or two later I grunted again as my penis spat what felt like a massive wad of cum into Joe's mouth. I grunted again a second or two later as my cock repeated it's action, then gasped and shook as the remainder of my spunk left my cock and filled his mouth. Joe stayed where he was for a little while as his tongue swept my cock clean and as his sucking mouth gathered the last of my cum and then he was lifting away and kneeling upright once more.

His lips looked reddened and there was a small bubble of cum that had escaped from one corner of his mouth but he looked happy, his eyes sparkling with pleasure.

He swallowed, then his mouth and tongue were busy as what was remained of my cum was gathered up and swallowed too, then he smiled hugely at me.

"Delicious!" he exclaimed happily, "What a lovely tasty load, and so much too!"

"Was there?" I asked, still amazed that I, and others of our age, could produce copious loads of cum, "You liked that, did you?"

"Ohhh definitely," he said, his tongue still trying to gather up all the taste, "I'll tell you what – those implants are a godsend! So much sex – so much spunk too – it's incredible!"

"Couldn't agree more," I answered, my eyes wandering down to Joe's dribbling erection, "And it looks as if there's plenty more in there too!"

His eyes followed mine and together we gazed at his cock. He was of considerable size – perhaps not quite a long as mine but somewhat thicker and even as we watched another bubble of precum slid from his peehole and dropped slowly to the floor on a thread of silvery juice.

"Don't go wasting that," I exclaimed, "Come on, change places."

In a moment or two we'd done that so that now it was my turn to enjoy his cock at close quarters. I didn't stop to admire it but moved closer, wrapped my hand around his shaft and guided the end to my mouth. Instantly the delicious taste of warm wet precum-slippery cock filled my brain and when I swirled my tongue around his knob it pumped out another big gush of precum that added to my pleasure.

As soon as I'd let the slippery juice spread around my mouth I began to slide my lips up and down his cock, an instrument that was already throbbing and jumping powerfully as I sucked.

I loved the feeling of his thick penis between my lips, the feeling of his knob as it pressed against the roof of my mouth or into my throat and the softness of his foreskin as I let my tongue slide over it's folds.

"Ohhh!" gasped Joe as I found an especially sensitive place, "Yesss, there, keep it there!"

It was somewhere on the underside of his penis and now I concentrated on it steadily and with each gasp came another dribble of precum and then a sudden stiffening of his body.

"Bloody hell, you're going to make me cum! I can't believe how quickly!" he gasped as his cock jerked strongly and his hips pressed his penis deeper into my mouth, "Ohhh fuck – here it cums!"

My mouth was suddenly and deliciously flooded with his gushing, pouring, spouting spunk, his spurts of cum quick and numerous, so much so that I inadvertently let some squeeze from the corner of my mouth. I felt it cooling on my lips and chin but I had to concentrate on keeping his cock from spearing into my throat as well as emptying my mouth so I could breathe comfortably.

"Wow" Joe panted, "Where the hell did that come from? So damn quickly!"

"I told you I was playing before I arrived," I commented, "Didn't realise that it got you all worked up as well."

"Yeah well, I had been rubbing myself for a while," he mused as we separated and began wiping ourselves down, "Still amazing, that's for sure – anyway, thanks Chris, that was great."

Somewhat more relaxed now I reheated our cooling cups of coffee in the microwave and we settled, side by side on the sofa to cool down and recover. I had no idea what would happen next, if anything, but I guessed that there was a fair chance that we'd do it all over again soon, but then my thoughts were interrupted by Joe as he drained his mug and put it on the table.