Her Love Ch. 03


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Jenny looked up tears streaming and tried to blubber her way out, but Char would have none of it. This time the back of Char's hand found her cheek and the big hand that hadn't hit her snatched her up by the hair so she was standing. Char left her hanging there for a long minute before she put her face an inch from Jenny's and continued.

"I have five brothers and sisters. I raised them all and not once did I do to them what you did to your brother. How long did you make him suffer? How much joy did you get from watching him suffer? Did you get off on it, you sick twist?" Char asked.

Jenny tried not to answer, but again Char slapped her on the top of the head.

"Answer me," she said quietly.

"But I..." Jenny blubbered.

Char laughed at her and shook her head.

"Just what I thought. A spoiled little rich bitch that thinks mommy and her daddy can save her from the big bad world. Well you know what princess...' Char started and Jenny dropped her head.

Char tilted her head at the rudeness and grabbed her by the lower jaw and roughly forced her to look up.

"Don't ever ignore me when I speak you tramp!' Char barked and Jenny's eyes widened and she bobbed her head as much as Char's firm grip would allow.

"Don't you ever come near him again, are we clear? And call the fucking cops on me. I welcome it,' Char purred evilly.

Jenny was breathing shaking breaths and Char cast her to the floor with her mother and stood over the both of them. The contempt she had in her eyes was all that needed to be said. Without a word Char descended the stairs and as she did looked so regal it made Meyerson and Emil look up at her in awe. Terry saw the way she seemed to glide down the stairs and his breath caught in his chest. Once Char was down she saw the limp form of Vonte start to move. Seeing a chance to make her point clear she reached down and snatched his groggy head up.

Wakey, wakey, you piece of shit,' Char taunted and slammed the back of his head into the bannister.

Vonte groaned as his head hit the wood and his eyes cracked open to see her snarling face in his.

"So I made it clear to your cunt and that brat about their places in this life, now you get the same,' Char hissed into his face and Vonte's eyes were full of terror as he couldn't move.

"It looks like someone gets to find out a taste of what Terry went through at your hands, karma's a bitch, is it not?" Char laughed and slapped his face playfully several times mockingly making him try and shake his head to make her stop touching him.

Char laughed and slapped him several times across the face and head making him shake his head to make her stop. Seeing he was not feeling the playful mood she was in Char grabbed his jaw and forced him to look up.

"Stay away from him. I see you near Terry, or if I see a fucking carrier pigeon with a note tied to its leg from you to him, then me and the boys here will pay you a visit. And the only reason they will be here is to save your ass from me," Char growled into his face.

Once she was done she tossed his head to the side and snapped her fingers. Meyerson undid the zip tie and Vonte fell to the floor. Once he was down Vonte tried to stand up, but Char was there. She waited for him to stand and was standing impassively in front of him. Vonte's nostrils flared as he got up and looked like he was about to do something, but Char cut him off.

For a long time Char had done kick boxing as a work out. As Vonte wound up for a punch she struck. Her long leg lashed out as she spun and brought the edge of her heel up and put it along the side of his jaw. The crushing impact launched Vonte into the wall where his face slammed into it and he slid down leaving a long line of blood trailing his head. Char stood with her leg up for a second then set it down and looked up at the scared faces of Bernice and Jenny. Once they saw their bully down both women scampered away to their rooms.

Char laughed evilly and turned to Terry. She walked up to him and put her hand on his back and led him from the house. Emil and Meyerson had grins on their faces as they walked out with her. The men started to chuckle as they relayed the kick to each other and when they got to the car Terry saw a familiar face walking up to them. It was the cop that asked Terry if he was all right the day he met Char.

"Everything all right here folks?" he asked.

Meyerson walked up to the officer and extended his hand to him. The cop didn't shake it right way but as Meyerson spoke the cop seemed to relax.

"Just helping my buddy move out of his old house to his new girlfriend's house, officer,' he explained.

The cop looked to Char and Terry and his eyes got wide. The sight of the large woman standing right behind the little man holding a box of mementos in his arms was one that made him smile. Upon seeing that the cop took Meyerson's hand and shook it.

"No problem then, have a nice day folks,' he said and walked off to continue his beat.

Emil loaded the suitcase into the back of the SUV and together the company got into it and pulled away. Once they turned the corner Terry looked back one last time and a piece of his life was now finally behind him. Char dropped the men off where she met them, but as they left Meyerson had one last thing for her. He reached into his pocket and produced a large drive stick.

"In case the bitch tries anything, I down loaded all the financial information of his account and how she pilfered it. I think that this in the right judge's hands will likely put her in prison for the foreseeable future,' Meyerson said grinning.

Char's eyes got wide at the evidence the man handed her. She was definitely going to look at it and soon. As Emil got out of the back seat he helped Terry get back into the front of the SUV with her.

"Well now, that was fun guys. Let us know if he tries anything else, it'll be fun to watch you kick his ass again," Emil said laughing as did Meyerson.

The grin on Char's face was one of satisfaction as well. Terry sat quiet and remembered how she kicked Vonte and knocked him cold. The short exhale from his lungs brought Char back to the here and now and she put the SUV in drive. The two men backed up and as they did the SUV pulled away and went down the road.

The drive back was a quiet affair, but inside Char was on fire. She felt so damn good about what she did to that cunt and her asshole. The anger that she still had for them was there, but it felt good to let a bit of it out. And the fact she knocked Vonte into next week made a bigger smile come to her face. They pulled into the entrance of the parking garage and as they found her spot Char let out a sigh. She got out of the car and went to the suitcase. The heavy bag was luckily on wheels and she pulled it along with the quiet mouse that Terry had turned back into.

The ding of the elevator along with the buzz of the card key made Terry relax a lot as they set his suitcase in the corner of the room and the box on the table in front of the sofa. Char went to her fridge and decided to have a good night. She pulled out a bottle of wine and poured a glass. She looked to Terry and decided tonight he could celebrate as well. She poured him a glass and walked over to him. She set the glass down in front of him and set her glass and the bottle down. Char collapsed on her sofa and picked up her glass. A healthy gulp of the sweet wine passed her palate and Char savored the taste.

Terry looked at the cup and didn't know what to think, but then Char's simple words filled him with the notion.

"Drink it silly."

Terry picked up the glass and sipped it and set it back down. The wine tasted good, but he wasn't used to drinking. He sat quietly as Char gulped down her glass and looked at the TV. She got up and stretched out fully making her fingers brush the ceiling. She looked up and giggled at that and once she felt better she poured another glass of wine and turned on the TV. The monotony of the drivel was on and for about ten minutes Char surfed in hopes of finding anything useful. The movies were crappy and the sports channels were filled with garbage about teams she could care less about.

As she flipped she sipped her wine and suddenly she was on the music channels. She flipped through the hip hop without stopping as she couldn't stand most of it. She wasn't even feeling the R&B channel either. The thrash metal made her roll her eyes as she wondered how anyone could understand it. As she clicked three more she came across a song that was starting up that caught her ear.

She looked at the information on the song and saw it was a band she had never heard of. When she heard the first lyric kick in she smiled wide as it reminded her of the feelings she bore for Terry's family. The song "Whatever" from Godsmack was suddenly found turned up and Char found her head bobbing to the interesting beat and the not so charming lyrics.

Terry didn't object to the song and sipped his wine as he sat next to her. What surprised him more than anything was when she got up and began to dance her way across the room to the phone. She picked it up and bobbing her head to the hard riffs she dialed a number. Char sipped her wine as her foot tapped to the beat and when the other line answered Terry was amazed that she was ordering a pizza for them. Char stopped to ask him if he wanted anything and he shook his head no. Seeing that Char decided to order something extra and got herself some of her favorite hot wings. While a killer to her diet, she had Nathan to blame for her taste in them.

Terry sipped his wine one more time and looked up to the woman that had delivered him. She was just as pretty as ever, but to him she seemed far more spectacular. The song changed to one that Char knew very well. It was one of the songs Nathan always seemed to crank up whenever it came on and it became one she began to enjoy.

"Wicked Garden" by Stone Temple Pilots filled the air and Char couldn't help but feel like doing something silly. She put her hands up and actually sang the intro to the song. Her shoulders got into it as she rocked back and forth in time to the beat and Terry was transfixed by the sight. When the chorus kicked in Char actually sang it and Terry was stunned at how in tune she carried the song.

As Terry was transfixed by the sight Char actually came up to him and sat down next to him and continued to get down to the song. The whole time she was swaying her upper torso she sang the song and then she shocked Terry as she snatched his hands up and made him sway with her as the bridge blasted through the TVs speakers. Terry was speechless as what to do, but when Char sang the last bit of the chorus he couldn't help but get into the song with her. Before the song climaxed with its powerful ending he was bopping his head with her.

"I love that song!" Char exclaimed as she got up and filled her wine again.

As Char filled her cup another jam came on and she laughed out loud.

"Caught it at a good time,' she toasted and sipped her wine.

"Breakdown" from Tantric filled the air and Char's hips found a rhythm as she got into the song. Terry sat transfixed on the swaying woman and he was lost. He couldn't have believed that the same woman who had humiliated his family like she had was suddenly so laid back and dancing to music he doubted she normally would like.

As the song went on the bridge lyrics caught Terry's attention. He heard the lyrics speaking of finding oneself and believing in what they were capable of. The lyrics found a spot in his mind that made a wish come to him. He wished simply he could be strong like her, but in reality knew that was unlikely. As the song came to an end terry was back to being his same quiet self and Char was laughing as she sipped the last of her cup.

Four cups of wine had gone down and Char felt her body warming up. She was more than ready for another, but looked back to see terry sitting with his head down. A funny look passed her features as she walked up to terry and with her middle knuckle tapped on terry's head making him almost jump from his seat. He looked up to see Char barely seven inches from his face.

"No brooding,' Char said simply and snatched his hand making him get to his feet.

As Terry got to his feet Char got a quirky grin and snatched up the remote and changed the channel to dance music. The beat of a club mix filled her apartment and before Terry could protest Char was in rhythm and Terry had to catch up. Terry had never danced before and it showed, but Char was not one to let him falter. She helped him with subtle moves and turns until he felt something of a comfortable footing and the simple dance he was doing made her grin.

Terry was amazed that he was actually dancing! His mind was blown away that not only was he dancing, but he was dancing with a goddess of a woman. The same woman that had knocked Vonte out cold was now warmly dancing with him and before he could stop himself he found his hands on her hips and holding on as a faster paced song came on.

Char felt his little hands on her and smiled. She helped him through the song and the next and before long he had the hang of it and she helped him with a few more steps. While not at pro level by any stretch, Terry could at least not trip over his own feet. The happy time lasted for another fifteen minutes until the phone rang and the pizza guy was coming up. Char shocked Terry one more time as she leaned down and gave him a simple peck on the lips and went to the door.

Terry stood in the apartment and his mind swam in circles at what just happened. Not only had he danced with her, but she kissed him on the lips and patted his cheek. Terry unconsciously rubbed his cheek where her hand had been and the feeling seemed to linger. The soft skin that brushed his face left him wishing he could feel it again, but past experience told him not to press his luck.

Char returned and the smell that accompanied her made Terry's stomach grumble. Char heard the grumble and stopped holding the bag and pizza box and looked right at him.

"Well now, finally got an appetite huh?" she teased and Terry nodded his head.

"Well come on then! Let's eat, I'm starved!" Char laughed and went to the table.

As she set the bag and box down she retreated to the kitchen and got some napkins and paper plates. She handed Terry one as well as a napkin and opened the box. The sight of the large peperoni and sausage pizza made Terry's mouth water and he took a slice. He went to the table and sat down, but Char game him a sour look.

"Ummm, we have a movie to watch," she laughed and Terry looked up with his mouthful.

Char twirled her index finger telling him to get up and to the couch. As he walked she scooped up her box of wings and three slices then went to her spot on the couch. Terry got another slice and joined her on the couch. The movie that came on made Terry smile. "Avatar" was one he had only seen parts of, but now he was going to see all of it. Char smiled at how eager he was to see the movie and dined on her wings and pizza.

The long movie came to an end and it was then Terry really felt better. The end of the movie found him with his head surprisingly on Char's leg as her hand was absently stroking his hair. How they got to that was a mystery to Terry, but he didn't stop it. It was during the scene when the main characters found their love for each other that Char had shifted her body so Terry could lay down. He had yawned and Char let him lay down. What she did next baffled him as he found his body pulled up so his head was on her thigh.

Char found Terry's soft hair appealing and her hand found the mop and slowly she stroked it and his head and the motion actually seemed to make him relax very much. When the movie came to a close Char looked at the time and sighed. The next day was going to be a long one at work. Char looked down and saw Terry's eyes were hooded. She patted his neck and he twisted his head to look up at her. She motioned for him to get up and he did.

"Go ahead and take a shower," Char said softly and Terry nodded his head.

As Terry walked away to the shower Char unzipped her boots. She took them off and a sense of relief washed over her as they came off. She looked at the heel of the boot she used to kick Vonte and saw it wasn't scuffed. A smile passed across her lips as she set them down. With that she got up and carried her boots to her bedroom. Once there she went into her closet and selected her outfit for the next day. She settled on a simple skirt and jacket combo with flats. Walking back to the living room she picked up his suitcase and took it to the spare room.

Lugging the suitcase into the room Char opened the door and set it in the corner. She walked back to the table and picked up his box of valuables and brought them into the room as well. Char set the box on the dresser and went to the bed. She made sure the sheets were clean and once done Char looked around the room at what she was offering him. A large part of her still was very confused as to why she was even doing this, but it was overruled by her being.

With a sigh she plopped down on the edge of the bed and almost fell off it as her phone went off in her pocket nearly scaring the life out of her. Char jumped to her feet and fumbled for the phone. Once it was in her hand she saw it was Bob's office calling.

"Hello Bob," she said into the phone only to take the phone from her ear.

"What the fuck did you do!?" he almost shouted into the phone.

Char heard him ranting and swearing on the other end like he was driving. All of a sudden the noise on his end went down and he was legible.

"Do you realize that bitch has been all over the place after you stormed her house?" Bob asked rhetorically.

"Like I care?" she spat.

"You should!" Bob said then suddenly he did something that made Char look at the phone in a screwed up fashion.

"Move your fucking car you dumb ass!" he roared.

Char almost chuckled at him as he went on a tirade and the horn of his car blared. Finally after a few seconds he came back on.

"She called her lawyers, the police, and my office demanding that you be found and shot if possible," Bob informed her.

"I'm right here and she can go fuck herself," Char said coolly.

"I told you to not start anything, and you go in beat Vonte's ass, thank you for that, slap her, threaten her family, and put her daughter in a near catatonic state," Bob informed her.

Char smiled on the other end as she relived the moment again.

"Now she is trying to get you posted as public enemy number one. I told you to go get his stuff and leave without making a scene! How did that not happen? Seriously get the fuck out of the way!" he suddenly yelled.

Char couldn't help it but laugh. The way he was trying to chastise her but kept being interrupted by the mob of shitty drivers. As much as she tried to hold it in, it was too much for her and she let it out. Bob heard the laughter and suddenly realized why she was laughing so hard. Without any high ground to stand on he chuckled at his own antics. Once the laughter died away Char decided to inform him of all that had transpired.

She told him about the whole thing. She explained how Vonte had acted like an ass and attacked her. She told him, much to his and her delight, of how Emil had choked him out and she put him to sleep. She also told him of Bernice being shown her place and Bob had an ear to ear grin. All she told him was of small import, but then she got to the icing on the cake.

"While everyone was distracted with the show, the other guy I had come in with us went to Vonte's business computer and downloaded all the pertinent files and account statements involving Terry's trust fund. I haven't seen it yet, but if I know anything about trusts and the way it's supposed to be used, she could be looking at a lot of jail time," Char said calmly.