Her Love Ch. 03


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They went to work and the day was pleasant for them as he got off before her, but he decided to wait for her in her office. Char and Nathan had gotten him a pass card so he could enter her floor and when he did he went right to her office and said nothing to any of the employees. Only a few knew of why he was there, and even then they didn't know the details. The only one who seemed to have an issue with Terry coming up was Henry. The glares he would throw Terry's way were none too friendly. He got even angrier when he would catch them walking together and talking in pleasant tones. While not anything he could prove, he was suspicious.

As the time at the office came to a close Char locked all her files away and looked around the office one last time. She saw Terry sitting on the chair across from her desk reading a paperback book she had gotten him. A smile passed at her lips as she saw nothing out of place and on that note she went to her desk and closed up shop. Terry put his mark in the book and closed it then went to the door to wait for her. Once her computer was closed down she nodded to Terry who exited before her. Char locked her door and as they left she put her jacket on and he held her briefcase.

Char was touched by the gesture as he carried the case for her she patted his cheek and together they left talking about dinner. As they went into the elevator a very angry pair of eyes stared at the elevator as the door closed. Henry saw the little punk that got him nearly fired leaving with the woman he wanted to fuck. His anger got the best of him as he threw his stapler across the office and stormed out.

Terry and Char spent a good night and day at work. Char had to leave early for her party and Nathan offered to bring Terry home. She was in a rush to get home and traffic was being difficult. For the next fifteen minutes she crawled past a minor fender bender then got to make the end run to her apartment. As soon as she entered she began to strip out of her work clothes and rushed to her bedroom.

Char stripped off the last of her clothes and rushed to her bathroom. She touched up her make up then made sure her hair was just right. As she looked at it she realized she needed to see her hair dresser soon. When it just as wild and sassy as she liked she hurried to her bedroom and began to dress. She hurriedly took a shower and picked out a bra and panties set for the dinner so she propped her leg on her bed and began to roll the black stockings up her long leg. Once she got it to the top she adjusted the top so it was just right. Once she was done she repeated the process and stepped into her shoes. As Char turned about she saw her door was wide open, but that wasn't all she saw.

Nathan had dropped Terry off no more than five minutes after Char had gotten in. Terry went up alone as Nathan had to get home and help with the baby. The long ride up the elevator for Terry was a happy one as he was off work and safe in his new home. He walked to the apartment and as he entered heard some strange sounds coming from the hall. Investigating the sounds he got to Char's room and his eyes bulged from their sockets as he saw Char rolling her stockings up her legs. His hard on was instant as he stood transfixed by the spectacle before him.

The long, perfect legs seemed to disappear under the sheer material, but what was left was more than perfect to his eyes. The sexy lace tops of the stockings also caught his attention, but more so was her perfect ass in her red lace panties. Terry's breathing quickened as she set the long leg down and stepped into her shoes. That act alone almost made him fall to his knees, but the she did something he prayed she wouldn't; she turned his way.

While they had had a few walk ins on the other, Char and Terry usually just apologized and went on their way. A few times Char even teased him for being a perv, but it was in good fun. But now, this time, was far far different than usual. Char was shocked that not only was he standing there just wide eyed in amazement, but he was mouth open and eyes fixated. Char immediately saw this as an opportunity to have a touch of fun so she went with it.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked and had a quirky grin on her face.

"Umm...I...I...Ummm," Terry stammered wildly.

"Umm?" Char teased back crossing her arms.

Terry flushed bright crimson at that. The way she playfully narrowed her eyes made it seem like she was mad, but in reality she was in a playful mood.

"Are you being a perv again Terry?" Char accused him in a playful manner.

"No! I..I...I..." He tried to respond, but couldn't form the words.

"No?" Char echoed back and she turned her head so he could see the eyes she was giving him.

The way she was slightly turning her head and narrowing her eyes was killing him inside. Her beautiful face was not but ten feet from him, but it felt so close and her eyes burned into his stomach. Terry was shaking as she went on.

"So here I am getting ready to go, and now I have a perv just standing there staring," Char lamented playfully.

"I'm sorry!" Terry got out in a high pitched voice.

"Sorry? Why am I not pretty enough to look at?" Char retorted and put a hand on her chest feigning hurt.

"No!" Terry blurted out.

"No?!" Char exclaimed in a playfully hurt voice.

Terry's heart sank as he heard the tone of her voice. His eyes wavered as he desperately tried to figure out how to defuse it, so he blurted out the first thing he could think of.

"You're....you're..." he tried to get out.

"I'm?" Char left the answer hanging.

"You're the most beautiful woman ever!" Terry forced out with all he had.

Char was taken aback by the response. She never would have expected to hear him say that to her, but he just did. For a second she was quiet, but then she got back into role and smiled at him.

"Am I really?" she asked .

"Y..y..yes," he got out.

"Aww! My sweetie thinks I'm beautiful," Char swooned and walked to him.

Terry was shocked when she stood before him in. his eyes were forced to look up as he craned his head to see Char's face before his. She put a hand on his face and leaned in close. She pecked him on the lips, but as she pulled away she got that same quirky smile as before.

"But that still doesn't excuse you for being a perv!" she teased and Terry's eyes opened wide in shock.

"But..but..." he got out.

"No buts!" Char retorted quickly.

She turned and walked back into her room purposely swaying her hips. Her power walk was a true walk of power as her ass got into it and Terry's eyes couldn't stop looking. She turned around suddenly and Terry was shaking as he stood in the hall in pure shock, but his hard on would not quit.

"So now you've seen the view, I think it's only fair I get the same,' Char said and sat down on her bed crossing her legs.

Terry's eyes couldn't bulge any wider than they were. He stood by shaking wildly as the beautiful woman just said what she said and his heart beat like a jackhammer. His wildly shaking body for some reason took the several steps into the bedroom and stepped just inside. Char saw that and smiled a wildly dangerous smile and crossed her arms.

"Well?" she purred.

"But I,' Terry tried to get out.

"No, no! You saw my goodies, now it's my turn. Strip!" Char said and the playfulness in her tone was replaced by something else entirely.

Char wasn't aware of it, but then again neither was Terry. The tension in the air began to boil over, but then Terry's mind gave way to some part of him that he didn't know existed. His hands reached up and took off his coat. Then the slow shaking hands undid his belt and his polo shirt was pulled up and off him. His pale skin was very bright as he never got any sun.

Char saw that the bruises on his body had disappeared and all that was left was the soft skin. As she watched the spectacle in front of her Char felt something in her tummy that she never knew was there. As the frightened young man stripped Char felt not power, but definitely in control. Her whole world seemed to be spinning out of control as he looked at her with scared eyes with his pants still on.

"I said strip Terry, now have at it," she said in the same tone and Terry's body shook even more.

For some reason he couldn't explain Terry's hands found the waist of his pants and with one simple push they fell down to his ankles. Once there he stepped out of them and stood before Char in only his boxers and socks. The boxers were the same blue silk ones she had gotten for him when he moved in. Char's eyes got wild as she saw him in his undies and then her hand raised and her index finger twirled around indicating what she wanted next.

Terry slowly turned about and as he did Char let out a wolf whistle.

"Oh baby! Look at that ass!" she teased.

Terry's whole body flared a bright crimson as he heard that remark. Char was reveling in the show and for some reason she didn't feel like she was being too mean with him. He hadn't run away and that shocked her to no end. As he came back to the front she could see the look in his eyes, but more so she saw a huge tent in his boxers. That was what shocked her far more than anything.

"So, now you know how it feels don't you perv," Char teased.

"I'm...I'm..so...so..sorry," Terry said sheepishly.

Char narrowed her eyes and turned her head so it looked like she was thinking about it, but then she shook her head.

"I dunno. I think you may not realize how naughty you've been peeking at me Terry," she teased.

Her voice was a cross between the matronly teacher, and her own fun voice. Terry was petrified as she sat there still looking at him like that.

"Maybe what you need to get you over this peeking thing is to be taught a lesson. What do you think, Terry?" she asked and he shook even wilder.

"Well I see you are shaking so you know you've been naughty haven't you?" Char questioned in that same tone.

"No! No, please I'm sorry!" Terry whined.

"Your mouth says you are, but I don't think you really are now are you?' Char asked with a huge smile on her face.

"No I..." he tried to respond, but Char had him.

"You see! You said no," Char said and stood up suddenly.

Terry was breathing so fast he was about to hyperventilate. Char saw it and sat back down. She curled her index finger at him and for some reason Terry walked over to her and had his hands over his crotch desperate to hide his hard on.

"Now the way I see it Terry, you need to be taught not to peep at people in their undies, don't you?" Char asked in a very domineering matron voice.

"Yes,' he whispered unsure of what to do.

"That's what I thought. Now come here you bad boy, time for your punishment," she said in that same tone.

With that Char grabbed his arm and put him across her leg. Terry felt the silky soft stocking beneath him and it felt so damn good. His eyes closed as he felt her shift her thighs and the feeling washed over him like an avalanche. Her perfect legs were touching his bare skin and her arm was over his back holding him down. Terry shook softly as she rubbed her hand along his back and down to his rear.

"So I see you like this, don't you?" she purred.

Terry let out a shaking gasp and Char purred in her throat as it was all she needed to hear.

"Such a naughty, naughty boy," she said in a dangerous tone as her hand rubbed his ass.

Terry groaned loudly as she did. Upon hearing that Char swatted his ass his a flick of her wrist. Her large hand encompassing nearly the entire cheek. The impact of the swat made him flinch. While the motion was not unexpected for Char, the fact his raging hard on rubbed along her leg was. She felt that and her eyes narrowed.

"So we have a naughty, naughty boy with a dirty hard on don't we?" she teased and slapped his ass again.

The slap made Terry gasp in pure bliss as his hard on drug along her silky thigh. His mind seemed to shut down as again her hand slapped his ass and again the nylons teased his raging member. Char felt that and for some reason her mind went to a place that was purely uncharted territory. A blazing warmth began to form in her tummy as her hand slapped his ass again and again and again.

Each and every slap made his now leaking hard on drag across her thick thighs. The stockings adding to the sensation as she rubbed his ass where she slapped.

"I think my dirty boy likes this doesn't he?" she teased and punctuated the last word with a slap.

Terry let out a tortured groan as his dick escaped the prison of his boxers and drug freely across the stocking. Char felt it and again she slapped his ass making him cry out. She felt his dick and was shocked that it wasn't as tiny as the rest of him. What's more he was leaking very badly and she felt it burning along her thigh.

"Naughty, naughty, boy!" Char growled.

Those spanks sent a jolt of fire into Terry's loins. The way she spoke to him was far worse as she continued to spank him and his hard on drug dangerously along her thigh. The way she rubbed his ass after each spank made his heart beat so wildly he thought it would burst. His whole being was torn away as the smacks rained down on his butt. Each one sent a jolt of fire along his sensitive flesh. Each rub made his torture that much more severe. Each word she spoke lit a fire in his being that Terry couldn't control.

The large hand spanked Terry one last time and that was all he could handle. With a tortured cry that shook the air Terry's dick exploded. Rope after rope of hot cum spurted out wildly from his hyper sensitive tip. The scalding hot spunk splatted against Char's other thigh saturating her stocking. Char felt the ropes hit her leg and her eyes got huge! What she thought was only a game suddenly got wildly out of hand. She felt each rope of his burning hot cum hit her thigh and something in her body made her feel a hot burning in her own nether region. Char realized that her pussy was on fire, what the fuck has happening between them.

Terry's last spasm finally subsided and he was left shaking against her leg and Char was left wide eyed with her hand squeezing his ass. She didn't realize it, but with each spurt she had squeezed his ass firmly. As it finally came to a close she felt the hot liquid dripping down her leg and onto her foot. The wildness of the moment passed and before she could say a word she heard Terry suddenly sob. Her hand let go of him and he got off her leg and rushed from her room in tears.

It took Char a moment to recover, but when she did she caught the glimpse of Terry rushing from her room. Her hand reached to stop him, but it was too late. Her hand stayed up for a long minute, then it dropped to her side.

"What did I do?" she asked under her breath, then she felt something that made her look down.

Her whole left thigh was dripping with his seed. The white spunk stood out on her black stocking, but then she felt it drip down her leg. She looked down and saw it was traveling down her leg to her foot and that was all she could take. She stood up and took off her shoes, then with care she took off her stocking. As it came off her leg she saw she still had a lot of his juice on her leg and she sighed as she went to her bathroom. With a towel she dabbed it off her leg, but then she did something that was totally an accident. As she dabbed she brushed along her slit and the simple brush nearly floored her.

Char's embarrassment for Terry caused her to forget that her pussy was hot and dripping. The little dab of the towel hit her clit and the shock of it made her shudder. Char let out a series of shaking breaths hoping to get it under control, but then a cool breeze blew under her and that made her back stiffen. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as her arousal flared up. Her hands gripped the counter of the sink like a life preserver in a storm and she held on as the shaking overtook her.

For a long time Char stood there shaking, but then it slowly abated. While not sated, she was well enough to walk. With a sigh Char took off her other stocking and walked back to her room. Every step was torture for her as she quickly dressed. Stepping into new shoes Char walked out of her room and saw Terry's clothes on the floor. She knelt down and picked up his clothing and slowly walked to his room.

At his door Char saw Terry was lying on his bed on his side with his knees in his chest. His body was shaking and when he felt her presence he tensed up.

"Terry," Char whispered.

The simple sound of his name made Terry shake even harder. Char saw that and she looked down at the floor. She really had nothing to say that would help. What had happened, had happened and she only hoped that she hadn't scared him for life. Her eyes began to waver as she pondered what she had just done and as she thought her head picked up.

"I'm so sorry Terry," Char said softly.

Terry heard the words and curled tighter into a ball. He desperately wanted to say something, anything to her, but his words were so lost in his raging thoughts. As his mind swam with fear of the unknown Char walked to the edge of his bed.

"Terry?" she asked hoping he would look at her.

They stayed like that for a long time. Neither had a clue what to say to the other, so they didn't try. After a few minutes Char looked at her watch and saw she needed to go. Though she didn't want to, she knew that to not show up at the party would likely miff the client.

"When I come back, we'll talk if you want sweetie," she whispered and patted his arm.

Terry felt her soft skin along his and didn't cringe. He reveled in her touch and wished he could just talk to her, but his lips were sealed from fear. Char saw that he didn't cringe and decided to be more proactive. She leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. The way her lips brushed his skin made him calm down a lot, but he still was too scared to talk.

Slowly Char left and hoped he would still be there, or even just in her home when she got back. Char left her apartment and her mind was lost. The party was there and she did her part, but the whole time she was very distracted. The image of Terry over her knee being spanked and the noises he made with each spank filled her mind. The cry he let out as he inundated her leg made her shiver more than once. The whole time she was at the party Char had a major problem. She was very aroused, but no one here was suitable to help her relieve it.

The party was a long party for her, but for Terry the time Char was gone was sheer torture. His body stayed in the fetal position for a long time after she left. For nearly an hour he was stuck like that until he felt nature kick him hard. His taut muscles released their death hold and he was able to get to the bathroom. Once he finished he looked in the mirror and felt really embarrassed. Not that he had just done what they did, but that he didn't talk to her when she tried to reach out to him.

Terry put his head down and stood there for a long time before a simple idea came to his mind. He went to his bedroom and put on some clothes then he went to Char's room. Inside he found her heels and saw the stain on them. Using a cloth and water he dabbed the material to get the offensive stain out. As he dabbed at the shoe he couldn't help but remember how it was put there. The moment he thought of her spanking him like that his hard on came back.

In truth she didn't really hurt him, in fact the feeling he got was the furthest thing to pain. Somehow he felt that even though she was doing that, she was making sure that he wouldn't be harmed. That thought made him look down at the floor and sigh. He truly hoped he didn't freak her out, but a part of him was certain he had. Once the shoe was done he set it down and looked at the other one. It was fine so he set them back in the closet where it looked like they would go.