In The Work Domain Pt. 13


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"Not all, just my buddy. We just made our pact of noodles." Hannah was cool, but I could hear the anger in her voice. "Besides, I can't recall any other men I have monopolised." She added and then began gathering her rubbish from the table.

"Well, I just meant you have a boyfriend already." Nicole was backtracking now and sounded flustered.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Hannah's voice was cold now. I glanced across the table and everyone else was looking down, clearly wishing to be anywhere else.

"Oh, well, I heard..." Nicole stumbled, "Just that you were seen with some..." She was almost falling now and decided to stop talking.

Hannah snorted in a derisive way, "Yeah, people talk, but that doesn't mean it's true." She stood and began to walk away, taking her rubbish with her. "Hey buddy." I looked at her as her eyes burned into mine, "Maybe we can get noodles another time, it seems you are mister popular. I understand." The look in her eyes suggested she meant this and I felt my stomach churn.

"No, we made the pact of noodles and I would kill for some. See you later, Message me the time." Hannah's eyes flashed and I saw the light glitter with the wetness and she quickly turned and mumbled an ok before scampering away. The rest of the table was silent, except for an angry buzz from Nicole. I looked up at her. "Sorry, I made arrangements with my friend and it involved noodles." Nicole stared at me and I almost turned to stone.

"Fine. Another time then." She started to turn and I breathed out. "See you at the staff party next week." She turned back and her eyes beamed and she gave a little wink. "I'll message you." I sat frozen and silent as Nicole turned and walked away, wiggling her bottom as she went. There was silence at the table. I looked over and Hannah was standing in the corner near the rubbish bins. She gave a little smile and wiped her eyes, then hurried away.

"Well, that was fun!" Emma broke the silence and we all laughed. Emily stared at me and then gave a little smile and a nod. I had the feeling she knew. I finished my sandwich as they all went back to work and once alone I started to shake as the nerves hit.

"I'll wait in reception, buddy." Popped up the message from Hannah. We had swapped a few messages on the phone, but nothing had been said about lunchtime and I was slightly worried. I replied that I'd be there in about ten minutes and closed down my laptop and then went to the toilet to panic without anyone seeing.

I hadn't really seen Hannah earlier, she had been hidden by the table and then the other events meant I didn't really get a chance to pay attention. She had a bright blue shirt and the collar around her neck matched it. Her hair was down now, earlier it had been bunched back. She had a knee length black skirt. I stood and watched her for a few moments before she realised I was there and turned away from her chat with Stacey. Her smile was warmer than the streets outside. I had to fight every part of me not to run and wrap my arms around her.

We walked out into the heat of London, waving goodbye to Stacey. I thrust my hands into my pockets as I couldn't be sure they wouldn't just reach for Hannah. We made small talk about work as we walked away, both of us checking if anyone was around. There was one person who I recognised, but they paid no attention, we were just two friends walking away from work.

Some more streets passed and our chat quietened and I suggested a left turn down a small street. Hannah mumbled and followed and I looked behind just before we turned. We were far enough away from work to be reasonably safe and I could see no one I knew. Once on the side street I stopped walking and Hannah looked at me as I reached out my hand to her. Our lips were hitting within seconds and we groaned with relief. "Shit, I missed you, I have been wanting this all day." I Looked into her shining eyes as I spoke and then we kissed again.

We eventually reached the noodle restaurant after much kissing along the streets. The pubs were spilling out and we were lost in the crowds, free to just hold hands, hug and kiss, just another couple enjoying a summer evening in London. The waitress looked confused when we arrived as we hadn't booked, but there were only a few tables taken anyway and she led us to a small one in the corner which suited us perfectly. We scanned the menu and ordered and then held hands across the table. I knew something was coming the way Hannah looked around.

"Fucking hell." she whispered, "I was so angry earlier." She gave me a small smile. "Thank you for being... a friend." She carried on whispering and I squeezed her hand. She looked me in the eyes. "I was really fucking jealous." Her gaze stayed on me hard.

"No need." I squeezed her hands again, "Really, there is no contest." and the sweet smile spread over her face. The food arrived to break any tension, although we were now doing our usual of talking nonsense and laughing for no real reason. We slurped noodles and swapped dishes around, even though they were very similar. I kept looking down at her chest and realised what was wrong and she realised where my eyes were.

"What's up with my boobs?" She whispered as she leaned forward.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," I laughed, "Just... I just realised why they look different. You have a bra on." I was so used to seeing her without a bra, even with clothes on that now the shape and movement of her breasts was very different. She looked down.

"Sorry, but it's that time." She looked down again. "I see what you mean, they actually look bigger without a bra."

"Yeah, the bra squashed the natural shape a bit." My eyes still on her lovely chest "Without one they point forward more." She jiggled a little and laughed.

Hannah offered to pay, but I insisted, reminding her of her 'sordid' promise from earlier and she thanked me, then headed to the toilet for 'girl stuff' as I settled the bill and thanked the waitress for the great meal. The noodles had really hit the spot, but being with Hannah had hit it harder. She wandered back smiling and her shining eyes could only hold mine for a few moments before my gaze dropped.

She laughed as she sat down and my eyes remained on her chest. "Better?" She giggled and I nodded. "I mean, we need to be scientific and see if they do look better without, even during this time." I nodded some more, but my eyes stayed looking at the little bumps visible against the shirt material as her nipples hardened.

We went back to the noisy, hot streets of our town. "Where to?" Hannah asked as we stood in each other's arms having kissed for several minutes. "Not sure what the best station is?" We both looked around and I tried to think, but just wanted to prolong this moment.

"Well, Liverpool Street is ok for me and you too and it's very close." My heart sank a little as I spoke.

"Yeah." Hannah sighed, "But let's walk slowly." So we did, stopping often to kiss, walking down side streets for no reason until the station was too close to ignore. Hannah stopped and I turned to face her. She stepped forward and put her arms around my neck. "Would you like to come back with me?" She blushed as she spoke. "I feel as if more kisses and cuddles are needed." It was an offer no sane person would refuse and no insane and besotted person either. We walked to the station hand in hand. We cuddled on the tube and Hannah leaned back on me and crossed her arms over mine and covered that my hand was cupping a breast. As the carriage became quieter she quickly undid a button and my hand snuck in to feel the soft skin and hold it.

Walking back to her place we sped up a little, the sanctuary close now and once inside the door and the street was shut out we kissed and held each other as our tongues flicked together. "This will be a bit frustrating." She whispered, "but if you want to come up, I would love to just kiss and hold you." I followed her up the stairs and watched her hips move. We stopped on the doorstep, for once we were fully dressed. Hannah unlocked the door and turned, "You look hot in that shirt." She whispered and began to unbutton it. Her hands opened the material as she ran them over me. "I like your body" She whispered and then her lips kisses each nipple gently before she she kissed up my chest and then our lips were together again.

I unbuttoned her shirt, my fingers trembling slightly and I copied her movements on me, pushing the material aside, my hands stroking over her breasts before my lips went to her nipples and over her breasts. We held each other tight as we kissed and Hannah murmured "I love the skin to skin, chest to chest, body to body." We walked into her flat both topless.

Hannah started to walk to the kitchen, then stopped and looked down. "This feels weird" she mumbled and unzipped her skirt and let it fall around her feet, stepped out of it, then picked it up and threw it at me. "Get those trousers off, mister." she laughed and turned to walk away, wiggling her black knicker clad bottom at me.

We relaxed on the sofa, her on her back, pressed to me as I rested on my side, pressed to the back of the sofa. I stroked a hand over her belly and she sighed. She still had her blue collar on and looked utterly irresistible as she nuzzled up to me. My fingers trailed down and ran over her knickers and her eyes widened as she gazed up. "Careful, mister, it's dangerous down there." She looked down and sighed. "I really need some good underwear." she muttered. "Something that you will want to take off" she giggled.

"I want to take this off." I replied.

"Yeah, but something sexier. Some sexy underwear I mean."

"Any underwear with you in it is sexy."

"Jeez, you are NO help!" She laughed and gave me a gentle swat on my chest. "I mean something cute and lacey, something that makes me look really fuckable... and don't say a word mister!" She poked a finger up at me, "Something that is so snazzy and skimpy that, if I sneeze, my lips will poke out the sides." I laughed out loud at the last part. "I mean, just about hiding my minge, type of underwear."

"Minge? Did you say minge to describe your, very sweet and lovely, pussy?" Hannah nodded and supressed her laughter. "Quite an ugly word for something so beautiful."

"Yeah, but you are biased. And, may I add in a nice way, slightly crazy."

"Good point well made." I replied.

I continued to stroke her belly, but she sensed something was wrong. "What's eating you, Gilbert Grape?" She said quietly as she stroked my cheek.

"I don't know, just a feeling that I am having trouble with, but I can't describe." I sighed and her eyes urged me to open up. "I sometimes feel that I am just waiting for you to say you have met someone else. You have discovered yourself again and, armed with sexy underwear, you'll be letting someone else take them off you. I know that doesn't make sense, but I can't really explain." She looked at me, her eyes slightly hard, but her hand continued to stroke my cheek.

"Fair enough." She said quite bluntly. "I understand. I wish I could promise you something, but I can't. This is weird, I know. It's weird for me. But..." Hannah breathed in and out deeply, "If someone else came along, it wouldn't matter what we called this. We could be fuck buddies, friends with benefits, lovers, in a relationship, even married... if someone came along who made me drop everything, including my, barely there, panties, none of that would matter, would it?" I didn't answer as I felt more was coming. "I am not just doing this for you, I am doing it for me, it just happens that you like it too. I am fucked up, I know it, but I am getting better." Her hand pressed to my cheek, "You have helped me, so much I cannot explain. Right now, I am not looking to be with anyone... except..." Her voice went to a whisper and she didn't complete the sentence. "Really, I am not interested in anyone... else." The last word was very quiet but firm.

Hannah breathed in deeply again "Today I watched a hot woman invite you out. How do you think I felt?" Her eyes blazed at me now. "What if you meet someone? I cannot promise you a thing, so you are more likely to look for something else. I understand that. I lost it all when Eric left, he was my best friend and partner for seven years and it went in a weekend. I am fucking terrified of losing it all again, so I cannot give it all. All I want right now is to be with you and have fun... to feel..." her voice trailed off as her eyes welled up. "Wanted."

"I want you." I said and she smiled up at me.

"I am so scared you will leave." Her voice was cracking slightly, "But I am also so scared at what is happening. This was meant to be one night, but I don't want you to go." It was my turn to well up. "Please, just... I don't know, trust me, help me weather this storm."

"Can I tie you to a mast?" I joked.

"Oooh, we talked about being tied up before. We'll have to investigate this. It scares me, but I trust you."

"But I will miss how you wrap around me when we make love." I added.

"Maybe just tie my arms or legs, not everything." She patted my cheek and smiled and there was nothing more to say, just kiss her and hold her tight.

We held each other until we needed to move, our skin sticking with the sweat from the hot evening. "Sheesh, it's just constant shower weather." Hannah mumbled. "Want one?" A hard offer to refuse, even at this time.

"But... what about?" and I nodded my head downwards and she looked at her knickers.

"I will keep my panties on" She giggled. "No, should be ok, but you don't have to join me, I understand." We pulled ourselves off the sofa and Hannah went ahead to prepare some "girls stuff" should it be required and I promised not to faint if there was any blood.

"Ok, sure you want to do this? I am happy if you don't, I can just watch you shower, like that Blondie song, but don't take an hour, please." I laughed at her musical reference and especially the point about the length of time taken. "It should be ok, but if there is a problem you can just shut your eyes!" She giggled and put the little waste bin next to the bath and placed a spare tampon on the closed lid of the toilet "In case I need it." she mumbled and looked nervous as she constantly rearranged things. She looked at me and I smiled and she blushed as she slid her knickers down, turning to be sideways on to me. Then she stepped into the shower.

I pulled my shorts off and joined her and Hannah reached back and handed me the shower gel and I poured some on my hands and began to rub it over her shoulders and down her back and then she turned and I washed her chest as she began to wash me. We were facing each other, getting closer, our hands moving the lather over the other. I kissed the tip of her nose and she giggled and lifted her head to open her mouth on mine, our tongues pressing together naturally. I pulled her to me as she did the same to me.

"You like kissing." She sniggered when we moved apart, our bodies still together. Her eyes were shining and laughing.

"You don't?" I replied, "Because it feels like you do to."

She pressed closer to me, the bubbles of the gel rising up from the gap between her breasts. "Maybe" she laughed and then she kissed me.

"Just maybe? Or maybe more?"

"I like it when there is someone I want to kiss... and who happens to be a very good kisser." She kissed me again and I took her bottom lip between my lips and softly sucked it and she let out a little moan. I released her lip and kissed her nose again. "So good that he makes me horny when he kisses me." Hannah said softly and blushed a little. She looked into my eyes from close range and I saw the golden specks glister in the dark blue.

I realised I needed to stop kissing Hannah as I was getting very turned on, but she held me to her and her lips were on mine as much as mine on hers. I was powerless to resist and the shower sprayed us as we acted like two teenagers under it. Her hand went down, she must have felt me pressing against her and swelling and her fingers curled around the head of my cock. "Seems I am not the only one who gets horny from good kissing." She giggled and gave me a little squeeze.

It was my turn to blush, "Yeah, sorry, but.." I blushed more as Hannah laughed and kissed me to stop me saying anything else.

Hannah moved away enough to look down. "Hmmm, what to do?" She looked back into my eyes, there was the naughty twinkle in her eyes, but I was confused. "Ok, you know things go crazy in a woman's body during her period, yes?" I nodded as she looked into my eyes. "So, it might be a bit messy back there." I stared at her, still a bit confused. "If you want to risk it." I stared and she pulled the face she would always do when I hadn't got her subtle hints and then she giggled and turned around to reach down to grab a bottle from the side of the bath. She held the lube in front of my face, her eyes wide and mocking as my mouth formed an 'oh' shape. "But only if you want to risk it." She smiled and I took the bottle from her hand and popped the top open.

I dripped some of the lube onto the end of my cock and smeared it around. Hannah turned and lowered the head of the shower to stop the water hitting us too much and possibly washing the lube away. I put more on my finger and gently stroked around her anus as she bent forward slightly, her hands on the wall. I was trembling a bit, trying to work out the logistics of doing this standing up without much room and also why Hannah wanted this, but I tried to just concentrate on getting inside her and my cock swelled at the thought as I put more lube over it.

Hannah was leaning forward, her hands on the wall either side of the shower rail. She was bending her back to point her lovely bottom at me and I looked at the inviting holes and saw the little string tucked into the folds of one. She had warned me she would be "a grumpy bitch" all week, so this was a bit of a surprise. I moved to stand behind her and held my penis to point at the top of the two entrances into her lovely body. The tip of my cock pressed to her sphincter and I heard a moan above the noise of the shower and she pressed back to me as I pushed forward. Then she yelped, the high noise bouncing off the tiles and she let out an "Ouch!" as I slid fully inside her, with her hips now moving back to get me deep.

We adjusted our position as best we could, trying not to slip in the bath, but the surface was fine, unless we moved too fast. Hannah moved forward a bit to stand more upright, her hands still on the wall as I shuffled up to stay deep and then reached around to hold her breasts as I moved my hips to slide up and down in her anus, the warm, soft walls of her back passage caressing my cock as it moved. I leaned forward and kissed her shoulder, my teeth nipping gently as I moved my mouth along to the back of her neck and the other shoulder and our hips started to move and grind as my cock pushed deep into her rectum.

I slid a hand down and Hannah groaned as the fingers brushed over the hard bud of her clitoris. "Oh god" she mumbled as my hips pushed up and my hand caressed her vulva before I ran a finger up to press onto her clitoris. "Oh god, yes. Yes darling." and her body moved against mine as I gently bit the back of her neck.

We moved slowly, the water running down from the shower and hitting our legs. Hannah tasted of shower gel and water as I kissed and sucked on her shoulders and neck, my finger moving in small circles on her clitoris as our bodies moved, my cock sliding gently up and down inside her anus, the sphincter gripping tight, the walls rippling as my swollen head dragged down and then opened her to go back deep. Her breathing was getting faster and the moans would echo off the tiled walls. She began to mumble "Fuck" a lot and I pressed my fingers harder to her sensitive organ and she let out a loud groan.