In The Work Domain Pt. 15


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"That looks interesting." Hannah and I were looking at a brick building at the base of the cliff. From the middle of it ran two rail lines, a funicular style line up to the top of the cliff. The sign said "Cafe" so we walked over to look. "Very interesting." Hannah said as we checked out the menu and peered inside. "Are you hungry yet?"

"Not really, you?" Hannah shook her head, the dark hair flowing around from under the red hat. "We can stop on the way back." The first proper plan of the day was hatched.

We walked along paths that passed through trees and little planted gardens. Occasionally works of art would be displayed in a clearing as the walk progressed. We had no idea where it went, we just wanted to stroll along, hand in hand, nodding to the infrequent passers by. Hannah had undone some of the buttons on her dress, but not enough to show much, unless you were standing behind her and peering right down, which is what I would do now and then as she giggled.

"Are you not bored of my boobs?" She laughed as she swatted at me as I pulled her dress forward to get a better view.

"As the famous quote goes, 'when you are tired of Hannah's boobs, you are tired of life'." I said and then kissed her neck and moved away quickly as her hand tried to hit me again as she laughed.

"I'm pretty sure that's not the actual quote." She said and managed to slap me gently on my hand as I reached for the front of her dress again.

"Well, it's pretty much the exact quote and I am sure the sentiment of the original fits." Hannah stared at me, trying not to laugh, but failing. I quickly took a photo of her as her face was cracking and she lunged to slap at me as we both laughed. Luckily, no one else was anywhere near us. I figured the best way to handle the situation was to put my arms around her and her arms went around my neck in a retaliatory move and soon we were kissing like long lost lovers.

We strolled hand in hand, the faint rumble of the waves and the buzz of bees around the flowers being the soundtrack. I spotted a bench in a small clearing, the light hitting it perfectly and asked Hannah to sit and then moved around to get the best angle, using both cameras to get shots of her. I stood in front as she posed, her arms out along the back of the bench and then she looked around and quickly undid several buttons on the dress. and I smiled as I looked through the viewfinder to see her cleavage clear in the shots. "Quick." she said and I held the camera up, not knowing why and Hannah moved the straps of the dress down to let it fall, sitting with her back straight and her arms down, her breasts exposed to me and the camera. I took several shots before she put her arms along the back of the bench, the material rising, but not quite covering her breasts for a few more shots.

"Hey, how are you going to get those developed?" She asked. I was confused. "I mean, do you know a good place that doesn't care about nudity?"

"Ahhhh. Yes. It'll be ok. Most places will do it, depends on how much is shown. If you know it's quite dodgy, then ask." I hadn't had this problem before, but I knew my place was fine with nudity.

"Oh, that's good." She smiled at me, "Then may as well get your money's worth." and she looked around again to check the coast was clear before pulling the bottom of her dress up and opening her legs. I knelt down and quickly got several shots, hurriedly winding on the medium format camera before picking up the smaller one and shooting several more as Hannah pulled the dress up to expose her pussy for the photos. She laughed. "The sun feels nice on little Sphynxy." and she opened her legs wide for the last few photos before the end of the roll for the medium format.

I sat next to Hannah as I changed the roll of film and she asked me about the differences in the cameras and I explained the film sizes.

"So, this one is like the one you bought the other week?" I said yes. "So... why do you need so many?" That was harder to explain and she just laughed at me as I tried to justify it.

I moved down the end of the bench as Hannah pulled the front of the dress open so her breast was visible from the side and I took some more shots, then she turned and lifted her right leg onto the bench so she almost face on to me and pulled the dress up as well as opening the front. I took some shots quickly before Hannah gave me her phone and asked me to take some for her own collection.

"Are these for the guys at work?" I joked, teasing her and she stuck her tongue out at me as I pressed the shutter on my camera.

"Yeah, I might send one to Brendan." She giggled. I laughed, but I also had a sense of something bad, the feeling that would well up now and then for no reason, wondering if those photos would end up with boyfriends to be, the next one to get into her bed once she had realised what she wanted, the one who she loved as more than a friend. I pointed the phone at her again and she pulled the front of her dress wide and pushed her body forward as I clicked. I handed the phone back and the darkness swirled around again.

Hannah did the buttons up, well, most of them, deciding that others had much more on display, so keeping the front open a bit to show off some cleavage. We sat on the sunlit bench for a little while and she stroked my back, sensing something was wrong. "Want to talk?" she whispered and I tried to work out what to say, but failed. "Are you a bit freaked by earlier?"

"Yeah, I guess so. It feels like being relegated to the 'friend zone' and..." I just couldn't get the words right as they span around my head. "I guess I am still a bit confused and it's just sometimes... sometimes I think of things being for someone else." I struggled to make sense now, even though in my head it had been clear. "The photos being for a future boyfriend, that kind of thing." I sighed and my head span some more.

"I understand. If the roles were switched I would be freaking out, wondering if you were going to call this off, or just go off with someone else. I would be scared you would realise what you want and that it wouldn't be me." Her voice was soft and warm and she stroked my back as she spoke. "I do love you as a friend. A friend means more to me than just a lover. This was meant to be one night, it's been a month now and more intense than anything I have felt before." She sighed. "You are a friend, a lover, a... fuck knows what!" she giggled. "Also, check your phone."

We sat quietly for a while as thoughts continued to spin in my head. "I don't know what I want." Hannah whispered. "But, right now, I want you, want to be with you. How long that lasts, I don't know, but who knows how long anything will last?" She looked at me and then rested her head on my shoulder. "If you are worried, then so am I. I am scared you will get tired of me and leave, tired of me not wanting to decide what I want, but I really do not know, I got so lost I have no idea any more, but..." She stared out into the blue sky, "I like this, really like this and it's fucking scary." It was my turn to stroke her back.

"I guess it's a matter of perspective." I tried to form the thoughts, "You said you only love me as a friend and I thought that was a bad thing, or, not bad, but... you know, a lesser thing, whereas you put that above a lover." I was almost making sense, at least to me.

"That's not what I said." Hannah's voice was so soft it barely made it above the distant drum of the waves. I daren't look at her as my eyes were welling up and suspected hers were too. I couldn't think of anything to say as her words sunk in, so we sat and listened to the ocean, the bees and the gulls. Somewhere an ice cream van chimed and we still didn't speak, just sat resting on each other as our hands touched and gripped.

"We should get lunch, or something." Hannah mumbled after a while and I agreed and stood up, feeling a bit dizzy by the sudden movement. Hannah grabbed me and held me close and our faces touched, cheek on cheek. I moved so my nose brushed against hers and I felt her lips open to take my lower one between then gently. I put my hands to Hannah's face and hers went to the back of my head and our lips moved softly together, drifting away to kiss other parts of the other's face. I felt the wetness on her eyes as I kissed them and her tongue ran gently over my lids as I closed them for her to kiss. Our lips travelled back and touched and then Hannah's tongue ran over my parted lips and I sucked on it before we both opened our mouths wide to press hard on the other.

"Let's just kiss and not talk." I laughed as we eventually broke apart.

"Things need saying sometimes. I would rather you tell me than it brood inside." Her eyes were soft and kind as they stared into mine. We kissed again and my hands went around her waist. to pull her close. "Ok." she giggled as that kiss ended. "Let's try and actually go somewhere this time."

We walked away hand in hand, wandering along the path and taking no notice of anything other than the other person. We didn't even notice how far we had walked until the path ended and we arrived back by the beach, the town and cafe shimmering in the heat haze in the distance. "Well, we'll work up an appetite." Hannah said as we started to head back and we stopped to kiss as it had been a few minutes since the last one.

We stopped to look at the brightly coloured beach huts along the way, both of us taking photos. I asked Hannah to walk past the huts as they were mainly pastel or secondary colours and her red stood stood out. She walked back and forth and I used her phone to take some for her.

"Hey, did you check your phone?" She said as she stared at hers. I looked at her and then had the vague recollection of her saying that, but the conversation had been serious, so I had forgotten. I took it out and looked, there was a message waiting. I clicked on it and there was a photo of Hannah on the bench, her dress open at the front and the bottom pulled up, her legs open. I stared and heard her giggling as she walked over to me. "It was for you, you jerk." and she slapped my arm. "Only for you." I didn't know what to say, so just put my arms around her and we kissed.

There were more people at this end of the beach and people were sitting outside their beach huts as others ran towards the sea, the waves calm as the coast curved to dissipate the water's strength. We walked along the beach path and took more photos of brightly painted huts, these ones staggered as they rose up a small set of steps. We'd walked for a few minutes and it was time for more kissing, so we sat on a wall and cuddled as we looked at the sea. Through the haze ships shimmered as they plied their way through the water. A white sail shone far out, the actual ship invisible. Hannah suddenly laughed to break the serene scene.

"Jeez, you had a finger up my butt!" she said and then cackled. "I really need more friends so I can tell someone." She moved so her body knocked against me. "Whatever happens with us, we will have so many memories we cannot ever NOT be friends." Her voice went soft as she finished speaking, "Please." she added quietly and I put my arm round her and pulled her close.

"Yeah, this is too good to forget. Maybe we can come back here in ten years and laugh at the memory."

"It's a date." She said and then the lifted her head and kissed my cheek. "Just think, you've fingered my butt on this beach as many times as all my previous boyfriends have been up my bum." The last word was said in a rather strange accent as her American ways struggled with the English pronunciation and I laughed. "Hey, you mocking my accent, mister?" she said and gave me a gentle slap on the arm.

"A little, yes. It just sounded funny. Almost posh." I laughed and she tried to look stern, but couldn't.

"Ok, what if I say arse?" and I laughed out loud at her use of the word. "WHAT?" she shrieked.

"Oh man, that is so funny. You sound like some lady of the manor when you say that, SO posh and snobby!" I was laughing hard now and trying to avoid the flailing hands of Hannah as she giggled and tried to be indignant.

"Well, maybe I am a lady of the manor." She laughed and held a straight face for several seconds.

"Yeah, one who is talking about being fingered up the arse on a beach." I replied and Hannah cracked up.

"Anyway," Hannah managed to say after several minutes of laughing, "As I was saying, you have fingered my... you know what, as many times as any guy has done anything else in there. So, shove that in your 'friends zone' buddy." She gave me a little slap as she laughed again.

"So, If i do it again I will beat Steve?" I stared out to sea to avoid laughing again.

"You have beaten him anyway, but, yeah, your weird logic is correct." Hannah continued to giggle. There was a few moments of silence and then she got up and walked down the path towards a small set of steps that led down to the stony beach. "Come on, let's put this beyond doubt." She smiled and I clambered to stand and follow her.

I sat with my back to the wall that formed the beach path and Hannah sat astride me. There was a small breakwater to the right that gave us some cover and the left was empty of people that we could see. Hannah glanced around and said she thought we were covered from the main path and, anyway, they would be able to see properly.

"Did you bring any lube?" I whispered.

"Use the same one as before." she giggled and then took my finger and sucked it, ""Just checking you're clean." she mumbled and then guided my hand under her dress and my finger trailed up her thigh and onto her soft vulva.

"Sure? I mean... really?" I had still not learned to just do something with Hannah instead of double or triple checking. Luckily she hadn't changed her mind and she nodded and I slid the end of my finger across her labia, finding them wet and open to my touch. "Oh" I mumbled and she giggled.

"This is what you do to me." She whispered as she stared into my eyes. I put my finger between her inner lips and she lifted up slightly and I pressed to her hot entrance to get some lubrication. "Inside" She murmured and her eyes widened as her body opened to let me slide into her. She bit her lower lip as my finger curled inside her tight body and she inhaled deeply. "Oh fuck" she muttered and I moved my thumb up and nudged it over her clitoris, finding that hard and exposed to my touch. I squeezed my thumb and finger together and Hannah put a hand on my shoulder and gripped tight.

Hannah leaned forward and put her face to my neck as she let out a small scream, the concrete behind me deflecting the sound away and the waves to my front drowning it. If anyone saw us, we were two people enjoying a cuddle on the beach, unless they looked closely and wondered where my right hand was, the left one was resting on Hannah's back. "Oh fuck, oh fuck." she mumbled and then she sat up and gave a few final shudders. "Twice. Two times I have cum on the beach today!" she giggled as she tried to catch her breath. My finger was still inside her, the tight walls gripping as they continued to pulse and coat me with her liquid. "Now," she whispered, "Something else needs to be done twice." and she lifted her hips slightly and I pulled my finger from her and slid it back until it rested on her anal knot. She smiled and nodded.

The ice cream van chimes were sounding again, borne on the wind as there was no road near. Maybe it had drifted down from the cliffs behind us, or along the beach walkway from town. I'm not even sure why I was thinking about it, I had my finger in Hannah's anus and she was wiggling as I pushed up to get it fully into her. There was a little yelp as she opened again for my knuckle and her sphincter gripped tight against my hand. "Beyond doubt." she whispered and then leaned forward to kiss me.

"Ok, another thing to tell you." Hannah smiled, "In the tradition of being serious when you are inside me." I wiggled my finger. "I get scared stiff when I ask you to stay in case you say no." Her eyes were serious and I stopped moving my finger. She bit her lower lip then raised her hips and I pulled my finger out of her anus as she gave a little shudder. I held the tip up to my lips and kissed it before Hannah had a chance to use the wipe and she screwed her face up and mumbled "Fucking crazy guy."

She sat back down again and took my hand after she'd wiped the finger, her eyes looking up into mine. "Yeah, so, every time I ask I get scared. Seriously." She looked away as I squeezed her hand. She looked back and smiled, "I understand there are times when you can't, but I fear you won't WANT to. How fucked up is that?"

I smiled and put my hands on her to pull her closer. "I get scared you won't ask me." I whispered and she gave a small laugh and then put a palm to my cheek and her lips to mine.

"So, let's recap, you have now fingered my butt TWICE on the beach" Hannah giggled, "What have you done to me?"

"And still you ignore the TWO orgasms from being fingered on a beach!" we both laughed and Hannah gave me a playful slap.

"What have you turned me into?" she giggled.

"Yourself?" I answered and she stopped laughing to look at me, her eyes shining as they welled.

"I hope so." She mumbled and then looked right at me, "I think so, yes." she said and sat up straight. "Thank you." and she leaned to kiss me as I pulled her tight. "Thank you" she whispered again and again.

"We need food." I boldly said as we headed back down the path, slightly unsure where the cafe was. Hannah agreed and we walked hand in hand and ignored everyone else we saw, The plan was stymied by some more coloured beach huts and sculptures along the way and we both took photos and I reached the end of the roll on one camera, so moved to a low wall on the side to rest and change film. Hannah strolled along and looked at the huts and took more photos. I heard some voices pass, but concentrated on loading the new roll and making sure the old one was tucked inside the rucksack. I looked up to see Hannah staring at two girls in bikinis who had just walked past me.

Hannah turned her glare at me after the girls had gone and I felt very cold in the early afternoon sun. Her hands went to her hips and she stared at the girls again and I glanced at them to see one looking back and then turning to giggle with her friend. I turned and saw Hannah stomping towards me and wondered if I should just run, despite not knowing what was wrong.

"Those girls were totally checking you out!" She blurted out as soon as she was close enough. I made the mistake of looking at the girls again and both were looking back now. I should have run. "I mean, TOTALLY!" I thought of an answer and decided not to say it. "Two babes in bikinis are after you!" Again, silence was my friend, maybe. "They are young too. Fuck, what chance do I stand?" Now I was confused and decided that silence was only good for a little while.

"What do you mean? I didn't see them. Anyway, so what?" Maybe the last bit was too much.

"SO WHAT! Two fucking beautiful YOUNG girls wearing not much check you out and you say 'so what?'!" Her face was slightly red and it wasn't from the sun.

"Yes, so what? Who am I talking to? Who am I going to lunch with, when we find that cafe again? AND, who, if she asks me, will I be spending the night with?" Hannah's eyes softened, her face relaxed and her awkward smile flickered. "Ask me." I said.

"Will you stay the night with me?"

"Fuck yes." I laughed, "Let's go and eat, you crazy girl." I opened my arms and she fell into them. There was a mumbled apology as I squeezed her.

"One of them had great tits." Hannah mumbled as we walked away.

"Yours are better." I replied.

"You didn't see hers!" she protested.

"No, but I have seen yours and still want to again and they are better. Always will be." Hannah stopped and pulled my hand to make me turn, then quickly glanced around and her naughty smile beamed as she undid a couple of button and pulled her dress open. "Yup, WAY better." I laughed and she fell into my arms again.